There are two 13 bloodlines familes totaling 26 that have full control over all countries, governments, corporations and armies. The 13 Jesuit Zorastrian Bloodlines and the 13 Illuminati bloodlines. The Jesuits are on top with the two that trade power every 500 years. The Orsini & Breakspeare families. Currently the grey pope is Dominico Napoleone Orsini who is the most powerful man in this planet. The illuminati is not Zorastrian.

Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that may have originated as early as 4,000 years ago, also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin, is an Iranian religion. Among the world’s oldest organized faiths, it is based on the teachings of Iranian prophet Zarathustra—commonly known by his Greek name Zoroaster—as set forth in the primary religious text called the Avesta

Beliefs. At its core, Zoroastrianism emphasizes a never-ending battle between good and evil — a contest between the religion’s God, Ahura Mazda, and an evil spirit, Ahriman. Believers have the freedom to make good or bad choices; they were exhorted by Zoroaster to think good thoughts, say good words and do good deeds.

Zarathushtra Spitama[c] more commonly known as Zoroaster[d] or Zarathustra, was an Iranian religious reformer who challenged the tenets of the contemporary Ancient Iranian religion, becoming the spiritual founder of Zoroastrianism. Variously described as either a sage, and/or a wonderworker; in the oldest Zoroastrian scriptures, the Gathas, which he is believed to have authored, he is described as a preacher and a poet-prophet.[h][10] He also had an impact on Heraclitus, Plato, Pythagoras, and the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

He spoke an Eastern Iranian language, named Avestan by scholars after the corpus of Zoroastrian religious texts written in that language. Based on this, it is tentative to place his homeland somewhere in the eastern regions of Greater Iran (perhaps in modern-day Afghanistan or Tajikistan), but his exact birthplace is uncertain.

His life is traditionally dated to sometime around the 7th and 6th centuries BC, making him a contemporary of Cyrus the Great, though most scholars, using linguistic and socio-cultural evidence, suggest a dating to somewhere in the second millennium BC. Zoroastrianism eventually became Iran’s most prominent religion from around the 6th century BC, enjoying official sanction during the time of the Sassanid Empire, until the 7th century AD, when the religion itself began to decline following the Arab-Muslim conquest of Iran. Zoroaster is credited with authorship of the Gathas as well as the Yasna Haptanghaiti, a series of hymns composed in Old Avestan that cover the core of Zoroastrian thinking. Little is known about Zoroaster; most of his life is known only from these scant texts.[11] By any modern standard of historiography, no evidence can place him into a fixed period and the historicization surrounding him may be a part of a trend from before the 10th century AD that historicizes legends and myths.

At one time, the land of Prussia (now Germany) had the largest army and were trying to dominate Europe. Their religion was Pagansim thus worshippers of Baal and Molech under different names offering their children for sacrifice but their belief system to cover up their barbarism, was Zorastrianism. They managed to anger Russia who destroyed their army, and history records they were told to choose a different religion, so they chose Judaism. Some of the Prussia dynasty had ancestry from Iran and Turkey thus became modern day Zionists. They were not middle eastern but white and are the current Jews that control the banking systems. They mixed their paganism zorastrianism with Judaism and called it Khabalism. With their bible the Talmud, they worship an angry god that demands perfection and worship. They believe that doing harm is good for people and their god tells them for their evil will be replaced with great rewards. More on that later.

The Iranian Prussian dynasties were short lived after the war with Russia and were kicked out of their country which later became Germany. They became controllers of societies and organizations instead of a country and married into all of Europe’s richest familes to slowly gain control and power again. But this time without a country as their plan for a new world order would be to control countries using money and have nothing to attack. They became what is called the Khazars of Turkey but were scattered all over Europe but worked out of Germany and Italy underground. The Khazars started the Society of Jesus which was the original secret society that spawned The Knights Templar. The Zorastrians seem to have it all together, but they don’t. They hijack familes and businesses that they never built and band together under their bloodline for support. They all have one thing in common and that they all agree and worship the same deity. Lucifer the light bearer. They believe Satan tried to free man from the bondage of a King and will do whatever Satan requests. They are the most loyal and first Satan asks for favors.

The Zorastrians carry the blood of the Caananites. The Caananites are descendants of Cain who killed his brother Abel. The sons of Cain believe they are marked for rulership due to the Bible mentioned God marked Cain to not be harmed. They believe anyone with the blood is favored by the angel of light and they try their best to keep the blood as pure as they can. The purest blood is at the top of the chain of command. They have in their posessioon the supposed sacred texts of the hidden knowledge of good and evil. They also have the writings of King Solomon who controlled both Angels and Demons. Their secret societies recruit anyone who believes in a higher power and will not allow anyone to ascend to power in their group unless they prove they can be trusted with the truth. The beauty part of their scheme is they don’t even have the real truth of the hidden ancient mysteries. Yes, they found the ancient mystic texts and have them kept well guarded, but they are encrypted and not easily decipherable. They believe their God will return to Earth and do it for them. They all get ready for the return of the Annunaki that they learned about from their ancestors. They are known as the keepers of knowledge, the watchers and the fallen angels. All religions point to these entities as the ones who left their estate to become God’s themselves.

The watchers are liars. They are inter-demnsional beings that have trouble showing themselves or manifesting in our world without pulling energy from us. This is their excuse to be Gods to us. Although the truth is it is the other way around. We are their Gods but they will not admit it. They hope people will continue to believe in them in order to feed off our energy as their world is void of it. The book of 1 Enoch explains their relationship with man. At one time, they did have the energy to manifest and be gods over us. There are hundreds of books written about them. But something happened that wiped out their control over mankind. All religions pointed to this event known as the great flood. The bloodlines believe they were told that when the watchers come back with full power, they will run the world and they will be their gods. Every year they look to the heavens for the signs of their return. The Vatican that is controlled by these people have a telescope called Lucifer that watches their planet every day. It’s called Nibiru or Planet X. The familes believe we are now at the right time for the return of their gods. 

December 26 marks the Zorastrian holiday. It commemorates the death anniversary of Zoroaster (also known as Zarathushtra), the prophet of ancient Iran. It is mostly a day of prayer, ritual, and reflection on the life of Zarathushtra and one’s own life. Usually, the hymns of the Gathas are read, studied, and discussed with other Zoroastrians and folks feast together to celebrate the life of Zarathushtra. Their next holiday is March 20 of 2026. The Persian New Year. One of the most important holy days for Zoroastrians. The return of the spring was seen to have great spiritual significance, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and joy over sorrow. Believers clean and decorate their homes in honor of the New Year. They visit the Fire Temple to worship, visit relatives and friends, and enjoy special foods and rituals. Many other traditions also observe it, including Bahá’ís, Sufis, and some Muslims.

Rather than fading from relevance, the values of this ancient festival – from taking a yearly reset to connecting with nature in a precarious time – are now more important than ever.

It’s the season of Nowruz, the annual 13-day festival that marks the start of spring, and millions of people all over the world with roots in the former Persian Empire are celebrating.

Persia, anchored in modern-day Iran, once stretched from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east to Egypt and the Balkan Peninsula in the west, and it left behind an enduring cultural legacy that includes this vibrant celebration. Despite Nowruz dating back 3,500 years, celebrants believe that rather than fading from relevance, the lessons of Nowruz – from taking a yearly reset to valuing family to connecting with nature in a precarious time – are now more important than ever.

Nowruz was originally a Zoroastrianism holiday, part of the ancient monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zoroaster in approximately 500 BCE. In the time of the Persian Empire (roughly 559-331 BCE), the rulers of all of the subject countries were summoned at Nowruz to bring gifts and pay homage to the king at Persepolis, the ruins of which remain in the Iranian city of Shiraz. In this way, the kings could show the ancestors that they were prospering, something that remains an important aspect of the holiday.

Zoroastrianism remained the official state religion of the Persian Empire for centuries until the Arab conquest around 632 CE, after which it became Muslim. But Nowruz was firmly established, and even under Islamic rule it remained, evolving over time into a secular holiday celebrated by all faiths, including Christians, Jews and Muslims. Today, Iran, along with Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and other countries once under Persian influence, observe Nowruz, as well as diaspora communities in North America, Europe and elsewhere around the world.

As these traditions have spread, Nowruz has been welcomed into the Western mainstream. Last year, Disney released an animation of Mickey Mouse explaining Nowruz. Major American publications regularly feature Nowruz food stories and recipes. And the travelling dance party Disco Tehran, fuelled by its popularity in Los Angeles and New York, will hold Nowruz bashes this year in Berlin, Paris and London.

Nowruz, which means “new day” in Persian, starts at the moment of the spring equinox when the sun passes over the equator on its way north. This year, it kicks off on 20 March at 06:36 in Tehran and 03:06 in London, and on 19 March at 23:06 in New York.

Nowruz customs around the world have unique traits. In Afghanistan, people eat a dessert made of seven different dried fruits and nuts soaked in syrup called mewa. In Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, vessels are placed around the house and filled with water before the clock strikes the new year. And in Afghanistan, riders on horseback play the national sport buzkashi, similar to polo but using the body of a goat instead of a ball.

Many people have asked me who is the cabal. They think it’s the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Duponts and those other well known names, but they work underneath the real people or should I say entities. The controllers will not have their names and faces anywhere on contracts or records. This is to keep them shielded from danger and being outted. These are the The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati. The Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines of the Greek Hellenistic period are the Orsini, Breakspear, Aldobrandini, Farnese and Somaglia families. These are the top 5 that give orders to the below for the next 100 years. They were bred for it like unblemished animals. These families are the Jesuit Order and they control the Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights whom are all housed in a missile bunker protected under a street in Rome called Borgo Santo Spirito. Pepe Orsini of Italy and Henry Breakspear of China are the two most powerful men in the world above the 5 families. Henry Breakspear is over 200 years old (some say he’s the wandering Jew named Cartaphilus who taunted Jesus at his crucifixion and forced to live until the second coming) whom faked his death in 1871 and is ready to do the same thing again. Rumor is Henry speaks directly to Satan for orders and gives them to Pepe during a heavily guarded ritual secret. They are the duality in keeping order as their religion calls for order out of chaos. Pepe is the good one while Henry is the bad one. Pepe will ignore an order if he feels it’s too evil. Both Pepe and Henry despise the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits which in revelations talks about wanting to destroy their own puppets. Orsini and Breakspear are the families of the watchers that saw the daughters of men and chose wives among them. They (Pepe and Henry) are the actual fallen angels Enoch talks about that pleaded with the lord for mercy. They are called the watchers of Satanail. Samyaza and Azazel. They were the two first to be appointed watchers of earth by Jehovah. 

The story goes, 200 fallen angels made a pact together to rule the earth and fell from heaven as mentioned in Genesis 6 and the in book of Enoch. 22 of them taught mankind about metallurgy, cosmetics, astrology, chemistry and agriculture. This was the ancient technology of old and how mankind was able to build impossible structures with the help of their offspring giants called the nephilim. For some reason, Samyaza and Azazel were not sent to live in chains under the river Euphrates after judgment. They escaped punishment and have been orchestrating empires ever since for Satan. Their abilities are shapeshifting, conjuring lightening or energy, astroprojecting, possessing and are the keepers of the keys of Solomon. That is the knowledge of good and evil. There are no keys. The knowledge is understanding the boundaries of what the lord in heaven has setup where you can do evil but not be held accountable to it. This is how King Solomon conjured demons to do his will and still went to heaven. Solomon found the grey area by using his god given gift of wisdom. 

The Vatican and the The Jesuits are just puppets to the demigods. Pepe Orsini came from the Phoenician, Egyption, Babylonian, Roman Papal Bloodline of the Maximus family. He is the Grey Pope. Grey symbolizes meeting in between good and evil. The black pope does evil while the white pope does good and the grey orchestrates it. Grey on top. Black and white on bottom. Pepe or Samyaza and all of his personal information including his wife has been and is kept private or hidden. Even his net worth. His family history dates back to five popes meaning he is the successor to five other grey popes who all shared the same name. He is the king maximus of the cludias clan and hailed as the 13th blood line illuminated. He chairs the council of 13 as the horned rat towering over the land of scaven manipulating the scaves under the unique guise of the other 12 members. He resides in the Vatican and controls the military for over 125 countries. He controls all their hospitals, medical examiners, police, secret service, homeland security, the cdc , FEMA, the who, the red cross, and even the United Nations. Pepe is a fallen angel.

They are the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind who were mid-evil rival parties at one time in Germany and Italy who told what the papal and Roman empires to do back then. Broadly speaking, Guelphs tended to come from wealthy mercantile families, whereas Ghibellines were predominantly those whose wealth was based on agricultural estates. But they were just two fake rivals dividing and conquering. Azazel and Samyaza. Underneath these families are the The Cecil family who are controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than King Charles the third for example. The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline of the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UK HQ at 114 Mount Street. Pallavicini funded Elizabeth I with an astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish. That’s how Azazel got control over Britain. 

David Rothschild married into the Aldobrandini family by boinking Princess Olimpia. This is how the Rockefellers accrued their wealth. The second most powerful man (actually an entity) in the world is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau, China. Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India because they see the shift in power from the west to the east. It is argued they orchestrated this move after they bankrupted and exhausted the west’s resources. Although conjecture, it seems like a lot of work to move sides. The problem with the two demigods or watchers is that when Jesus rose from the dead, he took the keys of death. Samyaza and Azazel or as you may know them as Baal and Molech, require blood sacrifice to gain power over man. They or any other fallen angel cannot kill or murder any man or woman on earth. They rely solely on man to kill for them. This is their weakness. If any of the bloodline families turn from their commands, they can only make a magical scene but cannot hurt them. Just scare them into compliance. But the inbreds don’t know this because Samyaza and Azazel keep them far away from this truth.

I’ve named above the top 5 families. Here is the true list of the most evil families in earth. These families are part of the heiarchy of control to achieve the Tower of Babel once again. House of Borja. House of Breakspeare. House of Somaglia. House of Orsini. House of Conti. House of Chigi. House of Colonna. House of Farnese. House of Medici. House of Gaetani. House of Pamphili. House of Este and lastly the House of Aldobrandini.

So to sum up. Lucifer is the all seeing eye and his son is the capstone. They both dwell in another dimension called hell or hades. They are at the top and strategically plan all earthly activities for one goal and that is a new world order. Samyaza and Azazel are his demigod earth rulers whom report directly to Satan. As above so below. Their families Orsini and Breakspear all possess the bloodline of Cain from the Cain and Abel story in Genesis. Cain was given a mark by God to deem him untouchable by other men. This mark is shrouded in the dna and is guarded at all cost. Samyaza and Azazel do not have dna and are fallen angels whom will live forever. They keep the bloodlines safe and manipulate the goyim (that’s us) dna. The reason they do this is to make man after Satan’s own image and remove Jesus’ mark. Satan, formerly known as Lucifer is not a man nor a woman. He has no reproductive organs. He’s the strongest of all the fallen ones. These three entities will live forever and trick man into obeying them. The top 2 families rule the top 5. The 5 rule the last 8. They all are kept secret and remain ghosts as they put the television actors as the front to escape any persecution. 

The rise of Osiris is the freemasonic symbol X. Elon Musk purchased for this main reason. Osiris was an important Egyptian god who represented the underworld, death, resurrection, and the Nile’s annual floods, which were vital for the country’s agricultural fertility. His name comes from the Egyptian word Usir, which means “powerful” or “mighty”. This is the rising sun or phoenix. It’s been going on ever since the 4 fallen watchers were released from bondage under the river Euphrates in 1946 thanks to L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons who performed Aleister Crowley’s Babylon awakening ritual. After the rite was finished, in came artificial intelligence algorithms and the understanding of antigravity. The fallen watchers had no way of placing their spirit in a human body with full control. While they perfect this black magic, they currently are using machines to transfer their thoughts from the fourth dimension. By using quantum computers that use entanglement, the super computers can communicate with the spirits. This eliminates the need for seances, rituals and spells to manifest their presence using ancient incantations. 

The whole world is ready for Osiris, who has many other names like Apollyon or Apollo. The last time this entity rose to power on the earth was 500 years after the creation of Adam or 5500 bc according to some Egyptologists via Wikipedia. The return of Osiris is referred to the Orange revival, Orange flame or orange man. The zorastrian families that control the west are the orange family. Osiris’ death led to the cutting up of his body into 14 pieces. Isis found out and found 13 pieces and sewed them back together. The one piece that is missing was his penis which is the obelisk located all around the western cities that people worship. Osiris’ penis was eaten by fish and this is the Vatican fish helmets representing them eating Osiris’ phallus for his power. the Bible mentions Osiris as the first world empire of Babel later known as Babylon. The left eye of Osiris or Ra is the all seeing eye found on the one dollar note. Horus, Osiris’ son lost his left eye battling Seth. Some believe this was the battle between archangel Michael and Lucifer during the war in heaven as Lucifer lost an eye.

The eye sits on top of the pyramid representing the completed piece that has been missing since the watchers were bound by God according to 1 Enoch. The eye is the sign of prosperity and protection. The west worshipped Osiris and has been trying to build Babylon back from the dead. The central bankers of the west, with the help of the Orsini’s have been in full control of the west since the year 1500 when the Breakspears were defeated by the Orsini popes. The Spanish Inquisition was about getting rid of Protestants whom veered off of Catholic control. The X or ankh symbol means the old world is dead and the new world is rising up. The new world will be under the control of the Breakspears family who represent the east. They have built the final central bank system for the last of the countries that have defied the new order. BRICS will put the East under full control of the Jesuits and this is the final move to announce Osiris has returned. Putin wears a Jesuit bracelet. Xi is under the Breakspear command. And Islam’s Ayatollah is controlled by Russia who reports to the society of Jesus. The west will lose the next war. On purpose. This is to complete the wealth transfer from the west to the east or the house of the rising sun. A well orchestrated magic show that brings order out of chaos. The world appears to be showing a power struggle back and forth but this is just an illusion. The last country that tried to take out the Orsini family was Germany in world war 1. Germany enlisted help from the fallen angels which gave them technology and quantum physics. The problem they had was trying to cast Satan out of Satan. The fallen ones used them because the Orsini black magic angels turned on Germany with the father of lies. Germany then was used for world war 2 to develop technology to help usher in the breeding program of the nephilim and build the antigravity ships to fly them around. Osiris, Isis, Thoth, Seth and all other gods were nothing more than the watchers. They can only watch from their spirit realm or 4D. They need man to participate in their schemes to be like the most high. The only way a spirit can function in 3D is through technology and we know through cern and quantum computers, they are getting orders on a daily basis. 

There is still time to get your home in order before the return of the king. History shows Osiris was living and kind while his rival Set was fearful, devious, full of envy and hate, sterile and never at peace. Both Osiris and Set are portrayed as good and evil. Both who control duality on earth. This is how the Orsini and Breakspear family rule. One is nice and the other is mean. Apparently, the Breakspear family is due to reign in the east and their love and compassion is a setup. The whole world will worship the leader they choose to put the capstone on the top of the pyramid. Through this body, whether it is human or inter-dimensional, will offer and show peace for 3 1/2 years after world war 3. Then after that, their true colors show and will war with the people for 3 1/2 years for the final depopulation agenda bringing humanity down to 500 million. Now listen to me. I don’t care if you are not religious or believe in the supernatural. The people who now have complete control of the world do. They have been planning this since the year 1,000. It’s been going smoothly ever since. They fooled all of us through science and religion. You have been under their mind control operations ever since birth and the only way to break free of their control is to look for the answers inside of yourself.


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