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So, in the 1970’s, Claude Vorilhon, a former French auto-racing journalist who later changed his name to Rael, claims to have been visited by extraterrestrial beings who instructed him to establish an embassy in Geneva Switzerland to welcome their return to Earth. Their logo is the Star of David with a swatstika in the middle. Raelism combines elements of science fiction, new age spirituality, and eastern mysticism, and emphasizes the importance of cloning, genetic engineering, and sexual freedom. 

According to them, thousands of years ago, scientists from another planet came to Earth and created all forms of life—including humans, “in their image and likeness.” Due to their highly advanced technology, they were mistaken for gods by our primitive ancestors and often referred to them as “ELOHIM”, which in ancient Hebrew means, “Those who came from the sky.” Despite being a plural word, over time the word “Elohim” was mistranslated into the singular “God” as referenced in modern-day Bibles.

Throughout the Ages, the Elohim maintained contact with many PROPHETS, including Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed (to name just a few). They were all chosen by the Elohim to guide humans through the ages with messages of love, harmony and peace. In 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima. Our humanity entered a new era, the predicted “Age of APOCALYPSE.” (The word “APOCALYPSE” etymologically means “Revelation.”) Mankind had now reached the crucial stage in which it would either use science to enter the “Golden Age” or destroy itself. It was at this time that the Elohim decided it was time to send their last Prophet, who would reveal our true origin and demystify what the Prophets of Old could not.

The International Raelian Movement, which believes life on Earth was created by extraterrestrial beings, officially ended its support for Zionism, after its leader claimed to have received a divine prophecy condemning Israel.

A statement from the Raelians said that their leader, Rael (Claude Vorilhon), was told in an August 6 prophesy from Yahweh, the head of the extraterrestrial beings called the Elohim, that “protection” for Israel had been withdrawn due to Israeli policies on the Palestinians. Both Yahweh and Elohim are current Hebrew words for God. According to Rael, Yahweh said in a message for Israel: “You have betrayed all the exemplary values of Judaism by stealing land and houses that don’t belong to you, and especially by not respecting my most important commandment: ‘Thou shall not kill.’ And you have accumulated nuclear weapons that could kill millions of people in one go and spark off a world war capable of destroying all of our creation.”

Therefore, Rael was told, “the protection previously granted by to Israel is totally withdrawn as of today, and we ask that all real Jews leave the land of Palestine as quickly as possible.”

Rael, who has visited the planet of Elohim said, “Jew, leave Israel as soon as possible without turning back if you don’t wish to be turned into a pillar of salt, as happened at Sodom and Gomorrah.” Rael traveled the world getting banned in several countries including France. His ex-wife tells of her husband as a crazed lunatic bringing home disciples and having sex with them right in front of his wife. She was then told to clean up after them and fix them meals. He claimed he had met a ‘little green man’ called Elohim who had taken him in a spaceship to his planet to meet Jesus, Moses and Buddha. He was given a scented bath by female robots and was told aliens had created the human race 25,000 years earlier using DNA technology. Eventually their two children, who were exposed to adult orgies, left the sex cult and has not since returned. 

The ban in France led him to set up the secretive, Bahamas-based Clonaid organisation in 1987 now located in America. Rael claims to have 55,000 followers in 84 countries and announced the birth of two cloned human babies in 2002. Neither has been authenticated as the press waited for proof but none was given. Their website is outdated and doesn’t appear to be maintained as of 2009. However, they still maintain their first clone Eve is alive and well in Israel.

Raël and the Raëlian Movement: A Critical Analysis

Raël, born Claude Vorilhon, and his Raëlian Movement have garnered significant attention due to their unique beliefs and practices. While the movement claims to promote peace, love, and scientific advancement, it has also faced criticism and controversy.

Pros of the Raëlian Movement

  1. Emphasis on Peace and Love: The Raëlian Movement advocates for peace, love, and non-violence. They believe in the interconnectedness of all beings and promote tolerance and respect for all.
  2. Promotion of Scientific Advancement: The movement encourages scientific research and development,particularly in the fields of cloning and genetic engineering. They believe these advancements can lead to a better future for humanity.
  3. Focus on Environmental Protection: Raëlians advocate for environmental protection and sustainable practices.They believe that humans have a responsibility to care for the planet and its resources.

Cons of the Raëlian Movement

  1. Controversial Beliefs: The Raëlian Movement’s core beliefs, including the existence of extraterrestrial creators (the Elohim) and the claim that humans were created through genetic engineering, are considered controversial and unscientific by many.
  2. Criticism of Religious Practices: The movement’s rituals and practices, such as the creation of “clone babies,” have been criticized as unethical and potentially harmful.
  3. Financial Concerns: The Raëlian Movement has faced allegations of financial impropriety, including accusations of mismanaging donations and using funds for personal gain.
  4. Controversial Statements: Raël and his followers have made controversial statements, including promoting the legalization of prostitution and advocating for the creation of a “sex cult.”

The Raëlian Movement presents a complex picture with both positive and negative aspects. While their emphasis on peace, love, and scientific advancement is commendable, their controversial beliefs and practices have raised significant concerns. Ultimately, whether one views the movement positively or negatively depends on their individual values and perspectives.

The Raëlian Movement’s Cloning Capabilities

The Raëlian Movement, led by Raël, has been at the forefront of human cloning advocacy. In 1997, they established Clonaid, a company specifically dedicated to human cloning. While they have made numerous claims about their cloning successes, these claims have been met with significant skepticism and controversy within the scientific community.   

Key Claims and Controversies:

  • Successful Human Cloning: In 2002, Clonaid announced the birth of a cloned baby girl named Eve. However, they refused to provide independent scientific verification of her genetic identity, leading to widespread doubt and skepticism.  
  • Ethical Concerns: The Raëlian Movement’s stance on human cloning has raised significant ethical concerns. Critics argue that cloning humans is a violation of natural processes and could have unforeseen consequences.  
  • Scientific Scrutiny: The scientific community has largely rejected the Raëlian Movement’s claims of cloning success. Experts have pointed out the lack of transparency, the absence of independent verification, and the potential for fraud or misrepresentation.  

Current Status:

While the Raëlian Movement continues to promote human cloning, their claims have not been substantiated by the broader scientific community. The ethical and scientific debates surrounding cloning remain ongoing, and the future of human cloning remains uncertain.

Their headquarters are located in Gardone Riviera, Italy, where they have a dedicated facility known as “Raël’s Ark.” This facility serves as a center for their activities and beliefs.

Raëlian Religious and Philosophical Beliefs

The Raëlian Movement, founded by Claude Vorilhon (Raël), is based on a unique set of religious and philosophical beliefs. Here are some of the core tenets of their ideology:

Extraterrestrial Origins:

  • Elohim: The Raëlians believe that humans were created by extraterrestrial beings known as the Elohim. These beings are said to have visited Earth in the past and genetically engineered humans.
  • Cloning: The Elohim are believed to have used cloning technology to create humans. The Raëlians believe that cloning can be used to achieve immortality and create a better future for humanity.

Purpose of Life:

  • Immortality: The Raëlians believe that the purpose of life is to achieve immortality through cloning. They argue that death is a natural consequence of aging and can be overcome through scientific advancements.
  • Contact with the Elohim: The Raëlians believe that it is essential to establish contact with the Elohim in order to ensure the survival and well-being of humanity. They advocate for building embassies for the Elohim on Earth.

Ethical Principles:

  • Peace and Love: The Raëlians promote peace, love, and non-violence. They believe that all beings are interconnected and should be treated with respect.
  • Scientific Advancement: The Raëlians encourage scientific research and development, particularly in the fields of cloning and genetic engineering. They believe that these advancements can lead to a better future for humanity.

Controversial Beliefs:

  • Sex Cult: The Raëlian Movement has been accused of being a “sex cult” due to its emphasis on sexual freedom and its belief that sex is a sacred act.
  • Cloning Babies: The Raëlian Movement has been criticized for its efforts to clone humans, which many consider to be unethical and potentially harmful.

As of my last update, there have been no major reports of Raëlian Movement members being arrested on a global scale. However, it’s important to note that this could change.

  • Local Incidents: There may have been localized incidents or legal disputes involving individual members or groups affiliated with the Raëlian Movement, particularly in countries with strict regulations on religious practices or where controversies have arisen.
  • Changing Legal Landscape: The legal landscape can change over time, and new laws or regulations might impact the activities of the Raëlian Movement in certain jurisdictions.

Estimating the Net Worth of the Raëlian Movement

Determining the exact net worth of the Raëlian Movement is challenging due to the private nature of their finances and the potential for undisclosed assets or liabilities. However, based on publicly available information and estimates, we can make some educated guesses.

Factors Affecting Net Worth:

  • Donations: The Raëlian Movement relies heavily on donations from its members and supporters. The amount of donations received can fluctuate over time, affecting their overall financial stability.
  • Properties and Assets: The movement may own properties, such as their headquarters in Gardone Riviera, Italy, as well as other assets that could contribute to their net worth.
  • Business Ventures: While not a primary focus, the Raëlian Movement may have engaged in some business ventures or investments that could impact their financial situation.

Estimated Net Worth:

Given the limited public information available, it’s difficult to provide a precise estimate of the Raëlian Movement’s net worth. However, based on the size of their membership and the nature of their activities, it’s likely that their net worth is relatively modest compared to larger religious organizations or corporations.

The popularity of the Raëlian Movement can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Unique Beliefs: Their distinctive beliefs, including the claim of extraterrestrial origins and the potential for human cloning, have captured the imagination of many people who are seeking something different or unconventional.
  2. Emphasis on Peace and Love: The movement’s focus on peace, love, and non-violence resonates with individuals who are looking for a more harmonious and tolerant world.
  3. Scientific Advancement: Their advocacy for scientific advancement, particularly in the fields of cloning and genetic engineering, appeals to those who are interested in technological progress and the potential for human improvement.
  4. Community and Belonging: The Raëlian Movement offers a sense of community and belonging for its members.People may be drawn to the movement for social connections and a shared sense of purpose.
  5. Controversial Nature: The movement’s controversial beliefs and practices can generate media attention and public interest, which can contribute to their popularity.

The Raëlian Movement has been accused of being a “sex cult” by some critics. This accusation is primarily based on their emphasis on sexual freedom and their belief that sex is a sacred act. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

Here’s a breakdown of the main arguments and counterarguments:

Arguments for “Sex Cult” Label:

  • Sexual Freedom: The Raëlians advocate for sexual freedom and believe that all sexual orientations and practices are acceptable. This has led some to label them as a “sex cult.”
  • Controversial Statements: Raël and his followers have made controversial statements about sex, including promoting the legalization of prostitution and advocating for the creation of a “sex cult.”


  • Religious Beliefs: The Raëlians’ emphasis on sexual freedom is rooted in their religious beliefs. They believe that sex is a natural and sacred part of human existence.
  • Lack of Evidence: There is no concrete evidence to support the claim that the Raëlian Movement engages in harmful or exploitative sexual practices.
  • Individual Choice: The Raëlian Movement emphasizes individual choice and freedom. Members are free to engage in sexual activities as they see fit, within the bounds of the law.

Joining the Raëlian Movement

If you are interested in joining the Raëlian Movement, you can typically do so by:

  1. Contacting a Local Chapter: The Raëlian Movement has chapters in various countries. You can search for a local chapter near you through their website or by contacting their international headquarters.
  2. Attending Meetings: Once you’ve located a local chapter, you can attend one of their regular meetings or events.These gatherings provide an opportunity to learn more about the movement’s beliefs and practices.
  3. Becoming a Member: After attending meetings and learning about the Raëlian Movement, you may decide to become a member. Membership typically involves a commitment to the movement’s principles and values.

The Raëlian Movement and Israel

The Raëlian Movement has a complex relationship with Israel. While they do not have a formal affiliation with the Israeli government, there are some connections and points of interest:

  • Biblical References: The Raëlian Movement draws on biblical references to support their claims about extraterrestrial origins. They interpret certain biblical passages as evidence of the Elohim’s involvement in human history.
  • Jewish Influence: Some Raëlian members have Jewish backgrounds, and the movement has been influenced by certain Jewish traditions and beliefs.
  • Controversial Statements: In the past, Raël has made controversial statements about Israel, including suggesting that the country should be divided between Arabs and Jews. These statements have been criticized by some within the Raëlian Movement and by external observers.

The Raëlian Movement and the Lost 144,000 Jews

The concept of the “lost 144,000 Jews” is derived from the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible. It refers to a group of 144,000 Jewish believers who are said to be sealed by God for protection during the end times.

There is no direct connection between the Raëlian Movement and the concept of the lost 144,000 Jews. The Raëlian Movement’s beliefs are based on their own unique interpretation of religious and scientific concepts, and they do not identify with the traditional Christian understanding of the Bible or its prophecies.

While some Raëlian members may have Jewish backgrounds, the movement’s overall focus is on their own beliefs about extraterrestrial origins and the potential for human cloning. They do not claim to be the lost 144,000 Jews, nor do they subscribe to the traditional Christian interpretation of this concept.

Conclusion: The Raëlian Movement

The Raëlian Movement, founded by Claude Vorilhon (Raël), presents a unique and controversial blend of religious,philosophical, and scientific beliefs. Their core tenets, including extraterrestrial origins, human cloning, and the pursuit of immortality, have garnered significant attention and criticism.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unique Beliefs: The Raëlian Movement’s beliefs, while unconventional, have attracted a following of individuals seeking something different or unconventional.
  • Controversial Claims: Their claims about extraterrestrial origins and human cloning have been met with skepticism and criticism within the scientific community.
  • Ethical Concerns: The movement’s emphasis on cloning has raised significant ethical concerns, particularly regarding the potential for exploitation and unforeseen consequences.
  • Limited Influence: Despite their unique beliefs and practices, the Raëlian Movement has a relatively small global presence compared to other major religions or social movements.

Future Outlook:

While the Raëlian Movement may continue to attract new members and maintain a certain level of visibility, it is unlikely that they will achieve widespread mainstream acceptance or influence. Their controversial beliefs and practices, coupled with the lack of scientific evidence to support their claims, make it difficult for them to gain credibility or legitimacy.

However, the Raëlian Movement’s focus on scientific advancement and their advocacy for peace and love may continue to resonate with some individuals. As technology and scientific understanding evolve, the movement may adapt and potentially find new ways to promote their beliefs and goals.

Ultimately, the future of the Raëlian Movement will depend on their ability to address the criticisms and concerns raised about their beliefs and practices, as well as their capacity to adapt to the changing social and cultural landscape.

I find it fascinating that such an encounter, whether real or not can spark a movement and religion. How people gravitate towards a truth they want to believe in to be led down a path of corruption. Especially when sex is forefront and free. This to me is a huge red flag. Not because sex is a bad thing, but how jealousy and emotions can be played on people who drank the kool aid. Cults are easy to spot. A leader who received a message from something invisible. Check. Wants to bring all together under a commune. Check. Has sex with their patrons. Check. Writes a book on things to follow. Check. 

I do agree with this alien’s view on Israel. They are definitely a thorn in the side of all the Middle East and America is its enabler. And I would like to see Israel turn into a pillar of salt. Not because I believe in the views of Islam, either. It’s because Israel is a con job. A fake religion by the Prussians who use god as their weapon and excuse for genocide. They are evil and the Bible talks about them being the synagogue of Satan and the whole world will hate them and attack them in the end times. It sure looks that is happening right now. 


Gemini AI

1. Factsheet: the Raëlian movement – Religion Media Centre

2. Clonaid – Wikipedia

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