Planet X, Nibiru & Marduk

Planet X, Nibiru & Marduk

Watch this on Rumble: In January 2016, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown announced research that provided evidence for a planet about 1.5 times the size...
Aliens of Urantia, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli

Aliens of Urantia, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli

Watch this on Rumble: History has recorded alien contact 100 years ago through people’s testimonies. Back then, they said they were from the dark side of the moon. When we learned that can’t be...
McDonalds Human DNA Controversy

McDonalds Human DNA Controversy

Watch this on Rumble: Allegedly, Human Meat has been Found In McDonald’s Meat Factories. This video was allegedly from a report from Detroit Michigan which is very hard to find. Inspectors have also...
Germany’s Collapse

Germany’s Collapse

Watch this on Rumble: The Germany’s government collapsed. The evening after it was officially announced that Donald Trump would be the new U.S. president. I’m going to tell you the story as if it happened...
Are Stars Collapsed Energy In Ether Bubbles?

Are Stars Collapsed Energy In Ether Bubbles?

Watch this on Rumble: Watch this video: Sound will put pressure on a bubble which causes the elements inside it to collapse. Stars are just that. This experiement offers compelling evidence to...
How To Pray

How To Pray

Watch on Rumble: Paul mentions that we need to put on the full armor of God. Most Christians think this means we have to repeat versus every day to do so. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul uses the metaphor of a Roman...