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The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. Founded in 2005, C40 is a non-profit organization that supports cities in developing and implementing bold climate action plans that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks.   

Key objectives of C40 Cities:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: C40 helps cities develop and implement ambitious climate action plans that reduce emissions from transportation, buildings, energy, and waste.  
  • Building climate resilience: C40 supports cities in preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels.  
  • Improving urban health and well-being: C40 promotes climate action that benefits the health and well-being of urban residents, such as improving air quality and increasing access to green spaces.  
  • Driving economic growth: C40 helps cities transition to low-carbon economies that create jobs and improve livelihoods.  

C40 Cities is a global network of cities committed to addressing climate change. It provides a platform for cities to share knowledge, best practices, and resources, and to collaborate on innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

The specific sacrifices people may need to make to combat climate change vary depending on individual circumstances and the policies implemented. However, some common areas of potential sacrifice include:

  • Lifestyle changes: This could involve reducing meat consumption, limiting air travel, using public transportation or cycling instead of driving, and conserving energy in the home.  
  • Economic costs: Transitioning to a low-carbon economy may require investments in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, which could lead to higher energy costs or changes in job markets.
  • Inconvenience: Adopting new habits or restrictions can be inconvenient and may require adjustments to daily routines.
  • Loss of certain luxuries: Some people may need to give up certain luxuries, such as large homes or frequent vacations, in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

It’s important to note that these sacrifices are often balanced by long-term benefits such as improved health, a cleaner environment, and a more sustainable future. Additionally, many of these changes can be made gradually and with the support of communities and governments.

Who is behind it?

Entities Behind the C40 Smart City Agenda

Key Organizations and Institutions

  • C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group: The primary organization behind the agenda.
  • United Nations: C40 is often associated with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
  • World Resources Institute (WRI): A global research organization that partners with C40.
  • ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability: An international association of local governments that collaborates with C40.


Many corporations are involved in C40 initiatives, often as sponsors or partners. Some examples include:

  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Siemens
  • GE
  • BMW

Groups and Networks

  • Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA): A group focused on mobilizing climate finance for cities.
  • Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: A global network of cities committed to climate action.


While C40 is a global network, it often involves national governments in various ways. For example:

  • United States: Many U.S. cities are members of C40.
  • China: A large number of Chinese cities participate in C40.
  • India: Several Indian cities are active in C40 initiatives.
  • United Kingdom: The UK government has supported C40’s work.

Academia says these entities have limited involvment:

  • World Economic Forum (WEF): Known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the WEF is a global platform for public-private cooperation. It often discusses global challenges, including climate change and sustainable development.
  • Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): A U.S.-based think tank that analyzes global issues and foreign policy. While it may touch on urban development and climate change, its primary focus is on international relations.
  • Bilderberg Group: A private meeting of political leaders, business executives, and academics from Europe and North America. Its discussions are confidential, but it is often seen as a forum for networking and exchanging ideas.
  • Club of Rome: An independent non-profit organization that focuses on global issues, particularly those related to sustainability and the environment. While it has influenced global discussions on these topics, its direct involvement in C40 is not apparent.

That’s weird because they all discuss it at length on their websites except for The Bilderberg Group which is known for its secrecy. Attendee lists are not publicly disclosed, and discussions are confidential. Why? If saving the world is so important, why meet in secret?

According to Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist, author, and public intellectual. He is known for his work on psychology, philosophy, and cultural issues. Peterson has gained significant attention for his views on topics such as masculinity, postmodernism, and the meaning of life. He has written several best-selling books, including “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” and “Beyond the Beyond: How to Think About the Big Questions of Life.”

Peterson’s lectures and interviews have attracted a large following, and he is often seen as a controversial figure due to his outspoken views on various social and political issues.

According to Peterson, 40 of the biggest cities in the world have signed onto the C40 consortium. Their agenda? 1 short haul flight per person every 3 years. 95% reduction in automobile ownership. No meat consumption. 3 items of clothing a year. 

Sounds absurd right? It’s the truth, as even Gemini AI says it’s true:

Specific sacrifices can vary depending on individual circumstances and the policies implemented. However, here are some examples of potential sacrifices that might be required to combat climate change:

  • Transportation:
    • Giving up personal car ownership: This could involve relying on public transportation, biking, or walking for shorter distances.
    • Reducing air travel: This could mean choosing shorter vacations or opting for train or bus travel when possible.
  • Energy consumption:
    • Reducing home energy use: This could involve turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and installing insulation.
    • Giving up certain luxuries: This could include using less heating or cooling, reducing the use of electric vehicles, or forgoing the use of energy-intensive appliances like clothes dryers.
  • Diet:
    • Reducing meat consumption: This could involve eating less red meat and opting for plant-based protein sources.
    • Reducing food waste: This could involve composting food scraps and planning meals to avoid excess food.
  • Consumer habits:
    • Buying less: This could involve reducing unnecessary purchases and opting for secondhand or sustainable products.
    • Avoiding single-use plastics: This could involve bringing reusable bags, bottles, and utensils.

The implementation of climate change mitigation policies is ongoing and varies from country to country and even within regions. Many governments have already implemented various measures, such as:   

  • Renewable energy subsidies: Encouraging the adoption of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources.
  • Carbon pricing: Placing a price on carbon emissions to incentivize low-carbon practices.  
  • Energy efficiency standards: Setting standards for energy efficiency in buildings and appliances.  
  • Transportation policies: Promoting public transportation, cycling, and walking, and encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles.

However, the pace and scale of these efforts vary widely. Many countries are facing challenges in implementing ambitious climate policies, including economic concerns, political opposition, and technological limitations.

The timeline for fully implementing effective climate change mitigation policies depends on a number of factors, including global cooperation, technological advancements, and political will. While progress has been made, significant efforts are still needed to achieve the ambitious goals set by international agreements like the Paris Agreement.

The Paris Agreement, a landmark international agreement on climate change, sets a goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).   

While the agreement does not specify a specific deadline for achieving these goals, it calls for countries to submit their own national climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs) and to update them every five years. These NDCs outline each country’s commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

However, the effectiveness of these efforts depends on the ambition and implementation of individual countries’ NDCs. Many countries have set their own targets and timelines for achieving their climate goals, but the overall progress towards limiting global warming remains a significant challenge.

It’s important to note that the timeline for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement is not fixed. While the agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, scientists warn that exceeding this threshold could have severe consequences for the planet. As a result, there is a growing urgency to accelerate climate action and to achieve these goals as soon as possible.

There are 100 mayors that signed this agreement from Africa, Asia, Europe and America. The United States pledged Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, Nee York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Fransisco, Seattle and Washington DC. 

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding 15-Minute Cities and C40

The concept of 15-minute cities, which aim to create more walkable and sustainable urban environments, has been the subject of various conspiracy theories, often linked to the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. These theories often revolve around themes of government control, surveillance, and a reduction in individual freedoms.

Here are some common conspiracy theories associated with 15-minute cities and C40:

  • Government Control and Surveillance:
    • Digital Control: Conspiracy theorists often claim that 15-minute cities are a precursor to a digital surveillance state, where residents’ movements are tracked and controlled through technology like smart cities.
    • Economic Control: Some believe that these cities are designed to restrict economic activity outside of designated zones, limiting people’s choices and creating a more controlled environment.
  • Restriction of Freedoms:
    • Limited Travel: One common fear is that 15-minute cities will restrict people’s ability to travel freely,confining them to their neighborhoods.
    • Loss of Privacy: Conspiracy theorists often argue that the increased surveillance associated with 15-minute cities will erode personal privacy.
  • Globalist Agenda:
    • C40 Conspiracy: Some believe that the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is part of a globalist conspiracy to control populations and resources.
    • New World Order: The concept of 15-minute cities is often linked to the New World Order conspiracy theory, which posits that a global elite is working to establish a totalitarian government.

It’s important to note that these theories are largely unfounded and have been debunked by experts. The goal of 15-minute cities is to create more sustainable, livable urban environments, not to restrict freedoms or control populations.

In an article of the people’s voice, Baxter Dmitri sums it up great. The 15 minute city concept, the brainchild of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is becoming a reality in the United States with the city of Cleveland, Ohio signing up to the scheme and vowing to implement Klaus Schwab’s vision.

Critics of the 15 minute city concept claim that the elite are constructing open-air prisons in which residents will be walled in, figuratively and literally. And as we will see in a minute, there is plenty of evidence, including an admission from a city official, that “forced lockdowns of the future” are at the forefront of the elite’s 15 minute city agenda. 

Democrat Mayor Justin Bibb says he is determined to make Cleveland, Ohio the first 15-minute city in North America, introducing the concept to local residents and media during his State of the City speech in April last year. 

“We’re working toward being the first city in North America to implement a 15-minute city planning framework, where people—not developers, but people—are at the center of urban revitalization, because regardless of where you live, you have access to a good grocery store, vibrant parks, and a job you can get to,” Bibb said in the speech.

Residents of East Palestine, Ohio, which is an hour and a half away from Cleveland, have reported that they are being encouraged to move to Cleveland. Isn’t this also an hour away from East Palestine? Didn’t a major industrial pollution tragedy happen there recently?

Why are the elites trying to herd everyone into this zone? What’s waiting for them? We know the globalist elite have subscribed to the UN’s Agenda 21 which calls for the creation of “wild lands” and the concentration of populations into designated areas. And we know that Klaus Schwab is pushing the 15 minute city concept.

When other cities around the world have introduced 15-minute city proposals, they’ve faced onslaughts of protests, with residents concerned the elites are planning to wall them in and create the conditions for forced lockdowns. 

Which makes a lot of sense when you consider the story of Oxford, England, which is also moving towards complying with the WEF diktat and becoming a 15 minute city. So what are the elite really planning when it comes to these new city designs?

A city official in Oxford, England let the cat out of the bag when he declared that “climate lockdowns” have arrived and are here to stay “whether people like it or not” as Oxford announced residents must apply for permission from the government to move around the city.

Residents of Oxfordshire will now need a special permit to go from one “zone” of the city to another.  However, even residents who are granted a permit will only be allowed to travel from one zone to another “a maximum of 100 days per year.”

Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighborhoods.

Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.

Are residents of Oxfordshire actually going to put up with this?

Bill Gates was caught admitting the climate change agenda is a giant scam for the New World Order in a newly surfaced video in which he boasts that the term “clean energy”has “screwed up people’s minds.”

If we accept the concept of climate lockdowns, we will be falling for the scam.

I never thought that we would actually see climate lockdowns get implemented in the free world, but here we are.

Of course there are a few people that are loudly objecting to this new plan, but Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire CountyCouncil’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy, is pledging that “the controversial plan will go ahead whether people like it or not”.

The global elites have stopped pretending they believe in democracy.

This should come as no surprise, considering the nature of the rhetoric coming out of the World Economic Forum lately. They now consider themselves to be gods with “divine powers” over “creation and destruction.” As for God, he’s dead. And Jesus is “fake news.”

The WEF agenda is pure poison and the real-world consequences are playing out before our eyes. In the Netherlands, the government is actually forcibly shutting down up to 3,000 farms in order to comply with Klaus Schwab’s demands and “reduce its nitrogen pollution”

Farmers have been warned they must accept the government offer for their farm, whether they want to sell or not. 

“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, nitrogen minister, told the Dutch parliament on Friday.

These are gangster tactics. And yes, the WEF-infiltrated Dutch government now has a “nitrogen minister.”

We are battling an unprecedented global food crisis, and the Dutch government has decided that now is the time to forcibly shut down thousands of farms? This is literally suicidal.

Speaking of suicide, Canada has found a way to get people to stop emitting any carbon at all once their usefulness is over.  Assisted suicide has become quite popular among liberal Canadians, and the number of people choosing that option keeps growing year on year. According to a Daily Mail report:

Last year, more than 10,000 people in Canada – astonishingly that’s over three percent of all deaths there – ended their lives via euthanasia, an increase of a third on the previous year. And it’s likely to keep rising: next year, Canada is set to allow people to die exclusively for mental health reasons.”

If you are feeling depressed, Klaus Schwab’s Canada has a solution for that.

And if you are physically disabled, Canada has a solution for that too.

Only last week, a jaw-dropping story emerged of how, five years into an infuriating battle to obtain a stairlift for her home, Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier was offered an extraordinary alternative.

A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so ‘desperate’, the government would help her to kill herself. ‘I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAiD, medical assistance in dying,’ the paraplegic ex-army corporal testified to Canadian MPs.

“Medical assistance in dying” sounds so clinical, but ultimately it is the greatest lockdown of all. Because once you stop breathing, you won’t be able to commit any more “climate sins”. The WEF are infiltrating governments all over the western world and authoritarianism is growing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.

If they can forcibly shut down farms and build 15 minute cities that severely restrict travel today, what kind of tyranny will we see in the future? Sadly, most people in the general population still do not understand what is happening.

Now, how can we prove this is the agenda? By looking at each Mayor of each city and find out who paid for their campaigns. The world economic forum has a school for young leaders where they are groomed to be put into high positions. The Forum of Young Global Leaders was established in 2004 to unite outstanding next-generation leaders from around the world. 

The protocol of the learned elders of Zion said they will use liberalism, which they said was an unstable control mechanism to brainwash the masses through a godless form of an ideology without consequences or punishment. It’s no coincidence that district attorneys and sheriffs in those cities are part of the young global leaders and if not, were approached and groomed by one or their campaign was paid by this agenda. 

And is it for the greater good? The idea of sustainable living and protecting the earth is a good idea. I am all for it if the people have full control of it. But is that how it always ends up? The people have full discretion through democracy? If so, why every 4 years the party that loses says it was voter fraud. Both sides. Left and right. Is that a system of the people? If the people had a choice and trusted in the system, they would abide by the results. But we never were a democracy where the majority vote wins right? Isn’t that why we have an electoral college to make sure that dense populations don’t out-vote the smaller ones? Well, those get contested, too. Fraud is blamed there, too. But if we all trusted in our rules and they work, why are we divided and hate each other? Under a constitutional republic as the founding fathers intended on, this in theory, should work if there are checks and balances. 

But there is none. We can see it easily by corporate monopolies. Every city has a Home Depot and Lowe’s. Or Walmart and Albertsons. Yet one or two hospitals. This is the illusion of choice. Over the last 30 years, we have seen a decline in local owned businesses. A growing corporatocracy of fascism that has inched its way through middle class is here and eating up our ability to live on our own. 

Many have said the great awakening is here and that a select few are going to stop it. The evidence is bleak. Rumors, allegations and codes. I want to believe it, but my research found that the Tavistock Institute invented Q which is a psyop counterintelligence mission to keep patriots at bay. It worked, even through Covid. Not one group of real people actually stood up that were not part of the intelligence services. Evidence of this is everywhere due to sloppy work, but it didn’t matter. The people were distracted easily and controlled due to several factors. Drugs, low emf frequencies, entertainment, news and social media. 

What’s sad is, the global leaders can’t get to the top based on hard work and love. They have to manipulate us to get what they want. What sad little men who have to lie for a sale. Like Bill Gates and his cow flatulence alternative printed meat. This asshat has to trick you into getting his way. No wonder Melinda left him. What’s even more funny is they have a foundation that is trying to help mankind. Instead of giving money away, they invest it in renewable energy. While the billions go into research and development, billions starve. It’s not hard to see evil men and their quest for godhood. They are easy to spot. Bill wants to live forever and keep his riches. Good luck with that Billy! 

Smart cities aren’t just coming. They are already here. They’ve been quietly building the cities’ surveillance tech. Don’t believe me? Gemini AI told me. It can’t lie.

Smart city surveillance technology uses cameras and advanced technologies to monitor public spaces and improve safety in cities. This technology includes: 

  • Cameras
    Strategically placed cameras can monitor public spaces and provide real-time footage to law enforcement and other city representatives. 
  • AI and IoT
    Cameras can be equipped with AI algorithms that can detect and identify potential security threats, such as suspicious behavior, unauthorized access, or criminal activity. 
  • Video analytics
    Video analytics software can process video data to identify, classify, and index objects in video footage. 
  • 4G/5G technology
    4G/5G technology can provide a faster, more robust network to support quality video images. 
  • ANPR
    ANPR software can accurately identify license plate numbers, makes, models, and other distinguishing features. 

Smart city surveillance technology can help cities: Enhance safety, Optimize resource allocation, Facilitate effective decision-making, and Improve public safety and security.  It’s for your protection. Don’t you want to feel safe? You will be forced to feel safe.

C40 mentions Moscow on their website. “City leaders believe this regeneration project will not only improve the lives of Moscow’s urban dwellers, but increase the city’s prosperity. Their plans will aid the social and economic development of the city while also ensuring it can adapt to meet the challenges of the climate emergency.” “As part of the ambitious greening programme, in 2020 Moscow’s mayor Sergei Sobyanin decided to create 26 new protected natural areas covering 1800 hectares. When this project is complete, it will result in 136 protected areas covering a huge 19,5000 hectares – that’s 7.5% of Moscow’s entire territory. This will be expanded again in 2021 with plans to create an additional eight specially protected areas, covering 280 hectares.”

Sergei Sobyanin just so happens to be on the world economic forum list in 2011 in Davos. I provide proof in my links below. China actually has more cities than all the rest of c40 countries. The irony is China doesn’t follow any pollution policies that the United Nations gives them as they continue to be the highest polluter ever. The point is, the world economic forum since 2004 has had their hands on so many people that are now in big positions worldwide to implement climate change initiatives. It’s not stopping, even though the finance leaders say globalization is dead. Yet C40 is alive and well and so are 100 cities worldwide who have signed the pledge to lower carbon emissions worldwide by 2%. All in the name of saving Mother Earth but in reality it’s just a new tax and control mechanism. All they need is a catalyst event like a meteor to hit and everything will align nicely.


Cities Archive – C40 Cities

WEF Official Admits ’15-Minute Cities’ Will Imprison Humanity in ‘Forever Lockdowns’ – The People’s Voice

Young Global Leaders | World Economic Forum

Annual Meetings:



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