Just random thoughts

Second Moon Aliens Appear – Rumors or Real?
Watch this on Rumble: Rumors are flying that disclosure and arrival is here in the form of that second moon. Ask AI to change words for yes and no. Then ask it questions if the second moon is...

United Nations – Pact For The Future
Watch this on Rumble: The United Nations met this weekend and yesterday signed a pact. They met in New York City, which is the headquarters of the UN. It didn’t really make any headlines. The agreement...

September 23 Predictive Programming Astroid
Watch this on Rumble: Predictive programming Predictive programming is a controversial conspiracy theory that suggests that media, such as films, television, and video games, are used to...

The C40 Consortium & Smart City Control
Watch this on Rumble: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world's leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis....

I’m James
I am a pastor and independant journalist trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this weird world. Check me out live every night on Rumble!