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NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) are two interconnected conspiracy theories that have gained significant traction in recent years. These theories often involve promises of debt forgiveness, increased income, and a new, more just world order.

According to the anti defamation league, NESARA/GESARA refers to a conspiracy theory, promoted by Shaini Goodwin (also known as the “Dove of Oneness”), that all debts will be wiped out in a radical reset of the U.S. economy. It is a reference to the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), a set of U.S. economic reforms proposed in the 1990s, which included abolishing compound interest on loans, replacing income tax with a national sales tax and returning U.S. currency to the gold standard. While the proposals were never actually introduced before Congress, conspiracy theorists like Goodwin claim that they were secretly passed by Congress and then suppressed by George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

NESARA and GESARA: A Deep Dive into the Conspiracy Theories

NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) are two interconnected conspiracy theories that claim to be secret government plans designed to restructure the global financial system and society. These theories often involve promises of debt forgiveness, increased income, and a new, more just world order.

Origins of the Theories

The exact origins of NESARA are difficult to trace, but it seems to have emerged in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Some proponents claim that the act was passed by Congress but was subsequently suppressed by the government or the Federal Reserve. However, there is no evidence to support these claims.

GESARA is a later development that seems to have emerged as an extension of NESARA, proposing similar reforms on a global scale.

Key Claims of NESARA and GESARA

  • Debt Forgiveness: Both theories claim that all personal, corporate, and national debts will be forgiven.
  • Increased Income: Proponents often promise a significant increase in income for all citizens.
  • New Financial System: NESARA and GESARA suggest the establishment of a new financial system that will be free from the control of banks and corporations.
  • Social Reforms: The theories often include claims of social reforms, such as the elimination of income tax, the establishment of a new education system, and the creation of a world peace organization.

Why These Theories Persist

The enduring popularity of NESARA and GESARA can be attributed to several factors:

  • Shaini Goodwin: “Dove of Oneness” was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Goodwin claimed that the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton.
  • Supreme Court Ruling in 1983 for Farmers Union – gagged
  • Appeal of Debt Relief: The promise of debt forgiveness resonates with many people who are struggling financially.
  • Desire for a Better World: The theories offer a vision of a more just and equitable society, which is appealing to many.
  • Conspiracy Theory Culture: NESARA and GESARA fit into a broader culture of conspiracy theories, which often involve secret plots and hidden agendas.

Criticisms and Disinformation

It is important to note that there is no credible evidence to support the claims made by NESARA and GESARA proponents. These theories have been widely debunked by experts and fact-checkers.

Many of the claims made in support of NESARA and GESARA are based on misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. Some proponents have been known to spread false information about government officials, financial institutions, and other organizations.

NESARA and GESARA are unfounded conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. While they may be appealing to some people, they are ultimately harmful and misleading. It is important to be critical of such claims and to rely on reliable sources of information.

Origins and Evolution

The exact origins of NESARA are difficult to trace, but it seems to have emerged in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Some proponents claim that the act was passed by Congress but was subsequently suppressed by the government or the Federal Reserve. However, there is no evidence to support these claims.

GESARA is a later development that seems to have emerged as an extension of NESARA, proposing similar reforms on a global scale.

Key Claims and Promises

  • Debt Forgiveness: Both theories claim that all personal, corporate, and national debts will be forgiven.
  • Increased Income: Proponents often promise a significant increase in income for all citizens.
  • New Financial System: NESARA and GESARA suggest the establishment of a new financial system that will be free from the control of banks and corporations.
  • Social Reforms: The theories often include claims of social reforms, such as the elimination of income tax, the establishment of a new education system, and the creation of a world peace organization.

Debunking the Claims

While the claims made by NESARA and GESARA proponents may seem attractive, they are entirely unfounded. There is no credible evidence to support these theories.

1. Lack of Official Documentation: There is no official government document or legislation that supports the existence of NESARA or GESARA. Any claims to the contrary are false.

2. Contradictions and Inconsistencies: The claims made by NESARA and GESARA proponents often contradict each other and are inconsistent with established economic and legal principles.

3. Absence of Reliable Sources: The information about NESARA and GESARA is primarily spread through online forums, social media, and self-published books. There are no reputable news outlets or academic journals that endorse these theories.

4. Government and Financial Institution Disavowal: Governments and financial institutions around the world have repeatedly denied the existence of NESARA or GESARA.

Sources of Misinformation

The spread of NESARA and GESARA misinformation can be attributed to several factors:

  • Conspiracy Theory Culture: These theories fit into a broader culture of conspiracy theories, which often involve secret plots and hidden agendas.
  • Social Media and Online Forums: The internet has provided a platform for the rapid dissemination of misinformation, including NESARA and GESARA.
  • Lack of Critical Thinking: Many people are not equipped to evaluate the credibility of information they encounter online and may be susceptible to believing false claims.

NESARA and GESARA are unfounded conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. Any claims made in support of these theories are false and misleading. It is important to be critical of such claims and to rely on reliable sources of information.

The two rumors that spread this information is 1.) Bill Clinton was apparently forced by the military to sign NESARA after the Supreme Court created it due to a lawsuit against the government and banks. The lawsuit 2.) of Farmers Union that went to the Supreme Court in the 80’s.

According to the community behind Trump & The White Hats, they say NESARA INDEED EXISTS however, the information on the web that most people are able to see is not the actual document of the act. The real NESARA documents have been blocked by the swamp. The real document stops the IRS immediately and creates a new type of revenue for the government – basically a sales tax on new items only. It also forgives all bank related debt and establishes a new bank system and the Federal Reserve will be abolished and absorbed. New currency backed by precious metals will be distributed. Constitutional law will be restored and mass resignations of those in office will be demanded and new elections will be forthcoming.

They believe President Trump has quietly slipped the united states into NESARA. However, according to the Clinton Library, none of the records exist at all. they said you will need to request a FOIA or wait if it comes up later.

# 1. Purpose. The American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” seeing the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as embodied in and sanctioned by natural law and its traditions by signing Executive Order on November 2, 2021. 

When you understand NESARA and the way it was planned to be implemented, you will understand WHY President Clinton did not enact it as it was written in 1993. If he had, he would have had to resign and allow a new election. No president wanted to do that, and neither did members of congress and the senate. So you now understand why this is hidden from public view and what I believe now to be “A TRUMP CARD”. And he will use it at the right time! It will definitely drain the swamp!

You will also understand the untimely death/murder of Justice Scalia and the real reason Schumer and Pelosi et al desire to pack the Supreme Court!

To read more about how the U.S. Supreme Court Justices proceeded, please read the “History” section at

(side note – this website is dead)

It supposedly restores the United States back to full Constitutional Law which the American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” seeing the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as embodied in and sanctioned by natural law and its traditions.

It supposedly requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days.

it supposedly requires the President Designate to declare “Peace” enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.

According to theorists, In 1993 the U.S. Supreme Court finally announced their rulings on the Farmers Union case. Because so many shocking revelations about government and banking fraud had been presented and proven by the Farmers Union, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices knew the details of their decisions could not be made public as it was going to take some time to develop and implement reformations to correct the flagrant government and banking frauds perpetrated for years on Americans (going all the way back to 1933). The U.S. Supreme Court Justices put the entire case under strict gag order and began working on correcting the injustices.

“Many bank presidents and senior stockbrokers have privately confirmed to close personal friends that they have been briefed about the U.S. Treasury Bank System.

I did some research and could only find this letter to the editor in the opinion section in The Tahoe Daily Tribune in 2002.

Letter to the Editor:

In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court almost unanimously ruled in favor of Farmers’ Union claims that American banks were fraudulently foreclosing on farms with collusion of the government, and that the income tax amendment was never properly ratified.

An extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone directly involved, court case records sealed, and docket number case details revised until after the court’s reformation rulings are accomplished.

To implement reformations, five justices spent years negotiating “accords” with the U.S. government and other parties. Because the accords process did not work, the justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was passed secretly in March 2000. Secrecy was maintained by revising official records and strict gag orders. News of NESARA came out of U.S. naval intelligence in June 2000.

NESARA requires: 1) end of income taxes; 2) forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds; 3) U.S. Treasury Bank system and precious metals backed Treasury currency; 4) restoration of Constitutional Law, and more. Bank presidents and stockbrokers know about the U.S. Treasury bank system.

NESARA was to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on Sept. 11, 2001. The attacks occurred on 9-11 to stop NESARA’s announcement. We need NESARA; Americans can send post cards supporting NESARA to: U.S. Supreme Court, One First Street, Washington, D.C., 20543

On Oct. 14, 2002, the justices removed many gag orders; it’s time to demand our NESARA benefits.

Franklin Collins,

South Lake Tahoe

I tried to find this Franklin Collins to no avail. Just one guy who died in Tennessee. Interesting his last name is collins, who are the actual illuminati family that controls the United States. I believe this was a plant to get people to research and believe in this story.

Accordint to theorists, in June 2000, news of the secret NESARA law passage came from U.S. naval intelligence contacts, who are some of the White Knights assisting the Justices in activities involving NESARA. Some special interest groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law which provides major financial improvements for Americans.”

What we are about to witness is historic. It appears we are about to see a healing of the nations. For there is also a Global Economic Security and Reformation Act.

“In short, human rights are now misunderstood by many, manipulated by some, rejected by the world’s worst violators, and subject to ominous new threats.” Pompeo

Mike Pompeo’s new “Unalienable Rights” commission report lays it all out for us. And odd that this is to be done in the enaction of NESARA…

On a suposed news website only found on Russian Yandex, The Gaze Teller wrote: BREAKING! NESARA’s September 11, 2024, Announcement Stopped by Elite Sabotage: Military Operations Now in Full Swing to Take Down the Cabal! Well, nothing happened. Their excuse: Let’s be clear: NESARA’s delay was not an accident, nor was it a matter of mere logistics. This was a calculated move by those desperate to cling to their crumbling empires, and it’s time we exposed the truth.

I stumbled onto a book called NESARA and The Mark of The Beast by By Scott Young. I got it and read it. 

The book argues that the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), a purported law with various provisions related to U.S. finances, is not the Mark of the Beast.

The author emphasizes that NESARA, and its global counterpart GESARA, aim to create a more free and equitable financial system by transitioning from a fiat currency to a gold-backed standard, releasing debt, and promoting national currencies.

This system, the author argues, directly contradicts the system that will accompany the Mark of the Beast, which will involve a single, global fiat currency and will be controlled by a single, powerful leader who demands worship.

Additionally, the author argues that NESARA is about freedom and debt forgiveness, while the Cabal (a purported group of powerful elites) wants totalitarianism and to keep the population controlled through debt.

The author emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy and having faith in God’s plan, even amidst uncertain and challenging times. The book encourages readers to be prepared for future events by studying the Bible, understanding the true nature of money, and being wary of deceptive teachings, particularly those that conflate NESARA with the Mark of the Beast. The author uses his own personal experiences with finances and his understanding of the Bible to support his arguments.

Another book I found about NESARA is called Nesara: National Economic Security and Reformation Act by David E. Robinson. The source, “NESARA: The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act,” proposes a comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. monetary and fiscal systems. It advocates for a new Treasury Reserve System to replace the Federal Reserve, a shift from an income tax to a national sales and use tax, and the elimination of compound interest on secured loans. The act aims to stabilize the economy, reduce public and private debt, increase productivity, and improve the standard of living for all Americans. It outlines specific definitions for key terms and details the proposed changes in banking regulations, tax structure, and government spending. The document also emphasizes the importance of restoring financial privacy and revitalizing inner cities, while promoting a more equitable distribution of wealth. 

The author of the provided excerpts of “NESARA The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act” states that NESARA is a proposed bill, not an actual law. This is evident in the following instances: On the cover page, it explicitly says, “(This bill has not yet been introduced into Congress)”. The “Purpose” section describes it as a proposal for monetary and fiscal reform. Appendix C repeatedly refers to NESARA as “proposed legislation”. Appendix A states that NESARA “offers an engineered solution to the problem” of national debt, implying that it is a proposed solution, not an existing law. Therefore, the provided source does not claim that NESARA is an actual law. The book aims to educate readers about a proposed bill called NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) and advocate for its adoption.

David E. Robinson wrote a second book called Nesara II: National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This document describes a conspiracy theory about a secret act called NESARA, or the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. The theory claims this act would eliminate debt, abolish the IRS, and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. It attributes the failure to enact NESARA to a powerful cabal of international bankers who control the world through manipulation, fraud, and violence. The document also explores the theory of a “Global Debt Forgiveness” movement that would reset the world’s financial system and involve contact with extraterrestrial beings. It combines elements of financial conspiracy, political intrigue, and New Age beliefs. 

The provided text describes the NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) conspiracy theory. It portrays a narrative involving a global elite, referred to as the “cabal”, attempting to maintain control over the world’s finances and population through manipulation, fraud, and violence. Conversely, a group aligned with the “White Dragon Society” and supported by benevolent extraterrestrials, fights to expose the cabal and implement NESARA. This act promises global prosperity through debt forgiveness, the release of suppressed technologies, and a shift to a fairer financial system.

Key Themes:

Global Financial Conspiracy: The text alleges a long-standing conspiracy by a cabal controlling central banks to manipulate global finances, enslave humanity through debt, and eliminate a large portion of the population. They allegedly do this through fraudulent financial practices, orchestrated wars, and control over media narratives.

NESARA as Salvation: NESARA is presented as a pre-existing act, suppressed by the cabal, that promises to dismantle their control and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Its implementation is said to involve global debt forgiveness, the release of advanced technologies (including free energy and anti-gravity), and a return to constitutional law.

Extraterrestrial Intervention: The text suggests benevolent extraterrestrials are aware of and invested in humanity’s struggle. They are portrayed as working with the White Dragon Society to expose the cabal and guide humanity towards a positive future.

Important Ideas and Facts (As presented by the conspiracy theory):

Global Collateral Accounts: The theory claims the existence of massive, gold-backed accounts established by developing nations in the 1960s. These accounts were allegedly hijacked by the cabal and used for their own purposes.

Suppressed Technologies: NESARA is said to enable the release of over 6,000 patents for technologies like free energy, anti-gravity, and healing devices, currently withheld from the public under the guise of national security.

The White Dragon Society: Described as a group opposing the cabal, they claim to work with high-ranking officials and military personnel who are fighting to expose the conspiracy and implement NESARA.

Odious Debts Doctrine: This legal principle, which states debts incurred by a regime without the consent of its people are not valid, is used to justify the mass debt forgiveness promised by NESARA.

The Event: The text refers to a coming “Event” where the cabal’s control will be broken, and NESARA will be implemented, leading to a global awakening and a new age of peace and abundance.


“The Money Changers have always sought to control the world… Today we know it as fractional reserve banking.” – Highlighting the alleged mechanism of financial control.

“A new global banking system was approved by Congress. On October 19, 2007, at midnight, the US Treasury of the Republic went on line with a new gold backed banking system…” – Describing a supposed event that was silenced by mainstream media.

“Humanity will be set free soon.” – Expressing the hope for the imminent downfall of the alleged cabal.

“If the intention of a financial transaction… is extortion… that loan or inducement, should be struck off the record immediately and completely.” – Referencing the Doctrine of Odious Debts.

“We’re going to see something… an ancient cabal that has controlled humanity through murder, propaganda and bribery… It is going to come to an end.” – Foreshadowing the eventual victory over the purported conspirators.

If you have been in the truther movement long enough, you would know who Benjamin Fulford is, a renowned conspiracy theorist and ex-chief editor of Forbes in Japan. Benjamin mentions the white dragon society and has been leading everyone towards this conspiracy. In fact, his credibility is founded on the fact that he interviewed David Rockefeller. This apparently gave him enough credibility in the truther movement.

Benjamin talked about the White Dragons and their supposed plan with China to take out the cabal. But like all of the truther movements, the goal post continues to move and no one gets arrested. You can’t have a gesara unless there is nesara. The only proof it exists, is a letter to an editor and eyewitness accounts whom have already passed away. We don’t even have proof there is a gag order and that the Supreme Court is sitting on it. Plus, it is not a law. Congress hasn’t passed it. How can this even be signed by Bill Clinton, if Congress hasn’t even seen, looked at it or passed it? 

In order for this rumor to have any weight, we can’t rely on a feather from a newspaper article in the opinion section by a family that controls the United States for the 13 illuminated bloodlines. This world is controlled by the devil. It’s his to control. Why would he give us a jubilee in the form of wealth transfer? History shows governments take and never give back. Ever. Why would the richest country in the world give back all that it stole? And don’t get me started on the quantum financial system. I spoke to Russell-Jay: Gould. He said QFS wasn’t his idea. I dug into government paperwork and only found one place where QFS was mentioned. It was in a settlement from a man in Mexico over $10,000. I believe the cabal is stealing people’s crypto using the QFS lie just for fun. My account alone on TikTok was used by scammers (they spoofed my pictures and videos) which they stole at least $100,000 that I am aware of. I know because I received calls and emails from people asking where their money is. 

Guys, we are living in the times of Jacob’s trouble. Nothing gets better. In fact like labor pangs, it slowly gets worse. Think about it. When Trump was in office, it seemed better. But the moment Biden came in they took it all back. This is by design. They give you hope as a sick joke. Trump isn’t a savior. There isn’t a nesara in law. We still owe more in taxes even with trump in office. And your freedoms never changed. The Patriot act is still in effect with even more laws added to help the bad guys spy on you. I made a very clear case above that we pinned all our hopes on planted evidence. The order has been planning this whole thing to give the appearance there is resistance so there isn’t any. They control the opposition. We are incapable of retaliation because we are drugged and mind controlled through Russian emf technology. 

Sir Winston Spencer Churchill quoted “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it” That’s the Illuminati way.


Gemini AI


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