Just random thoughts

Cushing Syndrome = Aluminum Exposure
Watch this on Rumble: What started out to be an article on Lifewave and their patch products, turned into finding proof that our military is/are the ones causing most of America’s health problems. It...

What Really Happened At Waco
Watch on Rumble: For many Americans, Waco represented the nightmare their government had become. On February 28, 1993 federal BATF agents arrived at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. They used the...

Proof: Canada mRNA Surveillance
Watch this on Rumble: Biodigital Convergence: Biodivergence I saw a video today of my friend (Tie_Yahna) Tajana Truthseeker, whom I interviewed a few years ago. She was talking about how Canada admitted to...

Is the Sun Part of a Binary Star System?
Watch this on Rumble: A binary star system is a system where two stars are gravitationally bound to each other and orbit around a common center of mass, essentially meaning they are "paired" stars...

I’m James
I am a pastor and independant journalist trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this weird world. Check me out live every night on Rumble!