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Guys, when you see that Russia signed a new nuclear doctrine, or you see two moons now or you see Israel going in their bunkers, don’t be alarmed.

Let me explain what is happening. 

Russia has recently revised its nuclear doctrine. This new policy outlines the conditions under which the country might use nuclear weapons, potentially lowering the threshold for their deployment.

Key points of the revised doctrine:

  • Expanded use cases: Russia has indicated that it may use nuclear weapons not only in response to a nuclear attack but also in the event of a “conventional attack that could lead to the destruction of Russia’s nuclear forces.”
  • Increased emphasis on deterrence: The doctrine aims to deter potential adversaries from attacking Russia, even with conventional weapons, by signaling that a nuclear response is a possibility.
  • Focus on regional conflicts: The revised policy suggests a greater emphasis on using nuclear weapons in regional conflicts, rather than solely in a global nuclear war.

Concerns and implications:

  • Increased risk of escalation: The new doctrine has raised concerns among international observers, as it could lower the threshold for nuclear use, increasing the risk of accidental or intentional escalation.
  • Impact on global stability: The revised policy could undermine global stability and increase tensions between Russia and other nuclear powers.
  • Strategic implications for NATO and other allies: The new doctrine has prompted NATO and other Western allies to reassess their nuclear deterrence strategies and consider potential responses.

It’s important to note that the specific details of the revised doctrine are still being analyzed and debated by experts. The implications of this policy shift for global security and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine remain a subject of ongoing discussion.

Think about this. War brings bankruptcy. Nukes bring mutually assured destruction. Both are no wins for anyone. The west is trying everything to poke Russia. They won’t go overboard. They can’t, legally. Russia knows this. Russia most likely will take the punches. 

The west is controlled by religious fanatics who think this is the time for the return of their messiah. Since the window is closing, they are becoming desperate. But not desperate to blow up the earth before the antichrist comes. Then what? Nothing to rule, people.

Russia knows this, too. They know the Jesuits are trying to open up the gates of hell. They will achieve this through cern but not the current one. They already have budgeted and started building the next hadron collider. It will be three times as big. It will not be completed until 2050. 

Putin is rumored to be controlled by the Jesuits so he is just following orders. Those orders are to just out fear in the world. Ukraine and Israel, too. Just following orders to continue the chaos. They need all of us scared to keep the vibrations low for the fallen angels. 

The only way they will succeed is inch by inch. One story at a time to erode sovereignty. Russia does have a choice if the Jesuits push too hard. Putin can easily recant his agreement with them. They know this. In fact, Putin has regained extreme power enough to recant and continue on separately. Russia has built enough infrastructure inside to close all borders and live outside of the new world order just fine. 

The Jesuits know this. It’s their biggest fear. Russia has always been a thorn in the side of the Jesuits as we understood from the learned elders of Zion and their protocols.

World War III actually started long ago but with corporations instead of countries. Companies are now large enough to be their own banks. The companies have been collecting data and building a surveillance platform worldwide for quite some time. 

There is no need for war other than depopulation. If a war should be happen, it will not involve nuclear weapons. The term use it or lose it comes to mind, but Microsoft just signed a deal to use a nuclear power plant to power their AI data center. Don’t you think Bill would wait if a nuclear war is coming?

Russia is, however, running out of ideas to threaten back. But this one will last for a time while they think of a new one. Again, they are playing defensive. They are holding out u til the prophecy expires. The spear of destiny may just go back to the Breakspeare family and not in the hands of Trump as the Jesuits want. 

This reminds me of the movie men in black and I quote:

  • Kay : We do not discharge our weapons in view of the public!
    Jay : Man, we ain’t got time for this cover-up bullshit! I don’t know whether or not you’ve forgotten, but there’s an Arquillian Battle Cruiser that’s about to…
    Kay : There’s always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!

This line is absolutely right. There are always a group of witches and warlocks creating spells, rituals and incantations to manifest the end of days on earth. They use corporations and governments to control the people’s mood so they constantly live in fear. This would explain the people who still wear masks. They are the weakest of the lot, not to say those that have a cold that wear one are part of that group. They wear it in respect for others. 

Every 100 years, the stars align and they try to raise the antichrist spirit. Every 500 years, they pass the power over to the other family when it is proven the time has not yet come. My studies of the Breakspears’ release of control from the year 1500 doesn’t actually happen until 400 years later. The Spanish Inquisition was the front. The Orsini’s hunted down every mole and offspring which took a very long time. This clue could mean the breaking of the spear ritual didn’t actually happen until right before world war 1. If this is accurate, the Orsini’s have only been truly in full control for a little over 100 years. Which explains the 1880’s protocol of the learned elders of Zion. They wrote this right after the Orsini family inherited the world. 

This could mean, the Breakspears will be trying for the spear again, but if history repeats itself, they need an event like the Spanish inquisition to wipe out the Orsinis. Thanks to technology, this could actually happen rather fast. Perhaps Trump is the Orsini’s desperate attempt to hold onto the progressive democratic power by faking the messiah using Crowley’s kid, as I have made a video about making the claim Donald is the seed of Aleister. We have to remember that man has ulterior motives. They want to be god just as Satan wants to be God. They will try and find ways around their orders to benefit themselves. The kingdom of hell isn’t as organized as you think. They lack wisdom, patience, honor and discipline. Everything that is opposite of good. Without any of those characters, following orders without doing things your way, is hard to achieve. 

The kingdom of hell is at war inside itself. Always has been since it was created. They all step on each other’s toes to achieve rank and blackmail one another. The families act the exact same way. This means any plan they create falls apart because of pride and ego. This is also why nothing ever lasts like kingdoms or epochs. The moment power is exceeded is when the demons are dispatched. They tear it apart. 

So, the idea of world war three and nuclear events doesn’t work right now. It will not help advance the kingdom of hell. What we are witnessing worldwide is a dramatic attempt at faking Armageddon. Trump isn’t the antichrist. He doesn’t fit the profile. My report last night, details the reason why Jesus will not return for another 120 years. My research indicates the moment Satan changes our dna, we have 120 years to get into the ark. 

Russia right now is are not panicking or are worried. Go to instagram and you will see Russia seems to be in turmoil. Go to TikTok and type in Russia People and they all post just like Americans do. Waking around without any issues, grocery shopping and doing fun activities. The propaganda we have here is amazing. American social media companies paint Russia as still communist and living in the past like Cuba. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, Americans are flocking to Russia now because the cost of living is 10x lower than here in America. 

Russia’s economy is heavily reliant on natural resources, particularly oil and gas. These commodities have been a significant driver of economic growth for decades. However, the country has been facing increasing economic challenges due to geopolitical tensions, Western sanctions, and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Key Characteristics of Russia’s Economy:

  • Resource-Driven: Oil and gas account for a substantial portion of Russia’s exports and government revenue.
  • State-Controlled: The government plays a significant role in the economy, owning or controlling many key industries.
  • Vulnerable to Global Shocks: Russia’s economy is susceptible to fluctuations in global commodity prices and geopolitical events.
  • Diversification Efforts: The government has been working to diversify the economy, but progress has been slow.

Recent Challenges and Outlook:

  • Western Sanctions: The imposition of Western sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the economy. These sanctions have limited Russia’s access to international financing and technology.
  • War in Ukraine: The ongoing conflict has placed a strain on the economy, with increased military spending and disruptions to trade.
  • Economic Resilience: Despite these challenges, Russia has demonstrated a degree of economic resilience, with its currency, the ruble, showing relative stability.
  • Uncertain Future: The long-term outlook for Russia’s economy remains uncertain, with much depending on the resolution of geopolitical tensions and the success of its diversification efforts.

Russia primarily produces its oil domestically. The country is home to vast reserves, particularly in Western Siberia. This region has been a major source of oil production for decades.   

While Russia does import some oil products, such as refined fuels, the majority of its oil supply is produced domestically. This dependence on domestic oil production has made the country vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices.

In fact, Russia has it’s own Google called Yandex. Russia’s GDP is 2 trillion a year. They only owe 206 billion. This means they have more than enough to invest back into their country. Don’t be fooled as Putin is just as rotten as the rest of the world leaders, but they can take care of themselves. They beat Germany, which was supposed to be impossible. Russia is very strong and traditional. 

America was never the last defence for the new world order as it was always under the control of it since at least 1871. Believe it or not, our taxes have paid for all of the world order’s spying, cheating and blackmail. 

In the book Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible, the author’s experiences working in the Russian media industry after the collapse of the Soviet Union paints an entirely different picture than Americann propaganda paints. 

Here’s how the book presents its critique:

Russia: The author paints a picture of Russia under Putin as a place of manipulated realities, where the lines between truth and falsehood are deliberately blurred. He argues that this “postmodern dictatorship” uses the language and institutions of democracy and capitalism for authoritarian ends. The author criticizes the corruption, control of media, and manipulation of public opinion prevalent in Russia. He suggests that this system fosters cynicism and apathy, preventing meaningful opposition and change.

America/The West: The author criticizes the West, particularly in its relationship with Russia. He argues that the West has been complacent in the face of Russia’s turn towards authoritarianism, prioritizing economic interests over democratic values. He points to the West’s willingness to overlook human rights abuses and corruption in exchange for access to Russian markets and investments. The author suggests that this approach undermines the West’s moral authority and strengthens the Kremlin’s grip on power.

Ultimately, the book can be seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of both unbridled authoritarianism and a complacent, self-serving West. The author doesn’t offer easy solutions or take sides, but rather presents a complex and nuanced view of the interplay between these two forces.

But in order to understand the time we live in and if Gog or Russia will be part of word war 3, we need to understand revelation.

Russia as Gog in the Bible: A Critical Examination

Understanding Gog in Revelation

The figure of Gog, often associated with Russia, appears in the Book of Ezekiel (chapters 38-39) and is mentioned again in Revelation 20:7-9. While the original context of Ezekiel’s prophecy is debated, it generally involves a vast coalition of nations, led by Gog, attacking Israel.

Key Points from Ezekiel:

  • Identity of Gog: While not explicitly named, Gog is often interpreted as a powerful northern leader, possibly representing a future alliance of nations.
  • Purpose of the Attack: The attack is seen as a divine judgment against Gog and his allies for their pride and arrogance.
  • Outcome: Despite their initial success, Gog and his armies are ultimately defeated by God.

Key Points from Revelation:

  • Gog’s Return: In Revelation, Gog appears again as one of the “nations” that gather to attack Jerusalem and the saints.
  • Ultimate Defeat: Gog and his forces are ultimately defeated by Jesus Christ, who returns to Earth and binds Satan.

The Russian Connection

The association of Gog with Russia began in the 19th century, primarily due to the expansionist policies of the Russian Empire and its perceived threat to the Ottoman Empire, which was often seen as a proxy for Israel. This connection was further solidified during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union emerged as a major global power with a communist ideology that was seen as antithetical to Western values.

A Critical Examination

While the association of Russia with Gog has been popular, it is important to approach this interpretation with caution.Here are some key points to consider:

  • Biblical Context: The original context of Ezekiel’s prophecy is complex and may not be directly applicable to modern geopolitical events.
  • Symbolic Language: The Bible often uses symbolic language, and the identity of Gog may be more metaphorical than literal.
  • Multiple Interpretations: There are various interpretations of Gog, and not all of them associate him with Russia.
  • Changing Geopolitical Landscape: The geopolitical landscape has changed significantly since the Cold War, and it is unclear whether Russia still fits the profile of Gog as described in the Bible.

Relevance Today

While the idea of Russia as Gog may still resonate with some, it is important to recognize that the biblical text does not provide a clear or definitive answer. The relevance of the Gog prophecy to contemporary events depends on one’s interpretation of the text and their understanding of current geopolitical trends.

It is more likely that the Gog prophecy serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride, arrogance, and aggression. It can also be seen as a reminder of God’s ultimate sovereignty and his ability to intervene in human affairs.

The association of Russia with Gog in the Bible is a complex and debated topic. While there are historical and theological reasons to support this connection, it is important to approach it with critical thinking and consider the limitations of the biblical text. The relevance of the Gog prophecy to contemporary events is ultimately a matter of interpretation and faith.

Russia as Gog in World War III

Biblical Basis:

  • Ezekiel 38-39: The prophecy of Gog and Magog, often interpreted as a future invasion of Israel.
  • Revelation 20:7-9: A similar prophecy of a final battle against the forces of evil.
  • Historical Interpretations: Many religious commentators have associated Russia with the Gog of these prophecies due to its geographical location, historical expansionism, and perceived threat to Israel.

Geopolitical Indicators:

  • Rising Tensions: The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, coupled with increased military activity in the region, suggests growing tensions between Russia and the West.
  • Nuclear Threats: The possibility of nuclear weapons being used in a conflict has become a more serious concern.
  • Religious Nationalism: Some religious groups in Russia have expressed nationalist and anti-Western sentiments,which could fuel a sense of divine mission.

Hypothetical Narrative:

  • Divine Judgment: God, in his divine wisdom, allows Russia to rise as a dominant power in order to bring about a final reckoning with evil.
  • Gog’s Invasion: Russia, led by a charismatic and ruthless leader, initiates a massive attack on Israel and its allies.
  • Global Conflict: The conflict escalates, drawing in other nations and leading to a devastating world war.
  • Divine Intervention: At the height of the conflict, God intervenes, miraculously defeating Russia and its allies.
  • New World Order: The war’s aftermath leads to a period of peace and prosperity, as humanity is united under God’s rule.

This would be the most likely scenario. but Russia isn’t angry at Israel. Nor seem to be ready to support Iran in a war against. Russia controls northern Iran while Israel controls southern Iran. This is on purpose as Iran is the boogie man controlled by the Jesuits. Not to mention it is an election year. The New World Order is complete and all it would take is a trigger.

Regional Tensions

  • Taiwan Strait: The ongoing territorial dispute between China and Taiwan, coupled with increasing Chinese assertiveness, is a major concern.
  • Korean Peninsula: North Korea’s nuclear program and aggressive rhetoric continue to pose a threat to regional stability.
  • Ukraine: The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and the potential for it to escalate further, is a significant global concern.

Ideological and Political Differences

  • Great Power Rivalry: Competition between major powers like the United States, China, and Russia, particularly over economic and military dominance, could escalate into conflict.
  • Cyber Warfare: The increasing use of cyberattacks as a tool of state power could lead to miscalculations and unintended consequences.
  • Climate Change: The impacts of climate change, such as resource scarcity and extreme weather events, could exacerbate existing tensions and conflicts.

Accidental Escalation

  • Miscalculations: Mistakes in judgment or miscommunication between military leaders could lead to unintentional escalation.
  • Nuclear Accidents or Terrorism: The accidental use or theft of nuclear weapons could have catastrophic consequences.

Cyber warfare has been going on for a long time now. All problems in the west with power outtages and weather issues have been the East hascking our own infrastructure. The media will not talk about it.

Regardless of all this tension, the timing isn’t right for world war 3. Trump is planned to win and start swetting Israel up to be the thorn in the side of everyone. This means Israel will commit its genocide, Trump will act like a humanitarian and save some, America will settle on the right but the left will start terror attacks again in the form of protests. Trump will continue to sign laws giving more rights to the bankers and gas prices will remain where they are.

All manipulation to slowly take our freedoms away while we are being distracted by the idea that war could break out any moment. Well, war always is about to break out since vietnam with many countries. World War 3 always has been pitched to us. The doomsday clock too is a distraction. All lies as every country is in on it. But they have to make it look like it naturally happened. None of this that we see today looks natural. It feels and looks forced. But I am part of the small percentage that sees it. 

And the two moons? All of the images you are seeing from people posting faces and moons behind the moon? Go look for yourself. Nothing is there. Just like the two suns that graced our pages years ago. Just like the eclipse that switched out our sun. Just like Trump was supposed to cause world war 3. All bullshit. The man golfs. If we are in the most stressful time of the world, why are all of the world leaders taking vacations and enjoying themselves? On yachts and ski trips and basking in the artificial sun? Do not believe in any of these lies. We are at least 100 years awau from real trouble. This is just the beginning of building Babylon. That will take some time.


Gemini AI

West Siberian petroleum basin – Wikipedia,billion%2C%20having%20decreased%20by%20%2410.7

The World Bank:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF):

The Russian Economic Development Ministry:



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