Just random thoughts

House of Farnese (Bernadotte / Saxe-Coburg and Gotha / Belgium / Lannoy)
Watch this on Rumble: Farnese Family: This family produced one pope: Paul III. Farnese: Italian Bernadotte: French Saxe-Coburg: German Gotha: German Belgium: Dutch,...

House of Colonna (Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano, Colombo, Palazzo, di Paliano, Barberini)
Watch this on Rumble: Influence and Power: The Colonna family was one of the most powerful families in Rome during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. They...

House of Borja (Borgia / Mújica / Francisco de Borja-Soto and Moreno-Santamaria)
Watch this on Rumble: Borgia Family: This family produced three popes: Calixtus III, Alexander VI, and Innocent X. Borja: Spanish Borgia: Spanish Mújica: Spanish...

House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Massimo)
Watch this on Rumble: Historical Connection: The Massimo family is believed to be descended from the ancient Roman family of the Fabii Maximi, which included Pope Anastasius I. Breakspeare:...

I’m James
I am a pastor and independant journalist trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this weird world. Check me out live every night on Rumble!