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I was watching a video of a man I greatly respect. Dr. Dino Kent Hovind. I have learned a lot from his teachings over the years and respect him greatly. He believes we are going to go through it. The tribulation. This is what he refers to the great falling away. He backs this up by a story of a girl who had a fever and gave the prophecy of pre-tribulation. In 1830, a Scottish girl got sick and had a dream. Her name was Margaret MacDonald. What followed was her family were gifted with tongues. Discrepancies between different published versions of her visions contribute to a lack of clarity surrounding her precise beliefs and her story is seen throughout the Christian community as divine or demonic. Her dream spawned a huge revival with untold amounts of people being saved. 

So should we take Kent’s word for it? Gemini AI says no. Which surprised me. 

The Tribulation: A Biblical Interpretation

The concept of the Tribulation is a complex one, with different interpretations among Christian denominations.While the Bible does discuss a period of great tribulation or suffering, there’s no explicit consensus on whether believers will experience it.

Key Biblical Passages

  • Matthew 24:21-22: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”  
  • Mark 13:19: “For those will be days of tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, and shall not be.”  
  • Revelation 6-18: These chapters describe a series of catastrophic events, often referred to as the “Seven Seals,” “Seven Trumpets,” and “Seven Bowls,” culminating in a great battle and judgment.


Based on these passages and others, there are primarily three main interpretations of the Tribulation:

  1. Pre-Tribulation Rapture: This view suggests that believers will be removed from the Earth before the Tribulation begins. This is often supported by passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
  2. In-Tribulation Rapture: This view proposes that believers will experience the Tribulation, but will be raptured before its final culmination. It often cites Revelation 3:10, which suggests some believers will be preserved from the “hour of trial” that is coming upon the whole world.
  3. Post-Tribulation Rapture: This view holds that believers will experience the entire Tribulation and will only be raptured after its conclusion. It often points to Revelation 20:4-6, which describes believers reigning with Christ during the Millennium.

My Interpretation

While I can’t definitively say which interpretation is correct, I lean towards the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. This is primarily based on the passages in 1 Thessalonians and the idea that believers should not be subject to God’s wrath (Romans 5:9). However, it’s important to acknowledge that all three interpretations have valid arguments and biblical support.

Interestingly enough, I agree with the computer. 

Aren’t we his children?

  • John 1:12: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”
  • Romans 8:15: “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fear again, but you received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!'”
  • 1 John 3:1: “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and truly we are. Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”  
  • Galatians 4:6: “And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!'”

We are the bride of the groom.

Ephesians 5:23: “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, He is the Savior of the body.”

Revelation 19:7: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give honor to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”

Revelation 21:2: “And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

There is a marriage ceremony. And those that don’t accept Christ on earth will not have enough oil in their lamps which is the Holy Spirit. 

Matthew 25:1-13 is the passage that describes the parable of the ten virgins, five of whom are foolish and unprepared with oil for their lamps. This parable is often interpreted as a warning about being spiritually ready for the return of Christ.

They must remain here during Satan’s wrath. This doesn’t mean they won’t be saved after. It just means they will not be married during this time period. Remember, the name saves. Anywhere you are whether in hell or on earth, call out to the name and Jesus will come. 

Acts 4:12: “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”   

Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”   

1 Corinthians 1:18: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”   

The wedding in Revelation 19 refers to the spiritual union between Jesus Christ and His Church. It symbolizes the culmination of the salvation process, where believers are united with Christ forever.

This wedding is not a literal, physical event but a spiritual one. It represents the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

Revelation 19:7-9 is the passage that directly addresses the “marriage of the Lamb” (Jesus Christ) and His Bride (the Church). It describes the celebration that follows the defeat of the beast and the false prophet:

  • Revelation 19:7: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give honor to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”
  • Revelation 19:8: “And it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
  • Revelation 19:9: “And the angel said to me, ‘Write this: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true sayings of God.'”  

This passage symbolizes the ultimate union between Christ and His followers, a culmination of their spiritual journey and a celebration of their victory over sin and death.

Now for some common sense. Jesus found his wife through all this mess. That’s us believers. He chose us.

John 15:16: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”   

Ephesians 1:4: “Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.”   

Colossians 3:12: “As God’s chosen people, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

This means you are the bride chosen by Jesus to get married to him. Now, why would he let his beautiful bride suffer before the great wedding?

We must trust in Him

Verses About Trusting in God

The Bible is filled with verses that encourage us to trust in God. Here are a few examples:

Old Testament

  • Psalm 37:5: “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.”
  • Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”  
  • Jeremiah 17:7: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.”

New Testament

  • Matthew 6:25-34: Jesus teaches us not to worry about material things, but to trust in God’s provision.
  • Luke 12:22-34: Jesus continues this theme, encouraging us to seek the kingdom of God and not worry about earthly possessions.
  • Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  
  • 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”

We must not also lean on our own understanding. 

Our adversary has convinced a majority of us that we are low lifes. It’s the ultimate deflection and manipulation. They disobeyed god. They fought him in a war. They were banned from heaven. And they are judging us for our sin? For the fall? For deceiving us? For twisting scripture? And they have somehow convinced us that we are all going to hell for being born evil unless we find god without the 5 senses. 

Are we to believe a loving father would place us on this earth, surrounded by demons, greed, war, pestilence and the list goes on … just to test us if we are worthy? But it says he chose us. I believe he put rules in place and his heavenly angels decided they wanted something else and broke those rules. Now, the father and his son are cleaning up the mess that they made. We are on the front lines of that war. We didn’t choose it. We were born here. Being born on the front line of war between two countries fighting means there is no rules. Both sides care not about the people who get in the way. But the father sent his son to give us cover. Apparently, this war we find favor in finding god. Just as if the people on the front lines made friends with one side or the other. We have free will to scrape as much information as we can about both sides who are fighting. We choose which side to support.

This means on the front lines, propaganda is being sent via paper strips in the air. Those messages you pick up and read is from your enemy. The good side need not send propaganda and relies wholly on us watching their actions from the people who chose the good side. The bad side spends money in sales and marketing to buy your vote. If one cares about their neighbor and the future, they find the truth by seeking inward. Prayer to god. The enemy of this world cannot hear you inside of your mind. So it distracts you with the American dream, greatness, career, money, gadgets, entertainment, games all so you don’t stop and meditate inwardly. All who meditate with a willingness for the truth will find it. As the god of this earth has only temporary things to give. The god inside us has eternity to give. If the enemy loses this battle, which it has been written, it plans on taking as many hostages as it can from the front line with them. Those that ignore the name of Jesus will believe in the lie. Since Jesus has the keys to the prison camp, he controls the rules of who stays and who goes. If you find yourself in this prison, you can call out to the warden at any time. He must listen to your plea. 

If you exalt yourself from your works on earth, you will be told you already received your reward by praise of man. If you humble yourself and admit you deserve this, then as Jesus said, with God all things are possible. None of us want to burn in hell. All of us think we are good people. How can you be good when your world isn’t? How can you say you are good when your neighbor isn’t? Aren’t we a reflection of everyone else? The father gave you a way out of this temporary prisoner of war situation and many didn’t listen. They were too busy trying to be good. Although the father didn’t plan any of this, he most certainly plans on rescuing you. The atonement wasn’t meant for a select few. It was meant for everyone. All of us. It’s those that chose Satan who blasphemed the Holy Ghost that do not have any more chances. They will be shown every single messenger that was sent to them. It will be hundreds of times. Not a few. They chose to serve the gos of this world and will accept their fate. Why? Because God isn’t in them anymore. 

So do we go to hell right after death? No. The Bible says we all fall asleep in Jesus. Acts 7:60, Stephen is said to have “fallen asleep.” Jesus has the keys to hell. He can choose for you to fall asleep or be placed there. It will be temporary until the second death. If you have been hurting his children on earth for personal gain, he may put you there. We don’t know for sure. But bears death experiences have recorded the majority of those who die do in fact find themselves in hell, however, when any of them call out to Jesus, he takes them out and gives them a second chance. 

You can choose whatever god you want to. Unfortunately, there are only two choices. The kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of hell. You can tell the difference by the way people treat you, which one they belong to. Since Jesus owns the keys to hell, he could have built incarceration programs to help thos ewho are angry, bitter, confused, depressed and lost. And why not? Don’t we have those? Are we better lovers of people than God? Religion paints an angry God who demands perfection of a being that never was born in it nor could ever achieve it. Those that veer off the bible start to compare their standards of love compared to the God of the Bible. Unfortunately, the old testament god shows no mercy for the lost. Has no compassion for those who who stray.

This doesn’t mean that was actually The Father. If he gave us free will and will not intervene unless we choose his son, then the God of the old testmament could be Satan acting like God. This is the beginning of Gnosticism. A diverse group of ancient Christian sects that often viewed the Old Testament God as a lesser, or even evil, deity. They believed in a higher, spiritual God who was unrelated to the creator of the material world. Or Marcionism: An early Christian heresy that rejected the Old Testament, arguing that its God was a different being than the God of the New Testament. Marcionites believed that the Old Testament God was harsh and demanding, while the New Testament God was loving and merciful. Some Satanic groups: While not a religion in the traditional sense, some Satanic groups view the Old Testament God as a symbol of oppressive authority and moral control. They may identify with Satan as a rebel against this tyrannical deity.

Those that press in to to find the truth come across Gnosticism and change course. I have to agree with some of it. Gnosticism is a broad term encompassing a diverse range of ancient religious and philosophical movements that flourished in the Greco-Roman world, particularly between the 1st and 3rd centuries CE. The core tenet of Gnosticism is the belief in the inherent duality of reality: a spiritual, divine realm and a material, corrupt realm.

Key Gnostic Beliefs:

  • Dualism: The universe is divided into two opposing principles: a spiritual, divine realm and a material, corrupt realm.
  • Emanations: The divine realm is composed of emanations or emanations of God, descending from the highest being to create the material world.
  • Spiritual Knowledge (Gnosis): The ultimate goal of human existence is to acquire spiritual knowledge (gnosis) and escape the material world, returning to the divine realm.
  • Secret Knowledge: Gnostic teachings were often considered secret and were passed down through oral tradition or specialized texts.

Gnostic Cosmology:

Gnostics often described a complex cosmology involving various divine beings and intermediaries. The material world was seen as a prison or illusion created by a lesser, or even evil, deity.

Impact on Christianity:

Gnosticism had a significant impact on early Christianity, with many Gnostic sects emerging within the Christian context.While some Gnostic ideas were incorporated into mainstream Christian thought, others were considered heretical and were condemned by the Church.

Sources of Gnostic Knowledge:

Most of our knowledge of Gnosticism comes from fragmentary texts, such as the Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of Gnostic manuscripts discovered in Egypt in 1945.

Of course these scripts were found a year before the release of the whore of babylon.

Gnostics believe in Sophia as the bad God.

Sophia is a prominent figure in Gnostic mythology, often representing the divine wisdom or feminine principle. Her role varies across different Gnostic sects, but she is generally associated with the creation of the material world and the subsequent fall of the divine spark within humanity.

Different Interpretations of Sophia:

  • Divine Wisdom: In some Gnostic systems, Sophia is seen as the highest emanation of God, representing divine wisdom and knowledge.
  • Fallen Goddess: In other interpretations, Sophia is depicted as a fallen goddess who, through her desire to create,inadvertently brought about the material world and its associated suffering.
  • Redeemer: Sophia may also be viewed as a redeemer or savior figure, seeking to rescue humanity from the material world and restore the divine spark within each individual.

The Role of Sophia in Creation:

Gnostic cosmologies often involve Sophia’s role in the creation of the material world. Her desire to understand God’s nature led her to gaze upon the divine light, which caused her to become pregnant with the material universe. This act of creation, however, also resulted in the imprisonment of divine sparks within human beings.

Sophia’s Redemption:

Gnostic teachings often emphasize the need for Sophia’s redemption. Through various means, such as the descent of a divine messenger or the spiritual awakening of humanity, Sophia’s fall is rectified, and the divine spark within individuals is liberated.

Sophia’s Influence on Christian Thought:

While Gnosticism was eventually condemned by the Christian Church, some Gnostic concepts, including the idea of a divine feminine principle, have influenced certain Christian traditions, particularly those that emphasize the wisdom and compassion of God.

Gnosticism believes that Sophia is one of many of Gods. Some say out of millions. Sophia is the only God that went rogue on her universe.

Gnosticism typically does not posit a plurality of gods in the traditional sense. While there are various divine beings and emanations within Gnostic cosmologies, they are often understood as aspects or expressions of a single, ultimate reality.

Here’s a breakdown of Gnostic conceptions of divinity:

  • The Pleroma: The highest divine realm, often described as a fullness or plenitude. This realm is inhabited by various divine beings, but they are ultimately interconnected and emanate from a single source.
  • The Demiurge: A lesser deity, often seen as the creator of the material world. The Demiurge is sometimes portrayed as ignorant or even malevolent, but he is ultimately a product of the divine realm.
  • Sophia: A prominent figure in Gnostic mythology, often associated with divine wisdom and the creation of the material world. While Sophia may be seen as a separate entity, she is ultimately connected to the divine realm.

There are definitely many forms and denominations of gnositcism as all of the ancient texts out there share different thoughts and meanings.

This is where the phrase agnostic comes from. An agnostic is a person who believes that the existence of God or other higher powers is unknown or unknowable. Unlike an atheist, who asserts that there is no God, an agnostic maintains a neutral stance on the question of divine existence.

Key characteristics of agnostics:

  • Uncertainty: Agnostics are not certain about the existence of God or other higher powers.
  • Open-mindedness: They are open to the possibility of divine existence but do not claim to have definitive knowledge.
  • Skepticism: Agnostics often approach religious claims with skepticism, requiring evidence or logical reasoning to support belief.
  • Focus on the present: They may prioritize practical matters and human experience over metaphysical questions.

Agnosticism is a spectrum. Some agnostics may lean more towards atheism, while others may be more open to religious beliefs. Ultimately, agnosticism is a state of mind characterized by uncertainty and a refusal to make definitive claims about the unknown.

The reason there are so many religions, denominations and interpretations of the truth is because man is incapable of telling the truth. We are born in a fallen world and are liars at birth. Those that do not believe they are liars are fooling themselves and stuck in ego. Many who search for meaning and truth figure out that they have been the one in the way of everything. They call this the death of the ego. Many find this when they take hallucinagens. This, according to many, opens up the pineal gland through some type of vibration. 

This trip exposes the person to the veil. Once entered, they are introduced to many entities who at first are loving and benign. They teach you that you are just a spec of dust compared to all glory in the universe and do not matter. Terence McKenna was an American ethnobotanist, author, and lecturer who gained widespread recognition for his work on psychedelic drugs, plant consciousness, and the nature of reality. He was particularly known for his research on ayahuasca, a South American psychoactive plant brew.

Key contributions of Terence McKenna:

  • Ethnobotanical research: McKenna conducted extensive research on the use of psychedelic plants in indigenous cultures, exploring their spiritual and therapeutic applications.
  • The Timewave Zero theory: He proposed a controversial theory known as Timewave Zero, which suggested that human history was accelerating towards a critical point in the year 2012.
  • The Stoned Ape Hypothesis: McKenna argued that the consumption of psychedelic substances played a crucial role in the evolution of human consciousness.
  • Popularization of psychedelic culture: Through his books, lectures, and interviews, McKenna helped to popularize psychedelic drugs and their potential benefits, though his views were often met with controversy and criticism.

McKenna’s work has been both praised and criticized, with some considering him a visionary thinker and others dismissing his ideas as speculative and unfounded. Nevertheless, he remains a significant figure in the psychedelic and new age movements.

Terence McKenna often described encountering entities or beings during his experiences with psychedelic substances.These entities were often portrayed as intelligent, benevolent, and possessing a deep understanding of the universe. He referred to them using various terms, including “machine elves,” “self-replicating entities,” and “fractal beings.”

McKenna believed that these entities were manifestations of underlying patterns and structures in the fabric of reality. He suggested that they were part of a vast interconnected network of consciousness that permeates the universe. According to McKenna, these entities could provide insights into the nature of existence, the future of humanity, and the ultimate purpose of life.

Although Terrence himself never said or wrote that these entities were evil or malignant, he believed they were passive and wanted to teach us about the universe. 

But there are many accounts of people who did the same drug and met with evil beings. Onces that haunt them ever since taking the drug. Many claim that it depends on the person and their spirit if they are kind or evil. Apparently, you see and interact with what you are in the spritual world. According to academia, many studies and personal accounts suggest that a majority of individuals who use psychedelics report positive or transformative experiences. While there is no definitive consensus, a rough estimate might be that around 70-80% of psychedelic experiences are generally positive or neutral, while the remaining 20-30% might involve challenges or adverse reactions.

In conclusion, I believe the God of the Old Testmament was hijacked. Two of them were recorded. Satan and Yahweh. The jews chose Satan while the Christians chose Yahweh and his Son. The clue is free will. God cannot intervene unless his people ask for him to take control. This is why it took so long for Jesus to save us. We had to prophecy with our own lips his return and Satan managed to keep us away from him for 4,000 years. The Father gave the jews 10 commandments. I believe that was sufficent enough. The jews through their prayer, added 603 more rules which tainted the truth. Gnosticism was born out of not understanding this schizophrenic god of the old testmament and peiced together what they could from other religions like Hinduism and Budhism.

Jesus’ walk on earth was profound. The jews couldn’t understand Him because their interpretations of God had been skewed towards a God of law and order. Jesus taught about loving your neighbor and to not seek power. The jews practioners of tradition, rituals and routine. Keeping the commandments and scarficing when naughty. Jesus proved all were naughty and sacrifice wasn’t needed if we just loved one another. The jews continued to quote laws before him and Jesus raised the law even higher making it impossible to keep. He was trying to get man to let go of law and order and focus on taking care of each other. After Jesus died, the jews created the Talmud right when the Catholic Church was created. The Talmud doubled down on the law and declared war on Christianity. The Talumud teaches God’s people will rule the world and their Messiah will will come and flush us all out. This is Agenda 2030 and the war on the populations. Making justification for the angry god of the old testmament, we are called Goyim or cattle that never deserved the title of Prince. That angry God of the Talmud is the God of Babylon written in modern day Iraq. This is the teachings the Khazars or Prussians chose after Russia defeated them and forced them away from paganism. 

This group of jews are from Europe with ancestors from Turkey who took the talmud and gave it a little more spice incorporating paganism or sacrifice of human beings to please their God Lucifer. These new jews took over Israel with the help of the Rothschild family after the Ottoman empre collapsed. They managed to hijack Israel and convince the elders that they are worthy through wealth to usher in the Messiah. They are purposely pushing for Armageddon and war with the Christians in order for their leader to return. Benjamin Netanyahu was told by the most holiest Rabbi that he will give the Spear of Destiny, the spear that periced Jesus’ side, to the Messiah and this is why they are sacrificing 3.5 million palestinians for this reason. A blood sacrifice to raise the child of perdition. They and the new world order corporations and countries involved believe that we are in the end of days.

But here’s the problem. You can’t push the creator. It’s his decision to let it go further. They continue to come into resistance from powerful entities who are not interested in their religion. Jesus said just as in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the son of man be. We are not there yet. The day Noah and family entered the ark, they were the last of the bloodline of Adam. 99.999999% of the people were not the lineage because their DNA was changed by the watchers. We still have 25% of the people worldwide who did not take the mRNA gene therapy drug called a vaccine. It’s going to take 100 years for those to die and the 75% breed the new DNA into fruition. We still have time. In fact Noah had 120 years to get into the ark. This time, the ark is accepting Christ from this war on mankind. None of you will see the tribulation. Nor will you be raptured. It’s your children’s children who will be around during the end of days.


Gemini AI

Another Look at the Vision of Margaret MacDonald – Fathers Heart Ministry

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