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A good friend of mine Skriptkeeper added a video to his channel. I trust Skript and I am glad he has held on to Trump and the White Hat plan. Not becuse I beleive it, but because he is holding onto hope and I admire that greatly because we all need it. His video shows ex-president Trump meeting with Zelenski and remarks Trump made in an Michigan rally which could give us a small clue that there still could be a plan in place to take out the cabal. Trump said, “The only good thing about what happened with this four year disaster is that the people will understand when we fix our country there will be much more understanding than there would have been than if we just went straight ahead and did it. Because this country has never been laughed at like a bunch of dopes; it’s never been laughed at like it is right now…”

That statement is puzzling. What does he mean it’s a good thing we went through this disaster? What does he mean instead of just straight up going ahead and doing it? Do what? Is this a clue that he has always been in control and they had to show us just as we were told by Q and the anons? I proved to myself Q was hired by the Tavistock institute which are a massive social media manipulation agency. Maybe this backs up my theory that if Trump wins, he will go after the 13 illuminated bloodlines and make an example out of them, even though this was part of the Jesuit plan. This will be a false sense of peace. The bloodlines never lost control.

As I have said so many times over the last year, I want to be wrong. And if I am, I will actually be very happy. This world is so close to a new world order and this plan doesn’t benefit anyone but a select few. I have followed so many truthers over the years and they all have said there has always been resistance to the cabal and right when they are about to strike, something does happens to take them down again. But it seems to be staged on prupose. They have to make it look like all of this happened naturally.

From my chair, I just want to reiterate to never underestimate our enemy. The Jesuits’ plan isn’t a new thing. It’s been on the books for 2,000 years. Ever since Jesus died, the plan for a new world order began by the dynasties who are under direct supervision of the watchers. Another tower of babel needs to be built in order to bridge the gap between the veil and our world. Another one world religion. Another one world army. This plan is bigger than Trump, the White Dragons and the supposed retired generals of the white hats.

I hate to be the debby downer, here. But I have to look at this biblically. Let’s explore what the Geneva bible says about Jacob’s trouble:

Jacob’s Trouble is a term used in the Geneva Bible, specifically in Jeremiah 30:7, to describe a period of intense suffering and tribulation for the people of Israel. This period is often associated with the end times and the Great Tribulation mentioned in the New Testament.

Here’s the relevant passage from Jeremiah 30:7:

“Alas! For that day is great: none hath been like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, yet shall he be delivered from it.”

What to Expect During Jacob’s Trouble

While the exact details of Jacob’s Trouble are open to interpretation, the Bible provides some clues about what to expect:

  • Intense Suffering: The passage itself indicates that it will be a time of great distress and hardship.
  • Persecution: Many scholars believe that this period will involve severe persecution of Christians, particularly those who remain faithful to Jesus.
  • Divine Intervention: The verse also suggests that God will ultimately deliver His people from this tribulation.

Many Christians believe that the divine intervention mentioned in Jeremiah 30:7 refers to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This is when Jesus is expected to return to Earth to judge the living and the dead, and to establish His kingdom.

If this is accurate to the times we live in now, then Trump isn’t here to rule the world. There are two thoughts here. One thought is from the enemy’s standpoint as they believe Trump is the messiah in Jeremiah 30:7 that will intervene and this is what is unfolding. Even Trump said this will be biblical.

The Talmud does not directly quote Jeremiah 30:7, but it does discuss the concept of “Jacob’s Trouble” and the idea of a future redemption. While the Talmud doesn’t specifically mention the exact verse, it does explore themes that are closely related to Jeremiah’s prophecy.

Here are some key points from the Talmud regarding the concept of Jacob’s Trouble:

  • Future Redemption: The Talmud often discusses the idea of a future redemption for the Jewish people, when God will intervene to save them from suffering and restore their nation. This concept is closely linked to the idea of Jacob’s Trouble.
  • Messianic Era: The Talmud also frequently mentions the Messianic era, a time of peace and prosperity that will be ushered in by the Messiah. This era is often seen as a fulfillment of the promises made in the Hebrew Bible,including those related to Jacob’s Trouble.
  • Suffering as a Test: The Talmud recognizes that suffering is a part of life, but it also emphasizes that it can be a test from God. This idea is consistent with the concept of Jacob’s Trouble, which is often seen as a time of intense suffering and testing.

While the Talmud does not directly quote Jeremiah 30:7, it does explore themes that are closely related to the prophecy.These themes include the future redemption of the Jewish people, the Messianic era, and the idea of suffering as a test.

What I believe is happening is the religion bankers are expecting this prohpecy to unfold now according to the talmud and not the Christian Bible. This is what they plan on doing and use Israel as the leading country in this peace and prosperity era.

But God will not intervene and give Israel peace and safety. All of the above scripture that talks about God restoring Israel already happened. There have been 2 temples and those are two times God restored Israel. Jesus says the body is the temple now. And the bible says God’s people will be scattered during the end times and only meet up in the end with 144,000. Not the millions of jews that are there now. They are not the real 12 tribes of Israel.

For some reason, the Jesuits are hoping we don’t read the bible which tells us the Israel in the end will be the 144,000 and the whole workd will turn against them. The real jews. So how is it that the world is surrounding the synagogue of satan right now? Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t even jewish. He changed his name and is a Khazar. How can satan cast out satan?

Current Israel was bought with the Rothschild money after the Ottoman empire was defeated. The Khazar/Jesuit jews move in and declared themselves God’s people. Well, they are the Baal worshipping baby eating sons of the devil. No way would the father in heaven honor this filth. So that means they are imposters and false prophets using the Bible for political gain. I believe if Israel is attacked for real and not by terrorists designed by the Mossad, they will lose. And boy, that would leave the religious fanatics confused.

The Bible warns about a false sense of security and prosperity during the ends times, suggesting that such times can be followed by judgment or tribulation.

Here are some relevant passages from the Geneva Bible that touch on this theme:

  • Jeremiah 6:14: “They have healed the hurt of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.”
  • Ezekiel 13:10: “They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, Thus saith the Lord, when the Lord hath not spoken.”
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:3: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

These passages suggest that a false sense of peace and prosperity can be a precursor to judgment or destruction. The specific interpretation of these passages can vary, but they generally serve as warnings against complacency and reliance on earthly security.. 

The second thought here is the Christian perspective.

I have said that Trump could be picked to bring in that false sense of security with a second tribunal taking down the 13 illuminated bloodlines, which are below the true Zorastrian bloodlines of Cain. I have also said that Satan eats his own.

This makes the most sense to me that Satan will try and fake a Christian tribulation to deceive even the very elect. 

Matthew 24:11: “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”

2 Corinthians 11:13: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.”   

1 John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”   

Regarding peace during this period, the Bible does not explicitly state whether there will be any periods of respite or calm. It’s generally understood that Jacob’s Trouble will be a continuous period of hardship, though the exact nature and intensity of the suffering may vary.

Now, maybe Trump will not win this election. If that is the case, Kamala Harris will do the bidding of the United Nations and usher in Agenda 2030. During this time, the economy will continue to be just as bad as it is and ultimately the introduction to CBDC will occur. The simpsons predicted she will win. They have the inside scoop and are being told by the Jesuits which episodes are to be. If Trump wins, it wouldn’t be an act of God. It would be an act of the Breakspear family.

If Trump wins, then maybe the new world order dies again and goes underground until the next time. This would set back the illuminati back 100 years. This probability makes more sense to me. This means we are not in the end of days and not in Jacob’s trouble just yet. Trump and the white hats, if positive, are real and will stall the new world order for now.

Remember, I said that the moment Satan started changing our DNA is the clue that we have 120 years left to get into the ark. We can’t prove they actually did change our dna to a triple helix, however. We just have witness testimony and intent to do it, but I haven’t seen any evidence to back up this claim.

I prayed about the end of days and received a message that the lord will not give mankind any warnings by using prophets about the end of days. That confused me, greatly. He said the reason is he does not want to give Satan any clues as to expectations so he can prepare. This again troubles me because I have been following many great prophets like Ken Peters and Henry Gruber. I used to watch the prophecy club with Stan Johnson. However, the bible does say he will use two prophets or the two witnesses, which many scpulate it will be Enoch and Elijah because they never died the first death and were both carried into a whirlwind to heaven.

If the Lord really spoke to me, then all of Stan’s work would be in vain. That hurts. Especially when I have been watching his show all my life and trying to be a watchman on the wall, myself. I spoke with Urban today, my producer for the show. I asked him to watch that video of Trump’s remarks about waiting four years until he deos something. he remarked it was an election trick like Reagan did during the October Surpise Iranian hostage situation. I would have never made that connection. If Trump convinces Zelensky to end the war, then Trump could get huge brownie points.

The “October Surprise” theory is a long-standing conspiracy theory that suggests the Reagan campaign worked to delay the release of the American hostages in Iran until after the 1980 presidential election. This theory posits that Reagan’s election victory was influenced by the perception of Carter’s inability to resolve the crisis.

Here are some key points about the theory:

  • The Hostage Crisis: In 1979, a group of Iranian students seized the US embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans hostage. The crisis lasted 444 days, and it was a major foreign policy challenge for President Jimmy Carter.
  • The Election: The 1980 presidential election was a close contest between Carter and Ronald Reagan. The hostage crisis was a significant issue in the campaign, and Carter’s perceived inability to resolve it was a major factor in his defeat.
  • The Theory: The “October Surprise” theory suggests that the Reagan campaign worked with Iranian officials to delay the release of the hostages until after the election. The theory posits that Reagan’s election victory was influenced by the perception of Carter’s incompetence in handling the crisis.
  • Investigations: There have been numerous investigations into the “October Surprise” theory. The House of Representatives conducted a thorough investigation in 1993 and concluded that there was no credible evidence to substantiate the claims.
  • No Proof: Despite extensive investigation, no definitive proof has been found to support the “October Surprise” theory. The theory remains a matter of debate among historians and political scientists.

If this happens, this would be a terrible blow to the pentagon whose friends have been profitting off Ukraine for years. Defence contractors like RTX, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman will lose big as Mitch McConnel has admitted the funds going to Ukraine are going directly to american defence contractors.

I am surprised, however, that an ex-president can do such a thing. Just like Obama has been traveling around the world making deals as well after his presidency. In the book World War Trump by Hall Gardener, the author makes a good case as to what to expect in the coming months.

Briefing Document: Assessing Global Risks in a New World Order

Theme: The sources paint a picture of a world grappling with a shifting geopolitical landscape. The decline of US hegemony and the rise of China and a more assertive Russia are creating new alliances, exacerbating old conflicts, and increasing the risk of great power confrontation.

Key Ideas & Facts:

1. A New Cold War? The US, China, and Russia Triangle:

  • Competition & Confrontation: The relationship between the US, China, and Russia has become increasingly defined by competition and confrontation. The book argues that this “new Cold War” is fueled by economic nationalism, military build-ups, and ideological clashes. (“This US political-economic battle with China could soon play itself out in real battle zones in the Indo-Pacific region” – Gardner).
  • Shifting Alliances: Traditional alliances are being tested as countries hedge their bets in this new environment. China and Russia are cooperating more closely, particularly in the military realm, while the US is strengthening ties with countries like Japan, India, and Australia. (“Joint Russian-Chinese military exercises have in part been intended to press regional states to work more closely with both China and Russia.” – Gardner)
  • Economic Nationalism: The Trump administration’s embrace of economic nationalism (“America First”) is further straining relations and creating uncertainty in the global economy. The potential disintegration of trade pacts like TPP and NAFTA could have significant economic and geopolitical consequences.

2. Flashpoints for Conflict:

  • Ukraine and Eastern Europe: The ongoing conflict in Ukraine remains a dangerous flashpoint, with the potential to escalate into a wider conflict between NATO and Russia. The annexation of Crimea and Russian support for separatists in Eastern Ukraine have significantly heightened tensions. (“Russian military intervention in Crimea and political-military interference in eastern Ukraine was intended as a preclusive action that has sought to check further enlargement by both NATO and the European Union” – Gardner)
  • The South China Sea: China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea, including its island-building campaign and declaration of an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), are raising concerns about freedom of navigation and the potential for conflict with the US, Japan, and other regional actors.
  • North Korea: North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs pose a serious threat to regional and global security. The book suggests that while sanctions are important, they alone are unlikely to deter Pyongyang.

3. Internal Challenges & Domestic Unrest:

  • US Political Polarization: The book highlights the dangers of increasing political polarization within the US. (“Rather than engage in necessary reforms designed to check corruption and open the decision-making processes to greater civil-society inputs, both Moscow and Beijing see these democracy movements as an essentially US-directed tool of hybrid warfare primarily aimed at undermining the Russian and Chinese power structure and ultimately aimed at breaking up both countries.” – Gardner) It argues that this internal division weakens the US’s ability to provide global leadership and undermines its credibility on the world stage.
  • Instability in the Middle East: The Middle East remains volatile, with ongoing conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq, as well as the ever-present Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The book suggests that the US’s inconsistent approach to the region has exacerbated these conflicts.
  • Drug Wars and Instability in Latin America: The book highlights the destabilizing effects of the drug trade in Latin America, particularly on countries like Mexico. It argues that current US policies are ineffective and proposes alternative approaches, such as drug legalization.

4. Avoiding Catastrophe: The Need for Diplomacy & Cooperation:

  • Dialogue and Diplomacy: The book emphasizes the need for dialogue and diplomacy to manage these complex challenges and prevent a catastrophic conflict. It argues that while maintaining a strong defense is important, relying solely on military strength is a recipe for disaster.
  • Rethinking Global Governance: The sources suggest a need to rethink global governance structures in light of the shifting global order. This includes reforming the UN, addressing global challenges like climate change, and finding new ways to address transnational threats like terrorism and cyberwarfare.
  • Addressing Root Causes: The sources also emphasize the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. This includes promoting sustainable development, investing in education, and fostering greater understanding between different cultures.


  • On NATO’s expansion and Russian fears: “Russian military intervention in Crimea and political-military interference in eastern Ukraine was intended as a preclusive action that has sought to check further enlargement by both NATO and the European Union” (Gardner).
  • On the risk of conflict with China: “This US political-economic battle with China could soon play itself out in real battle zones in the Indo-Pacific region” (Gardner).
  • On the need for diplomacy: “The lifting of sanctions on Moscow—without reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank—will be interpreted by Moscow ‘as consent’ to ‘further expansion,’ and ‘the result of a policy not to ‘aggravate’ Russia and instead to seek ‘constructive dialogue’ will be war'” (Zurawski vel Grajekski, quoted in Gardner).

The sources provide a sobering assessment of the challenges facing the world today. They argue that the current trajectory of great power competition, coupled with internal divisions and unresolved conflicts, is creating a dangerous and unstable environment. To avoid a catastrophic conflict, a new approach is needed – one based on diplomacy, cooperation, and a commitment to addressing the root causes of global instability.

I believe Trump has something planned for Zelenski. But what will be exchanged? There are many books out there that state a case of Trump being blackmailed by Russia and this will be disastrous for America if he is elected. That is if he is blackmailed by Russia. But let’s be real here. The only reason Russia is defending themselves is because NATO continues to add countries surrounding Russia. The US is the aggressor here. Trump claims he can remove us from world war 3 while Bashar, the new age channeler just told the people Trump will start world war 3 and destroy America in the process. Bashar is losing subsciptions now. ouch.

Pompeo added that with Trump in office there would be less risks in the Middle East and Europe, and that the Republican administration would “confront” the Chinese Communist Party and secure the borders. What I see through all of this is political theater talk to keep us away from the United Nations and WHO as they get ready to declare a global emergency to lock down the countries. If Harris gets elected, she nwill follow the UN, but if Trump is elected, he will not and stick strictly to supporting Israel and start a campaign against China. He will move to defend Tawian from China’s attempt to take it.

The truth is, Zelinski is controlled by the Jesuits. So is Trump. Russia? I believe they are torn between the Breakspear family and Orsini. Russia is buying time and holding down the fort until they see a global shift of power towards the Breakspear family. The Orsini believe they are the Messiah lineage and will usher in the savior. The Breakspear family believes they missed their window and are probably in agreement with me, as in, we still have another 115 years to go. But the Orsini family have worked so hard to remove the Breakspears and it took way longer than they anticipated missing many windows of opportunities for the savior.

I do not believe both familes see eye to eye. Satan has a major issue in having to wait for mankind to align the world for the false messiah. Satan can only watch, threaten and wait. He has no power other than to decieve through lies. This is why it is always chaotic between worldly politics because man continues to do things their way. I do believe if Satan got his way, the tribulation would have happened long ago.

We have to remember how both families operate. One is conservative and other is liberal. Thet both use liberalism, socialism, capitalism and communism to do their will. The Breakspear family rule as a monarchy and there are very few lords and barons. All of the wealth is removed and placed in one family. The Orsini allows others to progress and allow them some comfort but always makes sure you understand who you belong to. The Orsini family is the mafia where they bully, harrass and make you pay a protection fee.

The Breakspear family does beheadings and flogs dissenters, thieves and any enemy they deem a threat. Openly, the people walk on egg shells and fear their lives from the police if they arrive at your door because their orders are not friendly and give the people any rights as the Orsini do. The dark ages were not dark because of disease and famine. It was dark because the Breakspear family closed off any opportunity for any growth and kept the people poor and uneducated. Believe me, you are better off with the Orsini family if you had to choose. They are more lenient.

Trump’s estimated worth is 3.8 billion. 3 when he went in, 1.5 when he left and 3.8 now after being out of office for 4 years. I can see the appeal that he could have the power to stop the new world order. The truth is, he only does if he is in the oval office and use executive orders. If he did so, as they all say he did already, yet those executive orders do not exist on the docket, then it was hidden for a reason. But since Trump left office, for a supposed sting operation and to prove to the world of the globalist agenda, it’s way worse than it could ever be. We owed 1 trillion over the GDP when he left and now are 7 trillion over. There is no way out of it expept to default or simply not pay it back and say come get us. Since we are the world superpower and economic superpower, it would seem fickle, however, we are so weak right now, arguablely worse than we have ever been, and China and Russia are stupid for not attacking us right now. They could win given how old our infrastructure is and how woke we are.

But them sitting on their hands tells a big story. That they simply can’t. The world superpowers are being controlled by two families that want the prize. To be the family that ushers in the false messiah. Why? Because they will get rewards and favor. We will know by February what Trump’s intentions are if he is elected. We will know by who he surrounds himself with as advisors. The first time he picked all of the swamp. He pigeon holed himself from the start if he were truly trying to save our so called country corporation. If Kamala wins, they will just continue slowly eroding our freedoms and build the smart city infrastructures getting ready for 2030 when they make the laws outlawing crude oil and travel.

If God intervenes, which he most certainly should not if he is to be a soverign god who keeps his word and allows free will, he will only do so with what Christians he has in office. All if takes is one. If they have the mark of Jesus, they are untouchable. But given the track record we have seen in congress, they all are not acting like Christians. They are weak, afraid and powerless. But that doesn’t mean God can’t raise one of those ckicks into a rooster. It’s happened before. God can only intervene if they let go and allow the Holy Ghost to take over. The truth teller and the comforter will be seen and heard worldwide.


Gemini AI

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