Just random thoughts

New Testament: Three Different Sources
Watch this expisode on Rumble: When you seek wisdom and knowledge, like I have, you come into information that shatters your reality. For Christians who are not interested in taking things apart and...

Are We Living In Satan’s Short Season?
Watch this espisode on Rumble: I never made this connection until I saw a video on TikTok showing Jesus’ image on a Byzantine coin. Are we living in Satan’s short period? The Byzantine Empire lasted...

Qanon Was Created By The Tavistock Institute
Watch on Rumble: Q and the anons came onto the scene around 2017 with a plan for the far right to trust in. A plan to stop the new world order and Trump is the leader who traveled the world...

Alien Abduction
Watch this on Rumble: Alien abduction refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological...

I’m James
I am a pastor and independant journalist trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this weird world. Check me out live every night on Rumble!