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The exact origin of the influenza virus is unknown, but it’s believed to have been circulating among humans for thousands of years.

The earliest recorded reference to a disease with flu-like symptoms comes from the Greek physician Hippocrates, who described it in his sixth book of “Epidemics” around 412 BC. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t definitively prove the existence of the influenza virus at that time.   

Over time, influenza has evolved and mutated, leading to various strains and pandemics throughout history. The most recent major pandemic was the 1918 Spanish Flu, which infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide and caused between 20 and 50 million deaths.

I remember there was a meme that showed when radio towers were put up, outbreaks started. For example when the first radio towers were erected in the late 1800’s the outbreak of the Spanish flu came around 1918. The first radio tower was erected in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi. He used a tall wooden pole to support his antenna, which was a critical component for transmitting radio signals over long distances.

Marconi’s experiments and innovations played a significant role in the development of radio technology and communication, too. 

By 1910, there were likely several hundred radio towers erected worldwide. The exact number is difficult to determine due to the early stages of radio technology and limited documentation.

Here’s what we know:

  • Early adoption: Radio technology was rapidly developing and gaining popularity in the early 20th century.  
  • Amateur and commercial use: Both amateur radio enthusiasts and commercial entities were building and using radio towers for various purposes, such as communication, experimentation, and broadcasting.
  • Geographical distribution: Towers were erected in different countries and regions, depending on the level of technological advancement and infrastructure.

While the total number of towers in 1910 is uncertain, it’s clear that radio technology was experiencing significant growth and expansion during this period.

By 1918, the number of radio towers worldwide had significantly increased. The exact count is challenging to ascertain due to the rapid growth of radio technology and limited documentation during this era.

However, we can estimate that thousands of radio towers were erected by 1918. This surge was driven by factors such as:

  • World War I: The war accelerated the development and use of radio communication for military purposes.
  • Commercial broadcasting: The emergence of commercial radio stations led to a demand for more towers to transmit signals over wider areas.
  • Amateur radio: Enthusiasts continued to build and operate their own radio stations, contributing to the overall number of towers.

While a precise figure is difficult to pin down, it’s clear that radio technology had become widespread and influential by the time of the 1918 influenza pandemic.

So thousands were erected versus hundreds. Could radio have caused the influenza pandemic? 

The radiation emitted from early radio towers was primarily electromagnetic radiation. This type of radiation is a form of energy that travels through space in waves. It’s similar to the radiation emitted by the sun, but with a lower energy level.

Here are some key points about the radiation from early radio towers:

  • Radio waves: Most of the radiation emitted by these towers was in the form of radio waves. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light.
  • Non-ionizing radiation: Unlike ionizing radiation (such as X-rays or gamma rays), radio waves do not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. This means they are generally considered safe for human exposure.
  • Low levels of exposure: Early radio towers typically emitted relatively low levels of electromagnetic radiation.This was due to the limited power and efficiency of the transmitting equipment at the time.

It’s important to note that while the radiation from early radio towers was generally safe, excessive exposure to any type of electromagnetic radiation can potentially have negative health effects. However, the levels of radiation emitted by these towers were well below any known harmful thresholds.

So the likelihood of radio waves generating enough electromagnetic radiation to cause the world to face this flu doesn’t make sense since many cities worldwide didn’t have radio towers, yet faced the Spanish flu. Also, the flu affected sailors and there were no towers on the sea so most likely it was a virus. The towers did generate radiation, this is true, but if there was harm, it was silenced.

Academia says yes, there have been studies examining the potential health effects of early radio tower radiation. While the overall consensus is that the radiation emitted by these towers was generally safe, some studies have explored potential risks.

Here are a few key points:

  • Limited evidence: Most studies have found limited evidence to suggest that exposure to radiation from early radio towers caused significant health problems.
  • Non-ionizing radiation: As mentioned earlier, the radiation emitted by these towers was primarily non-ionizing, which is generally considered less harmful than ionizing radiation.
  • Long-term studies: Some studies have examined the long-term health effects of exposure to radio tower radiation. While these studies have not found definitive links to serious health problems, more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks.

Yes, there have been lawsuits against radio towers and their alleged harm. While these cases are relatively rare, they often involve claims of health problems or property damage attributed to radiation emitted by the towers.

Here are some common types of lawsuits related to radio towers:

  • Health concerns: Some individuals have claimed that exposure to radiation from radio towers has caused health problems, such as headaches, fatigue, or more serious conditions.
  • Property damage: Others have alleged that radio towers have caused damage to their property, such as interference with television or radio signals, or decreased property values.
  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS): Some individuals who claim to be sensitive to electromagnetic fields have filed lawsuits against radio towers, arguing that the radiation has caused them significant health problems.

It’s important to note that the outcomes of these lawsuits can vary widely. While some plaintiffs have been successful in obtaining settlements or verdicts, many cases have been dismissed due to lack of evidence or scientific consensus regarding the potential health risks associated with radio tower radiation.

But did they cause the Spanish flu? I don’t think so. It’s an interesting theory and yes technology does come with health concerns but I don’t see a clear connection as the flue would continue like an outbreak every year due to the towers being on and upgrades. Wouldn’t the flu get worse and not remain the same? It’s up for debate. 

There is no evidence of flu outbreaks and cell towers either. However cell towers emit the exact same kind of electromagnetic radiation. Frequency refers to the number of waves that pass a given point in a given amount of time. It is measured in Hertz (Hz).

  • Radio waves: Radio towers typically operate in the frequency range of 30 kHz to 300 GHz. This includes AM radio (535 kHz to 1605 kHz), FM radio (88 MHz to 108 MHz), and other radio services.
  • Cell phone signals: Cell phones use a variety of frequencies, but most modern networks operate in the 4G LTE frequency bands of 700 MHz, 1700 MHz, 2100 MHz, and 2500 MHz. 5G networks use even higher frequencies,such as 3.5 GHz, 28 GHz, and 60 GHz.

The main difference in emissions between radio and cell towers is the frequency range they use. Additionally, cell towers often have multiple antennas to transmit and receive signals from different directions, while radio towers typically have a single antenna.

Academia says there is no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that cell towers are more dangerous to health than radio towers. Both types of towers emit electromagnetic radiation, primarily in the form of radiofrequency (RF) waves.

While there have been concerns about the potential health effects of RF radiation, numerous studies have found no definitive link between exposure to these waves and serious health problems. The levels of RF radiation emitted by both cell towers and radio towers are generally well below any known harmful thresholds.

It’s important to note that the specific frequencies used by cell towers and radio towers can vary, but this does not significantly impact their safety. Both types of towers are designed to operate within safe limits set by regulatory agencies.

In world war 2, soldiers used long wave and short wave radio packs to communicate between central command and other squadrons, platoons and planes. These packs were early cell phone technology and emitted radiation. There is no real evidence the operators got sick or had the flu.

We have heard rumors of 5G radio towers that are connected to street lights and people who took the Covid shot could turn into zombies. There are also two movies out there that uses cell towers to turn people into zombies. How likely could an event like that really happen? What would need to be put in the body to be activated? No, it is not theoretically possible for a zombie apocalypse to be triggered by an injection using cell towers.

Here’s why:

  1. Biological Impossibility: The concept of zombies, as portrayed in popular culture, involves the reanimation of the dead. This is biologically impossible. The human brain, once it has ceased to function, cannot be reactivated.
  2. Cell Tower Function: Cell towers are electronic devices designed to transmit and receive radio signals. They do not have the capability to interact with biological organisms or trigger any kind of biological process.
  3. No Scientific Basis: There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that a substance could be injected into the body to cause a zombie-like state. Such a scenario is purely fictional and does not have any basis in reality.

While the idea of a zombie apocalypse is intriguing, it is important to remember that it is a work of fiction and does not reflect scientific reality. Or not academia. They refuse it. While it’s possible for a virus to mutate and cause a new disease, the resulting illness would likely follow a more traditional disease course, rather than something resembling a zombie apocalypse. I also saw a video of supposed CIA training on zombie attacks and have seen hospitals carrying a manual about it as well. Hospitals have zombie contingency plans as a precautionary measure to prepare for a variety of extreme scenarios, including pandemics, natural disasters, or civil unrest. While the concept of zombies is fictional, these plans can be adapted to address real-world crises that may involve large numbers of sick or injured people.

While the CIA does not publicly acknowledge training in zombie warfare, it is reasonable to assume that they have contingency plans in place for a variety of scenarios, including potential pandemics or other disasters. This would likely include training in how to deal with large numbers of people who may be infected or incapacitated, as well as how to protect themselves and others in such a scenario.

Now, obviously there is something going on. Hospitals do have manuals and the secret service as well for zombies. This is true. But we don’t have any real proof other than these could be practical jokes. As an amateur journalist, I can’t say this is fact or fiction. It requires some major digging. And you know me. The CIA released a classified article written in November of 1991 in an insider CIA newspaper called The Daily Snap. 

Text: Extract.

T H I S Article Was


Ni The


25, 1991

Issue Of The Daily Snap. It Would Be Tempting To Turn Psychological Weapons Against One’s Own people And Make Millions Of Them Forget About Discontent With The Systemo F Social Inequality, About The Struggle For Peace And About Their Civil Rights. Oppressed But Joyful, Fleeced By Monopolies But Content With Everything. Wouldn’t This Be The Ideal Citizen From Of View Of The Ruling Circles In Countries Of The West? This What Newspapers Of Ours Wrote Quite Recently About Mk Ultra, An Ultrasecret Program Of American Intelligence Which Was A I M E D At Turning People Into Zombies En Masse. But We Now Know That We Ourselves Have Not Escaped Such Brainwashing stories about design bureaus at which instruments have developed For Producing Long Distance Effects On The Human Mind Have Begun to Appear I N The Press. Among The Mail That We Receive From Our Readers Has Been A Trickle Of Letters Which Mention Individual Brainwashing B Y Mysterious Psychological Weapons. Vladimir Nikitovich Volchenko Is A Professor Of The Moscow State Technical University Imeni Bauman And Deputy: Chairman Of The Ussr Union Of Scientific Engineering Societies Committee On Bioenergy Information Processing (Bioenergoinformatika) He Took Part In Preparing Materials On The Question Of Protecting Citizens Against Psychological Terror, For The Rsesr Supreme Soviet. For Such Cases To Become Fewer, People Must First Be Rescued From Psychological Terror Which I S Now Occurring, Said V . Volchenko. Term Psychological Terror Refers To Factors Which Adversely Affect Human Consciousness. Politics And Ideology Are Not The Only Ones Which Should Be Mentioned. Among The Rest Are Hypnosis Shows At Stadiums And On Television. After The Trailblazer, Psychotherapist A. Kashpirovskiy, Came Hundreds Of His Followers Who Have Been Giving Similar Performances. The Trouble Is Not Even That Many Of These Therapists Are Elementary Acquisitors Who Are Out To Make Easy Money In A Hurry. This is a Topic For A Separate Conversation. Danger Elsewhere. Mass Sessions Of This Kind Have A Substantial Impact On The Hypnotizability Millions Of Televiewers; The Sessions Heighten It. This Means That The Viewers Stand A Greater Chance Of Being Turned Into Zombies. The Runaway Ufo Psychosis Spawned By Television is Another Example from letters and in the course of personal conversations My Colleagues On The Bioenergoinformatika Committee And I Have Established Numerous Cases Of Psychosis On Topics Of Contacts With Unidentified Flying Objects. Is Very Dangerous. Is There A Way O F Preventing Mass Creation Of Zombies? Of Course, And It Is Known To the Whole World. It Consists Primarily In Accepting A New Thinking Model Which Involves Human Spirituality. I T Must Never Be Forgotten thatt for Humanity, The Optimal Order Of Tasks Which Are Accomplished Proceeds From Morality And Ecology To Economics And Politics. In Our Country, I Ti Sjust the Other way around at Present: Politics, Economics, Ecology, Morality. Do You Think That We Can the Future With The Cart Before The Horse? From The Editors: Specialistsh Av E Acknowledged That Psychological Weapons Exist and the Information Media, Which Have Long Been A Tool For Ideological Brainwashing Of The Masses, Are Probably One Of The Most But Information About The Existencealsosstecenicalesl weapons has bonconfirabdathe Same Time. The Editors Have Received A Report About A Discovery And An invention A Method Of Inducing Artificial Sleep At A distance by means of radio waves registered By the state commnittee Our Knowledge, An Dypnotec Radi Atoraras Ben Bultand As Ben Knowledge, A Hypnotic Radiator Has Been built And Has Been Successfully Tested In A Military Unit.

It appears the USSR in the 1920’s first started using psycho weapons on their people through drugs and radio waves. It was so successful that the United States picked up on it. The United States copied and perfected the USSR’s method of artificially inducing sleep from a distance. This was a hundred years ago. It appears the government actually can create zombies by using drugs and radio waves. I am sure after 100 years, the military has perfected all sorts of psychological inventions at their disposal and zombies aren’t a stretch anymore. By using drugs and radio waves they can convince the masses to think they are zombies and carry out what would appear to be a zombie apocalypse. And they admit that academia doesn’t believe it which gives the government a plausible excuse to play around with it. 

So, there is proof that the possibility of a mass psychosis zombie apocalypse could be created by the government. But what does this have to do with 5G? In order for the zombie apocalypse to work as a psyop against the people, they would need electromagnetic radiation everywhere the subjects are. If the zombies leave the city and go into the woods, the radio strength would disappear and they would come out of the psychosis. The single needs to be constant and wherever there is a natural faraday cage where the earth’s magnetic field messes with the frequency, they would need to put a 5G light there to boost the signal. The same concept would be for blue lights in odd places. The mass hypnotic trance could be affiliated with the blue led lights and their bizarre locations for the purpose of keeping the panic going.

Whether it is 5G or 6G, it doesn’t matter. The signal that they put out is a two way transmission to send and receive data. Perhaps the mRNA shot did have a smart dust self assembling computer and antenna to track the zombies themselves. Luciferase that is purportedly in the vaccine could be the formula to check if someone is a zombie which we already have apps on the cell phone that can scan for it. A zombie apocalypse was theoretically possible to do in the 1990’s as the CIA newspaper revealed. Imagine what they can do now? Perhaps depopulation is on the agenda for the ignorant. Those that chose not to be self aware and inadvertantly took the shot without doing any research. This gives the government an excuse for the outbreak. A way of saying the shot did it but we didn’t force you to take it. That’s on you. And since congress gave big pharma a get out of jail free card, they could use the same logic.

Could it happen? Yes. But will it happen? Most likely, no. This is mutally assured destruction. A weapon to threaten and use againt oither countries. A way of saying use the dollar instead of the Yuan or Ruble or we will destroy your country with a zombie apocolypse. Otherwise, why would the government do this to themselves? They create the weapons mainly for leverage and not to use on its citizens although they do test it on them. The economy would crash and the dollar would die if they released it upon themselves. There is no wisdom in that unless the return of their savior is here and demanded depopulation this quickly. Otherwise, the odds of it happening nationwide is low unless Russia or China did it. But that hurts and alienates them thus war would begin and it’s abvious they are not the provocateers here. It’s The United States that is the evil doer whom creates weapons for mafia control.

The Travis Scott concert is a good example of the government’s experimentation on mind control using drugs and radio waves. You can’t bring in your own water,so whatever they served there was most likely a cocktail of mind control mixed with radio waves to create the crowd to move wherever they wanted. Ten people died and hundreds wounded. In 1979 11 people died at The WHO concert in Cincinatti. Maybe they had the technology then and were testing it to see if it worked with cell towers this time. This is just speculation as there is no real evidence to point the government to the deaths at concerts, but it would be a good way to prove to your opposition of what you are capable of doing with large crowds. I don’t think it would be far fetched to send a letter to North Korea that we can zombifiy their nation using Elon Musk satellites and spray the cocktail in the air. Just one example of how to use this weapon, if real, as leverage.

As scary as all of this may seem, the government has concocted even worse things. They have Tesla technology that can crack the earth in half. We have the ability to create a black hole and can cause a pandemic worse than the black plague. We have the technology to kill ourselves 10x over and psychotic men have tried. You just never heard of it because the plans have been thwarted by acts of god, UFOs or secret service. Even fast depopulation is just too extreme for the sensitive economy so don’t expect masses to start keeling over soon. And how many times have we come close to nuclear war?

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): This is often considered the closest the world has come to nuclear war. The Soviet Union deployed nuclear missiles to Cuba, leading to a tense standoff with the United States. A miscalculation or a rash decision could have triggered a nuclear exchange.   

  • The 1983 Soviet Nuclear False Alarm: A computer glitch in the Soviet early warning system mistakenly indicated that the United States had launched a nuclear attack. The duty officer, Stanislav Petrov, decided not to report the incident to higher authorities, potentially preventing a nuclear retaliation. 

  • The 1995 Norwegian Rocket Incident: A Russian early warning system mistook a peaceful scientific rocket launch over Norway for a nuclear missile attack. It took several minutes for Russian officials to realize the mistake, avoiding a potential nuclear response.

Those are the ones that you were informed about. There have been countless of submarine mishaps and computer glitches that almost led to nuclear war and none of are even aware. That doesn’t include the madmen who have seized Cold War nukes from the USSR creating suitcase nukes. There are over a dozen cases involved in cities almost being blown up. Again, no one knows about and the government will keep it that way. The reason is they want the economy to continue robbing the people and earn for the elite. It will take a calamity to happen without interference and that never happens because in this world there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason and that is money and power. 

The 5G theory of microwaving us due to heavy metals is my favorite conspiracy. No, 5G technology cannot microwave people’s insides, even if their bodies were filled with heavy metals.

Here’s why:

  1. Frequency Mismatch: 5G operates on radio frequencies, which are much lower than the frequencies used in microwave ovens. Microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves that resonate with the water molecules in food, causing them to heat up. 5G frequencies are too low to have this effect on human tissue.
  2. Power Limitation: Even if 5G frequencies could affect human tissue, the power levels used in 5G networks are far too low to cause significant heating. They are designed to be safe for human exposure.
  3. Heavy Metal Impact: While heavy metals can be harmful to the body, they do not significantly increase a person’s susceptibility to electromagnetic radiation. Heavy metal poisoning is a separate health issue that is not related to 5G technology.

The idea that 5G technology can microwave people’s insides is a harmful conspiracy theory that has no scientific basis.It’s important to rely on credible sources of information and avoid spreading misinformation.

If this was the case, then anyone in a city standing next to a 5G tower at 30 GHz would get real sick. Since these towers are bolted and not mobile, anybody else walking by would get sick, too. Even if they turn up the frequency. For example, radio towers operating at 100 – 300 GHz haven’t heated up a person’s body enough to claim a public health concern. Same with 5G. It does affect health, don’t get me wrong, but not at extreme measures. For example, 5G is old news. 6G is coming. What happened to all the dead people and zombies due to 5G? We are witnessing oversensualization. If cell towers are the boogie man, then there has to be more harm now than ever. To cover up cell tower damage would be really hard given it’s worldwide. Not that it isn’t possible to cover it up. Just common sense tells me they can turn on switches inside the body for a zombie apocalypse but cannot coin our innards. The hospitals are mostly filled with respiratory illness and heart disease. This isn’t a cell tower issue rather a heavy metal geoengineering and parasite issue. And speaking of, please consider elite potion. Our ingredients cancels the Chemtrails and kills the parasites that cause cancer. 

Forbes wrote a good piece debunking 5G and the microwave agenda of the CIA. There might be some illogical psychosomatic effects, that because people believe that the cell site near their home is affecting them it actually is, but in terms of direct medical harm this is a fiction. There is a bit which is almost correct in that there are plans for lots of small cells, but small cells and cell towers are different things. “Small cell tower” is an oxymoron. It’s the mobile phone networks planning the small cell installation not the government, and as for covering the whole country we can only wish that were true.

“Of course, there are always detractors for almost any new technology, and health concerns around mobile phones have been a feature for at least 30 years now – still without any proof. For all its flaws, the criticisms levelled here against 5G are, as you’d imagine, rather ridiculous. It’s amusing that to find out more you’re encouraged to visit a website…which most will do using their mobile phone!”

Now for all we know, the CIA put Forbes in the position to write that is causes no harm. This would be for the lobbyists who spend millions on campaign contributions to hush up any harmful affects. Sure, they are unnatural and there will be blowback for such technology health wise. But it’s not causing consistent pandemics that can’t be controlled. Only Covid was pointed at and that pandemic is over according to the Biden administration. The earliest known description of cancer dates back to ancient Egypt, around 3000 BC. It was found in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical textbook. While the term “cancer” wasn’t used specifically, the document describes a tumor and its removal by cauterization.  Cancer isn’t a new disease. Egypt, Greece and Rome all described cancer historically so academia doesn’t believe cancer comes from radio and cell towers. Radiation is apparently harmful to parasites so we can’t put 5G to cancer. 

If all cell towers were turned up, they are emitting non-ionizing radiation. This doesn’t split the cells up like a microwave does. It would need the full force of even the satellites but that can’t do enough to char the humans. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t data supporting cell towers and cancer. According to the NIH website: There is evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer.

The objective of this work was to perform a complete review of the existing scientific literature to update the knowledge on the effects of base station antennas on humans. Studies performed in real urban conditions, with mobile phone base stations situated close to apartments, were selected. Overall results of this review show three types of effects by base station antennas on the health of people: radiofrequency sickness (RS), cancer (C) and changes in biochemical parameters (CBP). Considering all the studies reviewed globally (n = 38), 73.6% (28/38) showed effects: 73.9% (17/23) for radiofrequency sickness, 76.9% (10/13) for cancer and 75.0% (6/8) for changes in biochemical parameters. Furthermore, studies that did not meet the strict conditions to be included in this review provided important supplementary evidence. The existence of similar effects from studies by different sources (but with RF of similar characteristics), such as radar, radio and television antennas, wireless smart meters and laboratory studies, reinforce the conclusions of this review. Of special importance are the studies performed on animals or trees near base station antennas that cannot be aware of their proximity and to which psychosomatic effects can never be attributed.

The World Health Organization has created reports about the effects of 5G. Based on mixed epidemiological evidence on humans regarding an association between exposure to RF radiation from wireless phones and head cancers (glioma and acoustic neuroma), RF fields have been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Studies to date provide no indication that environmental exposure to RF fields, such as from base stations, increases the risk of cancer or any other disease.

So it is possible but they won’t make the time to study it. Just like Gemini AI can’t tell me what the cause of cancer is. Even after thousands of years being around. That’s fishy and absurd. So if the cell towers possibly can lead to cancer, could they truly microwave us? If so, it would be a slow death. Nothing like a pandemic. The most plausible answer is we are slowly getting used to electromagnetic radio waves and adapting to it as normal. This means there is health risk but it will eventually go away as we merge with the intrusion. The Bible says in the end of days written by Daniel iron will mix with clay but it will have problems doing so. It would take hundreds of years to adapt to silicon and metal which is why I believe geoengineering is also a form of terraforming for the return of the nephilim. Cell phone towers can be used as a weapon and we have already been experimented on as a show of force to others. Only whistblowers can give us a glimpse into the compartmentalized secrets of the government and their plans for coercion against other countries. But to unleash full force on its own citizens would mean the end of the country as a whole. A last ditch effort to kill them all before the evidence comes into fruition. But that is highly unlikely as America is vast and bigger than the easier European countries to exploit. An operation that big would cost too much and leave the economy in shambles all for BRICS to pick up the pieces. But I doubt the owners of the federal reserve are interested in crashing g our economy and killing us with microwaves and radiation let alone a full on zombie attack. It’s possible but not profitable.


Gemini AI

1. Influenza: Basic Epidemiological Aspects for the Development of Vaccines

1. Radio masts and towers – Wikipedia


Is 5G A CIA Plot?

Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer – PubMed

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