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The concept of magic has intrigued humanity for millennia, often shrouded in mystery and attributed to supernatural forces or spiritual entities. However, a more rational approach suggests that magic might be a manipulation of matter, similar to how computer programming manipulates bits and bytes. This broadcast aims to explore this parallel, examining the similarities between magic spells and computer code, especially in terms of their underlying mechanisms and their interactions with hardware.

Magic as Matter Manipulation

Traditional interpretations of magic often involve invoking spirits or deities to perform supernatural acts. However, a more scientific perspective posits that these acts might be achieved through the manipulation of matter at a fundamental level. This could involve altering the properties of substances, controlling energy flow, or influencing the behavior of particles.

Computer Programming as Matter Manipulation

Computer programming, at its core, is the process of instructing a machine (hardware) to perform specific tasks. This involves manipulating the physical state of the machine’s components, such as transistors, to represent and process information. In essence, programming is a form of matter manipulation, albeit at a microscopic level.

Similarities Between Magic Spells and Computer Code

  1. Input and Output: Both magic spells and computer programs require input to produce desired outcomes. In magic, this input might be in the form of incantations, rituals, or the use of specific objects. In programming, it involves data or user interactions. The output of both can be physical manifestations, such as healing or object creation, or informational, such as a calculated result or a visual display.
  2. Algorithms and Procedures: Magic spells often involve a sequence of steps or rituals that must be performed in a specific order to achieve the desired effect. Similarly, computer programs follow algorithms, which are sets of instructions that guide the machine through a series of steps to accomplish a task.
  3. Conditional Statements and Loops: Both magic and programming utilize conditional statements and loops to control the flow of the process. In magic, these might be represented as “if-then” statements or repeating rituals. In programming, they are implemented using conditional statements (like “if” and “else”) and loops (like “for” and “while”).
  4. Hardware Interaction: Just as computer programs interact with hardware components (like CPUs, memory, and I/O devices) to perform their tasks, magic spells might involve interacting with physical objects or the environment. This could be as simple as using a wand to channel energy or as complex as manipulating the elements.

Case Studies: Comparing Magic Spells and Code

To further illustrate the similarities between magic spells and computer code, let’s examine a few examples:

  • Healing Spells vs. Medical Software: Both involve manipulating biological systems to restore health. A healing spell might involve directing energy to damaged cells, while medical software can analyze patient data and recommend treatments.
  • Levitation Spells vs. Robotics: Both involve controlling the movement of objects. A levitation spell might manipulate the gravitational forces acting on an object, while a robotic system uses motors and sensors to achieve controlled movement. Or can use antigravity mercury spun machines to achieve the same effect.
  • Divination Spells vs. Data Analysis: Both involve extracting information from data. A divination spell might involve interpreting symbols or patterns to see the fture or someone’s actions, while data analysis techniques use algorithms to identify trends and insights.

While the concept of magic often evokes images of supernatural forces, a closer examination suggests that it might be rooted in the manipulation of matter using natural elements. By drawing parallels between magic spells and computer programming, we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved in both. This perspective not only demystifies magic but also highlights the potential for technological advancements inspired by ancient practices.

In the previous response, I established a foundation for comparing magic spells and computer programming as forms of matter manipulation. This section will delve deeper into specific examples, exploring how various magical practices can be interpreted as interactions with physical systems.

Specific Examples: Magic and Matter Manipulation

  1. Elemental Magic:
    • Fire Magic: This could involve manipulating the chemical reactions of combustion, controlling the flow of heat energy, or altering the properties of materials to make them more flammable.
    • Water Magic: This might involve controlling the surface tension of water, manipulating the phase transitions between liquid, solid, and gas, or influencing the electrical properties of water molecules.
    • Earth Magic: This could involve altering the physical properties of rocks and soil, controlling geological processes like erosion and sedimentation, or manipulating the electromagnetic fields associated with the Earth’s crust.
    • Air Magic: This might involve controlling the movement of air currents, manipulating atmospheric pressure, or influencing the electrical properties of the atmosphere.
  2. Illusion Magic:
    • This could involve manipulating the perception of light and sound, altering the brain’s interpretation of sensory information, or creating holographic projections using physical phenomena like diffraction and interference.
  3. Healing Magic:
    • This could involve stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, manipulating the molecular structure of cells, or influencing the flow of energy through the body’s energy meridians (if such exist).
  4. Divination Magic:
    • This might involve using physical phenomena like pendulum motion, muscle contractions (as in dowsing), or random number generation to produce meaningful information.

How These Examples Were Derived

These examples were derived by considering the underlying physical principles involved in various magical practices. For instance, fire magic often involves the manipulation of heat and light, which are physical phenomena. Illusion magic often involves manipulating perception, which is a cognitive process influenced by physical stimuli. Healing magic often involves influencing biological processes, which are governed by physical and chemical laws.

In World War 2, the Nazis were heavily into quantum physics as a parallel to black magic. They understood that magic was just a way of maipulating matter just like quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics became their tool bag for trying to win the war by manipulating matter using black magic combined with transisters.

In the book The Nazis and the Occult: The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich, by Paul Roland, Paul provides proof that the Nazis wanted to find power sources from the occult to be used in warfare. 

Main Themes:

  • The role of occultism and esoteric beliefs in shaping Nazi ideology and practices.
  • The influence of key figures like Guido von List, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Richard Wagner on Hitler and the Nazi movement.
  • The alleged use of astrology, psychic phenomena, and ancient myths to justify Nazi ambitions and atrocities.
  • The psychological profile of Adolf Hitler and its potential connection to his fascination with the occult.

Important Ideas & Facts:

Ariosophy and the Roots of Nazi Ideology:

  • Ariosophy, a mystical-nationalist movement, provided a fertile ground for Nazi racial theories. Figures like Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels propagated the idea of Aryan supremacy and a mythical ancient German past filled with occult knowledge.
  • Von List believed in a superior Aryan race descended from the mythical Armanen brotherhood and saw the swastika as a sacred Aryan symbol.
  • Liebenfels, a former monk, established the Order of the New Templars, a racist and anti-Semitic organization that influenced Hitler’s views on race and eugenics.

The Influence of Nietzsche and Wagner:

  • The philosophical ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, particularly his concept of the “Übermensch” (Superman), resonated with Hitler’s vision of a dominant Aryan race.
  • Richard Wagner’s operas, imbued with themes of Germanic mythology and heroism, provided a powerful artistic backdrop for Nazi ideology. Hitler admired Wagner’s music and incorporated its themes into his speeches and rallies.

Hitler’s Obsession with the Spear of Destiny:

  • The book details Hitler’s alleged fascination with the Spear of Destiny, believed to be the lance that pierced the side of Christ. He saw it as a symbol of power and destiny and allegedly believed it would grant him supernatural abilities.

Astrology and Prophecy in the Third Reich:

  • The Nazis, particularly Heinrich Himmler, are said to have consulted astrologers and dabbled in various occult practices.
  • The book explores claims that Hitler’s rise to power was predicted by astrologers and examines the use of astrology by the Nazis during World War II.

Psychological Profile of Hitler:

  • The author analyzes Hitler’s psychological makeup, suggesting that his childhood trauma, hatred for his father, and over-identification with his mother contributed to his distorted worldview and megalomania.
  • This psychological analysis attempts to explain Hitler’s susceptibility to occult beliefs and his craving for power and control.

The Nature of Evil:

  • The book raises questions about the nature of evil and its role in the Nazi regime. It explores the possibility that the Nazis were not merely driven by political ambition but by a deeper, more sinister force.
  • Quote: “If something profoundly evil does not lurk behind Germany’s present tyranny, where, indeed, is evil to be found?”

Key Quotes:

  • Hitler on Wagner’s music: “When I hear Wagner it seems to me that I hear rhythms of a bygone world.”
  • Hitler on his destiny: “I slowly became aware of a mighty presence around it – the same awesome presence which I had experienced inwardly on those rare occasions in my life when I had sensed that a great destiny awaited me.”
  • Goebbels on Hitler: “He is the creative instrument of fate and deity. I stand by him deeply shaken … He seems like a prophet of old.”
  • Himmler on racial purity: “What happens to the Russians, what happens to the Czechs, is a matter of utter indifference to me. Such good blood of our own kind as there may be among the nations we shall acquire for ourselves, if necessary by taking away the children and bringing them up among us.”


The book presents a compelling, albeit controversial, exploration of the Nazi fascination with the occult. While some claims might seem speculative and sensationalized, the author provides historical context and references various sources to support his arguments. It prompts readers to consider the complex interplay between ideology, psychology, and the allure of the unknown in the rise of one of history’s most horrific regimes. Although the book does not talk about computers, as they were not invented just yet, it does show the origin of bringing black magic into the technological world.

Programming is magic. It’s borderline practicing witchcraft.

Here are the similiarties when practiced – tongue in cheek:

  • Your power increases with your knowledge. 
  • Sometimes things just go completely out of wack and you have no idea why. 
  • If you break something, only you or someone with far superior power can fix it. 
  • You need to constantly reference your resource materials, because containing all that information in your head is impossible. But you do have a few go-to tricks that never fail you. 
  • Certain numbers have some sort of unexplained intrinsic goodness. And some numbers are just pure evil. 
  • Certain things just are the way they are based on some outdated arcane rules and nobody likes it but it’s too late to change now. 
  • It’s fun to learn a new thing and then try it out and practice it and get better at it. 
  • You have a familiar. It may or may not be made of rubber and it may or may not squeak. 
  • You can always be seen with your tool of the trade. Without it, you are mortal. 
  • You get to choose your specialty. If you find yourself going down the wrong path you can usually adjust with not too much difficulty. 
  • People in certain specialties tend to stick together, while keeping up a rivalry with those not in their specialty. Sometimes these rivalries can get a little out of hand. 
  • In the right circles, people will be impressed by your abilities. But in the general public, you’re a lowly geek.

In another book called The Magic Machine: A Handbook of Computer Sorcery by, A. K. Dewdney, 

The book explores diverse computational concepts, including fractal geometry, chaos theory, artificial life, and cryptography, through the lens of “Computer Recreations,” a popular Scientific American column Dewdney authored.

Visualizing the Abstract: The book emphasizes the power of visual representations to illuminate complex mathematical ideas. Iteration diagrams, fractal landscapes, and cellular automata simulations transform abstract equations and algorithms into captivating visual experiences.

“Strange that the serving vessel should excite more admiration than the food! Truchet tiles, our fanciful serving platters, turned out to interest nearly as many readers as the biomorphs and other delicacies.”

Exploring Complexity through Simple Rules: From the Mandelbrot set to artificial life forms, Dewdney demonstrates how intricate patterns and behaviors can emerge from relatively straightforward rules iteratively applied.

“To introduce chaos, however, I have selected a different physical system. Imagine an arrangement of three amplifiers…The pattern of doubling and redoubling goes on as the knob controlling r is turned to higher values, until at a setting roughly midway between 3 and 4 the circuit suddenly goes crazy.”

The Potential of Nanoscale Computing: Dewdney delves into the theoretical realm of nanotechnology, envisioning mechanical nanocomputers built with “rod logic.” He describes the intricate workings of logic gates at the atomic scale, pushing the boundaries of computational possibilities.

“Microchips are small…Drexler now asks us to consider a computer that would fit inside a single silicon transistor!”

Computer Science as Playful Exploration: The book embodies a spirit of playful inquiry, encouraging readers to experiment with code, tinker with algorithms, and discover unexpected patterns and possibilities within the digital realm.

“Readers are free, like de Jong, to invent their own bizarre, four-parameter formulas and to explore their iteration diagrams. Perhaps they will even be used to generate my hypothetical film.”

Key Concepts and Facts:

Iteration Diagrams: These visual representations illustrate the behavior of mathematical functions when applied repeatedly. They reveal intricate structures like the components of squared numbers modulo n.

The Mandelbrot Set: Described as a “superset” of Julia sets, this iconic fractal arises from iterating a simple complex function and exhibits infinite complexity within its seemingly simple boundary.

Chaos Theory: Simple deterministic systems can exhibit unpredictable, chaotic behavior, as demonstrated through the example of a circuit with three amplifiers.

Fractal Geometry: Fractals, like mountains and coastlines, possess a fractional dimension and exhibit self-similarity across different scales.

Cellular Automata: These discrete computational models, exemplified by Conway’s Game of Life, demonstrate how complex patterns can emerge from the interactions of simple cells following local rules.

Artificial Life: L-systems, a class of formal grammars, can generate intricate plant-like structures, blurring the lines between computation and biological forms.

Nanocomputers: Drexler’s concept of “rod logic” employs molecular rods to perform logical operations, envisioning computers operating at the atomic scale.

Cryptography: The book explores encryption techniques, from the Enigma machine to public-key cryptography, highlighting the interplay of mathematics, computation, and secrecy.


“The four-dimensional prize for initiative goes to Winston D. Jenks…Not content with ordinary complex numbers, Jenks invented his own, four-part numbers.”

“Near the set’s boundary are points that have very high dwell values. For such points it may take a million iterations before the Mandelbus equals or exceeds the critical value.”

“Would a lighter lubricant work? Even if kerosene were substituted for oil, viscosity would increase. As Drexler has pointed out, however, ‘from the perspective of a typical nanomachine, a kerosene molecule is an object, not a lubricant.'”

“Cellular automata are stylized, synthetic universes…They have their own kind of matter which whirls around in a space and a time of their own.”

“The intermediate result is ungrammatical, nonsensical, ridiculous garbage…but not always. Among the many lines of garbage there always lie a few lines to which one responds.”

“The code generated in that way is provably unbreakable because the resulting ciphertext does not have the slightest pattern that can be exploited by a cryptanalyst.”

Concluding Remarks:

These excerpts offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of “Computer Recreations” as presented by A.K. Dewdney. They showcase the power of computation to generate visual beauty, simulate complex systems, and explore the very frontiers of what is possible at the intersection of mathematics, technology, and imagination. Although not referencing computers to black magic, the concepts in the book share the same as in black magic.

Programming and hardware is getting us closer to immortality. As we advnace in quantum computing and AI, we are using this magic to give us knowledge we could not have found without. For example, Bitcoin gives out highly improbable mathmatical equations for a cluster of computers to figure out. When the answer is found, the cluster or single cimputer gets an award. A coin. Believe it or not, these solved problems are fed into the NSA to help solve the problems of merging iron with clay. The same thing Daniel spoke about that would happen in the end of days. He says iron will have problems mixing with clay and in the end of days, they find a way.

Computers are now studying elements and how they can be merged together even though they don’t belong. Like oil and water. They are using quantum computing to solve the issues of mixing substances that nature deosn’t intend to be mixed. This is the ultimate blaspheme against God and his creation. It’s a way of playing God that leads man to saying we don’t need him anymore.

This next thought comes from magicians who agree black magix and computers are the same: In the formless days, long before the rise of the Church, all spells were woven of pure causality, all actions were permitted, and death was common. Many witches were disfigured by their magicks, found crumpled at the center of a circle of twisted, glass-eaten trees, and stones which burned unceasing in the pooling water; some disappeared entirely, or wandered along the ridgetops: feet never touching earth, breath never warming air.

As a child, you learned the story of Gullveig-then-Heiðr, reborn three times from the fires of her trial, who traveled the world performing seidr: the reading and re-weaving of the future. Gullveig is solely attested in a stanza of Völuspá (Prophecy of the Völva) immediately preceding the story of the Æsir–Vanir War.[4] A völva (seeress) recalls that Gullveig was pierced by spears before being burnt three times in the hall of Hárr (one of Odin’s names), and yet was three times reborn. Presumably after her burning, Gullveig became known as Heiðr, a knowledgeable völva who could perform great feats:

Her foretellings (and there were many) were famed—spoken of even by the völva-beyond-the-world—but it was her survival that changed history. Through the ecstatic trance of seidr, she foresaw her fate, and conquered death. Her spells would never crash, and she became a friend to outcast women: the predecessors of your kind. It is said that Odin himself learned immortality from her.

To this day, all witches owe Heiðr a debt. Few delve into the ancient, unstructured magic nowadays. The very languages in which your spells are written are stabilized with seidr in their syntax, channeling the energies you summon through safe paths—more or less. There are still occasional explosions, of course. They’re just… more of the eyebrow-singeing variety, than the type that result in new and interestingly-shaped fjørds.

According to this myth, the burned witch was purified via the elements and for some odd reason, the elements that were used to burn her had the right material to complete a magic spell or unnatural process that created immortality. Whether it was intentional or not, the rumor means, just like a quantum computer by processing the correct code, will complete an outcome. 

Now the real question. Is programming evil? Should all programmers stop what they are doing and repent? No. The basis of computations and hardware solidfying a product or service is based on the heart of the programmer(s). We are led to believe that all magic is evil via the Bible and through entertainment there are good and bad witches. 

Although mixing elements that don’t belong together naturally seems evil, we can create things like transparent aluminum which would benefit mankind for importing and exporting goods instead of steal. The weight and clearness of the element helps in cost of energy and gives an inside view of what’s there. Is that evil? Only if it’s used as evil.

Remember in Genesis when the Trinity was talking to itself when it said behold mankind has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. I believe God was impressed with the achievements but disappointed at the same time. A bittersweet moment where his own creation, with the help of fallen angels, had created god like status using the elements of the third dimension. This means, nothing new is under the sun. We have done this before. It got so out of hand that God had to flood the earth to get it back to it’s natural state. It’s not that God wants us to be stuck in this fallen world without advancing to a utopia of clean energy and space travel. If there is a space. Rather, the God of this world has held us hostage and is trying to end the reign of the fallen ones, which to God, it has only been 6 days as 1,000 years on earth is a day in heaven. During the hostage negotiation, 2,000 years ago, God planted his son Jesus, which caught the handlers off guard. They were not sure what Jesus was doing and killed him. This was a big mistake as his son followed all rules of spirit and matter to become the unblemished sacrifice which he was granted the rights to the keys of death and hell. Now, 2 days or 2,000 years later, God is cleaning up the mess.

Is it evil or good to cast a spell? Again, it’s in what the heart wants. If you cast as spell with the intention of wanting something, you are in error of the bible as King David said he shall not want. God provides our needs to we not want. Want is evil. It’s coveting your neighbor. It’s getting something you don’t deserve or manipulated matter or people to receive. If we are programming for want, it is evil. If we are programming for loving our neighbor, it is justified, meaning, the program is used to help people instead of exploiting. If one must manipulate matter for any reason, they are sinning against nature itself. The question should be asked, what is so important that you need to go outside of your natural state and manipulate it for something? Whether it’s for loving your neighbor or not, you are going beyond what we are told to do. Just pray about it. Don’t force God’s hand.

Computer programming is creating magic and casting spells in order to bypass nature and it’s timing. We have everything we need right here and now yet we make justification that technology improves lives. In order to create that technology, we must unearth thousands of miles of land to build things that do not decompose. One could argue how long a motherboard takes to decompose over a blacksmith pioneer village using just iron and wood. I can assure you, that plastics and exotioc metals remain longer underground.

In order to make witchcraft mainstream, the bloodlines created industrial revolutions and gave us trinkets and radios to satisfy our fleshly lusts while they slowly incorporated their spells into code and hardware. The occult uses numbers, symbols and earth elements to cast spells. Aren’t these things just computers but more defined and purified? Like the witch that was burnt three times, the story of Gullveig gave the idea to warlocks and wizards to experiment and write down their findings. These spell casters are nothing more than early scientists finding the releations of matter and spirit. 

Occultists use the numbers 322 as a reminder of Genesis 3:22 where the father said to his son and spirit that man has learned the knowledge of good and evil. Skull and Bones, a Yale secret society, uses 322 as their base number. Mocking God that they now have the knowldge and will use it to grab a hold of the tree of life. They are saying we are working our way to mortality and science (which is just casting spells cleaner and faster) is our gateway (technology). Whether evil or not, they will not stop until they do create immortality on earth. This is where the bible says men will seek death and not find it. 

The irony is we have to exploit our resources to the maximum in order to become a gad. This means, we have to kill the earth and most of our neighbors to achieve this magic spell. North Carolina is the example. Blackrock hired the Department of Defence to create and manipulate a hurricane to destroy the area where Block Rock’s subsidiary company is mining for Lithium and Crystals for technology. The lords of the land know that they have to gather as much elements form the earth as possible because the earth only provides so much to achieve their goals. I believe God knew they would do this and created the exact amount needed for this quantum utopia. Not in a good way, though. Meaning, consumerism destroyed a fair amount of resources for them to achieve this goal if immortality and they will have to go back to the garbage piles to extract waste they inadvertantly misused.

Is God mad at us? No. he’s not even in a bad mood. This all heppened before and he dealt with it then. He’s not mad at amn at all since it was his first children that created this mess to begin with. This gives justification for men to do evil in the first place. They know they are not on the hot seat. But with God, as Jesus said, all things are possible. Technology never belonged here. wisdom tells us we can go back to farming and villages and be perfectly fine. But that choice will never happen. The bloodlines that have controlled things for 6,000 years are not interested in anything but Godhood. David Rockefeller held on until he late 90’s and stole organs from the trafficked to stay alive before we had the technology. He admitted he was after a new world order and godhood. Rumor is his spirit has been captured and they will incorporate him in a body at a later time. I don’t buy that. But when man does grab a hold of the tree of life, which I don’t think we have gotten there yet, they most definitely will create clones and try and live forever. They just have this one problem. That pesky son of god returning. But they hate God so much they will go down trying.

So the real question is, what is the tree of life? Will technology be the bridge to reach it? Well, there is evidence that it was found once before. The tree of life has been found in multiple locations, including in the Bahrain desert, in Olympic National Park, and in Australian lakes: 

Bahrain desert: The Shajarat-al-Hayat, or “tree of life”, is a Prosopis cineraria shrub that has survived in the desert for over 400 years. The tree is located on a sand dune in the middle of the desert, and is believed to have been planted in 1583. 

Olympic National Park: The Tree of Life, also known as Tree Root Cave, is a tree with visible roots that seem to provide life without soil. It’s located on the beach near Kalaloch Campground, just north of Kalaloch Lodge. 

Australian lakes: A spectacular “tree of life” has been found in an Australian lake. 

The tree of life is also a concept that describes the genetic connections and relatedness of all organisms. Scientists are still working to reconstruct the evolutionary branches of the tree of life using tools like genomic data and statistical algorithms.

Scientists or wizards are genetically modifying their chromosomes and believe they finally have found the answer.

Accodring to Popular Mechanics, In 2023, scientists have found from the tree of life both the non-animals and the comb jellies, finding 14 groups of genes located on separate chromosomes. But in the sponges, researchers found that those 14 groups had been rearranged into 7 groups, indicating that they split off from the original genome later than the comb jellies.

This means, the tree of life, in it’s roots, split off a jelly and a sponge. Or Adam and Even. Which means the sister to all animal life is the comb jelly or eve. Having the tree of life and both adam and eve chromosomes could be the bridge to the secrets to living forever. Remember, before the fall, Adam and Eve were gods. For wizards or scientists to finally find the branch of the tree of life, they can now casts spells or use computations to unearth so to speak the secrets to everlasting life. Turns out, the knowledge of everything will be found in everything. But we couldn’t have achieved this without destroying everything. And that is how you give life for life in a fallen thermodynamic world.


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