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During the dark ages and renaissance, there were two families that were fighting each other. The Guelphs and Ghibellines. The Guelphs are the German House of Este (Hanovers) in Italy. The Ghibellines were under the German House of Hohenstaufen and Spanish house of Somaglia in Italy (Visconti di Modrone). The Este family come from Phoenician roots and the Somaglia family had Persian roots (all from the same era, however). The Este family appears to have adopted the Khazarians, who are the Talmudic jews from Prussia, Iran and Turkey. This is where the rumors of “jews control the world” comes from. But the jews don’t control the world. And to say the Khazarians control the families is a lie, too.
The Guelphs and Ghibellines families have controlled the Catholic Church back and forth since the death of Peter, the Apostle. Although one family is stronger than the other, it is only because once a pope is brought in by either the Guelphs or Ghibellines, thus the other families join in to keep their power. Right now, the Ghibellines families are the Breakspear and Borja houses. We are told by numerous websites that the Orsini and Breakspeare family are the ones who are in control. There is some evidence to support Dominico Napoleone Orisni as the grey pope, which is apparently the leader of all families and The Society of Jesus. But this isn’t the whole story. It’s simply not true.
And, there is little evidence to support that Henry Breakspeare is the other leader of the old power that lost control around the time of the Spanish Inquisition. The rumor is he lives in Macau, China. I can’t find any evidence of this. Could the original 13 zoroastrian families that we have been told be disinformation to throw us off the path of truth? I believe so. I often found it odd that I could not find any real information on Henry Breakspear but a lot of information on Dominico Orsini. The elite keep secrets and their names hidden. They simply do not want to be found. And for good reason. The more I research, the more I find that the blogs we find on the supposed Zoroastrian families are just decoys. They want us to just cut and paste and move on. Well, that doesn’t satisfy me. Originally, before I started really digging, I thought the 13 bloodlines were the Illuminati and that is far from the truth. And the 13 that I thought had full control were actually just the second tier families who were given permission to have wealth from the black nobility. Unless you are blood, you are not to keep your riches for long.
The Phoenicians were a group of Spanish traders from the eastern Mediterranean who established colonies in Spain around 800 B.C. The name Persia derives from Parsa, the name of the Indo-European white nomadic people who migrated into southern Iran—to an area then called Persis—about 1000 bce. The dark skinned Phoenicians were a Semitic-speaking people from the eastern Mediterranean. They were descended from the Canaanites, who lived in what is now Israel. The federal government officially categorizes people with origins in Lebanon, Iran, Egypt and other countries in the MENA region as white. The Persians were predominantly white and the Phoenicians were hispanic and black. Italians are the Persians which are white and the Phoenicians are Spaniard. The Guelphs are white and the Ghibellines are Spanish.
It appears there is a race war between the white nobles and the Spanish nobles. 11 families against 2 of the 13 bloodlines. The Italian Mafia and the Spanish Mafia, although they do not refer to themselves this way. They also compete in America through New York and Chicago stock exchanges as the Italians control New York and the Spanish control Chicago. This is the same throughout all of the world in different cities, counties states and countries. The combined families all own the majority of the largest corporations worldwide. They compete against each other like Coke and Pepsi. They are the big fish that eat up the little fish.
These families supposedly have two leaders. The info I currently have are the Italians take orders from the Orsini Family and the Spanish take orders from the Breakspear family. But the data shows differently. According to sketchy blog sources, The Orsini family selected Pepe Domenico Napoleone Orsini as the Grey Pope who directs all of the Jesuits and the Breakspeare family receives input from Henry Breakspeare. Henry is no longer in charge. The genealogy shows the names Dominico Orsini and Henry Breakspeare have lived for the last 500 years, or the names have remained unchanged. The Breakspeare family supposedly ruled the Catholic Church for 1200 years by placing popes into office from the year 300 until the Orsini’s apparently took it over around the 1500’s. This data is only supported through blogs and opinions. The true information supports the Este family has more power than the Orsini as I can’t find any more information that supports the Orsini / Breakspeare power structure. And the House of Borja was stronger than the Breakspeare family, however the Massimo family is very strong which could put Breakspeare on top.
The 13 families all practice Alchemy and chemical manipulation through modern day science, but during the dark ages it was considered wizardry and magic. They all are heavily into mind control in order to keep their power. The Black Nobility is above the Jesuits or Society of Jesus. We don’t know if all 13 families meet to make decisions or take orders from Dominico, but they all are the black nobility. The more I research, the more this information changes. Initially it looked like there was just Italians fighting each other, but deeper, the data confirms Italian against Spanish with support from surrounding countries.
The 11 Italian families are:
House of Este (Hanovers)
House of Orsini Di Pitigliano & Rosenberg: Alchemical Mafia – Grey Pope – Maximus – Holders of The Staff of Longinus & Holds The Most Pure Philosopher’s Stone (unchallenged) (current rulers of the Jesuits since around the year 1500, came into full rule around the late 1800’s)
The House of Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona (Bourbon Two Sicilies / Gotti / Gambino / Trump)
House of Colonna (Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano / Colombo / Palazzo / di Paliano / Barberini) Works for Orsini.
House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere (Rochefoucauld-Montbel, Della Rochetta, Cavalcanti di Verbicaros)
House of Medici (Giucciardini-Strozzi, Bonaparte, Sassoon, Tornaquinci-Foscari, Hermes-Dumas, Habsburgs, Savoys, Puech, Genovese)
House of Farnese (Bernadotte / Saxe-Coburg and Gotha / Belgium / Lannoy)
House of Aldobrandini (DeCavalcante)
House of Conti de Segni (Bourbon, Torlonia, Carano, Melzi d’Eril)
House of Doria Pamphilj-Landi (Doria Sachs, Sacchetti, Landi di Chiavenna, Oppenheimer, Carney, Boisi, Agostinelli, Palermo)
House of Somaglia (Barbiano di Belgioioso, Visconti di Modrone, Del Vecchio, Berlusconi)
And the 2 Spanish families are:
House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Mossimo)
House of Borja (Borgia / Mújica / Francisco de Borja-Soto and Moreno-Santamaria) Works for Breakspeare
There is one family that is missing from the 13. The House of Massimo is said to be the nucleus of the Black Nobility, but they are not. They say they are the primary owners of the Holy See. The Holy See is the central government of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican City State. The Massimo have hidden ancestry with the ancient Spanish House of Burgundy and Astur-Leonese dynasty of Spain which also established a Sicilian nobility as the House of Leone (which means Lion). The Massimo are Spanish Ghibelline Phoenicians. They are married into the Lancelotti Breakspeare family. The Massimo family is sometimes regarded as one of the oldest noble families in Europe, yet they did not put a pope into office. Prince Carlo Massimo has been the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. The Massimo / Massimi family is also said to have provided two popes to the Catholic Church, both saints – Pope Anastasius I (reigned 399-401), who denounced the Origenist heresy, and Pope Paschal I from the Massimi branch of the family (reigned 817-824) who resisted the Frankish Kings and was involved in one of the earliest attempts to Christianise Scandinavia. Yet of all the blogs that say who the top 13 families are, the Mossimos were never mentioned. The occasional attribution of the two canonized Popes Anastasius I and Paschal I to the Massimo family as well as its descent from ancient Roman senators is likely to be mythical in nature. This family has secrets and controls more than what we think.
Each of the 13 families do have one thing in common. They each played a part in placing a pope in the Catholic Church and have together ruled the world. Two families are still unclear about pope placement. Breakspeare and Somaglia. The Breakspeare married into the Mossimo family which does have historical records of influencing pope placement but not under the Breakspeare name. Somgalia name did not produce a pope at all. Giulio Maria della Somaglia was a prominent Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, but he never became Pope. The Somaglia name dies out as does the Breakspeare name. When I originally started digging into the Zoroastrians, these two names were prominent, but only in blogs and opinions. It could be misinformation or disinformation to throw us off. I do believe this may be the case, although, the Breakspeare and Borja families do seem to be real. But it’s clear all 11 Italian families are all working together and the Breakspeare Mossimo are working with them as well, which leaves Borja as the outcast.
The families keep their bloodlines pure through incest. But to keep power over others, they intermarry within each family to keep their riches. The family that plays the game hard enough and places their pope in power receives a huge prize. They receive blessings from both kingdoms of heaven and hell and become part of the black nobility. This is due to a loophole promise God gave to Peter when he started the church by being the rock that holds it together. That he would bless each pope that is selected. This is what they believe, anyways. These families believe in Zoroastrianism. Which is the oldest religion post flood (4,000 years old). These families are called the Black Nobility. Black because of their old dynasties and nobility due to each one selecting a blessed pope into office at one point in time. Since the Catholic Church has immense power worldwide, this is the prize for any family who manages to get their person in charge. They can do evil with very little consequence.
According to the documentary Fall of The Cabal, The Kingdom of Khazaria was located right in the middle of the Silk road close to Prussia. Modern day Kazakhstan. This information is debated throughout academia. The documentary notes that the Khazars practiced paganism. They claim that the Khazarians controlled Prussia, which was defeated by Russia and they were told to choose a religion out of the 3 major ones. They apparently chose Judaism and started merging the Talmudic texts with their pagan beliefs. Without a country, the Khazars moved throughout Europe and married into the 13 bloodlines of Europe. Apparently, the Khazars wealth and influence helped the European bloodlines rise to major power.
The Khazarians supposedly have infiltrated each of these families through marriage and built a power structure based on zionism through the Talmudic texts. This is not their real religion, but they play the part to support their efforts in Israel’s expansion. Using God’s chosen people to expand control. Since 1/8th of the world are Christian, they control both Judaism and Christianity to start wars for profit. Many of you may have heard that these 13 families are the illuminati. This is incorrect. The structure of authority starts with Ahura Mazda who is the creator according to Zoroastrianism. Spenta Mainyu, is his spirit. Underneath them are the Papal Bloodlines (the 13 above mentioned).
Underneath them are the Black Nobility council and below them are the Jesuit Council and finally the Jesuit Order. They direct two factions: The bankers, corporations, organizations and countries and the other called Aristocracy Knighthoods which are the Nobles called Dukes, Princes and other titles. Those two factions direct three under them called we know as the secret service, illuminati brotherhood and finally the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome etc, which are all international organizations that make policy for the Black nobility. Those last three factions direct the freemason lodges worldwide to control each city, county, state and corporation through mafia tactics.
Now, the black nobility families are not real jews, nor are they Zoroastrians. They don’t believe in God. The mystery schools teach them that mankind evolved from apes through alien manipulation in creating a worker to mine gold. This is the Annunaki theory Zachariah Sinchin was talking about. The first cromagnum man to control fire became King and the village worshipped him as God. The mystery schools teach them about outer space and other civilizations that monitor and control us. Zoroastrianism will be the one world religion where it puts all of the mystery school and our current religion together as the aline world finally comes to meet us from the shadows.
For 1200 years, I was under the impression the Breakspear family have ruled over all during the dark ages and in the year 1500, the Orsini family supposedly won the papacy of control. Now, I am not so sure. Ever since then, the Breakspeare family along with other black nobility family Borja have been trying to get the power back, apparently. The Spanish Inquisition was about the Italians wiping out the Spanish in high places. And it took the Italian alliances 400+ years to finally take the rule after the Inquisition. Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, was an alchemist. I do believe the elite put the truth in movies. The movie Dark Crystal, I believe, depicts what the bloodlines do. According to this theory, the breaking of the spear ritual first took place in late 1800 where the Spanish broke the staff of Longinus (the staff that pierced the side of Jesus) and handed it to the Italians in haste.
Historians will point out that the Breakspear and Orsini clans were not always in control since the beginning. History shows the other families have had control at one time or another. This is true, however, the ones with true power are the highest wizards and warlocks from my understanding. Alchemy was the key, here. Supposedly the Orsini family are masters at alchemy, but then each family are experts in alchemy and chemical manipulation as well. But from what I understand, and I could be wrong, the Breakspeare family first had the most purest philosopher’s stone. A ritual that was called the breaking of the stone carried the top position. One family who believes they have come up with the purest stone, which is deep purple and has the largest Diana tree inside, will challenge the leading family with theirs.
They will try and break each other’s stone with a sword. The one that breaks first, loses. This is a risky move because you can be ostracized from the families through this challenge. I believe one family have tried to challenge the Breakspeare and Orsini stone and lost. The House of Somaglia. It took them centuries to come back from that if at all. The Orsini stone has held the power since around the year 1500 as most pure. It is unclear if it has ever been challenged since. With today’s technology and ambitions from new money via third tier families, the philosophers stone can be easily made with 100% quality. I believe this tradition has died. The race to the moon had ceremonial aspects to the stone that supposedly turns lead into gold. The Orsini family, with their knowledge of atoms and chemistry, were the first to the moon and the golden wrapped shuttle was a message to the world that the federal reserve controlled by the Orsini can make their own gold. Every country that has landed on the moon since have wrapped their ships with gold as well. This is to say that they now can make gold, too through alchemy. The United States, Soviet Union, China, India and Japan all can make gold from cheap elements.
When China landed on the moon in 2013, all crypto crashed. This was the year that investors started buying into crypto which is the new currency. Since Gold is now worthless to the elites, they needed a new backing. The national security agency was working on crypto since the 80’s and already created Bitcoin as a test. It metamorphosed into Ripple and XRP which will help secure and support the Federal Reserve after Saudi left the Federal Reserve agreement. A recent event took place that is history in the making. The 2 families: the Breakspeare and Borja (Ghibellines) apparently have left London to Astana, Khazakstan. This means they are getting ready for World War III. Donald Trump is working for the Guelphs and has threatened nuclear war against the Ghibellines to keep the Guelphs in power. This map explains the East and the West war that has been divided racially, religiously and economically and is ready for a battle since Gold is now useless as a central bank backing.
See image 2b

This is the real and only Map of the next world war and the new division between the Guelphs and Ghibellines. All countries are aware of it and have been preparing and planning for war since the 80’s. Syria and Ukraine were money laundering efforts to finance the next war for both sides. The oldest Black Nobility families have apparently left the west to the safety of the 5 Stans, which is the real new world order. This means the New World Order of the West is a decoy. Astana has been building its city for the arrival of something. A messiah. We can only speculate what that is, but their pyramid building seats 200 at the top. The book of Enoch speaks about the 200 fallen angels who mated with women. It also talks about them in Genesis 6.
Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma, specifically said world war three must be a religious war between Christianity and islam in order to usher in the new religion to replace all with their religion. This map clearly shows the separation of the west and east and both religions and economies.
No one really knows about Zoroastrianism. We are told the 13 families above are Saturn worshippers and Zoroastrian. It gets little attention. This is because Zoroastrianism will be the one world religion they have been planning on. It actually incorporates all of the religions into one and conveniently explains the separation of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. This is all by design. An archeological dig soon will find the Rosetta Stone of proof they need to stop the religion wars once and for all. But can’t be found until during or after Word War III. NATO and allies are broke. Meaning the West. All are in debt except for Germany. BRICS alliance is operating without high debt. None of them are above any fiscal cliff. Rather than pay back their loans, the West has been picking a fight with Russia.
The 2 families of the East are betting on winning this war. They were promised of it. The United Nations gave China the right to be the number one economic leader right before Trump won in 2016. This changed the plans of the war as it was supposed to be under a Hillary Clinton presidency. For reasons unbeknownst to me, Agenda 21 had to be moved to 2030. The event that ruined their plans was Trump winning. It was recorded that in 2016 more Christians voted than ever before. Perhaps an act of God. The machines and manual counters were not expecting him to win. Neither did Trump. The families now are in a mad race to get it done. They are losing their window because they need Christianity to anger the entire world for the next 6 years. Donald Trump with his Agenda 25 will go after the LGBTQ+ like a mini inquisition against that minority. Christianity will see a major revival as this is to recruit soldiers to fight the Islamists. The black nobility in Astana will be pumping Christian propaganda hard throughout all Islamic countries to give the idea that Christians are taking over. The Temple Mount will be the spark that angers the muslims. Agenda 2030 is supposed to be the year that the war starts. They have 6 years to build up Christianity, anger the minorities and start a holy war.
This is the great reset that all families are involved in. They believe this is the time their alien friends will come and take over. They believe they will rule over us for their alien friends. They have been terraforming earth for their return and have done a very poor job of it. Their alien friends are silicon based lifeforms and we are carbon. They can’t live here without a serious climate change to occur. World War III will create such an environment where they can clean up, rule and turn the planet into theirs. Who are these aliens? They are nothing other than spirit beings from the fourth dimension. The elite have been communicating with these spirits for a long time using Alchemy and now technology. Wizards, Witches and Warlocks all found the keys to open up portals of communication. Thanks to quantum computing power, the elite have a direct communication with the spirits and are taking orders to get ready for their coming. Some call this armageddon. Some call it the tribulation. Some say we are in Satan’s little season. And some say all of this is just fairy tales. I personally believe all of this will come together and make sense between now and 120 years.
I do believe they have no power over the return of their friends. Every 100 years, they prepare for it, and are let down. They know their friends have technology beyond their wildest dreams and want desperately to exploit it. They’ve been given bits and pieces throughout the last 150 years through seances and rituals and now, are able to clearly communicate through machines that can open up the veil. This is the Tower of Babel. A tower so high it touches the firmament. Japan is in the process of creating a space elevator and this could be the ticket. They begin construction next year and begin reaching the heavens in 2050. 59,000 miles up. History is repeating itself.
The families that fight each other are Phoenician and Persian. Are they blood related? We are told by blogs and some books that they all are from the Canaanite blood. The sons of Cain from the Bible. This may not be the case.
While the Phoenicians and Persians were influential ancient civilizations with overlapping geographic and historical periods, they were distinct peoples with separate bloodlines.
Origin: Semitic people originating from the Levant region (modern-day Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Palestine).
Genetic Makeup: Shared genetic ancestry with other Semitic populations in the region, including Canaanites, Hebrews, and Arabs.
Origin: Indo-Iranian people originating from the Iranian plateau (modern-day Iran).
Genetic Makeup: Shared genetic ancestry with other Indo-Iranian populations, including Medes, Parthians, and modern Iranians.
Key Differences:
Language: Phoenicians spoke Semitic languages, while Persians spoke Indo-Iranian languages.
Culture: While both cultures were sophisticated and influential, they had distinct cultural practices, religions, and social structures.
Geographic Focus: Phoenicians were primarily a maritime people, focusing on trade and seafaring, while Persians were a land-based empire, focusing on conquest and territorial expansion.
While the two civilizations were distinct, there was some intermingling and cultural exchange, particularly during the Persian Empire’s dominance over Phoenicia. However, this did not significantly alter the core genetic makeup of either group.
While the Phoenicians and Persians shared a historical period and geographic proximity, they were separate peoples with distinct genetic and cultural heritages.
The specific blood types of ancient Phoenicians and Persians are not known. Blood typing is a relatively recent scientific discovery, and there are no historical records that detail the blood types of these ancient populations.
However, modern populations in the regions where these civilizations thrived (the Levant for Phoenicians and the Iranian Plateau for Persians) exhibit a diverse range of blood types, including A, B, AB, and O. It is likely that ancient Phoenicians and Persians also had a similar diversity of blood types.
The Guelphs and Ghibellines were not bloodlines in the traditional sense, but rather political factions that emerged in medieval Italy. They were named after two noble German families: the Welfs (Guelphs) and the Hohenstaufen (Ghibellines).
These factions were formed during the Investiture Controversy, a conflict between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor over the appointment of bishops. The Guelphs supported the Pope, while the Ghibellines supported the Emperor.
Over time, these political alignments became deeply ingrained in Italian city-states, leading to centuries of conflict. While the original bloodlines of the Welfs and Hohenstaufen are long gone, the terms “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” continue to be used to describe political divisions and rivalries today.
This information as I see it is changing and evolving. As I was still researching, I came across The coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg which shows the three lions passant of the arms of the Duchy of Swabia, in origin the coat of arms of the House of Hohenstaufen. Also used for Swabia (and for Württemberg-Baden during 1945–1952) are the three antlers of the coat of arms of Württemberg, which is the Hohenstaufen family which is part of the Ghibellines. As soon as I think I finally come to an understanding, I get hit with another family that changes everything. This is the Schwab family and now I have to figure out who they are involved in as I can’t find any connection to them and the Ghibellines nor any of the Breakspear and Borja families, yet. I was able to link the Duchy of Swabia to the Somaglia family through one marriage.
The German dynasty of Hohenzollern ruled Brandenburg/Prussia from 1415 to 1918, and Imperial Germany from 1871 to the end of the Great War. The family was first noted in the ninth century, in Swabia, and a branch became Burgraves of Nuremberg. Then a descendant, Frederick VIII was awarded the title of Elector of Brandenburg in the same year as the Battle of Agincourt (1415). The Thirty Years War over, the family continued its policy of expansion and consolidation of power, starting a lengthy rivalry with the House of Habsburg (1740 – 1871). Otto von Bismarck ensured that the Hohenzollerns obtained the imperial title in 1871, but the Great War destroyed Hohenzollern fortunes and forced abdication on the last emperor, Wilhelm II, a grandson of Queen Victoria of Britain.
To be continued.