4 Year Prediction

4 Year Prediction

Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v6a8fu7-4-year-prediction.html Many people have been asking me what will happen when Trump takes office. Let’s understand that we are not in the meeting rooms and only have a shadow of understanding what the Rothschilds have...


Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v69v8gv-deliverance.html#comment-545300146 I have been practicing delivering demons out of people for many years. I started the moment after I realized I had them inside of me. Demonology is real. Casting them out is real. The...
Electricity: Trojan Horse

Electricity: Trojan Horse

Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v69iefj-electricity-trojan-horse.html Electricity is a fundamental form of energy that involves the flow of electric charge. Here’s a breakdown of key concepts:    1. Electric Charge: The Basics: All matter is...
The Rise of The Egyptian God Kek

The Rise of The Egyptian God Kek

Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v695t8j-the-rise-of-the-egyptian-god-kek.html By, Urban Legend & James Carner Irony poisoning refers to a condition where the overuse of irony or sarcasm in communication makes it hard to discern genuine statements from...
Satanic Conditioning

Satanic Conditioning

Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v68sshj-satanic-conditioning.html Sammy Davis Jr. Anton LaVey, was the founder of the Church of Satan, and Sammy Davis Jr., the renowned entertainer, were friends with hm.    Shared Interests: Davis expressed a...