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The Dulce Base conspiracy theory is a popular belief that a joint human-alien underground facility exists under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near Dulce, New Mexico. The theory claims that this base is involved in various activities, including genetic experimentation and the study of extraterrestrial life.   

1. Dulce Base – Wikipedia

2. UFO Hunters: Alien Experiments at Secret Underground Base (Season 3) | History

Key Points of the Conspiracy:

  • Origin: The theory gained widespread attention in the 1980s, primarily due to the claims of a former government employee, Thomas E. Castello, who alleged to have worked at the base.
  • Activities: According to the conspiracy, the base is used for:
    • Genetic experimentation involving humans and aliens
    • Studying extraterrestrial technology
    • Housing extraterrestrial beings
  • Alleged Conflict: Some versions of the theory suggest that a violent conflict occurred between humans and aliens at the base, resulting in significant casualties.

Evidence and Skepticism:

  • Lack of Physical Evidence: Despite numerous claims and investigations, no concrete physical evidence has been presented to support the existence of an underground base or alien involvement.
  • Contradictions: Many of the accounts and claims related to the Dulce Base have been contradicted or questioned by other sources.
  • Government Denial: The U.S. government has consistently denied the existence of any such facility.

While the Dulce Base conspiracy theory has captured the imagination of many, it remains largely unsubstantiated. The claims made by proponents of the theory are speculative and lack credible evidence. It’s important to approach such claims with a critical eye and rely on verified sources of information.

The Dulce Base Conspiracy: A Deeper Dive

Key Figures and Claims:

  • Thomas E. Castello: One of the most prominent figures associated with the Dulce Base conspiracy, Castello claimed to have worked at the base and witnessed horrifying experiments involving humans and aliens.
  • Paul Bennewitz: A physicist who became convinced that cattle mutilations in the area were linked to extraterrestrial activity. His experiences contributed to the growing interest in the Dulce Base theory.
  • John Lear: A former airline pilot who claimed to have been involved in secret government projects related to extraterrestrial life and the Dulce Base.
  • Phil Schneider: Killed an alien and was shot by one during a green beret attack at Dulce, NM.

Specific Allegations:

  • Human-Alien Hybrids: The conspiracy suggests that the base is involved in creating human-alien hybrids through genetic experimentation.
  • Advanced Technology: The base is believed to possess highly advanced technology, possibly of extraterrestrial origin, which is being studied and developed for military or other purposes.
  • Government Cover-Up: Many proponents of the theory believe that the U.S. government is actively concealing the existence of the Dulce Base and its activities.

Evidence and Counterarguments:

  • Lack of Physical Evidence: Despite numerous claims, there is no concrete physical evidence to support the existence of a vast underground base or alien activity at Dulce.
  • Contradictions and Inconsistencies: The accounts provided by various individuals involved in the Dulce Base conspiracy often contradict each other or lack credibility.
  • Government Denial: The U.S. government has consistently denied the existence of any such facility or involvement in extraterrestrial activities.

Popular Culture and Impact:

  • Books and Films: The Dulce Base conspiracy has been a popular subject in books, films, and documentaries, often portrayed as a dark and disturbing secret.
  • Public Interest: Despite the lack of evidence, the Dulce Base theory continues to fascinate many people, sparking discussions and debates about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups.

Additional Considerations:

  • Other Underground Bases: Similar claims have been made about other underground bases around the world, such as Area 51 in Nevada.
  • Government Secrecy: The existence of secret government facilities and projects is a well-documented fact.However, the extent of such activities and their involvement in extraterrestrial-related matters remains highly speculative.

Phil Schneider: A Controversial Figure in UFO and Conspiracy Theories

American engineer Philip Schneider was born on April 23, 1947. He is known as a person who worked for many years in collaboration with special services of the United States, had access to information of the 3rd level of secrecy, but at some point decided that people should know that they are kept in ignorance or are grossly deceived about everything happening to UFOs and aliens.

Few people had taken the stories of Phil Schneiderseriously until he was found dead. At the same time, the circumstances of his death indicated that Phil had been brutally dealt with.

Phil got higher education at an engineering school and later became a geological engineer. He is also known as a civil engineer for the military and aerospace industries.

Phil had his own family, a wife and a child. Oscar Schneider, Phil’s father, was a physician and military officer, who, according to some information, served in a submarine and at the same time managed to fight both for Germany and for the United States. Phil was able to take part in the construction of at least two underground bases for the so-called “secret government,” as well as in the construction of 13 deep-seated military bases underground.

Seeing how such projects are financed, for whom they are being built, and that the basic rights of the people, as well as the US constitution, are violated, in 1994, Phil broke off relations with the American intelligence services and returned all his awards. After that, Phil began working as an ordinary geologist, combining work with revelatory performances. He talked about underground bases, top-secret alien technologies, and the threat togrey humanity that those who seek to establish a New World Order in the direction of aliens hostile to people carry with them.

To popularize the information disclosed in the last two years of his life, Phil spoke a lot in public traveling around the USA and Canada and visited England and Japan. He criticized the government which keeps its citizens in the dark.

In 1995, at a regular lecture, Schneider said that over the past 22 years, 11 of his best friends had died, they knew something about the so-called government “conspiracy theory.” At the same time, eight out of 11 episodes were officially recognized as suicides.

Phil said that he was one of three people who survived the shootout that occurred in 1979 at an underground military base in Dulce between representatives of American intelligence services and aliens. As a result of the influence of an alien weapon, Schneider got a dose of radiation and subsequently fell ill with cancer

Phil Schneider also claimed that there had been repeated attempts to kill him after he told what he knew. These were attacks with weapons, attempts to push him onto the highway, and even attacks during street fights.

On January 17, 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead in his house in Wilsonville, Oregon. He was lying on the floor next to the piano, and a tube from his own catheter was wound around his neck. However, according to the report, Schneider was shot dead by police officers who came to deal with a large number of unpaid taxes and fines, and during the dialogue, Phil began to behave menacingly, grabbed his weapons, and thus left the law enforcement officers with no choice.

Whatever happened, but by the time of his death, Phil Schneider was very poor in health due to a serious illness (oncology). Suicide was called the official cause of death, although, according to some reports, there were signs of torture on the body. Many ufologists believe that representatives of US intelligence simply removed Schneider because he knew too much.

Gordon Duff, an editor-in-chief of the Veterans Today magazine, called Phil Schneider a UFO witness, believing that he was strikingly deeply aware of the US government’s contacts with aliens.

Schneider worked as a demolition specialist to help build secret underground bases for the US government.

He openly accused the US government and intelligence agencies of covert acts and direct crimes. Some of them deserve special attention:

1. The American government entered into an agreement with the Grey aliens in 1954. This mutually beneficial cooperation agreement is called the “Greada Treaty”. Aliens do not comply with it.

2. The shuttle made special alloys in orbit. A vacuum is needed to create these special metals, and thus the mandate for the ongoing support of the manned space station is justified.

3. Most of the aircraft technology with Stealth technology was developed due to the study of an alien ship that crashed in the United States.

4. AIDS was invented at the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, and developed as a virus to control the human population.

5. It is a secret that the US government has a device for causing earthquakes. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 did not have a pulse wave, which confirms their artificial origin.

6. The bombing at the World Trade Center (09/11/2001) and the bombing in Oklahoma City (04/19/1995) were carried out using miniature nuclear devices. This is indicated by the melting and pitting of concrete with the displacement of metal rods that make up the frame of concrete structures (it is worth recalling that Phil was an engineer and explosives were one of his strengths).

7. Bikini Atoll was destroyed by nuclear weapons due to the fact that there was an underwater base of aliens.

8. The strategic defense initiative (SDI) was actually conceived as a defense against alien invasions.

9. A large number of underground military bases have been built in the United States (~ 130), up to 2 km deep, and they are similar in size to cities. Bases were built in case of a declaration of war. The bases are interconnected by high-speed monorails, on which trains move at a speed of 2 Mach (~ 2380 km/h) on a “magnetic cushion”, hovering 3/4 inch (~ 2 cm) above the rail.

10. The secret plan of the high Grays to establish on the planet a New World Order, managed by the UN, which they secretly control.

The UFO problem was dealt with by an organization specially created by the order of the US government back in 1933. According to the research of this organization, in 1935, the presence of aliens on Earth became a recognized fact. Over the next 20 years, employees tried to find out the intentions of space aliens and establish contact with them. And this happened in 1954: on February 20-21, President Dwight Eisenhower met with representatives of an alien civilization.

The first meeting was unsuccessful: the aliens refused to transfer any advanced technologies to earthlings (represented by the Americans), but they demanded to stop the development of certain types of weapons. The United States did not agree to stop its military projects and, of course, could not vouch for the rest of the world.

Contacts continued and, as a result, the so-called “Greada Treaty” was concluded. What the contracting parties agreed on:

• The aliens do not interfere in the affairs of earthlings.
• Earthlings (represented by the US government) keep secret the fact of the presence of aliens on Earth.
• Aliens help in technical development. This applies only to the American nation.
• Aliens can take people and animals for scientific purposes. People after research should come back, and memories of contacts with aliens should be deleted from their memories

The consequence of this agreement was the creation of numerous underground bases on which earthlings mastered extraterrestrial technology, and aliens conducted their experiments on “human material”.

Gray aliens are employees of a powerful extraterrestrial civilization, the existence of which earthlings had to face in their historical past. The presumptive basis of the alien ideology is the unification of intelligent species of the Universe into a single Union, and regardless of the form of life itself (biological, ethereal, or other).

Judging by past events, alien political principles imply the non-violent conversion of planets to their ideology. The mail idea of aliens about a single type of intelligent life form is reduced to the fact that the population of the planets loses memory of the past and turns into beings with the given characteristics. To implement this program, aliens use advanced bioengineering technologies. The final stage of their mission is to implement the necessary information, while information about the past of the subordinate culture does not matter anymore.

Phil Schneider was a geologist and engineer who gained notoriety in the 1990s for his claims about secret government projects involving extraterrestrial technology and underground bases. His most prominent claim was that he had worked on a joint human-alien facility, similar to the alleged Dulce Base, and had witnessed advanced technology and extraterrestrial beings.

Key Points About Schneider:

  • Government Contractor: Schneider claimed to have worked for the U.S. government as a contractor, involved in projects related to geological engineering and construction.
  • Underground Bases: He alleged that he had been involved in the construction of underground bases, including one near Dulce, New Mexico, which was supposedly used for research and development of extraterrestrial technology.
  • Alien Encounter: Schneider claimed to have witnessed an extraterrestrial being during one of his visits to the underground base.
  • Government Suppression: He believed that the government was actively suppressing information about extraterrestrial life and advanced technology, and that he had been targeted for exposing these secrets.
  • Tragic End: Schneider died in 1996 under mysterious circumstances, with some conspiracy theorists suggesting that he was killed by government agents to silence him.

Controversies and Criticisms:

  • Lack of Evidence: Schneider never provided concrete evidence to support his claims, relying primarily on personal anecdotes and testimony.
  • Contradictions: His accounts often contradicted those of other individuals involved in similar conspiracy theories.
  • Government Denial: The U.S. government has consistently denied Schneider’s claims and the existence of any such underground facilities.
  • Skepticism: Many experts and researchers have expressed skepticism about Schneider’s claims, citing the lack of evidence and the inconsistencies in his accounts.

While Phil Schneider’s claims about underground bases and extraterrestrial technology have captured the imagination of many, they remain unsubstantiated. His story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of relying on unverified information and the importance of critical thinking when evaluating claims related to conspiracy theories.

While his claims about underground bases and extraterrestrial life remain unsubstantiated, his story has had a significant impact on the UFO and conspiracy theory communities. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Public Lectures: Schneider was a popular public speaker, delivering lectures and presentations about his experiences and beliefs.
  • Media Appearances: He appeared on various radio and television programs to share his claims with a wider audience.
  • Books: Schneider authored several books, including “The Confessions of a Government Insider” and “The UFO Conspiracy,” which detailed his experiences and theories.
  • Legacy: Despite his controversial claims, Schneider’s legacy continues to influence the UFO and conspiracy theory communities. His story has inspired countless discussions, debates, and investigations.

The year is 1979. The aftermath of the underground war left 60 humans killed in action and an untold number of the enemy’s troops mortally wounded. It was the U.S. Army’s Special Forces’ greatest threat — and no one would ever know about it. The Green Berets were dispatched to Dulce, New Mexico, to keep alien forces underground and away from the rest of the world.

They succeeded, but at what cost?

At least, this is the way explosives engineer Philip Schneider tells his part of the story. He was in New Mexico that year and he knows the alien threat was real.

Schneider claims he was working on a highly secretive, underground base on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in New Mexico, near Dulce, a Colorado border town. He told the Huffington Post he first became suspicious of the project’s true intention when he noticed American Special Forces soldiers operating in and around the area.

They don’t just send Green Berets to New Mexico for no reason. Schneider alleged the gray aliens were conducting bizarre medical experiments on mankind, both live humans and samples of DNA. He said that deep underground, the “Grays” would absorb human and cow blood for sustenance.

Schneider finally came out with his story in the mid-1990s. Two years later, he killed himself with a catheter cord – a suicide that has some screaming “foul play.” At the time, the engineer said he began construction on the underground base just like he would any other base, by drilling holes. This time, however an acrid smell like burning garbage emerged from the drilled holes. That’s when the fighting started.

Then, one day, he turned around and came face-to-face with what he called a “7-foot-tall, stinky, gray alien.” Immediately, the engineer grabbed his pistol and took two of them down. A third one blew off some his fingers with a kind of laser blaster. That’s when one of the Green Berets sacrificed himself to save Schneider’s life.

The scuffle turned into a full-blown battle that killed 60 humans. Green Berets reacted instantly, bringing all the firepower they could bear on the aliens. The aliens responded by shooting blue bolts of radiant power with movements of their hands. The kind of bolts that blew Schneider’s fingers off were turning the Special Forces soldiers inside out. Eventually, the aliens relented, retreating deeper into the complex.

What happened in the years that followed is anyone’s guess.

Before his death, Schneider alleged that there were more than 1,400 of these underground bases all over the world, each with a price tag of billion. The 192 bases inside the U.S. are also said to be interconnected. While there is no further information on what started the underground alien war or if it continues to this day, residents of nearby Dulce attest to strange happenings in areas near the base.

Witness Testimonies and Claims

  • Thomas Costello Testimony: Claims of underground levels at Dulce Base where human-alien experimentation occurs, forming a significant part of the conspiracy narrative.

  • Phil Schneider Disclosure: Talks about 12 secret US bases, a 1954 US-Alien treaty, and high-tech weapon development, contributing to a comprehensive conspiracy theory.

  • Dulce Base Employee Testimony: Describes human-alien hybrids and genetic experiments, adding an ethical dimension to the conspiracy.

  • Lear and Tafoya’s Validation: In 1990, confirmed Dulce Base’s existence and police corroboration on genetic experiments, adding credibility.

  • Witness Accounts: Reports of UFOs, black helicopters, and anomalous fetus specimens at Dulce, suggesting clandestine genetic experimentation.
  • Eisenhower’s 1954 Treaty: Alleged alien collaboration, with 25% of US GDP going to a black budget for healthcare research and other areas, indicating macro-level government policy.

  • FBI Vault: Contains official records on Dulce Base investigations, validating UFO and mutilation reports, indicating governmental awareness.

  • Military Sightings: Confirmed UFO activity near nuclear sites, including Malmstrom Air Force Base, linked to ICBM malfunctions, suggesting a targeted interest in humanity’s nuclear capabilities.
  • Dulce Base Construction: Alleged construction in the 1930s, with expansion until the 60s and tunnel connections to Los Alamos and Page, Arizona, forming the backbone of the conspiracy narrative.

  • Genetic Experimentation: Supported by anomalous cattle mutilation evidence, suggesting human-alien collaboration in genetic research.

  • Advanced Tech Presence: Physical evidence of unconventional aircraft and military helicopters at mutilation sites, blurring the distinction between UFO and human activity.
  • FLIR Camera Search: Found zero evidence of an “underground base,” contrasting with hidden bunkers like Greenbrier’s, which was completed in 1995.

  • Investigative Thoroughness: Essential in debunking conspiracy theories, respecting witness accounts while maintaining skepticism.

  • Drilling Challenges: Archuleta Mesa’s basalt rock composition presents both an obstacle and opportunity for Dulce Base’s existence, questioning the feasibility of such a large-scale underground construction.

In the “Phil Schneider Documentary about Grey Aliens, UFO’s & Government,” Schneider, a former government geologist and engineer with a background in black budget programs, shares his experiences with advanced technologies and encounters with extraterrestrial beings. He claims that the military has been aware of alien life for over 70 years and that many advanced technologies have origins in alien technology. Schneider discusses his involvement in building an underground facility in Dulce, New Mexico, where they discovered large alien graves and encountered seven-foot-tall Grey Aliens. He also recounts an encounter in 1979 where he was injured by a blue beam from an alien after shooting and killing two of them. Schneider expresses concern about the government’s alleged agenda for a complete takeover of the planet and the killing off of a large portion of the population by 2029. He encourages the audience to take an active role in uncovering the truth and asserts the importance of constitutional law and patriotism. Throughout the documentary, Schneider emphasizes the need for transparency and sharing information to bring about change.

In the “Phil Schneider Documentary about Grey Aliens, UFO’s & Government,” Schneider recounts his personal experiences involving underground government activities related to UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. He shares that he survived a radiation incident and reveals the existence of several underground bases, including one at Denver International Airport. Schneider warns about the potential alien agenda to decimate the planet and enslave humans, urging viewers to re-educate themselves and question authority. He also discusses the importance of individual freedoms, including the right to bear arms, and the potential existence of secretive government projects and slave labor camps. Schneider claims that the government entered into an agreement with aliens in 1954, and millions of human lives have been lost due to alien encounters. He encourages viewers to question the extent of their knowledge about extraterrestrial beings and past government agreements, and to be cautious of false information and lies.

According to the CIA and FBI, animal mutilations were and are recorded throughout Dulce, NM. Animal/Cattle Mutilation In the mid-1970s, reports of scattered animal mutilations in western and mid-western states concerned many people. The FBI was asked to investigate, but was unable to do so because of a lack of jurisdiction (except when such mutilations were found on Indian lands). These files consist mainly of press clippings and correspondence concerning the issues between 1974 and 1978.

It was the mid-1990s when Eli Hronich of Raton, New Mexico, first stumbled upon a dead calf, with its tongue, eyes and reproductive organs removed—and completely devoid of blood. This haunting scene would become one he would discover another 40 times over the next 30 years, with the most recent death occurring in 2022. He is now in his 70s and has been ranching his entire life, and says these cattle mutilations are unlike any other deaths he has seen.

“When you find one, you know what it is immediately,” Hronich said. “People will try to play it down as a natural death or coyotes, but it’s completely different.”

Hronich’s experience with these unexplained deaths is not unlike the thousands of other reports made by ranchers over the last 50 years. Mutilated cattle are often found missing body parts of no commercial value, such as ears, tongues, udders, brains, eyes or reproductive organs—and there are no teeth marks, these animals have been sliced with what some call surgical precision.

Sometimes their bodies are drained of blood, bones are broken, scavengers avoid the carcasses and a medicinal smell is reported at some kill sites. Additionally, some animals have been found to have strange substances in their blood, such as barbiturates, mescaline, anti-coagulates and potassium cyanide.

Often times there are no tracks around the animals even from the bovine itself and strange lights or helicopters are frequently reported by witnesses. It sounds like an episode of “The X-Files,” but for the ranchers and investigators who experience these scenes, it is all too real. Chris O’Brien, noted cattle mutilation investigator and author of several books on the topic, said cattle mutilations hit a peak in the 1970s.

“At its height in October 1975, there were eight different states that reported mutilations in the same time frame,” O’Brien explained. “In Colorado, Gov. Richard Lamm called it the greatest outrage in the history of western cattle raising.”

Mutilations have been reported across the U.S. and the world for decades, but O’Brien said the Rocky Mountain States—including Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico—have seen the highest number of cases. Other states with numerous reports include Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Texas, but now the epicenter seems to be migrating to Oregon where 21 cases have been reported in the last six years.

O’Brien estimates 10,000 mutilations have been reported in total, but he believes that figure is conservative in comparison to the number of actual mutilations. He ventures a guess that only about one in 10 are actually reported. He believes the stranger the case, the less likely it is to be reported.

Perplexing doesn’t cover it

O’Brien became fascinated with these mutilation cases in the early 1990s when he was living in Colorado’s San Luis Valley—a hot spot for mutilation cases. He said he has been involved in the investigation of 200 cases, working closely with the police.

“I was very intrigued by it because these are the only blood-based, mysterious serial events and they leave behind thousands of pounds of physical evidence,” he said. “The more I started researching and digging into it, the more I was compelled to try to figure it out. But, the more you know about this stuff, the less sense it makes and the more confusing it becomes.”

One case that sticks out to O’Brien as particularly bizarre was a mutilation he investigated in March 1998 in Colorado. A rancher found a young calf that was missing its right front leg, its spine was removed from the neck to the hips and the brain was removed with no break into the cranium. It also had a slight medicinal odor. O’Brien said two separate witnesses made reports of strange lights in the area on the night the animal was killed. He even consulted a veterinarian, who said he could not explain what happened to the calf.

“There was absolutely no blood and the heart and liver were expertly excised, but left in the body cavity,” O’Brien said. “That’s the first thing scavengers would go after, but no birds or animals would go near it. We noticed the spine had been taken out in an upwards manner and because of the way the cut was performed on the front leg, it would have been impossible to remove the spine that way. To me that was a truly paranormal case.”

David Perkins, a reporter and author stumbled upon these mysterious mutilations in the mid-1970s when he became a suspect in a case in Colorado’s Huerfano Valley. Perkins was new to the area and called the sheriff when he found a dead cow with its rectum carved out in a perfect circle, udders cut off, the bottom part of the jaw missing and one eye and ear removed. Eventually the sheriff cleared Perkins as a suspect and the two developed a partnership in investigating mutilations. He has examined 60 mutilations in various stages of decomposition over the last 50 years.

“In the beginning I said I’m not going to give up on solving this because I know there is something really important behind this,” Perkins said. “That’s my intuition, gut feeling and every cell in my body tells me that.”

Perkins said the strangest case he has examined happened near Dulce, New Mexico, in 1978. He said both he and the police agreed it looked like this cow had been dropped from a great height.

“It was basically splattered and splayed out,” Perkins said. “It appeared its back leg was broken and it looked like it had fallen on its side and one horn was sort of driven back into its skull like it fell with great force. There were little specks of blood on its hooves like it had fallen through a mist of blood and it had clamp marks on the backs of its ankles like it had been held up by something.”

But what do the veterinarians have to say about these events? Perkins said veterinarians are in a complicated position when it comes to these cases.

“There’s a certain stigma associated with this stuff,” he explained. “The vets have tried to stay away from it because this is a lose-lose for them. They can’t really come up with an answer and if they verify it, they’re suspect. They don’t really have a lot to gain by going out and identifying a true mutilation.”

Perkins has been working with O’Brien to collect reports that are extremely thorough and verified by ranchers, law enforcement and veterinarians and demonstrate cases that are not natural predations.

Who or what is the culprit?

Possible explanations for these mutilations fall into several categories. Many believe they are either due to predators, government experiments, satanic cults or extraterrestrials. Now putting those four in the same sentence is shocking, but so are the nature of these deaths.

They say when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras, therefore many believe there is no conspiracy or culprit to pursue in these cases. Additionally, O’Brien, Perkins and other experts are quick to admit many cases are merely due to scavenger activity.

“Out of the 200 cases I’ve investigated, about 20% of them were highly unusual,” O’Brien said. “Of those, about eight or nine were unexplainable.”

Those in the non-conspiracy camp believe the missing body parts in these cases could be the result of dehydration or scavenger activity. After all, insects often target soft tissue. Another less macabre rationalization for the absence of blood in these deaths could be that the blood was either consumed by scavengers, absorbed into the ground or evaporated. Mutilation skeptics often point to bloating after death as an answer to the precise incisions. Bloating can cause skin to stretch and dehydration can result in cow hide shrinking and splitting.

One of the major reasons the government is often suggested as a responsible party for mutilations is that hundreds of helicopter sightings that have been reported around mutilation sites and the military claims they have no flight records for most of the reports.

“I estimate about 15% of the cases we have on record have helicopter involvement,” O’Brien said.

Some point to satanic cults as the guilty party in these mutilations, which is partly due to the satanic panic of the 1980s. Many crimes in the 80’s were blamed on satanic cults, but the majority of those accusations proved to be false. Another contributing factor was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ report which surmised that devil worshipers were committing the mutilations although there has never been evidence to support that claim. It is also hard to imagine cultists wrangling 1,400-pound animals with no noise or foot prints left behind.

“It’s almost impossible for an amateur to be able to duplicate these cuts, especially the taking the tongue out from deep in the esophagus and the lymph system,” O’Brien said. “I just don’t think satanists have the knowledge, wherewithal and motivation to do these things. We’re not talking about kids going out cow tippin’.”

Another popular explanation often brought up is the possibility these mutilations could be done by extraterrestrials. Both O’Brien and Perkins believe this to be the least likely of the schools of thought.

“There are investigators who feel that’s the only answer that can explain all this, but it doesn’t make sense to me,” O’Brien said.

However, Perkins said since the answer to this mystery is not clear at this point, extraterrestrials cannot be ruled out.

“Probably 50% of the people I talk to in the areas where these mutilations have happened say it could be aliens,” Perkins said. “But from my point of view it’s a long shot.”

O’Brien believes the mutilations could have a connection to testing for mad cow disease, while Perkins brings up the possibility of testing for radiation. At the end of the day, no one theory is a perfect fit to explains these cases, and that is one of the most intriguing aspects of these happenings.

“I can win any debate about these mysterious cattle deaths if I’m playing the devil’s advocate,” O’Brien said. “No matter what you come up with as an answer, there are cases that don’t fit into that particular scenario.”

What do the officials say?

The federal government has conducted two independent investigations into cattle mutilations with totally different conclusions. The BATF began an investigation into the mutilations in the early 1970s to see if they could be connected to unidentified flying objects. BATF Agent Donald Flickinger headed up the investigation. The findings showed no connection to UFOs, but found some cattle had been tranquilized and showed signs of being given anti-coagulants prior to their deaths. The agency was unable to hold anyone responsible for the mutilations, but Flickinger later distributed a memo that has forever associated mutilations with satanic cults.

“The UFO enthusiasts convinced him to write a letter and send it to all the sheriffs in the country to be on the lookout for cultists or devil worshipers who were doing the mutilations,” O’Brien said. “The theory gained quite a bit of notoriety and still to this day, people are touting that as the potential cause of these cases.”

After a decade of a high concentration of mutilations and pressure to explain the events, the Federal Bureau of Investigation launched “Operation Animal Mutilation” in New Mexico in 1979. The investigation was headed by ex-FBI agent Kenneth Rommel and determined a majority of the mutilations were predator attacks, although certain cases could not be explained. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police also disagreed with the FBI’s explanation of the deaths after years of investigating mutilations in Canada.

“I find it difficult to understand how Rommel could make a statement such as this, without ever having personally witnessed a real mutilation firsthand,” said RCMP investigator Corp. Lyn Lauber. “I would like to see Rommel write off our confirmed cases as due to predators.”

At the same time, some of the FBI report pointed to the ranchers’ state of mind when attempting to explain the cases.

“Collective delusion has been the main go-to theory of the authorities,” Perkins said. “The Rommel report stated ranchers and were so economically stressed that they lost their minds and would go out and look at a natural death and suddenly say this one’s mutilated. To me that’s really insulting to the ranchers.”

Regardless of who or what is causing these deaths, the financial loss for producers like Hronich is palpable.

“You figure 2 to 3% natural death loss from calving to the time you sell, but when you start having phenomenal death loss, how do you manage taking 10% out for mutilations,” Hronich said.

While O’Brien believes at some point data will overwhelm the strange nature of the mutilations, Perkins is unsure if the mystery of these deaths will ever be resolved. Considering how long the mystery has lingered, fear of the unknown trumps all other concerns. If an unfamiliar noise awakens you in the night, it can be transformed into a million petrifying possibilities until the moment your cat reveals itself as the perpetrator. But without an answer, these mutilations are similar to a thief in the night—anonymous, confounding and frightening to those in their wake and they will remain that way until answers are uncovered.

The following is a list of questions that were directed to former Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed by his responses:

QUESTION – When exactly was the [upper human-occupied level of the] Archuleta installation constructed?

ANSWER – I heard Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was completed 1965-66 to connect tunnels to the Page [Arizona] Base, site of one of the older underground facilities. The four corners base is called PERICA. Most of the Native Americans [the Indians] living in that area are aware of that base, and could tell us about the underground life forms that frequently are spotted near those communities, Bigfoot, etc.

(Note: The references to the Dulce base here deal mainly with the upper levels, not the extreme lower levels which include vast natural caverns and, some believe, very ancient tunnel systems as well. This would include the tunnels illuminated by phosphorus pentoxide which the alien grays avoid, and the origin of which is unknown. In fact sources have informed us that some of the underground NORAD facilities of Colorado were constructed within already-existing cavern systems, suggesting that Ray Palmer and Richard Shaver were correct when as early as the mid-1940’s they wrote about the government’s search for ancient underground cave and tunnel systems to be converted for their own use. – Branton)

Q — By what means was the [upper] installations constructed? Are you familiar with the alleged developments made by the Rand Corporation of a highly-efficient bore or mole machine capable of melting rock using nuclear powered wolfram-graphite tipped ’drill-cones’?

A — According to several senior maintenance workers, part of it was blasted by nuclear devices in the sixties. There are sections, like the shuttle tunnels, that were formed by an advanced tunneling machine that leaves the tunnel walls smooth. The finished walls in those tubes resemble polished black glass.

Q — By WHOM was the Dulce installation originally constructed?

A — Nature started the caverns. The Draco [reptilian humanoids] used the caverns and tunnels for centuries. Later, through RAND Corporation plans, it was enlarged repeatedly. The original caverns included ice caves and sulfur springs that the ’aliens’ found perfect for their needs. The Dulce caverns rival Carlsbad caverns in size.

(Note: Carlsbad caverns and especially the adjacent Lecheguilla caves are ’officially’ among the largest and deepest in the world, with several ’leads’ that remain to be explored by professional speleonauts – Branton)

Q — What exactly are the cattle [and human] organs such as blood, anal tissue, eyes, reproductive organs, tongues, etc. used for — i.e. the organs obtained via cattle and human mutilations?

A — Read the so-called Dulce papers [for more information].

Q — Are the various electromagnetically-controlled air or space craft — [that have been seen] leaving from and arriving at Mt. Archuleta — manned by humans, the ’alien entities’, or both?

A — Archuleta Mesa is a minor area… the craft leave [and are stored] in five areas. One is SE of DULCE, one near Durango Co., one at Taos, N. M., and the main fleet is stored at LOS ALAMOS [under].

(Note: I believe Thomas Castello is referring to the ’joint-operational’ fleet. From combined sources however it appears as if Dulce is absolutely SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES by ’alien’ bases, and that Archuleta peak — although apparently the central NEXUS of the entire underground network — is nevertheless just one part of an overall complex that some claim is nearly the size of Manhattan!

One source has indicated that there are chambers a few hundred feet below the very town of Dulce itself that are part of level one of the facility. This close proximity may explain why it has usually been described as the ’Dulce Base’. Apparently even with his high-security clearance, Thomas Castello was only familiar with one part of the overall mega-complex which underlies the area. Whatever amount of activity is taking place there, different sources seem to indicate that the town of Dulce nevertheless lies over a major crossroads, convergence or ’intersection’ area of alien activity even though the ’core’ of alien activity has been extended to Los Alamos.

Los Alamos and the mountainous regions east and southeast of it in and around the Santa Fe National Forest seem to be the MAJOR ’nest’ of Reptiloid/Gray forces in North America, although there is also a large number of ’dens’ scattered throughout the underground networks between Dulce and Area 51.

Dulce seems to be a major ’through’ point for exterran and subterran reptilian activity, a central ’infiltration’ zone for surface operatives, as well as an operational base for abduction-implantation-mutilation agendas and also a major convergence for sub-shuttle terminals, UFO ports, and so on. – Branton)

Q — Others have suggested that some of the entities below Dulce are not of ’extraterrestrial’ ORIGIN, and that they are actually descended from saurian or reptiloid beings such as the Velociraptors or Stenonychosaurus Equallus — a ’serpentine’ race or races similar to that hinted at in the third chapter of the book of Genesis?

A — Yes, some ’reptoids’ are native to this planet. The ruling caste of ’aliens’ ARE reptilian. The beige or white beings are called The Draco. Other reptilian beings are green, and some are brown. They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground. It may have been one of the Draconian beings that ’tempted’ Eve in the Garden of Eden. Reptoids rightly consider themselves “native Terrans.” Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels. Maybe not, either way, we are [considered] the ’squatters’ on Earth.

Q — Some have suggested that the so-called underground ’E.T.’ bases and tunnels may, for a large part, be literally thousands of years old… constructions of an antediluvian race which attained to a considerable level of scientific complexity, and who were destroyed by a Divinely-initiated cataclysm which took place after they attempted to merge their science with occult/supernatural forces.

For instance some have suggested that the Bermuda Triangle phenomena may be the result of an out-of-control Atlantean experiment that led to a space-time disaster which produced “electromagnetic fallout” in the Triangle area and elsewhere after they had accidentally loosed powerful forces and energies into the world that they knew very little about. Do your observations tend to confirm or refute such a possibility?

A — I’m not sure about the Divine part, but these ’aliens’ consider themselves ’NATIVE TERRANS.’

A — Where do the little gray Aliens fit in?

Q — They work for, and are controlled by the Draco. There are other gray skinned beings that are not in league with the Draco.

Q — Did you ever talk to any of the ’Aliens’ at the Base?

A — Since I was the Senior Security Technician at that base, I had to communicate with them on a daily basis. If there were any problems that involved security or video camera’s, I was the one they called. It was the reptilian “working caste” that usually did the physical labor in the lower levels at Dulce.

Decisions involving that caste were usually made by the white Draco. When human workers caused problems for the working caste, the reptoids went to the white Draconian ’boss’, and the Draco called me. At times, it felt like it was a never ending problem. Several human workers resented the “no nonsense” or “get back to work” attitude the working caste lives by.

When needed, intervention became a vital tool. The biggest problem were human workers who foolishly wandered around near the “OFF LIMITS” areas of the “Alien Section.” I guess it’s human nature to be curious and to wonder what is past the barriers. Too often someone found a way to bypass the barriers and nosed around. The camera’s near the entrance usually stopped them before they got themselves in serious trouble. A few times I had to formerly request the Return of a human worker.

Q — Are there other sites tied-in to the ’shuttle network’ other than those which you mentioned, and if so, where are the entrances?

A — WHERE!?! EVERYWHERE! THEY CRISS CROSS THE WORLD AS AN ENDLESS SUBTERRANEAN HIGHWAY. LIKE A FREEWAY, EXCEPT THIS ONE IS UNDERGROUND… The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except it’s underground. That highway depends on electric motors [for trucks, cars and buses] for the paved roads, and it is for limited travel.

There is another style of transit for freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel. That world wide network is called the “Sub-Global System.” It has “check points” at each country entry. There ARE shuttle tubes that ’shoot’ the trains at incredible speeds using a mag-lev and vacuum method. They travel at a speed that excels the speed of sound. Part of your question involves the location of entrances to that base. The easiest way to answer is to say every state in the U.S.A. has them.

Frequently, the entrances are camouflaged as sand quarries, or mining operations. Other complex portals are found on military bases. New Mexico and Arizona have the largest amounts of entrances followed by California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Of all the state’s Florida and North Dakota have the least amount of entrances. Wyoming has a road that opens directly into the subterranean freeway. That road is no longer in use, but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost. It’s located near Brooks Lake.

Q — Are there any ’bases’ in the state of Utah?

(Note: Thomas mentioned several areas surrounding Utah — Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Idaho, where there are ’connections’, but little on Utah which according to some sources lies directly over one of the largest NATURAL cavern systems in North America, one that is said to reach deep beneath the Western Rockies as well as beneath the Bonneville basin. – Branton)

Have you heard anything about an alleged underground installation within the Wasatch Mountains…?

A — Salt Lake, Lake Powell Area, Dark Canyon, Dougway Grounds, Modena, Vernal. All have exits there. Others too.

(Note: There have been many rumors of ancient ’tunnel’ systems being intersected during the excavations of sub-basement levels below major industrial and mall areas in downtown Salt Lake City. Various stories surrounding these tunnels include:

explorers who have entered the tunnels and never Returned;

reports of ’lizard people’ down in the labyrinths;

reports of grays working with humans on electronic equipment and massive building projects going on in huge caverns beneath the mountains to the east;

reports of humans who are part of an Asian-based ’Agharti’ kingdom who maintain colonies within the tunnels and caverns below — and who are in conflict with the reptiloids, grays, and a group collaborating human fascists from a network of massive underground facilities beneath the Neu Shwabenland region of Antarctica;

reports of men in suits having been seen pacing back and forth through large underground chambers carrying uzi machine guns;

reports of seemingly bottomless shafts;

large tunnels strung with lights that are “big enough to drive a semi-truck through”;

sections of tunnel walls that looked solid yet which one could put their hands through;

rooms which emanate a strange greenish phosphorescent glow;

abductees who are taken below and encounter all types of aliens;

discs that have been seen emerging from the mountains to the east and attacking incoming UFOs over the valley;

Dungeons & Dragons fanatics who have been down in the tunnels and tell wild stories of hundreds of miles of maze-like passages;

reports of connections to the tunnel systems via the sewer-drainage network especially underneath the downtown “Crossroads” area;

reports of alien activity similar to that which has been described in connection to Dulce New Mexico;

and reports of a huge cavern network that reaches beyond the border of the state in all directions — a huge network that connects the underground systems of Nevada with those of New Mexico.

There is a famous story which is not openly talked about — there are two versions… both may be true. In one version a Mormon Temple worker penetrated an underground tunnel below the ’square’ in downtown Salt Lake City and traveled for some distance through a series of underground catacombs until running into a ’lizard’ like man.

The creature attempted to attack him but the man escaped and managed to find his way back to the surface. He began telling other people what had happened and soon afterwards the ’government’ arrived in the area and went in and closed off many of the tunnels leading to the sub-basements of the Temple. Presumably there was some heated debates over how much of the underground system this denomination was allowed to control.

A similar dispute apparently occurred to the southwest where the LDS church maintained a large storage facility under Granite Mountain in Little Cottonwood canyon, within the upper levels of a vast network of caverns. Fascist CIA elements and the Grays came in and took control of the larger caverns deeper within the mountain and ordered the ’vault’ workers to stay out of the ’forbidden’ areas — and stated that the “U.S. Government” was now using them for “National Security” purposes and that it was their “patriotic duty” to maintain the secret.

The other version concerned a custodian who entered a tunnel near the cinemas area below the Crossroads Mall across the street and to the south from the temple square, while excavation was being carried out in a that part of the Mall. The worker entered the tunnel and before long encountered a ’serpent’ type man, beat a hasty retreat, and told his fellow workers what he had seen. The FBI and/or the local police soon arrived and sealed the tunnel.

Another story involved a young man who, along with a friend, had used a chain tied to his pickup truck to rip-up a manhole cover in the area near the ’Mall’ and the ’Square’. They navigated through a maze of sewer passages underneath and came to a shaft that descended in a series of 5 small ’rooms’ one below the other, and from the bottom room a tunnel led south into a large chamber wherein they saw a seemingly bottomless shaft, a large southwest tunnel strung with lights and ’large enough to drive a semi through’, and the footprints of some type of three-toed bi-pedal creature.

Other sources imply that early pioneers and settlers of the area who explored these tunnels came in contact with and in some cases even joined with some of the Telosian-Agharti-Melchizedek-Mayan underground colonies below the Salt Lake Flats, the Salt Lake Valley and the Western Rockies.

These subterraneans had formerly established territorial agreements with the Reptiloids and Grays before the aliens begun invading their subterranean lands below the intermountain west en-masse in the early 1900’s. The treaties were part of an attempt to stave off a possible inter-species conflict, as skirmishes between the humanoids [Teros] and reptiloids [Deros] within the cavern networks of North America had been increasing since the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s.

Because of a somewhat non-exclusive collective-mind with which these humans interacted, it was decided that one possible way to ’convert’ the reptilians into becoming beings of emotion and compassion was to allow them access to the group consciousness. The reptiloids however, once given access, immediately began taking advantage of the collective and used it to CONTROL the humans on a subliminal basis.

The ease with which this occurred may have been enhanced by the fact that the Reptiloids and Grays were already operating as part of a collective or group mind, one which was far more complex than the Ashtar or Astarte collective itself which many of the ’Aghartians’ depended on.

This suggests that the reptilian ’collective’ or HIVE itself is absolutely void of any and all care, concern or compassion for human beings. Individual reptiloids operating distinct from the draconian collective might however be ’tamed’ by other collective-free humanoids in some cases — as some have reportedly been ’tamed’ by the Andro-Pleiadean worlds.

If the non-humans could be severed from the ’collective’ they might be deprogrammed and reprogrammed so-to-speak and even attain individual awareness and a degree of emotionalism. In such cases it would not be advisable to give these creatures equal standing among humans, and absolute subservience and monitoring should be enforced even if means were found to sever them from the collective mind network.

When dealing with the reptilian forces, unconditional surrender should be first offered, and if this is not accepted than direct military action would be justified especially in light of the many permanent ’abductees’ whom the Greys and Reptiloids have taken captive [those who are still alive] to their underground systems.

Most of the treaties that the humanoids had made with the reptiloids ’down under’ have since been broken… especially following the Groom Wars of 1975 and the Dulce Wars of 1979, during which time much of the underground U.S. base networks [which were funded by American tax dollars by the way] were taken over by the Grays.

Some sources have implied that the aliens took advantage of the chaos especially during the Dulce wars and commenced to invade and conquer several of the older underground colonies. This apparently led to a rift in the ’Ashtar’ collective, with many humanoids and hybrids splitting off and joining with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation non-interventionists, and many reptiloids and heartless humanoid agents splitting off and joining with the interventionists of the Draco-Orion Empire.

The Sirius-B system which — aside from Arcturus and Sol — has been the major center of ’Ashtar’ activity, has since been shaken by this split between the two opposing Ashtarian factions and war had reportedly raged through the Sirius system for several years, according to some ’contactees’… an apparent reflection of the division within the underground networks of North America between the Pleiadean-backed Sirian humanoids and Orion-backed Sirian reptiloids which both had maintained operations within the underground levels before the “Dulce Wars” broke out.

The Dulce wars were just the mere tip of the proverbial iceberg when we consider that the overall events which happened at Dulce had a chain reaction effect throughout this whole sector of not the galaxy. Before the division occurred, the reptiloids were invited to take part in ’peace talks’ in Telos and elsewhere as an act of good faith, but the reptiloid-grey collectivists were more interested in expanding their empire and feeding their insatiable appetite for conquest than they were in making peace, although they agreed to peace treaties that they never intended to keep for ’Trojan horse’ manipulation purposes.

There is a remnant collaboration such as that taking place in the underground facilities near Paradox Nevada where collectivist humanoids and reptiloids from Sirius and Sol still maintain a collaboration of necessity — in order to establish a global control system, however a large number of humanoids within the underground systems are at war with the collectivist-interventionist Reptilian infiltrators who would otherwise ’assimilate’ these humanoids into their collective through deception, espionage and mind control.

Now several contactees like Alex Collier, Ray Keller, Stan Johnson and others are claiming that the conflicts in Sirius between the Andro-Pleiadean backed Ashtar forces and the Draco-Orion backed Ashtar forces — which were infiltrated and commandeered by Draco-Orion agents — have now spread to the Sol system, as both stellar superpowers have focused on this most strategic system, intent on protecting their respective ’interests’ here from being subverted by the other side. – Branton)

Q — Does the Mt. Archuleta “shuttle system” connect with a shuttle system which allegedly radiates from Mt. Shasta in northern California?

A — Yes. Mt. Shasta is a major site of Alien – Elder Race – Reptilian Race – Human meetings. Beginning Cleveland, Grover every president in U.S. history have visited Telos City. Truman was supposed to have visited the Lower Realms as a High Archon on Earth. He was supposed to have met the King of the World there, and gave him the “Keys to the U.S.A.”

(Note: Whether or not the reigning ’King’ of the Agharti realms at the time had benevolent or other motives, subjecting America to an outside super-power without Congressional consent would be considered high treason. Although unelected/appointed ’individuals’ working within the Executive-Military-Industrial branch of ’government’ might choose to do so of their own volition without Congressional or Senatorial consent, such an act cannot apply to the ’America’ which is based on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There are apparently two ’nations’ occupying the United States,

the traditional grass-roots ’America’ established by the founding fathers and led by the ’Electorate’ government,

and the fascist Bavarian-lodge-backed ’underground nation’ led by the ’Corporate’ government which is contesting the original ’America’ on its own soil.

Some predict an inevitable civil [?] war between the Electorate/Constitutional/Surface government of the U.S., and the joint humanoid-reptiloid Corporate/National-Global Socialist/Underground New World Order government, which incidentally was bought and paid for by American taxpayers and other unsavory money-making projects. This war will apparently provoke an armed United Nations / New World Order invasion of the U.S.A. which, according to George Washington’s famous ’vision’ at valley forge in 1777, will ultimately end with an American victory as a result of Divine Intervention.

Something like this may be inevitable if FREEDOM is to be preserved on this world, and beyond. We should never forget however that the NWO corporate elite and their draconian masters intend to ’depopulate’ the surface of this planet AND the underground systems as well. According to one Navy intelligence source the 33-plus Masons [there are allegedly several degrees above the 33rd degree which interact directly with the draconians and are part of the interplanetary initiatory lodges] intend to set the left-wing caverns and the right-wing caverns against each other in order to depopulate the underground realms so that they can impose absolute Bavarian-Draconian global control of ’both’ worlds.

The 33+ and higher degrees according to this source intend to ride out the inferno in super-secret fortified caverns while the 33rd and lower degree masons and their respective left-wing and right-wing armies will be left to die in the surface and subsurface wars. It may be that some of the 33+ Masons intend to ride-out the holocaust in their Alternative-3 bases on the Moon and Mars, IF those bases are still active. Remember, the roots of BOTH the ’right-wing’ National Socialist AND the ’left-wing’ Global socialist agendas trace back to Bavaria. Isn’t it interesting that the legendary ’dragon’ has TWO ’wings’ — a right wing and a left wing — both of which are controlled by a single ’beast’?.

In essence, when it comes right down to it the war is between the Judeo-Christian based Constitutional Republic of America and the Luciferian-cult-based Socialist empire of Bavaria. Both the right and left wing movements are Machiavellian extremes created by the Bavarian Black Nobility [’Black’ here being a reference to something hidden that cannot be seen, and NOT skin color] in order to foment global chaos.

There are several claims that the collaboration with the Reptilians began with the Luciferian cults of Bavaria, and was later brought into America via the infiltration of the Scottish Rite and the fascist core of the NSA-CIA. There may have nevertheless been a reptilian presence below North America within the caverns that dates back several centuries, however a MASSIVE reptilian infestation of these underground systems seems to have begun near the beginning of the 20th century. ’Mt. Archuleta’ might be considered the ’capital’ of the ALIEN segment of the ’secret’ [Bavarian-Draconian] New World Order government in AmericA — with the deep underground systems beneath the Denver International Airport being the ’capital’ of the HUMAN segment of the secret government. – Branton).

Truman received assurance to new high tech knowledge, and victory over all enemies on Earth. He then was introduced to Samaza and Khoach, aliens from Bootes and Tiphon [Draco], both reptilian ’kings’ or Ambassadors. Truman updated the ’100 Treaty’ [that began IN 1933, Roosevelt] and requested magnetic advance, space knowledge and experiments. Khoach agreed, Samaza partially agreed. He exchanged hostages for genetic experiments and magnetic advance, but vetoed space and beam weaponry.

Q — Did you notice any involvement of high-level Freemasons, Rosicrucians or Jesuits within the underground installation and/or with the aliens?

(Note: This question is based on the assumption made by some researchers that many of the Masonic lodges were, beginning about 1776, infiltrated by the Bavarian Illuminati. Much of the Masonic world is ultimately controlled by the Bavarian-lodge-backed 33+ degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry, a ’Rite’ which according to early Masonic authority Rebold can be traced back to the JESUIT college at Clermont in Paris — a Rite which advocates the destruction of national sovereignties in exchange for world government, the destruction of religious and especially Judeo-Christian movements, and the destruction of the family-structure to be replaced by ’State’ control of children, etc., as opposed to the more traditional Protestant-Christianized YORK RITE of Masonry which the SCOTTISH RITE has attempted to subvert since its inception into Masonry.

This question was also based on claims from a former 33rd degree Mason, James Shaw, that the Scottish Rite headquarters in the “House of the Temple” (click image right)– which lies at the northern apex of the pentagram-like street layout of Washington D.C. — is filled with all kinds of indications of serpent worship in the form of murals, carvings, statues, etc., depicting serpentine figures.

Actually, from what my sources tell me, not only are there degrees beyond the 33rd degree, but the 33rd degree itself is made up of two cores, an inner and outer core, the 33rd degree and the 33+ degree. In the past when the 33rd degree initiation was reached a potential initiate might have been given a Bible or a Cross and asked to spit on it or desecrate it in some manner.

If they refused to do this they were told that they had made the “right decision” and remained in the outer core of the 33rd degree, thinking that they had finally ’arrived’. If they did or do commit this form of blasphemy then they are told that they have made the “right decision”, and they are sent on to the inner core of the 33+ degree, which is the springboard to the higher levels which interact with the joint humanoid-reptiloid Ashtarian lodges or branches of the ’Serpent Cult’ on other planets, within underground cities, and possibly even other dimensions.

One source informs me that former president George Herbert Walker Bush — who was at one time the HEAD of MJ-12 — had attained to the 42nd degree, however he may have attained to even higher levels since that time. I would guess that the one who holds the highest level of initiation would be the ’dragon-king’ of Draconis himself, or whatever appellation the leader or the leaders of the Draconian Empire may go by. – Branton)

A – Yes I did, but that is a loaded question, and I won’t comment further. I’m not a Mason, or member of any other secret fraternal group. There is one organization I am a member of [in the U.S.A.]. That group is commonly called the “Central Unit.” It is a pleasure to tell you that I AM a member of the “Sub-Galactic League” of Costa Rica.

Q — Is there any truth to the allegations that the CIA/’Aliens’ have established ’bases’ on the moon, and also Mars?

A — I’ve HEARD that too, but I haven’t seen proof with my own eyes. The ’aliens’ do allegedly have bases on several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The CIA operates in other COUNTRIES, but I’ve never heard they operate on other PLANETS

(Note: Perhaps we should have referred to the CIA’s superior agency, the NSA, whose personnel reportedly pilot the “black-budget UFOs” between the LUNA and DREAMLAND bases. – Branton).

Q — Have you heard any hints or rumors suggesting that there may be lower levels beneath the ULTRA-7 level of the Dulce base, and also, where these might lead to and what they might consist of?

A — YES. Your guess is as good as mine… Sure, there was lots of TALK but that doesn’t mean it’s there. However, I will tell you I saw elevators that were “off limits” unless you had an UMBRA or higher security clearance. At that base, information is supplied to me at a “need to know” basis ONLY! [My clearance was ULTRA-7]

Q — Some insist that the U.S./Secret government has developed it’s own disk-craft based largely upon top secret antigravity experiments carried out by the Nazi-German scientists during World War II. Have you heard anything referring to this?

A — When I was working in Photo-security, heard a lot of talk, never saw the proof, but once in the Air Force I developed a roll of film that showed a craft LIKE ADAMSKI’S, WITH A SWASTIKA ON THE SIDE.

(Note: A letter from ’R.J.M.’ of Pennsylvania dated 1-31-91 stated: “…I have a lot of UFO videos. I also have ’THE SECRET LAND’ [1947]. It shows Bunger’s Oasis and says they discovered warm land at the South Pole. One German author claims the Nazi’s had a photo-finish FIGHT with Byrd. At the end of the movie, it says: ’Byrd’s Intrepid 4,000 met and defeated ANTARCTICA’S TOUGHEST BATTALIONS.’ I don’t think they were talking about the weather…”

Another source has stated that there were loses on BOTH sides, and the Battle for Antarctica against the Nazi’s “Last Battalion” — which had fortified themselves in underground bases below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, AntarcticA — ended in a stalemate.

Question: Why would Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after Hitler had spent so much energy executing over 5000 Nazi officials whom he ’suspected’ were behind his assassination attempt at the ’Wolf’ bunker, especially if he had a way out via a secret Nazi South Polar base? The March 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland, Ohio] carried an AP story titled “DOCTORS FIND BURNT BODY COULD NOT BE HITLER’S”.

Excerpts include:

“…French forensic experts say the charred corpse said to be Hitler’s is not his body… experts FALSIFIED verification reports ordered by Josef Stalin to APPEASE the Soviet dictator…. the body is actually that of an unknown German male. [The forensic experts] spent more than two years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by Soviet coroners in the days following [the] surrender of the Third Reich in 1945… the body [said to be Hitler’s] had an extra tooth and only one testicle… no German doctor who had examined Hitler before his death ever mentioned either anomaly.”

This is also interesting when we consider that the well-known ’abductee’, Barney Hill, remembered the following experience under regressive hypnosis as recorded in the paranormal encyclopedia, “MYSTERIES OF MIND, SPACE & TIME”. Barney and his wife Betty were abducted by gray-skinned humanoids “from Zeta Reticuli”.

HOWEVER, one of the ’beings’ on the craft was described by Barney Hill under regressive hypnosis in the following words which are taken from p.1379 of the encyclopedia: “…another figure has an EVIL face… HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!”

Remember that this occurred nearly 15 years after Europe had supposedly been “de-Nazified”. There seems to be an Antarctic connection with the Dulce scenario as well as other possible ’Nazi’ connections:

German ’tourists’ scouring New Mexico, exploring mines and caves and buying up land and mineral rights just before the outbreak of WWII;

the Nazi-connected CIA’s involvement and their placement of several Nazi S.S. agents — who had been brought into the U.S. via Project Paperclip — within the Dulce and other underground facilities;

the involvement of secret ’Bavarian’ lodges at Dulce;

and the possible Antarctican-Dulce connection to ’Alternative 003’.

Another interesting connection is the fact that the secret Nazi teams involved in the construction and operation of the underground bases below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland and elsewhere in Antarctica were called ULTRA teams. ULTRA is also the code-name for the DULCE base!

Also there seems to be a direct connection between the Dulce base and the Montauk base in Long Island — which was/is[?] reputedly jointly operated by the Draconian Reptiloids, Orion Greys and the Bavarian Thule Society which had backed the Nazi agenda. – Branton)

Q — Exactly what first made you aware that something was wrong at Dulce? Seems to me that a place as obviously horrible as this one wouldn’t need an Einstein to know that this is a CRIME site! What took you so long? Are you the guy who blew the whistle?

A — There are several things you should know about. I took an oath, under the penalty of death, that no matter what I saw or heard I would never divulge the information. Also, I signed a waiver that states I would willingly give up my life if I was found guilty of ’treason’.

At the Dulce Base treason is “ANYTHING that mentions the details of daily operations at this facility, when outside the confinement of the this base.” When I first arrived, a “need to know” policy was in effect. The story the ’honchos’ told us was that “this is a Tri-Biotransfer Facility with Advanced Technology, doing advanced adventurous methodology for medical and mental gains.”

Which is a fancy way of saying they do really risky things with human life just to see what would happen. If a medical cure happens, it will be heralded on the surface of the earth as a marvelous new cure, saying it was found after years of research at some well known medical lab. The real story of the cure is never explained.

After all, the Dulce Base IS A SECRET FACILITY! These people are very good at what they do. They do not tell the truth about the unfortunate people that end up in “Nightmare Hall.” I worked with aliens. With that in mind, you should get the idea of the secrecy and the security at that place.

Yes, I know this was not the usual hospital type job site, but in the beginning I ’bought’ the whole package. I was reminded daily by intercom, in the elevators, that “this site does high risk advanced medical and drug testing to cure insanity, please, never speak to the inmates, it can destroy years of work.” I’m sensible, when doctors say don’t speak to them, who was I to destroy the delicate situation?

But one man some how caught my eye. He repeatedly stated that he was George S—- and that he had been kidnapped and he was sure someone was searching for him. I don’t know why he sticks in my mind, I found I was remembering his face, thinking he sure didn’t look or sound insane, but many inmates said that. The next weekend I convinced a friend of mine, a cop, to run a check on the guy, saying I had a run in with him and was curious.

I didn’t mention the base at all. It was a sickening feeling when the computer confirmed that George S. was missing. What’s worse, the cops thought he was just another guy that got tired of the daily grind and split. That was the beginning. Am I the one that blew the whistle? No. The next Monday, I searched for George, but he was gone.

There were no records that explained what happened to him. It was another security officer that came to me saying he and some lab workers wanted an off duty meeting at one of the tunnels, [off the record]. Curiosity took over and I said OK. That night, about nine men showed up. They said they knew they were risking me turning them in but they wanted to show me some things they thought I should see. One by one they showed records that proved many inmates were missing people.

There were newspaper clippings, and even photos that they had some how smuggled into the base. They hoped to smuggle them back out, without me turning them in to the honchos. I could see the fear in their faces as they spoke. One man stated he would rather lose his life by trying, than to lose his soul by not doing anything at all. It was that remark that turned the tide. I told them about George and the things I found out about him. After a few hours we pledged to attempt to expose the Dulce Base.

Q — The name Nightmare Hall is descriptive, but surely there was a ’regular’ name, what was it called in the manuals?

A — In the manuals it was called “The Vivarium”. It describes Dulce Base as a “secured facility for tending bio-forms of all types.” In their report it is retold as “a private subterranean bio-terminal park, with accommodations for animals, fish, fowl, reptile, and mankind.” After SEEING this ’park’ the name Nightmare Hall is far more accurate than the manual. The ’accommodations’ for the inmates at Nightmare Hall fall short of the pretty picture the manual describes.

Q — What type of security is found at the Dulce Base? What else is used against espionage or unauthorized entry?

A — I’ll mention a few, but it would be nearly impossible to cover it all. The weapon, besides the Flash Gun, mostly used is a form of sonic. Built in with each light fixture [and most camcorders] is a device that could render a man unconscious in seconds with nothing more than a silent tone. At Dulce there also are still and VCR cameras, eye print, hand print stations, weight monitors, lasers, ELF and EM equipment, heat sensors and motion detectors and quite a few other methods.

There is no way you could get very far into the base. If you made it to the second level, you would be spotted within fifteen feet. More than likely, you would become an inmate and never see the light of the surface world again. If you were ’lucky’, you would be re-programmed and become one of the countless spies for the Ruling Caste.

Q — According to certain reports, the Dulce Base is host to [other] aliens that live in level five. Is that true? Can the humans freely roam or meet one-to-one in the halls or is some type of protocol in effect?

A — There is protocol from the first time you enter the base and it MUST be followed every time you SEE an alien there. From the working caste, to the visiting aliens, to the Ruling Caste, there is a never ending check list of rules, law, and strict protocol. There is never a chance to roam on the fifth level. The alien housing area is off limits to any human. The Hub is surrounded by security, arsenal, military and CIA\FBI sections.

The area past the security is one of the most secured areas because it houses so many classified files. The entire east side of the fifth level is off limits except for security personnel holding ULTRA-7 [security clearance] or higher. The garage on the west side of the fifth level requires ULTRA-4 clearance.

Q — Is there proof available that could confirm the allegations of the underground base, or are we just supposed to believe you?

A — Many people have asked that one. No, I don’t expect people to believe with blind faith, there is tangible proof that has been seen, felt or inspected by quite a few folks. I’m in no position to go on a lecture circuit to explain to every person on a one-to-one basis. I am trying to stay alive.

All I can do is state again, that Dulce is a SECRET FACILITY. They work HARD to make sure nobody can find the place. If everyone could easily find it, it wouldn’t be a SECRET facility. I’ve explained the extreme security methods they use. There is other proof available.

Q — You have been through so much, and yet keep fighting, what is your biggest fear?

A — That the general public will forget THE TRAPPED INNOCENT PEOPLE in the despicable place, and will ignore THE HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN, WOMEN AND MEN ADDED TO THAT PLACE EVERY MONTH.

I believe that Animal Mutilations are being done to create hybrids. I believe Thomas Castello is a government plant to lie about aliens and not about animal hybrids What the government won’t talk about is the parts that were pulled from animals near Dulce. Strange parts like the rectum, tongue, rudders, eyes and organs. Ancient myths talks about human animal hybrids like eagle heads on a human body or a centaur half man half horse. I believe we did this all before the flood. Dulce, NM is no more than a scientific lab to try and create an ET instead of working with them. This is the great deception in the end of days that everyone will believe.

The government is preparing for a fake alien invasion that they will create themselves. Werner Von Braun admitted it to his assistant on his death bed. They always need a boogie man. First it was commies, then men in caves, then meteors and finally the last card. Aliens. I remote viewed Dulce, NM. These are the following pictures I drew to describe what I saw.



FBI Records: The Vault — Animal Mutilation

Mysterious mutilations: Who or what is killing these cattle? – High Plains Journal

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