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What is boaz and joaquin? Bo-Az and Jo-Akin. According to the Bible, Boaz and Jachin were two copper, brass or bronze pillars which stood on the porch of Solomon’s Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem. They are used as symbols in Freemasonry and sometimes in religious architecture. The pillars may be seen representing two out of the three pillars of the “Tree of Life”, the Jewish mystical symbol for the creation of the universe. The names of the 3 pillars of the Tree of Life were often seen as strength and wisdom with the third pillar being harmony, placed between them. Thus, when a candidate passed between them, he in essence becomes harmony, and enters a life in which the spiritual dominates the physical.

2 Chronicles 3:17 King Solomon erected the pillars in the front of the temple, one to the south and one to the north. The one to the south he named Jakin and the one to the north Boaz. Columns representing Boaz and Jachin can be found in most Masonic lodges and are emblematic of their use in Masonic ritual. The pillars are part of a symbolic use of Solomon’s Temple itself but Solomon stole the pillars from esoteric occult history. The two columns called the “Pillars of Hercules” in Ancient Greece stood at the gateway to the sphere of the enlightened. The frontispice of Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” featuring the Pillars of Hercules as a gateway to a new world. According to occult lore, Atlantis is the civilization from which all hermetic knowledge emerged. The rebirth of this lost kingdom has been the dream of Mystery schools for centuries. The master builder of the Temple of Solomon was Hiram Abiff, a prominent figure in Masonic ritual. The verses 1 Kings 6:1-38, 1 Kings Chapter 7, and Chapter 8 describe the dimensions, the construction and the dedication of the Temple under Solomon. One passage describes more specifically the twin pillars standing in front of King Solomon’s Temple.

The concept of using Boaz and Jachin in the Third Temple is a complex one, with varying opinions and interpretations.

Those who advocate for their use often argue that these pillars are symbolic of the divine presence and should be incorporated into the rebuilt temple. They believe that the pillars would serve as a physical manifestation of God’s protection and guidance.

However, there are also those who oppose their use. Some argue that the original pillars were destroyed along with the Second Temple and cannot be replicated. Others contend that the focus of the Third Temple should be on spiritual renewal and connection with God, rather than on physical artifacts.

Ultimately, whether or not Boaz and Jachin will be used in the Third Temple is a matter of faith and interpretation. It is a complex issue with no definitive answer, and different individuals and groups may have varying perspectives on the matter.

It’s important to note that the construction of a Third Temple is a highly controversial topic, with significant political and religious implications. The issue of whether or not to incorporate Boaz and Jachin into the temple is just one aspect of a much larger debate.

The Pillars of Hercules were two ancient landmarks located on opposite sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. They were believed to mark the boundary between the known world (Europe and Africa) and the unknown, mythical lands beyond.

  • The European Pillar: This pillar was located on the Iberian Peninsula, in modern-day Spain. It was known as Calpe.
  • The African Pillar: This pillar was located on the African coast, in modern-day Morocco. It was known as Abyla.

These pillars were associated with the Greek hero Hercules, who was said to have placed them there as a monument to his twelfth labor. They were also mentioned in the writings of ancient Greek and Roman authors, who described them as towering, imposing structures.

Today, the Pillars of Hercules are no longer standing, but their legacy lives on in the Strait of Gibraltar, which is still considered a significant geographical feature.

The Pillars of Hercules represent several things:

1. The Boundary of the Known World: They marked the westernmost edge of the Mediterranean Sea, which was considered the known world to ancient Greeks and Romans. Beyond these pillars lay the unknown, mythical lands.

2. The Triumph of Hercules: They were associated with the Greek hero Hercules, who was said to have placed them there as a monument to his twelfth labor. They symbolized his strength, courage, and ability to overcome challenges.

3. The Passage to the Unknown: The Pillars of Hercules were also seen as a gateway to the unknown, a symbol of adventure, exploration, and the desire to discover new lands and cultures.

4. A Symbol of Hope: For sailors and explorers, the Pillars of Hercules represented a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the face of the unknown, there is always the possibility of discovery and adventure.

Wisdom and strength. This is what Hercules and the columns represent.

Hercules, also known as Heracles, was a legendary Greek hero renowned for his extraordinary strength, courage, and completion of twelve seemingly impossible labors. These labors were imposed upon him by King Eurystheus as a punishment for killing his own children in a fit of madness.

Here are some of Hercules’ most famous labors:

  • Slaying the Nemean Lion: This lion was invulnerable to weapons, so Hercules had to strangle it to death.
  • Killing the Hydra: A multi-headed serpent that regenerated two heads for every one cut off. Hercules had to cauterize the stumps to prevent regeneration.
  • Capturing the Ceryneian Hind: A swift deer with golden antlers and bronze hooves.
  • Capturing the Erymanthian Boar: A giant boar that terrorized the countryside.
  • Cleaning the Augean Stables: A massive stable that had not been cleaned in 30 years. Hercules diverted two rivers to clean the stables in a single day.
  • Slaying the Stymphalian Birds: Ferocious birds with bronze claws and feathers that could pierce armor.
  • Capturing the Cretan Bull: A magnificent bull that terrorized the island of Crete.
  • Stealing the Mares of Diomedes: Fierce, man-eating horses.
  • Obtaining the Girdle of Hippolyta: The queen of the Amazons.
  • Stealing the Golden Apples of the Hesperides: Guarded by a dragon.
  • Capturing Cerberus: The three-headed dog that guarded the underworld.
  • Bringing back Alcestis from the Underworld: A woman who volunteered to die in place of her husband,Admetus.

These labors are just a few examples of Hercules’ incredible feats, which have made him one of the most iconic and celebrated figures in Greek mythology.

Boaz and Joaquin are located in Congress. The House Chamber, also known as the “Hall of the House of Representatives,” is a large assembly room located in the center of the U.S. Capitol’s south wing. Members of the House of Representatives sit in unassigned armchairs arranged in a semicircle on tiered platforms that face the Speaker’s rostrum. Behind the rostrum is a frontispiece with Ionic columns made of black Italian marble with white Alabama marble capitals. An American flag occupies the center and is flanked by two bronze fasces. The bronze fasces in the U.S. House of Representatives’ Chamber are called lictors’ fasces. They are symbols of the House’s authority as part of Congress and hang behind the rostrum. 

The fasces is a bundle of rods bound by a leather thong and a single-bladed axe that originated in ancient Rome. It was a symbol of power, strength, authority, justice, and union. The Romans used the fasces in many ways, including carrying it in processions and having lictors, or officers who served magistrates, carry it to execute their sentences. The fasces also represented the power of life or death that a Roman magistrate had over citizens.

But are they Boaz and Joaquin?

Freemasonry may have the answers. According to

By: RWRobert Palazzo, DDGM

The one thing about Freemasonry which both attracts and repels is Freemasonry’s ostensible connection with all things esoteric. It has become both a blessing and a curse, which in itself is ironic as the pillars are also said to have a dual purpose. They represent opposing forces.

In the early days, the accusation against Freemasonry being esoteric is two-fold. First, that its members engage in esoteric practices, second that the Masons engage in esoteric study. It was during this religious insurrection that Freemasonry was thought of as heretical or satanic. When the word esoteric in its most simple term is translated into “Hidden from Sight”. Certainly, anything esoteric is not necessarily evil.

Freemasonry came into its present form during the Age of Enlightenment and its members were considered the free thinkers of their time. It has also been said that the Fellow Craft degree symbolizes the intellectual awakening of the candidate and his mature development as a thinker. You will also find that the Fellow Craft degree draws heavily upon the symbolism of Jewish mystical thought and on the symbols of alchemy. It was also during this Age of Enlightenment that several important symbols surfaced within the 2nd section of the Fellow Craft degree and none more important than the powerful and complex pillars of Boaz and Jachin.

To begin with, these pillars were either brass or bronze. In either case they came from a combination of “Sun” metal, that being copper and “Moon” metal that being either tin or zinc. This mixture of Sun and Moon expressed harmony and balance. Passing through these pillars represents a chance for a new beginning. The fact that these pillars were hollow made an opportune vehicle to store one’s baggage of the past, as the lodge does not regard or remember the faults of a novitiate prior to joining the lodge.

In addition, the pillars may be seen representing two out of the three pillars of the “Tree of Life”, the Jewish mystical symbol for the creation of the universe. The names of the 3 pillars of the Tree of Life were often seen as strength and wisdom with the third pillar being harmony, placed between them. Thus, when a candidate passed between them, he in essence becomes harmony, and enters a life in which the spiritual dominates the physical.

II Chronicles 17″ states “behold, and he raised up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand and the other on the left and called the name of that on the right Jachin and that upon the left Boaz”.

Since the dawn of civilization, two pillars have guarded the entrance of sacred and mysterious places. Whether in art or architecture, twin pillars are archetypal symbols representing an important gateway or passage toward the unknown. In Freemasonry, the pillars Boaz and Jachin represent one of the brotherhood’s most recognizable symbols and most times is prominently featured in Masonic art, documents, and buildings.

The concept of the twin pillars standing at the gate of sacred places can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of antiquity. In ancient Greece, the Pillars of Hercules was the name applied to the promontories that flank the entrance to the straights of Gibraltar. According to Plato’s account, the lost realm of Atlantis was located beyond the Pillars of Hercules, in effect, placing them in the realm of the unknown. Tradition says the pillars bore the warning; “Nec Plus Ultra” meaning “nothing further beyond”, and served as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further. Symbolically speaking, going beyond the Pillars of Hercules meant leaving the foulness of this world into the realm of higher enlightenment.

In Freemasonry, the Masonic usage of the terms Boaz and Jachin originates from the Biblical account of King Solomon’s Temple. The master builder of the temple was Hiram Abiff a prominent figure in all our teachings. “1 Kings Chapters 6,7, and 8,” describe the dimensions, construction, and dedication of the Temple. One passage in particular specifically describes the twin pillars in front of Solomon’s Temple and I quote:

“For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece, and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.”

“And he made two chapiters of molten brass to set upon the tops of the pillars. The height of the one chapiter was five cubits and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits.”

“The nets of checker work and wreaths of chain work for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars, seven for one chapiter and seven for the other chapiter.”

“And he made the pillars, and two rows upon the one network to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates and so he did for the other chapiter.”

“And the lily work upon the top of the chapiters were of four cubits.”

And as the right pillar was set up he named it Jachin and as he set up the left pillar he named it Boaz and so the work of the pillars was finished.

The account of Solomon’s Temple is of great importance to Freemasonry as each detail of the building holds an important esoteric meaning. As mentioned before the Pillars act as a portal to the mysterious. According to the ancient Rabbis, Solomon was an initiate of the Mystery schools and the Temple in which he built was actually a house of initiation containing a mass of pagan, philosophic, and phallic emblems. The pomegranates, the palm headed columns, the pillars before the door, coupled with the arrangement of the chambers and draperies all indicate the Temple to have been patterned after sanctuaries of Egypt and Atlantis.

Albert Pike had his own description and I quote, “you entered the lodge between two columns. They represent the two which stood on the porch of the Temple, one on each side of the great eastern gateway. These pillars of bronze were four fingers breadth in thickness according to the most accurate account, eighteen cubits in height with a capital of five cubits high. The shaft of each was four cubits in diameter. A cubit being one foot and 707/1000s, that is, the shaft of each was a little over thirty feet eight inches in height. The capital was a little over eight feet six inches in height, and the diameter of the shaft six feet ten inches. 

The capitals were enriched with pomegranates of bronze covered by bronze net-work and ornamented with wreaths of bronze, and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. Both these columns as you may be aware have a Hebrew translation from the Old Testament. The etymology can thus be explained, the word “Jachin” in Hebrew was pronounced Ya-Kayan, meaning firm, upright, or stable. Boaz on the other hand is “Baaz” meaning power or might. The one on the right means, “He Shall Establish” and the second, “in it is strength.” One thing you may not be aware of is that these columns were imitations created by Khurum the Tyrian artist, and similar columns stood at the entrance of the famous Temple of Malkarth in the city of Tyre.

Another fact that may have slipped your notice unless your day is spent dealing in the occult is that the High Priestess of the Tarot, “La Papessa” or the “Popess” wearing her Triregnum or Papal Tiara sits between the pillars Boaz and Jachin. As with most occult symbols the twin pillars conceal multiple layers of meaning, some intended for the profane others divulged in the higher degrees of Freemasonry. However viewed, the pillars as stated earlier represent the equilibrium of two opposing forces. Aside from their dimensions, in York Rite Masonry the pillars are most often seen with a ball or globe placed on top. In essence the pillars most likely had a bowl, one containing fire and the other water. The celestial globe or fire bowl surmounting Jachin symbolized the divine man, the terrestrial globe or water bowl symbolized the earthly man. 

The pillars also connote the active and passive expressions of divine energy, the sun and the moon, sulphur and salt, good and bad, etc. The door placed between them leads to the House of God and standing at the gates of Sanctuary they are reminded that Jehovah is both androgynous (both male and female) and an anthro-pomorphic (having human qualities) deity. The parallel columns also denote the zodiac signs of Cancer and Capricorn, which were formerly placed in the chamber of initiation to represent birth and death, the extremes of physical life. Freemasons know them to represent the summer and winter solstices or a more modern comparative appellation would be the two Saints John.

The twin pillars also showed up at the Kabalistic Temple of Solomon. In the Kabalah these pillars explained all the mysteries of antagonism, whether natural, political, or religious. They elucidate the procreative struggle between man and woman. According to the laws of nature, the woman must resist the man, and he must entice or overcome her. 

Such is the significance of the two pillars, they are distinct and separate, contrary in appearance. Separately their power is one joined, and they would destroy one another. And for precisely the same reason the spiritual power is weakened when it attempts to usurp the temporal and the temporal becomes victim if it encroaches on the spiritual. Human equilibrium requires two feet, the world gravitates by two forces and generations need two sexes.

When the two pillars find equilibrium, it is said to generate a third pillar, one in the middle, which esoterically represents man or mankind. It will also signify the union of Sushumna and the Kundalini, this sacred marriage will create and radiate throughout the human body filling it with divine light. It is then that humanity will become the third column, Wisdom.

In Qabbalistic teachings the pillars represent Sepiroth, the Tree of Life and symbolize mercy and severity. When interpreted Qabbalistically, the name of the two pillars mean, “In strength shall my house be established.” In the splendor of mental and spiritual illumination the High Priest stood between the two pillars as a mute witness to the perfect virtue of equilibrium, that hypothetical point equidistant from all extremes. Thus, he personified the divine nature of man, the mysterious Pythagorean Monad in the presence of Duad. The column on the right, Jachin, has its foundation on Chochmah, the outpouring Wisdom of God. The three globes suspended from it are all masculine potencies. The column on the left, Boaz has three globes suspended from it, which have feminine receptive potencies. It is acknowledged that the three pillars are ultimately united in Malchuth in which all the powers of the superior worlds are manifested. The teachings of the “Tree of Life” are a very heady subject and to understand them, one must study intensely to understand their purpose.

In pop culture the pillars are sometimes used for other reasons, other than decorative and take on an esoteric meaning. The simple act of standing between or passing through them symbolically represents a transformation or initiation. This symbol is cleverly disguised and can be found in music, film and literature. One such place it can be found is in the first book of the Harry Potter series, where he first discovers he is a wizard. His initiation is visually portrayed on the cover as him going through two pillars. One might not know that the original title for the book was “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” The Philosopher’s Stone being an ancient alchemical concept representing illumination. In the music world, rapper Kayne West stands in the middle of twin pillars in his highly symbolic video, “Power.” Among the plethora of esoteric symbols found in the 2009 fantasy film “the Imagination of Doctor Parnassus”, the twin pillars adorn both sides of the stage as the leader of a traveling theatre group having made a bet with the devil takes them through a magical mirror to explore their imagination and present them with a choice of self-fulfillment or gratifying ignorance.

In today’s world, two pillars stand in front of the IRS building in New Carrollton, Maryland. The IRS being the most despised institution in America, constructed a state of the art building, but it’s not the building that gets all the attention, it’s the odd work of art which profoundly guards the entrance. To most people the art displayed means nothing, but to those versed in secret society symbolism, the implications are manifold and profound. Two black and white pillars made of the highest quality marble; denoting Masonic duality guard the gateway. They are topped by two hands pointing skyward, known as the “Hands of Mystery”. Between the two pillars is a dark pyramid with a metallic capstone on which is written “We the People.” This 1997 work is called “Vox Poluli,” which is Latin for “the voice of the people”. As for why this symbol appears at the IRS, there is a basic and usually unsatisfactory meaning given to the masses. Additional pillars can also be found in the city of Astana, Khazakhstan whose architecture and layout contain numerous occult elements.

Very likely many of us have wondered from time to time what the true meaning of the pillars are and why the strange names; and just as easily dismissed the subject as one of those inexplicable things handed down from the Bible from old times which have no practical meaning in today’s world. Nevertheless, these strange names are not without purpose. They contain the key to the entire Bible and to the whole order of nature.

The meaning of Boaz is clearly seen in the Book of Ruth. There, Boaz appears as the kinsman exercising his right of pre-emption, so familiar to those versed in Oriental Law. The right of pre-emption, has for its purpose the maintenance of the family as a social unit; the right to purchase back property to return it to the family it once belonged. In the story, Boaz brings the alienated estate into the family not only as a matter of law but because of his membership in the family and his motive for doing so is his love for Ruth. So, there should not be a reason why the name of Boaz is attached to the mysterious pillar when we seek it’s meaning. Thus, the two pillars typify Unity and the redeeming power of love. St. Paul speaks of the “Unity” of the spirit which is the “Bond of Peace”, and “Love” which is the “Bond of Perfectness.” It is what St. Paul alludes to when he calls God the Father from whom every family in Heaven and on Earth is named.

These two pillars, therefore, stand for the great spiritual principals that are the basis of all life: Jachin typifying the Unity resulting from being, and Boaz, typifying the Unity resulting from Love. This Dual-Unity we find is the key or evolution of Spirit, and the reason that these two ancient pillars has been preserved in our scriptures. They contain infinite meanings, which appear to be the most meaningless, but will be found to contain the deepest significance.

A Deeper Dive into the Names Boaz and Jachin: Gematria and Occultism

Gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to letters in various alphabets, often used in Jewish mysticism and other esoteric traditions. The numerical value of a word or phrase can be interpreted to reveal hidden meanings or connections.

Occultism is a broad term encompassing various beliefs and practices related to supernatural or hidden phenomena, often involving mysticism, magic, and esoteric knowledge.

Gematria and Boaz

  • Hebrew: בועז (Boaz)
  • Numerical value:
    • ב (Bet) = 2
    • ו (Vav) = 6
    • ע (Ayin) = 70
    • ז (Zayin) = 7
    • Total: 85

Possible interpretations based on gematria:

  • Strength and Stability: The number 85 in Hebrew gematria can be associated with concepts of strength, stability,and foundation. This aligns with the meaning of the name “Boaz,” which means “in him is strength.”
  • Wisdom and Understanding: Some scholars have suggested that 85 is also connected to wisdom and understanding. This could tie into the overall theme of Solomon’s temple as a place of divine wisdom and knowledge.

Gematria and Jachin

  • Hebrew: יאכין (Jachin)
  • Numerical value:
    • י (Yod) = 10
    • א (Aleph) = 1
    • כ (Kaf) = 20
    • י (Yod) = 10
    • ן (Nun) = 50
    • Total: 91

Possible interpretations based on gematria:

  • Divine Presence: The number 91 in Hebrew gematria can be interpreted as representing the divine presence or the Shekinah. This aligns with the idea that the pillars were symbols of God’s protection and support for the temple and the people of Israel.
  • Establishment and Foundation: The number 91 can also be associated with concepts of establishment,foundation, and stability. This connects with the meaning of the name “Jachin,” which means “he will establish.”

Occultism and the Pillars

In occult traditions, the pillars Boaz and Jachin are often seen as representing dualistic principles, such as light and darkness, good and evil, or masculine and feminine. They may also be associated with the pillars of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah, representing the divine attributes of wisdom, understanding, and love.

The Tree of Life, a central symbol in Kabbalah, is often associated with the pillars Boaz and Jachin due to their shared symbolic significance.

Here’s a breakdown of the connection:

  • Dualistic Principles: Both the Tree of Life and the pillars represent dualistic principles. The Tree of Life is often depicted as a sefirot (emanations) arranged in a tree-like structure, with the pillars representing the two central sefirot, Chokmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding). These sefirot are seen as the foundation of creation and the source of all divine attributes.
  • Foundation and Support: The pillars, like the roots of a tree, represent the foundation and support of the divine structure. Similarly, the Tree of Life is often depicted as rooted in the divine realm, providing stability and nourishment to the creation.
  • Divine Presence: Both the pillars and the Tree of Life are associated with the divine presence. The pillars are believed to represent the presence of God in the temple, while the Tree of Life is seen as a manifestation of the divine essence.

In essence, the Tree of Life and the pillars Boaz and Jachin are interconnected symbols that represent the divine foundation, structure, and presence. They are often studied together in Kabbalistic and occult traditions to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and the divine.

The Talmud does not explicitly mention the pillars Boaz and Jachin by name. However, it does discuss the construction of Solomon’s Temple and the significance of its various elements.

While the Talmud doesn’t directly address the pillars, it does offer insights into the symbolic and spiritual significance of the Temple as a whole. For example, the Talmud often interprets the Temple as a microcosm of the universe, with its various parts representing different aspects of divine creation and revelation.

It’s possible that the Talmudic rabbis would have understood the pillars within this broader context, recognizing their role as significant components of the Temple’s symbolism and spiritual meaning. However, without specific references to the pillars themselves, it’s difficult to say definitively what the Talmud might have said about them.

Duality seems to be the key here. Controlling good and evil. Just as I have said about the grey pope and his role in controlling the white and black pope. The grey pope appears to take the position of King Solomon who has the keys to control good and evil on earth. Anyone who enters the pillars is either a high priest or god himself. 

In the movie “Don’t Look Up,” the tech billionaire character, played by Mark Rylance, mentions the “pillars of Boaz and Jachin.” The character’s mention of the “pillars of Boaz and Jachin” in “Don’t Look Up” is likely a subtle reference to his wealth, power, and perceived wisdom.

Here’s a breakdown of why the reference might be significant:

  • Symbol of Strength and Stability: The pillars are associated with strength, stability, and knowledge in Freemasonry. The character, a tech billionaire, is positioned as a powerful and influential figure.
  • Implying Superiority: By referencing these pillars, he may be subtly suggesting that he possesses the qualities associated with them: strength, stability, and wisdom. This could be a way to assert his authority and superiority over others.
  • Counteracting the Threat: The film’s plot centers around a catastrophic comet approaching Earth. The character’s reference to the pillars might be seen as a way to reassure himself, and possibly others, that despite the impending disaster, there are still foundations of strength and knowledge to rely on.

Overall, the mention of the pillars serves to reinforce the character’s image as a powerful, influential, and perhaps even messianic figure, contrasting with the chaos and uncertainty of the world around him.

Ruth (1940): A classic adaptation of the biblical Book of Ruth, featuring Boaz as a central character.

The Nativity Story (2006): A film about the birth of Jesus, which might include references to Joachim, Mary’s father.

The Da Vinci Code (2006): While not explicitly about Freemasonry, this film explores secret societies and historical conspiracies, which might involve Masonic symbolism.

Angels & Demons (2009): A Dan Brown novel adaptation that features the Illuminati, a secret society with Masonic connections. 

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006): A fantasy film set in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. While it might not directly reference “Boaz” or “Joaquin,” it could have characters with similar names or explore themes that resonate with the historical context.

Jesus mother Mary’s father’s name is Jachin. Saint Joachim is a figure in Christian tradition, particularly in Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Anglicanism. He is revered as the husband of Saint Anne and the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.   

While his story is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, it has been developed and expanded upon in apocryphal texts, such as the Gospel of James. According to these accounts, Joachim and Anne were a devout couple who longed for a child. After years of childlessness, they were blessed with a daughter, Mary, who was later chosen to be the mother of Jesus.   

Joachim is often depicted as a righteous and pious man, dedicated to his faith and his family. He is celebrated for his role in the lineage of Jesus Christ and is considered a patron saint of fathers and families.   

It’s important to note that while Joachim is a revered figure in many Christian traditions, his story is primarily based on apocryphal texts and is not considered canonical Scripture.

Boaz is a prominent character in the Book of Ruth in the Bible. He is a wealthy landowner in Bethlehem and a relative of Naomi’s deceased husband.   

Here are some key points about Boaz:

  • Generosity and Kindness: Boaz is known for his generosity and adherence to the law, which is demonstrated by his kindness to Ruth, a Moabite widow and the daughter-in-law of Naomi.  
  • Redeemer: Boaz acts as a redeemer for Ruth, marrying her and providing her with a new life.  
  • Ancestor of Jesus: Boaz is included in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew.

Boaz is often seen as a model of righteousness, compassion, and loyalty in the Bible. His story is a testament to God’s faithfulness and provision for those in need.

In conclusion, those names were picked by King Solomon. His father, King David, the giant slayer, gave the blueprints to his son to build it. God told David he was not to build the second temple because he was a war King with blood on his hands. The temple must be built in humility with the two pillars in the front that symbolizes the understanding of good and evil and anyone who enters must be clean of the world through righteousness and strength. Although it started as a good symbol, it was corrupted over time by the occultist’s who use it to control the world. I believe both pillars will be built in front of the third temple again and used for controlling the world. 


Gemini AI

The Esoteric Meaning of the Twin Pillars Boaz & Joachim

1. Main Characters in the Book of Ruth | My Jewish Learning

2. What does Ruth 2:1 mean? –


1. Joachim – Wikipedia

1. Saints Anne and Joachim | Tradition, Legends, & History | Britannica

2. Sainte Anne, Mother of Mary – Ste. Anne de Detroit

1. Joachim – Wikipedia

2. Sainte Anne, Mother of Mary – Ste. Anne de Detroit

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