Why are blue lights going up in every city? And why are they in strange places? There are many rumors surrounded this. Nano assembly chips from the Covid vaccine that get activated by something called bluecifer. Or they are for showing the vaccinated as the luciferace shows underneath the lights. In the movie the Kingsman, a cell phone signal turned people into rage. And in the movie Cell where a signal turns everyone into zombies. It’s easy to watch a video or see a meme and get triggered as if a disaster is coming. But we have history to guide us as if something awful like the above could happen. Let’s examine the worst parts of history where an outbreak like this has occurred. Let’s also examine the possibilities of the conspiracies above and if they have any feasible true way of happening.

First let me explain that I have been researching topics of conspiracies since 1995. Every topic I find sinister, I used to panic and wait for our demise. Wisdom has shown me that none of it has happened. After 30 years of investigation of extreme matters, I have found that the biggest event that has caused harm to the world was the vaccines. We were warned about it too from Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura. The same thing happened to America back during the Spanish flu which was in 1918. It only killed 35,000 people but the news sensationalist made it sound worse and everyone masked up and distanced themselves then just like we did now. What followed was the Great Depression. So, we should expect something like that to happen shortly. 

Covid killed 3.4 million so this was the most disastrous thing since the Spanish flu. Here are the pandemics over the last 1,000 years:

The Antonine Plague year 165-180 Unknown

The Plague of Cyprian 249-262 Unknown

Justinian Plague 541-549 Million

The Black Death 346-135 375-200 million

Spanish Flu 1918-1919 50 million

Covid 3.4 million 2020

Could plagues and pandemics be cyclical. Could they be based on astrological events? 

Hypothetical Zodiac Signs for Pandemics

  • Antonine Plague (165-180 AD): Leo (assuming mid-point around 172 AD)
  • Plague of Cyprian (249-262 AD): Virgo or Libra (assuming mid-point around 255 AD)
  • Justinian Plague (541-549 AD): Scorpio (assuming mid-point around 545 AD)
  • Black Death (1346-1353 AD): Pisces (assuming mid-point around 1349 AD)
  • Spanish Flu (1918-1919): Leo (assuming mid-point around 1918.5 AD)
  • COVID-19 (2019-ongoing): Capricorn (assuming start year 2019)

These go by star charts and not planetary alignments. We don’t have the data to know precisely the dates to see where the planets align so we will never really find a pattern here. Basically, the only coincidence is two Leo’s. That doesn’t justify anything and offers no real significance. So, unless we can get precise dates for each pandemic, we cannot use astrology as a cyclical event.

I remember under the Obama administration of the operation in Texas called Jade-Helm. Operation Jade Helm 15 was a large-scale military training exercise conducted by the United States Armed Forces. It was designed to simulate real-world combat conditions and prepare troops for operations in urban environments. The exercise involved a significant number of personnel from various branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force,and Marines.

When did Operation Jade Helm 15 take place?

The exercise occurred primarily during the summer of 2015, spanning from July to September.

Where did Operation Jade Helm 15 take place?

While the exercise was centered in Texas, it also encompassed parts of several other states in the southwestern United States, including California, New Mexico, and Utah. The specific locations were carefully chosen to replicate various urban and rural environments, allowing troops to train in a diverse range of conditions.

Why was Operation Jade Helm 15 conducted?

The primary purpose of Operation Jade Helm 15 was to enhance the military’s capabilities in conducting urban operations.This type of training is crucial for modern warfare, as many conflicts occur in populated areas. The exercise aimed to improve the military’s ability to:

  • Operate effectively in complex urban environments
  • Interact with civilian populations
  • Coordinate with other government agencies in emergency situations
  • Utilize advanced technology and equipment

The Conspiracy Theories

It’s important to note that the exercise generated significant controversy and gave rise to numerous conspiracy theories.Some individuals and groups speculated that the operation was a cover for a government takeover or other nefarious activities. These theories were largely unfounded and contradicted by official statements and explanations.

The military went to great lengths to communicate with local officials and the public about the exercise, aiming to dispel rumors and alleviate concerns. Ultimately, Operation Jade Helm 15 was a valuable training opportunity that contributed to the readiness of the U.S. military.

The truthers at that time were all over it. They claimed that the military placed color stickers in mailboxes to separate conspiracy theorists from average citizens. They claimed that the operation was about removing truthers and patriots during some catastrophic event.

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Operation Jade Helm 15

Conspiracy theories surrounding Operation Jade Helm 15 were widespread and varied. Here are some of the most prominent claims:

  • Martial Law Imposition: One of the most common theories was that the exercise was a cover for the government to impose martial law, seize control of state governments, and disarm the population.
  • Gun Confiscation: Many believed the operation was a precursor to a nationwide gun confiscation program.
  • Foreign Invasion: Some theorists claimed that Jade Helm was a practice run for a foreign invasion, often suggesting China or another adversary.
  • Population Control: A more extreme theory proposed that the exercise was a rehearsal for a government-mandated population control program, possibly involving mass sterilization or euthanasia.
  • Secret Government Agenda: A general distrust of the government led to the belief that Jade Helm was part of a larger, undisclosed government agenda with sinister intentions.

This exercise had everyone who was paying attention on alert. But nothing happened. Not to say that something wasn’t planned but it failed to start either. Our government experiments on us all the time without our permission. This is backed by freedom of information act requests. Just to name a few:

Tuskegee Syphilis Study: A notorious example of unethical medical experimentation on African American men with syphilis.

Project MKUltra: A CIA program involving the use of mind-control techniques and experimental drugs on unwitting subjects.

Radiation Experiments: Various government agencies conducted experiments exposing people to radiation, including atomic bomb test survivors and hospital patients.

These are some of the ones we know about. Basically the ones they got caught doing. We don’t know how many they did and are still doing to this day. Were they held accountable for their sinister plans?

Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Following public outcry and a class-action lawsuit, the U.S. government formally apologized to the study participants and their families. Financial settlements were made, and new regulations were implemented to protect human research subjects.

Project MKUltra: Congressional investigations led to the termination of the program. However, the CIA’s involvement in mind control experiments remains a controversial topic, and the full extent of its activities are still unknown

Public apologies, settlements and termination of programs are not accountability in my opinion. 

Challenges to Accountability:

  • Classification: Many government experiments remain classified, making it difficult to determine the full scope of activities and hold individuals accountable.
  • Statute of Limitations: In some cases, the statute of limitations has expired, preventing legal action against those responsible for the experiments.
  • Lack of Evidence: Gathering sufficient evidence to prove wrongdoing can be challenging, especially for historical cases.

Could our own government have used the Covid experimental mRNA gene therapy drug in the majority of Americans? 

Conspiracy theories surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine have been widespread and varied. Here are some of the most common claims:

What’s in the Vaccine?

  • Microchips: A persistent theory suggests that the vaccine contains microchips designed to track individuals.
  • Bill Gates and Population Control: Some believe the vaccine is part of a larger plan by Bill Gates to reduce the world’s population.
  • Harmful Ingredients: Claims have been made about dangerous substances like aborted fetal tissue, heavy metals,or other toxins being included in the vaccine.
  • Altering DNA: Some conspiracy theorists believe the vaccine can alter a person’s DNA.

The conspiracy theory about self-replicating nanotechnology in the COVID-19 vaccine claims that tiny robots are injected into the body through the vaccine. These microscopic robots, according to the theory, can replicate themselves within the body and have potentially harmful effects, including controlling people or causing long-term health problems. It’s often linked to broader conspiracy theories about government control or a globalist agenda.

Online, there isn’t any real credible information linking the vaccine to blue lights. And Luciferase is an enzyme that produces light. It’s used in scientific research, including in some COVID-19 studies to track the virus’s behavior. However, it is not a component of any COVID-19 vaccine. This is what they are saying through academia. We can only speculate of any nefarious purpose. We heard a rumor that someone high up in finance said they put a chip in the vaccine for Bill but I can’t find anything about that online. It doesn’t mean it’s not true. But it doesn’t mean it’s true, either.

If such a thing has occurred then it would be compartmentalized and the secret will be let out in 20 years. This is how long the military can keep a secret. When researching topics of evil intent, your state of mind cannot be for or against whatever the theory is. To remain neutral is the only way to read between the lines. For example, we don’t have motive for blue lights and a zombie trigger. If a group of people decide to harm the planet, they would most likely change the dna instead of creating zombies. Think profit. Eliminating 7.5 billion people over a short period of time isn’t profitable. And we were told people who took the shot would be dead by now. Logical thinking says the vaccine program is too big to mess up. The pandemic has everyone eyeballing government now. They would need a backup to keep their riches if moving forward with depopulation and greed doesn’t go backwards. I did a report on spike proteins and how they attack algae. There is money in climate change and proving it by creating a problem. 

The rush job and completed vials in 6 – 12 months was theoretically impossible on paper. The amount of factories pushing out billions of vials and keeping them cool doesn’t add up to the resources we had at that time. This means they most likely were already made. This isn’t a far fetched thought. So if they were made prior and the pandemic wasn’t organic, we can assume it was for profit. Perhaps the conspiracies surrounding it were controlled opposition while they experiment on using spike proteins for future developments. It is said that the mRNA experiments can actually help cure diseases like cancer. I doubt they released it for such a thing because there is no money in cures. 

Depopulation would easily be achieved through an mRNA code. The strands tell the dna to produce something. It works like swithing on and off switches in the DNA. What would stop the globalists that want to reduce the population down with something like this? In theory they could. They could have told the mRNA agents to stop men and women from having children. Even Bill Gates said in a Ted Talk that they could use vaccines to depopulate.

So if depopulation is the agenda, let’s find out why the leaders of the free world think this is a good idea. 

Resource: Increasing or declining urban populations – the future of cities

This EU Science Hub resource outlines the struggles an ageing Europe will face regarding declining populations in cities. Over half of European cities will see their population decline, with some, like small cities in Spain, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania, will see a loss of more than 25%. The related report explores the rejuvenation of abandoned inner-city areas, adapting services and infrastructure to an older population, and the optimisation of public space.

Report: Depopulation and associated challenges for US cities by 2100
It’s a similar story in the United States. Research published in the journal Nature Cities predicts that by the year 2100, approximately half of the 30,000 cities in the U.S. will lose up to a quarter of their residents. This report examines the impact of depopulation on infrastructure, and how underutilised and abandoned infrastructure can become a hazard and lead to disruptions to basic services like transit, clean water, electricity and internet access.

Report: Regional migration and settlement: putting down roots to revitalise regional communities in Australia
This policy brief shines a light on policy solutions to address the issue of population decline in regional Australian communities. The report draws on research into refugee settlement in Armidale, New South Wales, as well as insights from successful approaches used in Canada in settling and retaining newcomers outside of major cities. It examines how regional areas can help newcomers and local receiving communities develop lasting ties.

Resource: How to tackle population decline in Europe’s regions?
This resource from the European Parliament explores the causes and potential solutions to population decline in Europe’s regions, particularly in rural areas. It suggests that addressing depopulation requires a multi-faceted approach that includes promoting rural tourism, creating jobs, improving connectivity, and investing in public services.

According to academia, there are 5,000 fires a year in food processing plants a year. And there are 40,000 food production plants. Doesn’t that number seem high? Food insecurity is the real reason for population control and the percentages of food processing plant fires seem extreme for any insurance company. That’s almost 13% of fires every year. This means 1 in 13 plants will catch fire. This number doesn’t seem right to me. When asking AI, it couldn’t tell me anything either saying it’s a spectrum and not easily to calculate based on:

Industry-specific fire statistics

Loss history data

Plant size and complexity

Geographic location

Safety protocols and insurance claims history

The term “food insecurity” gained significant prominence in the early 1990s.   

While hunger has been a recognized issue for centuries, the specific term “food insecurity” emerged as a more comprehensive way to describe the complex challenges faced by individuals and households in accessing adequate and nutritious food.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) played a crucial role in defining and measuring food insecurity, developing standardized methods to assess the prevalence of this issue.

Conspiracy theories about food insecurity often revolve around the idea that the shortage is intentionally created rather than a result of complex factors such as climate change, economic inequality, and geopolitical events.   

Here are some common conspiracy theories about food insecurity:

Deliberate food shortages: Some believe that governments or powerful corporations are intentionally creating food shortages to control the population, increase profits, or implement a new world order.

Government control: Conspiracy theorists often claim that governments are using food insecurity as a tool to gain more control over citizens, potentially leading to martial law or other authoritarian measures.

GMOs and chemicals: Many conspiracy theories link genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and chemical additives in food to health problems and food shortages.   

Globalist agenda: Some believe that a secretive global elite is responsible for creating food insecurity as part of a larger plan to control the world’s resources.

Even Gemini AI said it agreed with me that the number is way too high but it could not find any data to understand it. I asked why and it couldn’t give any real answer.

So to sum up, whatever big could happen to us whether depopulation, pandemics, zombies, you name it, has already happened in 2020 with the covid scare. The odds of another catastrophic event to happen to the world any time soon is small. In fact it, the odds are huge because of such randomness.

Here are the dates of worldwide catastrophes:

172 AD

255 AD

545 AD

1349 AD

1918.5 AD

2019 AD

This means the numbers separating each date of catastrophe is 83, 290, 804, 569 & 101. Nothing has happened before 83 years so we can safely say we have another 80 to 100 years for the next calmaity. Blue lights, pandemics and zombies are just stretching what could happen soon. History repeats itself but randomly. Even if the pandemic was planned for whatever reason, the powers that could do another would be told by advisors to stop at all cost. It could give away their plausible deniability. To use a pandemic can only relatively, based on data, happen every 100 years to make it seem orgnanic. If another occured, people would question and that is not in the interest of any control group. That play is over and needs time to rest.

In the meantime, depopulation is on the agenda of the United Nations with the World Economic Forum swaying their influence, and I do believe there is enough evidence of pregnancy, deaths, birth defects and still borns which have risen in recent years. The birth rate numbers went from 2.10 in the year 2,000 to 1.68. The numbers go down and not up. In fact, since 1950, it started dropping. The birth rate was 4.80. But what or who is responsible for such a huge decline? The data shows .2 to .10 per year. Thats not organic or natural. Something is fishy here. And to get those numbers from AI was a pain in the ass. The ebb and flow of life goes up and down and not just down like this. One could make an argument that depopulation has been happening just the agenda since after world war 2.


Gemini AI


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