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I never made this connection until I saw a video on TikTok showing Jesus’ image on a Byzantine coin. Are we living in Satan’s short period? The Byzantine Empire lasted for over 1,100 years. It was founded in 330 AD and fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. The Tartaria theory may be involved as well. Many have been saying we live in the time after satan was released after 1,000 years of Jesus’ reign on Earth. Did Jesus die and come back to reign 330 years later? The Byzantine Empire did put Jesus on coins. This practice began in the 10th century and was a significant departure from the traditional Roman practice of depicting emperors and mythological figures. The portrayal of Jesus on coins was a reflection of the Byzantine Empire’s strong Christian identity and its desire to promote religious devotion.

This doesn’t mean Jesus was here for a thousand years yet. The Bible, specifically the Book of Revelation, provides a detailed description of the New Jerusalem, but it doesn’t give explicit measurements or calculations of its size.

Instead, the text uses symbolic language and imagery to convey its vastness and grandeur. It describes the city as a cube, with its length, width, and height all being equal. The angel measuring the city finds it to be 12,000 stadia (a unit of ancient Greek measurement) in each dimension. This equates to approximately 1,400 miles or 2,250 kilometers.   

While this might seem like a literal measurement, it’s important to remember that the New Jerusalem is a heavenly city, not a physical one. The symbolic nature of its description suggests that its size may represent something more than just a physical dimension. It could symbolize the vastness of God’s kingdom, the abundance of blessings, or the infinite nature of eternal life.

Ultimately, the exact size of the New Jerusalem is a matter of interpretation and faith. The Bible’s description is meant to inspire awe and wonder, rather than to provide precise measurements.

I have read that some scholars say the kingdom is a square or box 1400 miles high, too. If Jesus did return and the new Jerusalem was 1400 miles wide and long plus high, there would have to be there if it was physical. So if it was spiritual, then perhaps no evidence would be left. Where was the Byzantine Empire? At its greatest extent, the Byzantine Empire covered much of the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, including what is now Italy, Greece, and Turkey along with portions of North Africa and the Middle East. 

Many emperors ruled the Byzantine Empire, including: 

  • Constantine I: Ruled from 306–337, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity the state religion 
  • Justinian I: Ruled from 527–565, he led the empire to its greatest territorial extent since the fall of the Western Roman Empire 
  • Heraclius: Ruled from 610–641 
  • Leo III: Ruled from 717–741 
  • Basil II: Ruled from 976–1025
  • Alexios I: Ruled from 1081–1118 
  • Manuel I: Ruled from 1143–1180 
  • Michael VIII: Ruled from 1261–1282 
  • Constantine XI: Ruled from 1449–1453 

The Byzantine Empire was an autocratic state that lasted from around 330 AD to 1453. The emperor, or basileus, was the head of the government and church, commander-in-chief of the army, and controlled the state finances

This would mean the Breakspeare family would have been ruling the world during Jesus’ reign. The dark ages started around the year 476 AD or 146 years after the beginning of the Byzantine rule. Could history have been re-written to remove Jesus altogether and be replaced by the Breakspeare reign? My studies have shown the Breakspear family did control Europe and the Middle East from around the years 1000 to 1500 and this is when the Orsini clan took over. During the dark ages, not a lot of advancement happened. Not a lot of progressive movements either. 

The term “Dark Ages” is a historical periodization that refers to the period in Europe between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It’s often associated with a decline in classical learning and culture.   

Here’s why it’s called that:

  • Lack of written records: Compared to the classical period, there’s a significant decrease in the number of written records that have survived from this time. This made it difficult for later historians to study and understand this period.
  • Shift in cultural focus: The focus of society shifted away from the classical ideals of Rome and Greece, leading to a perceived decline in intellectual and artistic pursuits.
  • Religious influence: The rise of Christianity and its influence on European culture and society was seen as a departure from the classical traditions.

However, it’s important to note that the term “Dark Ages” is a somewhat controversial one. 

Many historians argue that it’s an oversimplification of a complex period and that there was significant cultural and intellectual activity happening during this time. In recent years, there has been a growing movement to reevaluate the Middle Ages and recognize the important contributions made during this era

Christian scriptures do describe a period of peace followed by a resurgence of evil, but the details and interpretations vary among denominations and theologians. Here’s how some interpret the relevant passages:

  • Revelation 20:1-3: Satan is bound for 1,000 years, but then released for a short time. This suggests a period of peace followed by his return.
  • Revelation 20:7-10: After Satan’s release, there’s a final battle (“Gog and Magog”) where he is ultimately defeated and thrown into the lake of fire. This implies a final confrontation with evil after a period of his influence.

Interpretations of these passages differ:

  • Literal Interpretation: Some believe the 1,000 years will be a literal period of peace on Earth before Satan’s return and the final battle.
  • Symbolic Interpretation: Others view the 1,000 years as a symbolic representation of a long period of relative peace, possibly interspersed with smaller-scale conflicts.

The entire world right now is surrounding Israel. Well it seems that way. It’s just the east and not NATO who supports Israel. Some say this is when gog and Magog from the east will try and destroy Israel which it really looks like they could try soon. It evens says Israel will be a thorn in the side of the entire world which it is right now. 

Arguments for:

  1. The Prophetic Timeline: The Book of Revelation describes a period of peace (often interpreted as the 1,000-year reign of Christ) followed by Satan’s release for a short time. This could suggest that we are currently in this “short season” of Satan’s renewed influence.
  2. Increasing Global Challenges: Many argue that the world is experiencing a rise in moral decay, societal unrest,and natural disasters. These challenges could be seen as evidence of Satan’s increased activity, as described in biblical prophecies.
  3. Technological Advancements and Moral Dilemmas: The rapid pace of technological advancement has led to new ethical dilemmas and societal challenges. Some argue that these developments are being used by Satan to sow division and confusion.
  4. A Growing Sense of Spiritual Apathy: Many people feel disconnected from spiritual matters or are uncertain about the existence of God. This could be interpreted as a sign of Satan’s success in blinding people to spiritual truths.


  1. The Timing of the 1,000 Years: It’s possible that the 1,000-year period of peace hasn’t yet occurred. The Bible doesn’t provide a specific timeline for these events.
  2. Natural Cycles and Human History: The challenges faced by humanity could be attributed to natural cycles,historical patterns, and human choices rather than direct demonic influence.
  3. The Role of Free Will: Humans have free will and are responsible for their own actions. While Satan may tempt and influence people, he cannot force them to sin.

Here are some common conspiracy theories related to the idea of a “Satanic short season”:

  1. The New World Order: Some conspiracy theorists believe that a secret global elite, often referred to as the “New World Order,” is working to establish a one-world government. They argue that this is part of Satan’s plan to control humanity.

One of the most pervasive conspiracy theories related to a “Satanic short season” is the notion of a New World Order.This theory suggests that a secret global elite, often associated with powerful institutions like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, is working to establish a one-world government.

Proponents of this theory argue that this global elite is controlled by Satanic forces and is implementing a plan to undermine national sovereignty, erode individual freedoms, and establish a totalitarian regime. They often cite events like the creation of supranational organizations, globalization, and the promotion of a globalist agenda as evidence of this conspiracy.

  1. Illuminati Control: The Illuminati, a secret society that allegedly existed in the 18th century, is often cited as a powerful force behind global events. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the Illuminati is still active and is working to promote Satan’s agenda.

Another popular theory involves the Illuminati. This secret society is believed to have originated in the 18th century and is often associated with Freemasonry. Conspiracy theorists claim that the Illuminati has survived and continues to exert immense influence over world events.

They argue that the Illuminati is controlled by Satanic forces and is working to promote a globalist agenda, undermine religious institutions, and establish a New World Order. Evidence often cited includes the presence of Illuminati symbols in popular culture, the influence of certain individuals on world events, and the alleged connections between the Illuminati and other secret societies.

Alien Invasion: Some theories suggest that aliens are working with Satan to manipulate humanity and prepare for a global takeover. They often cite crop circles, UFO sightings, and government secrecy as evidence of this conspiracy.

The alien invasion theory suggests that extraterrestrial beings are working with Satanic forces to manipulate humanity and prepare for a global takeover. Proponents of this theory often cite UFO sightings, crop circles, and government secrecy as evidence of alien involvement.

They argue that aliens are using advanced technology to control human minds, manipulate governments, and sow discord among nations. Some believe that aliens are preparing the way for the Antichrist’s arrival, while others suggest that they are simply pawns in Satan’s plan.

Technological Control: Conspiracy theorists sometimes argue that advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence and surveillance systems, is being used by Satanic forces to control and manipulate people.

The technological control theory posits that advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence, surveillance systems,and social media platforms, is being used by Satanic forces to control and manipulate humanity. Proponents of this theory argue that these technologies are being used to gather information about individuals, shape public opinion, and promote a globalist agenda.

They often cite the increasing surveillance of citizens, the rise of social media platforms, and the development of artificial intelligence as evidence of this conspiracy. Some believe that these technologies are being used to create a digital prison,where individuals are constantly monitored and controlled.

Moral Decline: The decline of traditional values and the rise of moral relativism are often attributed to Satanic influence. Some conspiracy theorists believe that this is part of a deliberate plan to weaken society and prepare for the Antichrist’s arrival.

The moral decline theory suggests that the decline of traditional values and the rise of moral relativism are part of a Satanic plan to weaken society and prepare for the Antichrist’s arrival. Proponents of this theory argue that Satan is promoting a culture of individualism, materialism, and hedonism in order to undermine the moral fabric of society.

They often cite the increasing acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, and other controversial issues as evidence of this moral decline. Some believe that this decline is a deliberate attempt to create a society that is more susceptible to Satanic influence.

Doesn’t it feel like everything is speeding up? In the last 200 years we went from pulling wagons to Mach 10. We went from candles to LED lights. From an on and off switch to quantum computing. From earth moving to colliding protons. From death at 40 to 80. From dirt to concrete. From tents to skyscrapers. 

Technological advancements over the past 200 years have been nothing short of revolutionary. Here are some key areas where progress has been most significant:


  • 200 years ago: Communication relied on letters, messengers, and sailing ships. News could take weeks or even months to travel across continents.
  • Last 50 years: The invention of the telephone, radio, television, and the internet has transformed communication. Today, people can instantly connect with others around the world through various digital channels.


  • 200 years ago: Travel was primarily by horse, foot, or sailing ship. Journeys over long distances were slow and arduous.
  • Last 50 years: The development of automobiles, airplanes, and high-speed trains has revolutionized transportation.Today, people can travel across continents in a matter of hours.  


  • 200 years ago: Computers were large, mechanical devices that could perform simple calculations.   
  • Last 50 years: The invention of the transistor and the development of microprocessors have led to the creation of powerful and affordable computers. Today, computers are ubiquitous and are used in almost every aspect of modern life.  


  • 200 years ago: Medical treatments were often based on superstition and folk remedies. Many diseases were incurable.
  • Last 50 years: Advancements in medical research, technology, and pharmaceuticals have led to significant improvements in healthcare. Today, people have access to a wide range of treatments for diseases that were once fatal.


  • 200 years ago: Most energy was derived from human power, animal power, and burning wood.
  • Last 50 years: The development of fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources has transformed the way we produce and consume energy. Today, we have access to a variety of energy sources that are more efficient and less polluting than traditional methods

Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Assistance in Human Advancement

Occam’s Razor suggests that the simplest explanation is often the most likely. Given the rapid pace of human technological advancement, especially in recent centuries, one possible explanation is that we have received assistance from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Here’s a hypothetical scenario:

  1. Ancient Contact: Extraterrestrial beings visited Earth thousands of years ago, possibly during ancient civilizations like the Sumerians or Egyptians. They shared advanced knowledge and technology with humans, influencing our development.
  2. Hidden Influence: This extraterrestrial influence has been hidden or disguised throughout human history,integrated into our cultural and religious narratives.
  3. Catalyst for Modern Advancement: The knowledge and technology provided by these extraterrestrials served as a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution and subsequent technological advancements, accelerating our development beyond what would be expected from purely human ingenuity.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring: The extraterrestrial civilization may continue to monitor our progress and intervene periodically to ensure we stay on a predetermined path, possibly to prevent us from self-destruction or to harvest resources.

Supporting Arguments:

  • Unexplained Phenomena: Anomalous historical events, unexplained artifacts, and ancient texts could be interpreted as evidence of extraterrestrial contact.
  • Rapid Technological Advancements: The pace of technological progress, particularly in the last few centuries,seems inconsistent with a purely human-driven evolution.
  • Hidden Knowledge: The existence of hidden knowledge or suppressed technologies could suggest that certain advancements have been deliberately withheld or controlled.


  • Alternative Explanations: Many of the phenomena attributed to extraterrestrial influence can also be explained through natural processes, human ingenuity, or historical accidents.
  • Lack of Direct Evidence: There is no concrete, undeniable evidence of extraterrestrial contact. Claims of UFO sightings, alien abductions, and ancient artifacts can be disputed or misinterpreted.
  • Occam’s Razor Revisited: While Occam’s Razor suggests the simplest explanation, it doesn’t guarantee its correctness. A simpler explanation might not always be the most accurate one.

Here is a good interpretation I found online:

The Doctrine of Last Things: Satan’s Little Season 

And when the thousand years are finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall come forth to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

Revelation 20:7, 8

Accord­ing to Revelation 20:3, this loosing will be “for a little time.”In the historical scheme of things it comes after this present age and just prior to the earth-shaking appearance of Jesus Christ at the consummation of history. It is the 

climax of the millennium.

Precisely how long this season of Satan will be during which he can once again “deceive the nations” is not stated in Scripture. Other than the reference in Revelation 20:3, all that we read is,

And except those days had been short­ened, no flesh would have been saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

Matthew 24:22

The basic Biblical material which explains the period is found in Revelation 20:7-10 and Matthew 24:14-28. The events which will take place during this time are the Great Apostasy, the Great Tribulation and the Reign of the AntiChrist.

The Great Apostasy

Some brethren who hold to the post-millennial view of Christ’s return, and even some Amillenarians believe that this apostasy (the falling away of Matthew 24) has already taken place. Therefore, before we see what Scripture says about this apostasy, we must show that Scripture does teach that it will take place in the future.

Of course, there has been apostasy, or rebellion against God and His Truth all along. This, according to Jesus, would characterize this present age (Matthew 24:10-13). He said, “And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray” (v. 11). There is constant warning of this danger in the New Testament (Hebrews 6:6; 10:29; 2 Peter 2:20; 1 John 2:19; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5). Already, before the days of the Son of Man on earth, apostasy and rebellion were well-known. There had been one under Antiochus Epiphanes (175 B.C.). This is discussed in the Apocrypha in 1 Maccabees 1 and 2.

In those days went there out of Israel wicked men, who persuaded many, saying, Let us go and make a covenant with the heathen that are round about us: for since we departed from them we have had much sorrow … Then certain of the people … made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen, and were sold to do mischief.

However, if we say that this apostasy will already be past when Satan is loosed, we are not paying attention to the rest of Scripture. Writing about the Day of the Lord in 2 Thessa­lonians 2, Paul adds “let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed…” (v. 3). Notice that a definite event which shall precede Christ’s return is “the,” not “a,” falling away. Of course, this is related to the events of this present time, because in verse 7 we read, “For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work…” The apostasy that then shall be will be an intensification of what we are warned about right now.

What can be said about the Great Apostasy? It will be a mass departure from the Truth of God. William Hendriksen, writing on 2 Thessalonians 2:3, put it this way: “by and large, the visible Church will forsake the true faith.”

Obviously, those who defect from the true faith will not include true believers. Scripture is very clear that the elect cannot fall from God’s grace (1 Peter 1:3-9; John 10:27-29; Romans 8:37-39).

Those who do defect in that day will be those who have only done lip service to the Truth. Since this is an apostasy, a falling away, these must have been at least outwardly somehow connected with the church. Those who fall away will be grossly materialistic and apparently secure in themselves. Jesus described these in Luke 17:26-33 as being just like the people who lived in the days of Noah and Lot. How­ever, the point of comparison is not what Jesus said these people were doing. Certainly, marriage is not evil in itself. Nor is eating or drinking. In fact, we are told to eat and drink, and to do everything else, too, to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). The point of comparison, rather, is in the fact that they were so wrapped up in what they were doing that God was not important to them. So it will be in the Great Apostasy.

The Great Tribulation

During this period at the close of this age it will be increas­ingly difficult to be a Christian. Hendriksen suggests at one point that this experience of tribulation may even begin before the Gospel Age — this present age — is over.

The term “tribulation” comes from a Latin word, tribulum. A tribulum was a threshing sledge, that is, a wooden platform with iron teeth underneath. It was a farm­ing instrument used for separating grain from chaff. Perhaps this helps understand what the tribulation will be like. Usually we think of tribulation as being persecution. Indeed, it will be that for the church. However, what is usually not empha­sized is that it will be a sifting process by which those who are only nominal members of the church will be exposed for what they are. They will “fall away” or apostatize due to the pressures exerted on them because of their connection with the church.

Some, it is true, see this tribulation as an event already past. Not only do Postmillennialists take this position; even some Amillennialists see what Jesus speaks about in Mat­thew 24:15-28 as past.

However, a careful study of Matthew 24 exposes their error.

  1. Verses 21, 29 and 30 are very clear: “for then shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be … But immed­iately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened … and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven.”
  2. The tribulation of vv. 15ff follows the preaching of the gospel to the whole world (v. 14).

It is true, of course, the persecution for the Faith has been an established fact of life for the church through the cen­turies. The early church was bathed in blood. The church of the Reformation witnessed death and trouble in many forms. Islam, Communism, Nazism and other movements have brought and continue to bring ungodly pressure on the church of the modern age. And we need not be surprised! Scripture warns the church of this very’ thing (1 Peter 4:12-19). Jesus said, “In this world ye shall have tribulation…” (John 16:33). That which will come at the end will be beyond anything we can possibly imagine (Daniel12:1). Dr. A. Hoekema, commenting on Matthew 24, puts it this way:

…Jesus is predicting a tribulation so great that it will surpass any similar tribulation which may have preceded it. In other words, Jesus is here looking beyond the tribulation in store for the Jews at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem to a final tribulation which will occur at the end of the age.

The Bible and the Future

You see, while it indeed is true that in Matthew 24 Jesus was referring to a tribulation of sorts that came first in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes (175-164 B.C.) and would be seen again in 70 A.D. when the Roman armies desecrated and destroyed the Temple and the Christians fled to Pella and the hills, His words in verse 21 indicate that these times of trouble, both past and future as far as His day was con­cerned, were only faint reflections of what would come at the end.

According to Revelation 20:7-10 this period of tribulation will be characterized by Satan deceiving “the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war…” They will encircle “the camp of the saints”but ultimately they will be destroyed. Since there is much written from time to time about Gog and Magog, perhaps we should look more closely at what they are.

The term “Gog and Magog” is another of the many references to the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. Gog and Magog we find discussed prophetically in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, ruled over the territory of Magog. According to Genesis 10:2, Magog, Meshech and Tubal were all tribes which descended from Japheth. Before Ezekiel’s time Meshech and Tubal were savage peoples who inhabited the mountains north of Assyria. Gradually they migrated north toward the Black Sea. They were tribes that lived, as it were, on the outer fringes of the world’s peoples.

These troublesome people who opposed and oppressed all who were around them, are used by Ezekiel as a picture of the oppressive power of the Seleucidae, especially as it was experienced under Antiochus Epiphanes. Thus, Ezekiel refers to Gog and Magog as the last great oppression of God’s peo­ple in the old dispensation.

When Gog and Magog are referred to in the Book of Rev­elation, they appear as the source of the last great oppres­sion of the people of God in the new dispensation. Therefore, Gog and Magog do not have their fulfillment in some nation and leader located geographically where Gog and Magog lived in the Old Testament days. Rather, since Revelation 20 tells us that they “are in the four corners of the earth” (v. 8), Gog and Magog are the oppressors of believers throughout the entire earth.

Already their oppression is seen in humanism, the countless other -isms of the day, the cults, etc.

This Great Tribulation will come to a head in the Anti­christ. It will be short (Matthew 24:22; Revelation 20:3) and it will culminate in what the Bible picturesquely calls the Battle of Armageddon.

The Reign of the Antichrist

Here again we must make a distinction. The Bible speaks of antichrists and the Antichrist. We are warned that in this present age there are antichrists (1 John). Of these we must beware. However, in the last day, just before Christ’s appear­ance the Antichrist will make his 


The term anti-christ can mean either “against” or “in­stead of” Christ, either opposed to, or in the place of Christ. Therefore, Herman Hoeksema explains him as being “one that is opposed to Christ in order to take His place” (Reformed Dogmatics, p. 805 f.).

There are three basic places in Scripture where we find information on the Antichrist: Daniel 7, 11, 12, 2 Thessalo­nians 2:1-12 and Revelation 13.

In Daniel 7:25 we read,

And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.

While some believe that this passage was fulfilled under Antiochus Epiphanes, E.J. Young in his commentary on Daniel shows that this is not necessarily correct.

Rather, ‘Antiochus serves as one illustration of the manner in which the Antichrist will act. This act of Antichrist will affect all men, but specifically the people of God, and this tyranny will endure for a definite period, a time, times and the dividing of these times’ (p. 161).

Daniel 7:21 reveals that Antichrist will make war against the saints. Verse 25 shows that it will increase until suddenly it will be brought to an end. This is the significance of “time, times and half a time.”

Daniel 11:36, although often thought to refer to Antiochus, does not necessarily have to refer to him, either. In fact, it is referred to by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 as being about the Antichrist.

Both Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 are also said to be fulfilled in Israel’s great trouble under Antiochus. However, he was history when Jesus referred to this (Matthew 24:15, 16). Jesus applies them to Titus (70 A.D.) and beyond that, to the Anti­christ of the last day.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 outlines for us the New Testament teaching about the Antichrist. If you study it carefully you will see much imagery from Daniel carried over (cf. Daniel 7:8; 20, 25; 8:4, 9-14, 25, 26). This passage tells us that he will be the leader of the apostasy (v. 3); he will oppose God and His Truth, and even take God’s place (v. 4); he is restrained (v. 6); and he will be defeated at the appearance of Jesus Christ (v. 8).

His power is vividly portrayed in Revelation 13 as we see the Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth.

The first beast which we see comes from the sea (Revelation 13:1-10). The sea in Scripture is a symbol of the world of nations as they develop historically (Revelation 17:15; Isaiah 17:12). This beast, a combination of the beasts of the book of Daniel, is a wild one, a monster. He symbolizes the secular power of the state (Revelation 17:15; Daniel 7:17, 23; 8:20, 21). The picture we are given is a peaceful one since the wicked ones will follow after this power of the state, and worship it (13:3b, 4). His power is limited as to how long he will rule (v. 5). His way is one of blasphemy against God and all that is connected with Him (v. 6). His power is an antichristian, governmental power.

The Beast out of the Earth (13:11-18) gives another dimen­sion to his power: it also has a spiritual character. He appears like a lamb, meek and peace-loving. Like the false prophets, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, for he sounds like a beast. His purpose is to tempt and deceive. He brings the people of the earth to worship the Beast out of the Sea (v. 12). Be­ing a true false prophet, he performs signs (v. 13) and deceives his followers by these lying wonders (v. 14).

Only those who are loyal to him are without economic sanctions (vv. 16-18). Believers are made social outcasts. Those who are loyal to him bear the Mark of the Beast: 666. This is his name, that is, it reveals his character. The number 6 is the number of the earthy. It is 7-1. The number “six” is the week without the Sabbath, labor without rest. That it is repeated represents man’s repeated attempt to establish his own kingdom of peace and his repeated failure.

Now, what does all this tell us about that person called the Antichrist?

  1. He is not Satan (2 Thessalonians 2:9). He is not Satan-incarnate.
  2. He is a real person. 2 Thessalonians 2 uses words which make this clear: “opposes,” “exalts himself,” “is slain.” These are words used of men, not influences.
  3. He is opposed to God’s law and rebellious in every way. He is the “Man of Lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). He is an adversary of God (v. 4).
  4. He is utterly lost (2 Thessalonians 2:3). He is the “Son of per­dition” — designated unto perdition. He is the final Judas (cf. John 17:12).
  5. He recognizes only one god: himself. Anything Chris­tian he is against (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
  6. His rule has a religious and political aspect wedded into one (Revelation 13).
  7. He will bring intense pressure on believers (Revelation 13:16-18).
  8. He will be defeated at Christ’s coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8).


While there is no definitive proof that we are currently in Satan’s “short season,” the hypothetical case presented here suggests that it’s a possibility. The interpretation of biblical prophecies and the understanding of current world events are complex and often involve subjective judgments. Ultimately, whether or not we believe we are in this period is a matter of faith and personal interpretation.


1. New Jerusalem – Wikipedia

2. What does Revelation 21:16 mean? –

1. Dark Ages (historiography) – Wikipedia

The Doctrine of Last Things: Satan’s Little Season | Christian Library

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