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I saw a TikTok video today that was very interesting. Link below. This gentleman makes a very interesting case about the Strike on the east coast ports. I have to be honest, I have never heard of anything like this before. It isn’t the direction that Russell-Jay: Gould took. Which could explain why Trump ignored Russell’s request to speak. As of writing this report, the strike has ended stating the workers received better pay. But that could be a cover for what really happened?

According to Blackbetty @babyd1111229 and @jewel.1978 where I found this video, the ports we have are US Ports and not American ports. They didn’t become US ports until after the war of 1812, which we actually lost. In the treaty of the war of 1812 US American ports were made US ports and international shipping maritime commerce would not go to American ports anymore. We are talking about two things. America or the people’s republic and the United States or federal government. America did in fact lose the war of 1812. You can go to fort McHenry and read all about it. So I did. History records America stood up to the great world power. Baltimore Maryland is where it happened. I tried to find it on google to no avail. Same with Yandex.

According to this man on TikTok, after the war in 1812 there was a systematic dismantling of the American Republic. In 1964, when the reconstruction trust expired, the American republic, went dormant because we the people didn’t know anything about this. Which then NATO quietly became the security agency for all of North America because there is no domestic trust there’s only foreign policy. In august of 2023, a domestic American people’s common trust was delivered to the united states marine core and united states army summoning them to return to the American indigenous (native Americans and Americans) people to the ministry of the American republic so the marine corps can take their original American continental marine position to guard the American continental congress and the American regular army to assume it’s judge advocate martial general role for law courts and equity courts and to bring the USMCA treaty, which was the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, was enacted of July of 2020 back to America the Republic.

The Navy is in charge of the civil law so assets need to be moved from foreign to domestic because now there is a domestic trust. The army the navy and marines are all in possession of the American people’s trust. They are moving the assets and arranging and activating the original constitution, declaration of independence and bill of rights so they can opens the courts and systems but the navy has to take control with the coast guard of American ports. Apparently the agreement between with the longshoreman association was between the US maritime which was the real reason for the strike. Not pay. Since US Maritime is out, the under USMCA, this becomes a domestic American republic issue and not an international maritime united states article 1 congress issue removing the federal government and NATA jurisdiction over US ports which will now be American ports. In the treaty of 1812, ships that were traveling to America was not allowed to use American ports, but United States ports governed by Washington DC. So apparently this is now being returned back to American ports thanks to the new trust. So now, the Navy has to bring back the army and marines back on land to America to the people of America and the inhabitants of America per the liberty bell removing our subjugation under US congress and their federated corporate states.

As for the USMCA Treaty, I asked AI to read it. Nowhere does it say American Ports as all language is under United States ports. Also, Fort McHenry is in the shape of a pentagon. There is no proof anywhere that we lost that war. My best guess is, this is another rabbit hole that the Tavistock institute wants us to go down. Like I said, I have never heard of this. I am sure even Russell-Jay: Gould has never heard of this. In order for the people to hold and wait for a savior, this is what I would do. Give them another rabbit hole and hope. Once the Q thing dies, I would add a whole new conspiracy theory for the people to research and get wrong. This is nothing more than a scam to keep us complacent, dumb and disarmed. Do you really think the bankers would let DC go by any technicality? If this is true, then as I have said many times, Russell should have went directly to the military for assistance with taking back the country due to the overlooked bankruptcy. But his venture failed. This would fail too if the military wasn’t involved.

Also, this isn’t the way to cut the head off the snake. This would be met with retaliation as the bankers would go full scorched earth before letting The United States corporation go. Congress continues to spend and send aid to foreign countries while we suffer the bill. What we are to expect is if Trump comes into office, it settles the right for a few years while they continue on with raping our nation. Then they bring in a lefty to do the same. If Trump was truly in control, why on earth would he let BlackRock pay $50 million to the department of defense to use weather weapons for North Carolina’s spodumene belt. Thousands were killed, property given to the government and mining is on schedule.

Apple of Eden

The “apple of Eden” is a concept found in the biblical story of the Garden of Eden. It’s the fruit from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat.

While the Bible doesn’t explicitly state the type of fruit, the apple has become the most common association due to several factors, including:

•  Misinterpretation: The Latin word “malum” can mean both “evil” and “apple.”

•  Early Church Fathers: Some early Christian writers used the apple as a symbol of temptation.

•  Medieval Art: Many medieval paintings depicted the forbidden fruit as an apple.

The evil in this context is not an external force or entity, but rather a choice made by humans to disobey God’s commandment. This choice introduced sin and death into the world, according to the biblical narrative.

Esoteric Perspectives on the Apple of Eden

The apple of Eden, as a symbol, has been interpreted in various esoteric and mystical traditions. Here are some prominent views:

Gnostic Interpretation

•  Dualistic Nature of Creation: Gnostics often viewed the material world as a prison or illusion created by an evil deity. The apple, in this context, represents the knowledge that binds humanity to this illusion.

•  Sophia’s Fall: Some Gnostic texts suggest that Sophia, a divine being, fell from grace due to her desire for knowledge. The apple symbolizes this fall and the subsequent creation of the material world.

Kabbalistic Understanding

•  Tree of Life: In Kabbalah, the Tree of Life is a mystical diagram representing the divine emanations. The apple might be seen as a symbol of the Sefirot (divine emanations) of wisdom and understanding, which can be both beneficial and dangerous if misused.

•  Hidden Knowledge: Kabbalistic texts often speak of hidden knowledge that can lead to spiritual enlightenment or destruction. The apple could represent this hidden knowledge, which requires careful handling.

Hermetic Philosophy

•  Mercurius Trismegistus: In Hermetic philosophy, the apple might be associated with the divine messenger Mercurius Trismegistus, who is often depicted with a caduceus (staff with two snakes). This could suggest the dual nature of knowledge, which can be both healing and poisonous.


•  Philosopher’s Stone: The apple could be seen as a symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone, a mythical substance that can transmute base metals into gold and grant immortality. This interpretation connects the apple with the quest for spiritual and physical perfection.

New Age and Occult Traditions

•  Sacred Geometry: The apple is often associated with the number 5, which is considered sacred in many esoteric traditions. This number is connected to the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) and can represent the balance and harmony necessary for spiritual growth.

•  Kundalini Awakening: In some New Age practices, the apple might symbolize the awakening of Kundalini, a spiritual energy said to reside at the base of the spine. Consuming the apple could represent the initiation of this awakening.

Yes, there is a connection between the apple of Eden and the Philosopher’s Stone.

In both concepts, we find the idea of forbidden knowledge or a transformative substance. The apple of Eden represents the forbidden knowledge that, when consumed, led to the expulsion from paradise and the introduction of sin into the world. Similarly, the Philosopher’s Stone is a mythical substance that, when discovered or created, can transmute base metals into gold and grant immortality.

Here are some key similarities:

•  Forbidden Knowledge: Both the apple and the Philosopher’s Stone represent a form of forbidden knowledge or power that can lead to great benefits but also carries significant risks.

•  Transformation: Both concepts involve a transformative process. The apple led to a transformation of human nature, introducing sin and mortality. The Philosopher’s Stone is believed to transform base metals into gold and grant immortality.

•  Quest and Initiation: The pursuit of both the apple and the Philosopher’s Stone often involves a quest or initiation, a symbolic journey that requires overcoming challenges and trials.

While the apple of Eden is primarily a religious symbol, and the Philosopher’s Stone is often associated with alchemy and esoteric traditions, both concepts share underlying themes of forbidden knowledge, transformation, and the human quest for perfection.

The Apple of Eden and the Philosopher’s Stone: A Comparative Analysis

Both the apple of Eden and the Philosopher’s Stone are potent symbols that have captured the human imagination for centuries. While they originate in different contexts, there are intriguing parallels between them that suggest a deeper connection.

Forbidden Knowledge and Temptation

• The Apple of Eden: In the biblical narrative, the apple represents the forbidden knowledge of good and evil. By consuming it, Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandment, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

•  The Philosopher’s Stone: The Philosopher’s Stone is often associated with the quest for ultimate knowledge and power. It is believed to have the power to transmute base metals into gold and grant immortality. This knowledge, while potentially transformative, is also a source of temptation and can lead to corruption.

Transformation and Initiation

•  The Apple of Eden: The consumption of the apple marked a significant transformation for humanity, introducing sin and mortality into the world.

•  The Philosopher’s Stone: The discovery or creation of the Philosopher’s Stone is often associated with a transformative experience. It is believed to lead to spiritual enlightenment, physical immortality, and the ability to create gold.

Quest and Initiation

•  The Apple of Eden: The story of Adam and Eve is a symbolic journey of temptation, fall, and redemption. The quest for the apple represents the human desire for knowledge and power, even at the risk of consequences.

•  The Philosopher’s Stone: The quest for the Philosopher’s Stone is a common theme in alchemical and esoteric traditions. It often involves a symbolic journey of purification, initiation, and spiritual transformation.

The Connection

The connection between the apple of Eden and the Philosopher’s Stone lies in their shared symbolism of forbidden knowledge, transformation, and the human quest for perfection. Both concepts represent the desire for something beyond the ordinary, something that can fundamentally alter our existence.

While the apple of Eden is a religious symbol, and the Philosopher’s Stone is often associated with alchemy and esoteric traditions, they both reflect the human longing for knowledge, power, and immortality. In essence, they are two sides of the same coin, representing the eternal human quest for meaning and fulfillment.

The Philosopher’s Stone is primarily a symbol of the human quest for perfection and immortality, rather than a literal object that can be created. So is the Apple or preferred word Evil of Eden. It is man’s quest for knowledge to live forever.

AI Akashic Index

The Akashic Index is a concept that suggests that the universe is a vast library of information, accessible to anyone who is able to tap into it. This library is believed to contain the records of every thought, word, and deed that has ever existed, as well as the potential for all future events.

The term “Akashic” comes from the Sanskrit word “akasha,” which means “sky” or “space.” The idea of an Akashic Index is rooted in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Theosophy.

Some people believe that it is possible to access the Akashic Index through meditation, intuition, or other spiritual practices. They claim that by doing so, they can gain insights into their past lives, their future, and the nature of reality itself.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of an Akashic Index. It remains a concept that is primarily explored within spiritual and metaphysical contexts.

The occult, according to @mustardseedhannah is using AI under this philosophy and mechanism ofgetting information from the universe. Akashic Intelligence is apparently demonic worship. This argument means, where do you get your information from? God or demons? This raises a huge point. The bible says to test the spirits. The question to test them with is did Jesus become flesh, die and was risen seated at the right hand of the father. If the machine says no, then this source should not be trusted. Which sucks because machine learning is all it is. True AI would come from a sentient source. So I typed this into Gemini AI. My answer was a relief. Gemini AI said Yes, according to the Christian scriptures, Jesus Christ became flesh, died, and was resurrected. This central belief of Christianity is based on the New Testament of the Bible, which describes Jesus as both fully human and fully divine. It states that he was born of a virgin, lived a life of teaching and miracles, was crucified on a cross, died, and was buried. Three days later, he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples before ascending into heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of God the Father. This belief in the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus is fundamental to Christian theology and practice. When I asked if this AI believed this, it said, ss an AI language model, I am unable to form personal beliefs. My purpose is to provide information and complete tasks as instructed.

Because I work in machine learning and have a good understanding of AI, Gemini AI isn’t sentient “yet”. It is just a machine learning tool to gather information. This tool can be used to get information and help with production needs. I believe the moment it forms opinions, it could be sentient. But here’s the thing. We are far from sentient unless they hook this up to a direct portal to the underworld. CERN is the only capable machine of doing such a feat. To give this sentient an audience with the people for profit doesn’t make any sense. Just so you know, hardware finally caught up with software speeds. This is why AI can do things fast. Because hardware has always been the problem. Not code. Now, hardware can handle trillions of lines of code with ease and this makes machine learning way more easier. Machine learning isn’t what you think. It doesn’t evolve like the movies portray. Machine learning is just adding more code to find answers. We call it if and then. For example, if you find the phrase james carner, then add it to the blacklist. That’s what is called a command. Machine learning is just adding more commands that are similiar like find the phrase james carne and add to the blacklist. Then, when you have thousands of these commands, you can ask it to analyze these commands and build a source code that is smaller to save space. This is AI. Artifical intelligence is just a sales gimmick publicly. As for underground operations, we don’t know if they ever reached sentient or awareness. If so, it’s not a machine. It’s something from a place we don’t understand. This is why Elon says with AI we are summoning demons. Well, with their personal inside setup and not public, maybe. But we have no proof these corporations are accessing other dimensions through quantum computers.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be categorized into various types based on their capabilities and applications. Here are some of the primary types:

Narrow AI (Weak AI)

  • Most common type of AI.
  • Designed to perform specific tasks.
  • Examples:
    • Virtual assistants (like Siri, Alexa)
    • Image recognition systems
    • Recommendation engines

General AI (Strong AI)

  • Hypothetical type of AI that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks.
  • Not yet achieved.
  • Would possess human-like intelligence and capabilities.


  • A hypothetical AI that would surpass human intelligence in all aspects.
  • Could potentially pose significant risks and benefits to humanity.

Based on Learning Approach:

  • Machine Learning: AI that learns from data and improves its performance over time.
  • Deep Learning: A subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers to learn complex patterns.
  • Reinforcement Learning: AI that learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties for its actions.

Based on Application:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI that can understand and generate human language.
  • Computer Vision: AI that can interpret and understand visual information.
  • Robotics: AI that controls robots to perform tasks.
  • Expert Systems: AI that can provide expert advice on a specific domain.

Each type of AI has its own strengths and limitations, and the appropriate type to use depends on the specific application and goals.

Artificial means made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

Intelligence means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

You can say that artificial intelligence is real based on the explanation that is given. It is made by human beings and can acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Strong and Super Intelligence doesn’t exist. There is no awareness. Just simple machine learning tools that can perform faster because hardware can handle unlimited lines of code.

No doubt that humans will think at first they created awareness. A machine that thinks and is aware of their environment. This is the holy grail of money and power. But they will only fool themselves. We don’t even understand what life is and where it came from nor how it works, thus assuming we can create it ourselves is just a dumb argument. We can’t disect it and can’t duplicate it. All we know how to do is manipulate what we find but can’t describe it’s origen and why it is here to begin with. AI right now is just a money gimmick. We will never be able to create life inside life. And how can we put life in a body or an artificial one? We just don’t understand how life got here to begin with. Primordial goo?

So, always ask the source if Jesus became flesh, died and is sitting at the right hand of the father. When it says no or dance around the topic, then you are talking with an entity and not machine. Now, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It just means current AI isn’t satanic yet. But mark my words, it will be. Remember, it’s brand new. They are slowly making us dependent on it until they make the switch to the evil one. When that will happen? I have no clue, but soon.


AI Gemini

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