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Tammany Hall and the Al Smith Memorial dinner is not a Catholic Charity for children, rather, it is Jewish mafia party called Tammany which specializes in rigging elections through muscle power. Tammany hall is a new york city political organization incorporated on May 12, 1789 as the Tammany Society. The two candidates that get roasted at the party are the picks that the party had manipulated to get to the top. Both candidates are under their control so it doesn’t matter who you vote for. They own them. Then they have a televised show mocking the people for falling for their schemes.

This dinner, which many Trump supporters think Trump’s roast of Hillary and recently Kamala was where he stood up to the cabal, is and was nothing other than a club of jews who use this as a mockery against the American people as they continue rigging elections and engage in human trafficking. The society from the beginning was all about slavery of the native americans and control of all agriculture. Instead of helping the migrants, especially the Irish, the society created a deliberate Irish potato blight famine that caused a mass exodus of migrants to the United States for cheap labor and votes.

In fact, the history of Tammany Hall is long and full of gruesome tactics going back to the Quakers who were Jewish Rothchild agents that has been exploiting America. The word Tammany is mockery slang for what Quaker William Penn quoted after he murdered America’s Patron & Saint Red Indian, Chief Tamanend. Tamanend was the leader of the Lenni-Lanape tribe, and the belt held in the eagle’s talons signifies a friendship treaty agreed upon between Penn, Tamanend, and other Native Americans. Revered by many as a symbol of peace, Tamanend was named a “Patron Saint of America,” and May 1st was considered “Tamanend Day.”

According to academia, the front of Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was an American political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789, as the Tammany Society. The society was originally developed as a club for “pure Americans”. Same Khazar Nazi occult. It became the main local political machine of the Democratic Party and played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics. It helped immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise in American politics from the 1850s into the 1960s. Tammany usually controlled Democratic nominations and political patronage in Manhattan for over 100 years following the mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854, and used its patronage resources to build a loyal, well-rewarded core of district and precinct leaders; after 1850, the vast majority were Irish Catholics due to mass immigration from Ireland during and after the Irish Famine of the late 1840s.

The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, commonly known as the Al Smith Dinner, is an annual white tie dinner in New York City to raise funds for Catholic charities supporting children of various needs in the Archdiocese of New York. Held at New York City’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on the third Thursday of October, it is hosted by the Archbishop of New York. It is organized by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation in honor of Al Smith, who grew up in poverty and later became the governor of New York four times and was the first Catholic nominated for president by a major party as the Democratic nominee in the 1928 election.

Cardinal Francis Spellman founded and hosted the first dinner in 1945 after Smith’s death the previous year. By 1960, the Al Smith dinner had become a “ritual of American politics”, in the words of Theodore H. White. It is generally the last event at which the two major party presidential candidatesshare a stage before the election. Apart from presidential candidates, keynote speakers have included Tony Blair, Tom Brokaw, Bob Hope, Henry Kissinger, Clare Boothe Luce, and many other prominent civic, business, and church leaders.

Since 1960, when John F. Kennedy (who would become the first Roman Catholic president) and Richard Nixon were speakers, it has traditionally been a stop for the two major party presidential candidates during election years. In 1976, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford spoke; in 1980, Carter and Ronald Reagan; in 1988, George H. W. Bush and Michael Dukakis; in 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush; in 2008, Barack Obama and John McCain; in 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump; and in 2020, Trump and Joe Biden. Candidates have traditionally given humorous speeches[13] poking fun at themselves and their opponents, making the event similar to a roast. The 2018 dinner raised $3.9 million.

Since 1980, this custom has been affected by friction between the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church over abortion. During the 1980 dinner, Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter was booed. In 1984, Ronald Reagan spoke, but his opponent, Walter Mondale, opted out, saying he needed time to prepare for an upcoming presidential debate. Amy Sullivan suggests that Mondale’s decision was motivated by “tensions between the Catholic Church and the Democratic Party.”

During the 2000 dinner, George W. Bush joked, “This is an impressive crowd. The haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.” The quote was used in Fahrenheit 9/11 and subsequently in one of John Kerry’s 2004 campaign speeches.

In 1996 and 2004, the Archdiocese of New York chose not to invite the presidential candidates. In 1996, this was reportedly because Cardinal John Joseph O’Connor was angry at Democratic nominee Bill Clinton for vetoing a bill outlawing some late-term abortions. The organizers’ explanation was that the candidates had been unable to commit to attending the dinner. The vice presidential candidates, Al Gore and Jack Kemp, spoke instead. In 2004, Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling explained that the candidates were not invited because “the issues in this year’s campaign could provoke division and disagreement,” but some speculated that the decision was due to Democratic nominee (and Roman Catholic) John Kerry’s pro-choice stance on abortion.

On October 20, 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump spoke at the dinner which was hosted by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, who was seated between the two presidential candidates during the event. During the dinner, Trump made numerous “off-color” remarks about Hillary Clinton, including references to the hacking of the email server of the Democratic National Committee, supported allegations of corruption, and a claim that Clinton “hates Catholics”. His remarks drew boos and heckling from guests, prompting veteran GOP operative Ed Rollins to comment: “he didn’t quite understand the audience”. The 2016 dinner drew 10.3 million viewers and raised a record-breaking $6 million for Catholic charities.

The 2020 dinner occurred in a virtual format, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, and the traditional roast-like nature was abandoned. Trump and Joe Biden attended virtually; both men discussed Catholicism. Kamala Harris did not attend the 2024 dinner and instead sent a pre-recorded message to play during the event. She was the first presidential candidate to skip the dinner since Walter Mondale in 1984. Donald Trump, who attended the dinner, called Harris’ decision not to attend “deeply disrespectful”.

Very telling that Kamala didn’t attend since the Tammony party picked both Kamala and Trump to run that year. The jokes about her sleeping her way to the top were rampant. Everyone at that dinner are the movers and shakers of America including the Collins Family who actually is controlling American under the Jesuit command. Catholics have a dark history when it comes to children. This dinner is bizarre as the roasts are sinister and something just doesn’t add up. Raising money for children, (they raised 6 million – an occult number) roasting each other politically and eating fine food. It took me a while until I found an man from India who exposed all of this dirt.

The dinner takes place inside Tammany Hall, a New York City eugenists political organization incorporated on May 12, 1789 as the Tammany Society by a German Jew Rothschild who ruled India. The Tammany Society gradually emerged as the center of Democratic-Republican Party politics. Jew Al Smith (Alfred E Smith) served four terms as Governor of New York and was a king pin of Tammany Hall which controlled all of York City’s politics. He was not a Catholic as is being told by the Rothschild’s media. He was a Khazarian jew.

The Rothschild’s used Al Smith and his jewish wife Belle Moskowitz to negotiate agreements between employers and striking workers.   Tammany has always been controlled by the Jewish Rothschild’s who controls both sides of the party system. US Presidential candidates have an Al Smith dinner every four years to roast each other for fun. A sick epectacle that the public are unaware that the elite are showing their power over you.

The Tammany Society was named after Tamanend, a Native American sachem, or chief who was murdered by Quaker Jew William Penn, a Rothschild agent, after whom Pennsylvania was named after. Tamanend led a tribe of the Lenapes in southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware and was a pacifist by nature. Tamanend had sold 300 square miles of territory to William Penn for pennies. 

Native Chief Tamanend and the Lenni-Lenape nation in the Delaware Valley was outiwtted and coerced into signing the Peace Treaty with William Penn. In 1683, Chief Tamanend, “sold this part of Bucks County to William Penn in a treaty of friendship as long as the grass is green and the rivers flow.” . This was a huge lie.

Penn and company kidnapped Chief Tamanend’s daughter. He had no choice but to give in to their demands, hoping to get his daughter back. His signature of a snake on a forged document agreeing to give away a huge tract of land to the Jewsih Quakers was forged. Red Indian Chief’s always affixed their signatures using their own blood on a thumb imprint. Fifty four years later, Quaker William Penn’s descendants broke the treaty with the fraudulent “Walking Purchase” by taking more land. When William Penn died, his son, Thomas Penn, did not honor the original treaty. He seized the Lenape land in 1737 and pushed the Lenape out of the Delaware Valley, soon after, Chief Tamanend was murdered by William Penn and coined the mocking phrase Tammany.

After Chief Tamanend was murdered, his entire Lenni-Lenape race was exterminated when the US Army gave them small pox blankets.  All the Jewish Quakers were already immune to small pox having pox scar marked faced. Thomas Penn then commissioned a fake painting of the initial meeting between his father and Chief Tamanend, featuring a large American Elm as a witness to the event. History remembers it this way, but in reality, the Quakers lied, cheated and murdered their way into getting the entire land of now Pennsilvania.

This painting was widely reproduced and the “Penn Treaty Elm,” as it came to be called, would became a popular monument in Philadelphia’s Fishtown neighborhood. This site is known as Shackamaxon in the Lenape language. Today in American schools texts of the Red Indian Chief Tamanend is called Saint Tamanend, the patron saint of America and Tammany. America is a nation founded in kosher deceit.

Your Rothschild’s academia encyclopedias lie and say that Chief Tamanend (the “Affable One” in the native language) partnered with Quaker William Penn (“Mikwon”) to bring about the bold accord in which the Quaker settlers and local Native Americans would live together peacefully in Pennsylvania. Mikwon (Penn) paid for Indian land with various cheap trinkets and glittering goods, which Tamanend divided among his people. The Affable chief then gave Penn a belt made of wampum beads as a sign of friendship.

Under duress, Chief Tamanend announced Channe ka Jhaad (native tongue for false/insincere praise) during the treaty summit that the Lenni-Lenape and the English colonists would “live in peace as long as the waters run in the rivers and creeks and as long as the stars and moon endure.” By this time, Penn had been holding his daughter and all the Chief wanted was her to be returned to him unharmed.

Tamanend was soon nicknamed “King Tammany” as an insult to maad King George III, whom German Jew Rothschild tied to his bed for six long decades while he conducted the fake American war of Independence and fake French Revolution.

Tamanend, in an 1817 wooden sculpture by William Luke, was the figurehead of the warship USS Delaware. The ship burned during the American Civil War, but the figurehead was rescued and put on display at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. By then the lies were already covered up and the Penn’s got their state. 

The Quakers continued the onslaught of native Americans and established a foothold of power in that region using human trafficking and slaves  for agriculture. William Penn had 53 slaves so the idea that the north wasn’t into slavery was a complete lie. The Quakers were known to boycott sugar, too. Quaker Jew Benjamin Lay,  who had settled in Philadelphia in 1731 after living in the British sugar colony of Barbados, is known to have smashed his wife’s china in 1742 which held sugar infused tea during the annual gathering of Quakers in the city. This is propaganda. Quaker Jew Benjamin Lay would not eat sugar in public as the sweetness of sugar hid the violence of its production for the Quakers. They held a fake protest of slave grown sugar to hide the fact they had slaves of their own. William Fox published a pamphlet urging a boycott of slave sugar; this became the most popular pamphlet of the century, with over a quarter million copies printed.

Slaving drove the Barbadian economy. Wealthy Quaker Jews—plantation owners, merchants, ship owners—were among the many entrepreneurs active in the business. Quakerism persisted in Massachusetts and flourished in Rhode Island and the Chesapeake colonies. Jewish Quakers did the slave trade from Rhode Island where there was the Tammany hall- as a front. In the 1670s-80s Quakern Jews founded the colonies of West Jersey and Pennsylvania. Quakers monopolised the Chocolate business, which used African Slave children,

After the civil war, because slavery was used as the justification for the war, which was a lie, the Quakers went underground with slavery here in the US. This spurred the Underground Railroad which they controlled the narrative. Instead of freeing slaves through a network of homes, they actually built underground facilities to house slaves. The slaves still worked in the Quaker fields but the evidence of them living there was not in view.  This was the beginning of the building of a nationwide tunneling system of human trafficking. Since the Quakers were so profitable, they set up shop in Africa to continue the Underground Railroad shipping people to and from. Instead of auctioning them off publicly, they hire drug addicts to kidnap people and drip them off for traffic.

The Al Smith dinner is full of Zionists who celebrate their wealth and control over mankind. Those that are at that dinner are vampires, psychopaths, predators and narcissists. They continue to dine under the blood of the innocent and joke about how evil the other party is, when in fact, they are all working for the same mafia group the Jesuits. They are so confident in their co to use success of control that they televise the mockery as a show of might. Every now and then, they make high profile arrests of themselves like Epstein and Diddy giving you the impression good is finally taking over evil but it never does. They change face, family names and buyout the corporations under a new name and mission statement. Nothing has changed. Debt goes higher, inflation surges, the middle class slowly dies.

There even is a board game called Tammany Hall. Check it out:

Play Board Game

That dinner was to honor human trafficking, sex trafficking and slavery. In fact, Donald Trump declared war on human trafficking which is code for allowing the government to take it over just like they did on the war on drugs. His daughter is a high priestess witch of the black sun. He has said so many creepy things about her. Check this out:

‘If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her’

“I like golf. We both like sex”

“Who needs the First Lady when you have a First Daughter”

“Stormy Daniels has said he told her ‘You Remind Me Of’ Ivanka right before sex”

‘If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father’

Play Trump1

Most Trump supporters will ignore this as locker talk like grab ‘em by the pussy, but incest talk is what the occult does. Bloodlines sleep with their own children. The reason is they want their kids to produce their own blood to keep it in the family.

If some of you are shocked at this, then you just haven’t been paying attention. The occult has been telling us what they have been doing all along. They’ve never hid it, either. Why? Because they even if they get caught, they own every city and county via the freemasons and will not get persecuted. The Tammany Hall & The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Mafia Dinner

play video

According to Jew World Order, The Trump family has the largest number of Jews in the first family All three married children of Donald Trump being married to Jews.


The Trump (original surname Drump ) foray into America supposedly begun with Fred Trumps father Frederich Trump who emigrated to the US from Germany in 1885 His (married sister ) Katharina had emigrated in 1883 Her married surname was was Schuster  which is a German and Jewish surname  Another of Trumps grandaunts married a man named Freund which is Jewish surname

Grandpa Freidrich or Fredrick ‘s Trump’s career path was of a distinctively Jewish nature He moved to areas with the Gold Rush never mining himself but “mining the miners” He moved to the Seattle area in 1891 and set up a restaurant /brothel in the red light district there .In  1894, Trump sold the Dairy Restaurant/brothel , and moved to the emerging mining town of Monte Cristo, Washington,where there was a mini Gold Rush Instead of taking part in the rush Trump serviced the miners rushing in with another restaurant/brothel and again made money In 1898 Trump started yet another restaurant /brothel named The Artic Horse servicing miners in Bennett, British Columbia,Here Trump entered into a partnership with the Jew named Ernest Levin

Trump the brothel keeper then went back to Germany picked a wife Elizabeth Christ from his town of Kallstadt and came back to New York where he became a real estate speculator with the money he had made from his three brothels Donald Trumps father Fred was born in 1905 Fredrick died in 1918


Fred Trump went on to become a real estate developer and a landlord  Fred Trump according to his nephew had a lot of Jewish tenants  Fred Trump was also allegedly involved in a KKK march not against blacks but against the Catholic Police of New York  . Washington Post. Michael Cohen Donald Trumps special counsel emphasized Fred Trump’s “close connection to the Jewish people,” noting that his father, the real-estate developer Fred Trump, “was also highly recognized and praised by the Brooklyn/Queens Jewish communities.

Donald Trumps mother Mary Anne McLeod supposedly was the daughter of Scottish fisherman from the Isle of Lewis in Scotland Her arrival in New York was also the direct result of a scandal that struck her family at home – the sister who hosted her in New York, Mrs Catherine Reid, gave birth out of wedlock in Scotland in 1920. Mary Anne had two other sisters resident in the USA at the time, Mrs Christina Matheson and Mrs Mary Joan Pauley There’s nothing in the media about Trumps Scottish  cousins in New York the Mathesons and the Pauleys

Both of Donald Trumps parents Fred and Mary Anne died in the Long Island Jewish Medical Centre in New Hyde Park.

Fred’s rise in New York real estate was intimately tied to the success of Abraham “Bunny” Lindenbaum, his longtime counsel and his son Sandy , and Abe Beame, the first Jewish mayor of New York.Both Lindenbaum and Beame were intimately tied with the New York politics of Tammany Hall

Beame had known Trump’s family for 30 years.In the beginning, Donald Trump used Beame’s closest political associates — publicist Howard Rubinstein; lobbyist, lawyer, and fund raiser Abraham “Bunny” Lindenbaum; and Bunny’s son Sandy — now part of a large Manhattan law firm — as the major political brokers on his Manhattan projects.

Bunny Lindenbaum was an orthodox and fanatical Zionist Jew. He was president of the Brooklyn Jewish Community Council, and the Brooklyn Jewish Center (BJC). The BJC is connected directly to United Synagogue of America, the World Zionist Congress, United Jewish Appeal, National Jewish Welfare Board, and the MOSSAD.

The NYT says in the 2012 obituary of Samuel Lindenbaum: Mr. Lindenbaum cultivated a scholar’s knowledge of the Zoning Resolution, the arcane document that governs development in New York. As a result, he was able to bend the resolution to his clients’ will without breaking it. And because his clients were major builders and landowners — among them Harry B. Helmsley, Harry Macklowe, Larry A.Silverstein, Jerry I. Speyer, Leonard Litwin, Steven Roth and Donald J. Trump; the Fishers and Tisches and Rudins and Roses.

With the exception of Trump all the rest are overt Jews Why would Lindenbaum “shower his blessings” on only one Goyim in New York ? Could that that Goyim not be so Goyimish after all?


As Donald took over from Fred Roy Cohn and Louise Sunshine gradually replaced the Lindenbaums and Rubinstein as young Trump’s primary resources and agents.The Manhattan hard sell has supplanted the friendly, shrewd, understated style of the old Brooklyn days.

Cohn (Cohen) besides being a gay pedophile was one of those major Jewish figures with his fingers in multiple pies.Cohn also had a fetish for Green Frogs Cohn became famous during Senator Joseph McCarthy‘s investigations into Communist activity in the United States during the Second Red Scare.Cohn was McCarthy’s chief counsel and gained special prominence during the Army–McCarthy hearings.

After leaving McCarthy, Cohn had a 30-year career as an attorney in New York City.Cohn’s clients included Donald Trump, Mafia figures Tony Salerno, Carmine Galante, and John Gotti, Studio 54 owners Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, Texas financier and philanthropist Shearn Moody, Jr.,and the New York Yankees baseball club. Studio 54 was linked to Mayer Lansky

Cohn was known for his active social life, charitable giving, and combative personality. In the early 1960s he became a member of the John Birch Society and a principal figure in the Western Goals Foundation. He maintained close ties in conservative political circles, serving as an informal advisor to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

More of Donald Trump’s Jewish associates include Jason Greenblatt Greenblatt has worked as a real-estate lawyer for Trump for 19 years,is an Orthodox Jew and Yeshiva University graduate, Greenblatt studied at a West Bank yeshiva in the mid-1980s and even did armed guard duty there. David  Friedman, 57, son of a Conservative rabbi is the Trump’s longtime attorney Friedman lives in Woodmere, New York, and owns a house in Jerusalem’s Talbiyeh neighborhood

Another important event in Trumps business career was the mess in Atlantic City that nearly destroyed Trumps career Trunp was at one time owned a quarter of Atlantic City’s casino market. But Trump was heavily in debt, and he started missing bond payments on his — and Atlantic City’s — largest casino, the Taj Mahal, in 1990.  Wilbur Ross, then an investment banker working for Rothschild Inc., helped bondholders negotiate with Trump , whose finances were unraveling. The final deal reduced Trump’s ownership stake in the Taj but left him in charge, and bondholders were unhappy when Ross presented the plan.LA Times.

“President” Donald Trump has three wives and five children (that we know of). Four of these five children are adults and three are married. Ivanka was born a male and has transitioned. She is the baphomet of the family. Baphomet has the waist of a man and torso of a woman with a goat head. She is the symbolism of opposite forces. 

Two of Trumps three wives are from Eastern Europe  Ivana Zelníčková, Marla Maples and Melania Knauss. where many Jews like John Kerry (Kohn) and Madeleine Albright (Jana Korbel) “converted” to Catholicism and started using Christian names

Ivana Zelníčková was born in the Moravian town of Zlín , Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Miloš Zelníček, who was Czech, and Marie Francová. Moravia and Zlin have a long history of Jews  If you drop the second e in Zelnicek you get the Jewish Zelnick

Ivana Trump’s marriage to Trump was her second marriage Her first was to  an Alfred Winklemeier, who was a real estate businessman.

Trump has four adult children three from Ivana Trump and one from Marla Maples. Three out of four are married to Khazar Jews and Tiffany Trump is dating a Jew.

Ivanka Trump is married to Jared Kusher both of whose parents are Khazars. Jareds father Charles Kushner is a convicted criminal and possibly a Mossad asset.

Donald Trump Jr is married to Vanessa Haydon, 38,  who is a designer and the mother of five children Vanessa’s mother is Danish and her late father Charles Haydon was Khazar Jew Charles Haydons original name was Charles Hochberg and he was  a lawyer.

Four Generations of the Trumps beginning from Freidrich Trump (or Drumph) have had close business and personal associations with the Khazars.

All four of Donald Trumps adult children have married and/are dating Khazar Jews. That is no mere coincidence.

There is a good chance that the trump family is crypto jewish or at least has some Khazar jewish dna.

When the Presidential Election Process begun no one gave Trump any chance of becoming President Yet there were the Jewish controlled networks giving Trump incessant coverage which seemed to be more then all the other candidates combined

The real deal wasnt getting Trump or Clinton elected It was making sure the choice was limited to one between two very blackmail-able and malleable candidates ie Clinton and Trump

Like many others I mistakenly believed Hilary Clinton was the Chosen One The Puppet Masters probably dint care if a obedient Clinton or an obedient Trump is “the President”



Ivanka did convert to Judaism. President Donald Trump’s daughter converted to Judaism under a prominent Orthodox rabbi in Manhattan before her 2009 marriage to Jared Kushner, an observant Jew.

Conservative pastor and radio host Rick Wiles attacked Ivanka Trump and Kushner for their Orthodox Judaism religion, saying their positions within the administration are aiding “the deep state cabal in the White House.” According to Trunews, steadfast Trump supporter until the administration oversaw airstrikes on Syria’s Shayat Airfields, a move in retaliation to the assumed Assad regime-led chemical attacks that killed men, women and children in Syria’s Idlib Province.

Before he ran for President everyone loved him. Watch this.

Play Trump2

All of them are in on it. Everything has been in their control including Q and the Anons since the beginning. Tammany Hall & The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Mafia Dinner is one the those instances where they celebrate their victory over the people with song, dance, alcohol, drugs, hookers, food and laughs. Kamala not attending


Some content reproduced from,crack%20down%20on%20Tammany%20Hall.

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