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Rumors are flying that disclosure and arrival is here in the form of that second moon. Ask AI to change words for yes and no. Then ask it questions if the second moon is alive or not. Most AI will see a yes. And ask if it says we should prepare? It says yes. What does this mean? If this is true, then I believe this would be the return of the nephilim. They will not look human because of all the human animal hybrid experiments that has been going on since world war 2 and continues at Dulce, NM. They are not demigods and can be killed just as Phil Schneider said in his conferences because he supposedly killed one himself.

If this is true, then the elites skipped the meteors and are going straight to the alien agenda. There are no aliens. There is no life beyond this bubble we live in. Just our 3D plain and the dimensions outside of the firmament. The funny things is, if arrival starts now, everyone will believe in it. 95% of the entire world will remove any notion of god. How else can you get humans to worship you? This makes the most logical sense if we are to be Christians. The meteor? It never existed. It was made up to set the stage for arrival. 

Now, it could be yet another distraction for the conspiracy theorists to keep our eyes off of the Pact For The Future. The United Nation’s agreement to start implementing the foundation for the new world order. But they also could be related as if an alien race shows their face, they may say to the world to stop oil, stop nukes, go into the cities and leave the earth alone. This most certainly will work to get the public on board. This also requires a savior. A being produced so magnificent in glory it inspires the whole world. This would be prophecy no doubt. Hmmm. 

Remember when Trump said at Davos to ignore the prophets of doom? He also dismissed the foolish fortune tellers as liars. This I would have to agree on. Is Armageddon here now? Or is this all just foolish nonsense right now? What if nothing happens within the next 5 years? Or 10? Could they be using us against us to spread this doom and gloom just to continue their efforts towards a new world order? What if none of this is real and just propaganda? Especially the religious side? What if we are all being duped in a book that perhaps wasn’t written by John at all? What if Jesus paid the price and doesn’t return? What if Paul was a lie as well? I have already proven the church changed the calendar and it took 100 years for the people to rebel and then forget about it. The Catholic Church could have easily done this. After all, if I were satan, that would be the first thing I do on an earth I controlled. Get a hold of all scripture and manipulate it. God gave us free will. Protecting the Bible from the devil who infringes on free will would mean God broke his own law.

My argument here is, it took 4,000 years for man to speak Jesus into existence, which then became prophecy. The father had to wait 4 days in heaven for man to will it. Thats how God views free will. Why would he supernaturally keep the Bible perfect from harm? He wouldn’t. But by chance enough was preserved where the information, even after manipulation, still offers the truth. You just have to study, pray and find it. This is seeking first the kingdom of heaven. 

The Bible does talk about aliens. But it doesn’t say they are from another solar system. It says they look like frogs. They are sent as plagues both times in the old and New Testament. Frogs are mentioned in Exodus 8, Psalm 78:45 and Psalm 105:30 in regard to the plague of frogs that God sent on the Egyptians. In Revelation 16:13 John sees a vision of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet (Satan, the Antichrist and the Antichrist’s prophet) spewing three unclean spirits out of their mouths in the form of frogs who create armies of the earth that Satan attempts to use to defeat the army of Christ from heaven.

This means there are going to be three types of aliens or frogs that will form armies to get ready for the final battle between Satan and Jesus. The typical 3 types of aliens are:

The Greys: These are perhaps the most iconic alien type, often depicted as small, humanoid creatures with large heads,almond-shaped eyes, and grey skin. They are frequently associated with abduction reports and are often described as having a cold, almost robotic demeanor.

The Nordics: These beings are often portrayed as tall, blonde, and blue-eyed, with a more humanoid appearance than the Greys. They are sometimes described as benevolent and peaceful, often interacting with humans in a positive manner.

The Reptilians: These are often depicted as reptilian humanoids, sometimes with scaly skin, large eyes, and a cold,predatory appearance. They are frequently associated with conspiracy theories and are often portrayed as malevolent or manipulative.

The greys have been known to work with both the Nordics and Reptilians. Many theories suggest that the Greys are part of a larger extraterrestrial hierarchy or alliance, often involving the Nordics and Reptilians. Some believe that the Greys are subservient to the Nordics, while others propose that they are part of a complex power struggle with the Reptilians.

The Greys are perhaps the most iconic alien type in UFO lore, frequently described in eyewitness accounts and popular culture. They are typically portrayed as small, humanoid creatures with large heads, almond-shaped eyes, and grey skin.

The Greys

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: Generally described as being around 3 to 4 feet tall.
  • Head: Large and disproportionate to the body, often with a dome-shaped skull.
  • Eyes: Large, almond-shaped, and often described as having a black or dark grey hue.
  • Skin: Grey or pale skin tone.
  • Body: Slender and often described as having a childlike or adolescent appearance.

Behavior and Interactions

  • Abductions: The Greys are most frequently associated with abduction reports, where individuals claim to have been taken aboard alien spacecraft and subjected to medical examinations or experiments.
  • Communication: Often described as having a telepathic or nonverbal means of communication.
  • Demeanor: The Greys are often portrayed as having a cold, almost robotic demeanor, lacking emotional expression.

Theories and Speculations

  • Purpose: Theories about the Greys’ purpose vary widely. Some believe they are benevolent beings conducting scientific research, while others suggest they are malevolent entities seeking to exploit or harm humans.
  • Origin: The origin of the Greys is a subject of much speculation. Some believe they are from a distant star system,while others suggest they may be interdimensional beings or even artificial creations.
  • Hierarchy: There are theories suggesting that the Greys are part of a larger extraterrestrial hierarchy or alliance,often involving other alien types like the Nordics and Reptilians.

Cultural Impact

The Greys have become a cultural icon, appearing in countless movies, television shows, books, and video games. Their image has been ingrained in the public consciousness, shaping our perceptions of extraterrestrial life.

The Reptilians

The Reptilians are another iconic alien type in UFO lore, often portrayed as humanoid creatures with reptilian features.They are frequently associated with conspiracy theories and are often depicted as malevolent or manipulative.

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: Typically described as being taller than humans, with a more muscular build.
  • Head: Often depicted with a reptilian skull shape, including large eyes and a scaled appearance.
  • Skin: Scaly or reptilian skin, often in shades of green, brown, or grey.
  • Body: Frequently described as having a more reptilian physiology, with features like a forked tongue or webbed feet.

Behavior and Interactions

  • Conspiracies: Reptilians are often central to conspiracy theories, suggesting they are involved in secret government agendas, controlling world events, or even influencing human evolution.
  • Manipulation: They are frequently portrayed as manipulative and cunning, using their intelligence and influence to achieve their goals.
  • Malevolence: Many depictions of Reptilians portray them as malevolent beings, seeking to harm or control humanity.

Theories and Speculations

  • Ancient Civilizations: Some theories suggest that Reptilians were involved in the creation or development of ancient civilizations like the Egyptians or the Mayans.
  • Government Involvement: Conspiracy theories often involve Reptilians working in secret with powerful human figures or organizations.
  • Interdimensional Beings: Some believe that Reptilians are interdimensional beings capable of traveling between different realities.

Cultural Impact

Reptilians have become a popular subject in conspiracy theories, often appearing in documentaries, books, and online forums. Their image has been associated with fear, secrecy, and malevolence.

The Nordics

The Nordics are another alien type commonly described in UFO lore. Unlike the Greys and Reptilians, they are often portrayed as benevolent and peaceful beings.

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: Typically described as being taller than humans, often around 6 to 7 feet tall.
  • Appearance: Often depicted as having a Nordic or Aryan appearance, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
  • Demeanor: The Nordics are often described as having a gentle and peaceful demeanor, often interacting with humans in a positive manner.

Behavior and Interactions

  • Contact: The Nordics are often associated with positive contact experiences, where individuals report peaceful encounters and helpful interactions.
  • Messages: They are frequently described as delivering messages of peace, love, and spiritual growth.
  • Technology: The Nordics are sometimes depicted as possessing advanced technology, which they may share with humans for the betterment of humanity.

Theories and Speculations

  • Benevolent Guardians: The Nordics are often seen as benevolent guardians of humanity, watching over our development and protecting us from harm.
  • Intergalactic Federation: Some theories suggest that the Nordics are part of a larger intergalactic federation,working together with other alien races for the good of the universe.
  • Spiritual Guides: The Nordics are sometimes viewed as spiritual guides, helping humans to connect with higher consciousness and achieve enlightenment.

Cultural Impact

The Nordics have become a popular subject in UFO lore, often appearing in books, movies, and television shows. Their image has been associated with peace, hope, and spiritual enlightenment.

The dragon created these. It says they come from its mouth through spewing. This means quickly and undigested or chewed up. A clue to this meaning is they come quickly without enough time to be ready. This means they are rushed. No doubt in my mind that the world right now is being pushed into this climate change deal and it doesn’t feel rushed. This could be a clue in support of Trump being sent by god. I doubt it but a supporting theory. His 2016 win did in fact move agenda 21 to 2030. I would be glad and happy to repent from my views on him if wrong. But I still can’t shake the fact he is supporting Israel and their genocide. It’s madness. That, I cannot forgive. 

Since my awakening in 1995, I have had a huge fascination with UFOs and did a ton of research including visiting Area 51. As a kid, after watching close encounters of the third kind, I drew pictures of little green men surrounding my house. I often wondered if I had ever been abducted myself. A friend of mine told me that I told her I was abducted. She detailed it with great construction. I don’t remember telling her anything like that nor do I remember being abducted. But I did see a classic saucer shaped metal disc with lights all the way around it hovering in Portland, Oregon in 1999. That event still to this day haunts me. It was huge. About the size of a football stadium. It made no noise. It was 3:00 am. The witching hour. I have proof I saw it because my girlfriend at the time told me I called her as I was staring at it. She still confirms to this day. I don’t remember getting g abducted that night but I still remember it as if it was yesterday. 

At that time, I didn’t have enough wisdom and knowledge under my belt to draw a good fair conclusion to what I saw. I was convinced it was from outside our planet. After years of researching black projects and a stint in Bible college, I found the information to back up my later hypothesis that all this is man made with the help of spiritual guidance. I admit I was disappointed that there are no such thing as aliens. But I am glad I hold onto the fact that the German Nazi bell gives the ultimate clue that man did create artificial or antigravity which bends space and time allowing for exotic travel through air and water. This explains everything we see today. Especially project paperclip which divides the Nazi scientists into two groups. Human animal hybrids and rocket science. Combined, those scientists were to create the grand illusion of control. 

The Meteor Moon

Asteroid 2024 PT5, a small celestial body, is set to become Earth’s second moon for a limited time. This unusual occurrence is due to a temporary gravitational capture by our planet.   

Key Details:

  • Discovery: The asteroid was first discovered in August 2024.  
  • Size: 2024 PT5 is estimated to be around 33 feet (10 meters) in diameter, making it a relatively small object.  
  • Orbit: It will orbit Earth in a horseshoe-shaped path from late September to late November 2024.  
  • Visibility: Due to its small size and dimness, it will likely only be visible through professional telescopes.  
  • Origin: The asteroid is believed to have originated in the Arjuna asteroid belt, which orbits the sun.  

Why is it Happening?

  • Gravitational Capture: Earth’s gravity will temporarily capture the asteroid, pulling it into its orbit for a short period.  
  • Temporary Phenomenon: This is a rare event and will not last indefinitely. The asteroid will eventually escape Earth’s gravitational pull and return to its original orbit around the sun.  

Potential Impact:

  • No Threat to Earth: There is no risk of the asteroid colliding with Earth. It will maintain a safe distance.  
  • Scientific Opportunity: Astronomers will have a unique opportunity to study the asteroid and learn more about its composition and properties.   

The temporary appearance of Asteroid 2024 PT5 as Earth’s second moon is a fascinating astronomical event. While it won’t be visible to the naked eye, it offers scientists a valuable chance to observe a celestial object up close.

As of September 24, 2024, there is no publicly available information about a previous instance of an asteroid becoming Earth’s second moon for an extended period. This event is a relatively rare occurrence and has not been documented in recent history.

What does that tell ya? This tells me it’s bullshit. Also, there are no pictures of it yet. How come? We can view other galaxies but can’t pinpoint a meteor in our own solar system? How are we able to know it even exists? Radar?

Asteroid surveys typically use a combination of ground-based and space-based telescopes equipped with advanced imaging and tracking technology.

Some of the common technologies used in these surveys include:

  • Charge-coupled devices (CCDs): These are highly sensitive detectors that can capture faint light from distant objects.
  • Large-format telescopes: These telescopes have large mirrors or lenses that can collect more light, allowing for the detection of smaller and fainter objects.
  • Panoramic cameras: These cameras can scan large areas of the sky quickly, increasing the chances of detecting new objects.
  • Computer algorithms: Sophisticated algorithms are used to analyze the data collected by telescopes and identify potential asteroids.

The specific technology used to discover 2024 PT5 will likely be detailed in a scientific publication or announcement once the initial findings are released.

Sounds more like telescopes than radar. Capturing a faint light from a 33 foot asteroid to me seems far fetched. 

Why not use Hubble? That’s up there isn’t it? This astonishing find must allow camera time don’t you think? And why not photoshop one like they usually do? Something isn’t adding up here.

My research on the three species of aliens that come out of the beast says the greys are biological robots. Incapable of feelings. They perform their jobs of abductions with precision. They do not speak to humans. It is said they report directly to the reptilians as they continue to use the greys to terraform the earth for their return. The greys eat sunlight and water from our atmosphere air sustenance. Plant like. The reptilians drink the blood of humans as a drug. It is said they get punch drunk off of it. It’s like alcohol to humans. They also eat us as well. The ufo community talks about the reptilians and humans working hand in hand in underground military bases for the purpose of technology exchange for food. 

The reptilians are very tall. Very ugly and stink. They have no sense of humor and get agitated quickly over little things. They are impatient and hate all things human. They believe they were the first here on earth and are just feeding off us. They also feed off our energy. They co trim the human leaders to put fear on the planet at all times. This is because it gives the reptilians more power over man. Some argue it was a reptilian that met with Adam and Eve. Some also argue that Eve slept with one and the twins Cain and Abel were Adam seed and a Reptilian seed. When two different sperm cells fertilize two separate eggs, resulting in twins, this process is called heteropaternal superfecundation; essentially meaning the twins have different fathers, which is a very rare occurrence.

The Nordics are tall, blue eyed, blonde hair, gorgeous beings. They are at war with the reptilians and have captured many greys to do their work undercover. The Nordics are the ones turning off our nuclear warheads and destroying them before they hit their targets. They are said to be our fathers. They have signed many treaties with the reptilians to stay away from planets like ours but the lizards never follow the rules. There have been many wars in which the reptilians have lost but they breed faster than Nordics and always can build a faster army. The reptilians hide all throughout the galaxy making it hard for the Nordics to find their stash’s of weaponry. The Nordics have been unsuccessful in removing the reptilians altogether. The reptilians have something the Nordics can’t produce. They make trade all the time with it. It’s a love hate relationship. No one knows except maybe the military what that thing is that they make. Some speculate a drug that is made from the reptilian blood making killing all of them useless. 

The Nordics have met with Russia and formed an alliance to protect them from the United States. The United States made the same pact with the reptilians. There are hundreds more of alien worlds out there according to ufologists but the reptilians control most of them. This is the story that has been manufactured by the bloodlines. The new agers worship these beings as gods. Especially the Nordics. Alice Bailey mentions the Nordics as gods to be worshipped because they live to be 1,000 years. Well, the Bible talks about man living to 1,000 years too until god shortened their lifespan to 120. Perhaps the fallen ones have given them the tech to live this long now. 

The bottom line is, if my interpretation of the Bible is correct, we have 120 years from the time Satan starts genetically modifying our dna. I believe this started in 2020. How long will it take to create an army against Jesus? That’s the real question here. If these 3 species of men and animal can live to be 1,000 years old, then now is the time to start raising an army. They will be 100 years old and in their prime for battle. If they can’t live that long, then they need to be raised in about 100 years. This means if they show up now, they have time. The spew of the mouth tells me they are doing things too fast and most likely will not show up now. This is just my understanding and in no way could I be correct. 

If arrival starts now, here is what we can expect. Satan will use these next 100 years to paint a picture of an enemy that we all must come together to destroy. This enemy will not be called Jesus but the truth is, that’s who we on earth will fight. We will meet at the valley of Megiddo which is about 60 miles North of Jerusalem. It is now called Tell el-Mutesellim. “At the very moment of the Second Coming of our Lord, ‘all nations’ shall be gathered ‘against Jerusalem to battle’ (Zech. 11; 12; 13; 14), and the battle of Armageddon (obviously covering the entire area from Jerusalem to Megiddo, and perhaps more) will be in progress. As John expressed it, ‘the kings of the earth and of the whole world’ will be gathered ‘to the battle of that great day of God Almighty, … into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.’

This is bizarre because right now Israel is under the control of Satan so why would the nations come against Israel where Jesus will come down and fight? Perhaps maybe all nations will be one and Jesus comes to Jerusalem to stand against all nations. Maybe this is why Satan took control of Israel so Jesus will not return there. Regardless, this is what will happen. Since Satan has little time, he needs to move fast. He will need a weapon, however. Something that can hurt Jesus. Perhaps this was what cern was all about? Creating a weapon that can stop Jesus somehow? We would need to be comfortable with the human alien hybrids. Perhaps Satan will use the Nordics to tell us to come together with them to fight the draconians. They would convince man that all the Satanism worldwide was the dracs and they were the ones eating our people and drinking the blood. This would give the people something to come together and fight for. Maybe the beast will be a lion head on a human body. A beautiful Nordic playing the role of antichrist. 

We can speculate thousands of ideas and theories about what will happen. We just don’t have all of the clues. All I know is the Bible says the Christians are protected because we are the chosen ones. We have nothing to fear. In fact, we will be removed from the earth before this day at Megiddo. We are told to be of good cheer and rejoice because of the return of our lord. So, regardless of the alien show, we will be just fine. It’s the people who are left behind in the beast system are the ones you should be worrying about. They are lost and they need your prayers. 


Trump dismisses “foolish fortune tellers” at a Davos summit dominated by climate change | World Economic Forum

Are frogs considered evil spirits in the Bible? – A Thimble-full of Theology for Daily Living

The Battle of Armageddon: A Prophetic View

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