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The United Nations met this weekend and yesterday signed a pact. They met in New York City, which is the headquarters of the UN. It didn’t really make any headlines. The agreement is called Pact For The Future. It’s designed to transform global governance. The Summit brought together over 4000 individuals from Heads of State and Government, observers, IGOs, UN System, civil society and non-governmental organizations. In a broader push to increase the engagement of diverse actors, the formal Summit was preceded by the Action Days from 20-21 September, which attracted more than 7,000 individuals representing all segments of society. The Action Days featured strong commitments to action by all stakeholders, as well as pledges of USD 1.05 billion to advance digital inclusion.

Interesting choice of words “stakeholders” and “global governance”. Seems awfully like corporations and control. The UN did not provide the document that they all signed. We can only speculate what their intentions are. And history has always shown us that empires never are for the people. What makes the United Nations so special that they promise to not abuse their power? And if absolute power corrupts absolutely, one can easily assume there are evil intentions behind every word that was signed. Not that all 4,000 individuals are for tyranny, but the Bible says a little yeast raises the entire loaf. 

Let’s break down what they plan on doing based on the press release.

1. Global Governance Tyranny:

  • The Pact is a secret blueprint for a global government, designed to strip nations of their sovereignty and impose a one-world order.
  • The Pact’s emphasis on international cooperation and shared responsibility could be seen as a precursor to a supranational authority

2. Population Control:

  • The Pact is a veiled attempt to reduce the global population through ambiguous mandates for sterilization, vaccinations, or other means.
  • Provisions related to healthcare, sustainable development, and resource management could be misconstrued as population control measures

3. Economic Oppression:

  • The Pact is a tool for the global elite to maintain their wealth and power by exploiting developing nations.
  • The Pact’s focus on economic inequality and sustainable development could be interpreted as a means to justify further exploitation

4. Environmental Dictatorship:

  • The Pact is a cover for a global environmental dictatorship that will restrict individual freedoms in the name of climate change.
  • The Pact’s emphasis on climate action and sustainable practices could be seen as a precursor to draconian environmental regulations

5. Technological Surveillance:

  • The Pact is a blueprint for a global surveillance state, allowing governments to track and control citizens’ every move.
  • Provisions related to technology, digital cooperation, and data governance could be misinterpreted as a justification for increased surveillance.

1. Economic Impact:

  • The Pact might lead to increased international regulations that could burden businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • New trade agreements or policies could restrict the flow of goods and services, leading to higher prices for consumers and potentially harming domestic industries.
  • The Pact might promote international taxation schemes that could increase the tax burden on individuals and corporations.

2. Social Impact:

  • Increased globalization and international cooperation could lead to the erosion of national cultures and traditions.
  • The Pact will require countries to cede some degree of sovereignty to international institutions, limiting their ability to make decisions that are in the best interests of their citizens.
  • The Pact will promote international surveillance and data sharing, leading to concerns about privacy and civil liberties.

3. Environmental Impact:

  • Strict environmental regulations could lead to economic hardship, particularly in industries that rely on fossil fuels or resource extraction.
  • The transition to a more sustainable economy could result in job losses in certain sectors, such as manufacturing and transportation.
  • The Pact will promote international resource sharing or conservation measures that could limit access to essential resources, such as water and energy.

4. Political Impact:

  • The implementation of the Pact will lead to increased bureaucracy and international governance, which could be inefficient and unresponsive to local needs.
  • The Pact will create new geopolitical tensions or exacerbate existing ones, particularly if countries who disagree on how to implement its provisions.
  • The Pact will erode democratic principles and accountability, as decisions are made at the international level rather than by elected representatives.

They announced this was groundbreaking. Many hear this word but do not understand what it means via the bloodline speak. Groundbreaking means to start. Before building something, you have to create the foundation. This requires you to break the ground. This is a seven year agreement to push all UN countries toward a centralized lawmaker in the disguise as climate change and equality. The agreement states that all countries will follow the laws put into place by the UN. The signatures here are key to this agreement. If enough leaders of one country sign this and were voted into office by the people, this gives justification to be legal. 

The WHO and the United Nations are in agreement. They can use the pandemic as justification for any law to be passed internationally. The laws start from the top and work their way down. By the time it gets to the city, they go through some opposition but unless the people sue, the laws go through. 

What can we expect? 


This agreement calls for a one world religion under the direction of a universal god where all religions agree. It points out the Noahide laws and the three top religions which is Christianity, Judaism and Islam as they all worship the same Father. The agreement asks the policy makers to encourage universalism and start new churches. Eventually those churches will be favored while others be targeted for hate speech. Christians will be targeted as extremists if they follow any of the teachings of Jesus. Preaching the word on the street will be labeled as hate speech. Churches will be infiltrated and slowly moved to new age universalism.

Sovereignty, Individual Freedoms & Land Grabs

The agreement calls for policing and law making more efforts in removing the rights of the people in efforts in climate change and diversity. Camping, hiking and recreational activities will be zoned to special places while the BLM seals up land to be preserved. It removes rights to own land outside of cities and keeps the real estate market high so there will be less homeowners. The banks will eventually purchase homes as investments and rent them out. Companies like blackrock and vanguard will be investing heavily in purchasing land and selling to the government. All populations will slowly be moving towards smart cities as the rules will not allow them to afford owning homes or land. Zones will be created to outlaw living in special habitat wildlife areas. 

Population control

Sterilization efforts will be employed through vaccines and flu shots. Every hospital will have procedures in place to vaccinate with ambiguous consent. The fine words in paperwork state they agree to the terms and conditions and mRNA technology will be used in all shots and vaccines, which sterilizes the population.

Global Surveillance & Data Sharing

All individuals will have a global database that is shared with all UN countries with behavioral assessments based on extremism. Those that oppose climate change will be targets and considered a threat thus placed on the radar of police to monitor. If you are speeding and get pulled over, the police will be alerted that you are an extremist and should be highly on guard. Instead of a polite exchanging of a ticket, you will be surrounded with guns drawn. Any country you visit, if a UN country, you will be flagged by the data collected on you in the United States. They will know your entire history thanks to the data sharing making it harder to travel and get visas.

Economic Hardships

Laws will be passed to force businesses to operate green. Without using fossil fuels, manufacturers must adhere to strict guidelines and measures put into place to reduce the carbon footprint. This allows too big to fail corporations to eat up competition and remove the middle class altogether. Shortages will come just as they are here right now where it will be extremely hard to find anything you need. AI and robotics will remove a significant part of the jobs and this will bring famine and hard times. The middle class will be selling off their inheritances just to survive. What’s left is a peasant class against the Uber wealthy. 

State of Emergency

This treaty allows the United Nations through the secretary general the authority to declare a global state of emergency forcing all countries to abide. All they need is a catastrophe to declare and all UN countries will follow. They tested us in the pandemic and now have the data as to what to expect when we rebel against it. 

Remove Borders

This treaty will remove borders under a state of emergency. The populations from around the world will be equally distributed through all countries. This is to remove tradition and values so it will be easier to implement a new world order under one accord. 

Declass The People

They will focus on removing classifications, gender and race from paperwork, institutions and credit bureaus. Everyone will be considered a citizen of the NWO and nothing else. This is for everything to be just and secure. The idea is to create a class of people with no individuality or secular traditions to fall back on when introduced to draconian rule. This is a form of mind control keeping the people from rebelling. 


They will focus on the younger generation through brainwashing as they will be in charge of the future. They will learn diversity, inclusion and concentrate on draconian laws to continue the goal of dropping the planets temperature. This involves more programs like the WEF young leaders initiative and more. Grooming the next batch of youth for a new world order. 

Update To The UN

They plan on updating the United Nations with the help of the WEF or World Economic Forum, to update the United Nations to better mean the contemporary needs. To regain and restore trust in other countries. These discussions will not be between countries and their governments. It will be supposedly between civil society, youth, researchers from businesses and NGO’s. The idea is every voice matters when it comes to the future of the world. A declaration for future generations and the global digital compact aimed at creating more inclusive, secure and equitable digital future. Then leave it up to the countries and states to follow through with their agenda. Because the governments have refused to participate in this new world order, they will put pressure on them through corporations and institutions and media to demand change. 

Political Policies

The decisions for all countries will be made by the United Nations with the help of the World Economic Forum. Congress and the senate will be stonewalled when it comes to international decrees. Especially under a global emergency. 

What does all of this mean? It’s simple. By the year 2030, all resources and personnel will be completed to start making laws. We will witness a global change of society due to the supposed threat of climate change. People from all around the world will be living with you as the global emergency takes effect in what would appear to be a silent global martial law. Laws will be passed making it more difficult to make a living by using climate change as the catalyst. More state sponsored programs will be introduced as income help, creating a socialist world at first then communism following. 

Hunting and fishing will be outlawed. Purchasing Property will outlawed. Groceries will be limited like toilet paper due to shortages. Restaurants will close and people will remain more at home because they can’t afford to go out. Smart cities will be continued as rural cities turn into wastelands. Cities will welcome those who secede by offering an apartment and a job. Many jobs will be security monitoring the people’s actions. Cars will be in landfills. Trains will be the main transportation of goods. Airlines will be secluded to elite powers traveling and eventually outlawed altogether. A war on oil will occur and alternatives to plastics will be uncovered and introduced. Manufacturing and processing will be given to a select group of companies. Weapons will be outlawed. Resources will be protected. And eventually 8 billion people will die off from disease or old age leaving around 500 million left in the next 100 years thanks to the vaccination castration because our dna has been programmed to not reproduce anymore. 

All without world war three. Human sacrifice will now be diverted to the third temple in Jerusalem where our fearless leader will sit. He will have access to everyone’s thoughts thanks to neurolink, emf and drugs. And he will be able to resound to everyone using quantum AI. For the next 7 years, the institutions, groups, companies and handlers will be built, trained and be ready to start implementation by 2030. They broke the ground and the world leaders met and agreed to it. All 4,000 of them. 

Will this happen? There will always be hiccups and the goal post will most likely move over and over again. This is fine with the bloodlines because this wasn’t a year by year plan but a 2,000 year plan ever since Jesus died on that cross. It takes time and they are patient. They groom their children to continue in the works and die disappointed it wasn’t them ushering in the dark savior. If for any chance, there plans are thwarted by an outside entity, the just go underground and pop up one hundred years later with a new secret society. Just as they did 500 years ago when the Knights Templars were destroyed. 

There is no ancient knowledge or secrets of Solomon that can make you live forever or find enlightenment or the truth. They lie about all of this as you go higher up in the ranks of freemasonry. Only to find out you’re too deep and can’t get out when Lucifer is exalted. Just a world that the devil uses science of manipulating matter and calls it magic. A big lie that he cares about us and wants us to find another way instead of holiness. This isn’t the first time we have come to this crossroads. It happens every time the watchers or sons of god are released from their chains. It’s an old story involving gods and demigods where a select few control mankind. Some call them aliens. Some call them spirits. Some call them gods. Each civilization passes on the story with different names, but the story is always the same. Good gods against bad gods. And the good gods always win. 

The only difference that I see now is the rush for knowledge. The Bible says in the end days knowledge will increase. But why so rapidly? What event must take place to allow for such exotic tech? Who has little time right now? The Bible says Satan. And perhaps we could be in his short season when he was released from 1,000 from being in the pit. Where Jesus releases him for a short time. It sure looks like it. It would explain a lot as to why there is a mad rush to make our world even more perverse and mad. There is evidence going both ways, so it’s hard to pinpoint it. But it would also explain the high strangeness of paranormal activity as of late. Would it not?

I don’t think it’s man that is impatient. Man is worshipping an impatient god that is everything opposite of good. This god is a liar and makes promises of everlasting life in the flesh and lets man down every time they create a new lab baby. We just can’t get beyond the 120 year range the father put into place. There goes your proof in vampires. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong. The whole idea of worshipping a ghost that created everything doesn’t sound too appealing if I am honest. Worship comes with respect and this invisible god needs to earn mine. Why? Because I will not last forever. He will. That makes me valuable. Special. And if I am holy, even more so. But the men on this earth who crave to be worshipped are trying to please their god of destruction. Because they were promised to be gods when the irony is, they were gods anyways in spirit. 

Satan’s idea of a utopia is thermodynamics. Let the wise die off to fool the younger ones and then, rinse, lather and repeat. The god I worship isn’t interested in control. He gave me free will to choose whatever I want to. He stood back and watched me destroy myself and everyone around me for a time and still took me in. He tells me I am loved and special. He views me as a treasure he found and would never dream of giving it away. He tells me this is all temporary and the real world offers peace and love. Not in the form of empty words and clever lyrics. But gives me wisdom to see before me that the pits of hell are all around me yet I have comfort knowing he is always with me. 

And this means that whatever the United Nations does, it’s not that big of a deal. God will bless you through these times and could delay it for a time. He values you as an investment and will hold on forever to your worth. When he found a you, you were covered in dirt, unpolished and rusted. He cleaned you up and placed you on his mantle and carries you around at parties showing you off. You were lost and then found and are more important to him than a dictator on earth. Whatever prison they build for you next will not stand. You have the ability through him to walk through the bars.

And another thing. The bloodlines need us to agree with what they are doing en-mass. It’s the power of collective thought and intent. They are working over time with rituals and spells to get us to agree with this global emergency and draconian powers. You and me have the ability to say no. Our words carry power and if enough say no out loud and agree to not want it, they can’t get it done. This is why they use technology against us. To brainwash, intimidate, lie and force feed us their agenda to get what they want. If all of the non denominational christian churches in the United States prayed every weekend for the end to this new world order, it would end. That’s all it would take, would be Christians to unite under one accord against the evil agenda ahead. You see, Jesus said greater works than he did is what we can do. We have all of the power in heaven to do our will whether good or bad. Only two forces answer our prayers. If we all choose freedom over safety, we can end this illusion they have been painting for decades. A dying world that never existed. That’s up to you. You’ve always had a choice.


Gemini AI

Press Release | United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance – United Nations Sustainable Development

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