House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Massimo)

House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Massimo)

Watch this on Rumble: Historical Connection: The Massimo family is believed to be descended from the ancient Roman family of the Fabii Maximi, which included Pope Anastasius I. Breakspeare:...
House of Orsini & Rosenberg: Alchemical Mafia

House of Orsini & Rosenberg: Alchemical Mafia

Watch this on Rumble: Orsini Family: This family produced three popes: Celestine III, Nicholas III, and Benedict XIII. Orsini: Italian Pitigliano: Italian Rosenberg: German and Jewish...
Cushing Syndrome = Aluminum Exposure

Cushing Syndrome = Aluminum Exposure

Watch this on Rumble: What started out to be an article on Lifewave and their patch products, turned into finding proof that our military is/are the ones causing most of America’s health problems. It...
What Really Happened At Waco

What Really Happened At Waco

Watch on Rumble: For many Americans, Waco represented the nightmare their government had become. On February 28, 1993 federal BATF agents arrived at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. They used the...