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For the last two nights, I have been talkng about XRP, Ripple and the potential of a fraudulent plan by the Jesuits to replace the US dollar with a digital one. A listener recommended a book by Boyd Anderson who happened to be at the right place at the right time to uncover the truth regarding the origin of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero & ETC Classic, the Blockchain, Kraken, Brexit, ISIS and Interest Rate Hikes. Boyd wrote and released a book in September of 2017 called Under The Radar 537-555: Trumpence which he details documentation that he inadvertantly read written by the Jesuits to take over the world inn stages and crypto was planned just like I was saying. Finding information on Boyd is not easy. I decided to download the book on Kindle/Amazon and tried to copy the text to have AI summarize the entire thing. I could only get one chapter copied so it looks like I have to read the book without getting to the meat of it. All of the information I have found were in forums discussing the book and what Boyd uncovered. This is the best I could get before reading the book myself.

The summary of his book is as follows:

“With one record-smashing night in his exploding hockey career, Boyd Anderson went from ‘the best line in junior hockey’ to an international playoff team of champions from Zug, Switzerland. After creating a huge sale to Saudi Arabia, Boyd moves from Toronto to Budapest to Dubai and unknowingly finds himself at the ‘Top of the Food Chain’. It is in Dubai, 2007 where he meets Thomas who introduces him into a world of deception and unimaginable Power Weilding Elite, hyper-competitive deal-makers and hungry profiteers, who trade entire lives just as easily as they swapped arena tickets and team contracts, behind the scenes of business , governments and politicians you’ve heard of ,,,, But when CNN announced “Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has disappeared” on a March morning in 2014, Boyd immediately blurted out, “I know who did this.” Horrified, he became an investigator, using his highly toned instincts and perception, along with his memory. Backed up with facts, he saw all the pieces coming together, realizing that hundreds of lives lost were just ‘collateral damage’ for a 55,500 Ton gold heist. Even worse, using ancient numerology and researching the main players introduced to him from a nearly-forgotten contact who had described a plan for just how Bitcoin, political turmoil in Europe and the Middle East, and even the world’s economy would play out — drastically changing the world as we know it, in just a few years. After spending 3 years investigating and researching, Boyd discovered 3 abandoned Boeing Jumbo 747’s left on the tarmac at Kuala Lumpur airport, he finally figured things out. Unable to escape the feeling that all the signs were in place for a scandal that’s bigger than Watergate, now everyone needs to know the truth regarding the origin of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero & ETC Classic, the Blockchain, Kraken, Brexit, ISIS, Interest Rate Hikes — and the biggest gold heist-assassination in the history of the world!”

Here is a review of the book on one of the online forums:

“In Under The Radar 537-555, Boyd Anderson explores many conspiracy theories. On March 8, 2014, while watching the news about the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, Boyd thinks back to July 2008, when an acquaintance, Thomas Lily, handed him pages of the New World Order’s (NWO) 7-year plan. The plan contained information about bitcoin, ethereum, Brexit, the 2016 USA election, and more. Thomas also mentioned his involvement with a Malaysian Airlines pilot. Boyd initially thought it was a scam, but as he watched the news, he realized that Thomas was serious. As the rest of the plan unfolded, Boyd began carrying out a research on all the people involved, how they executed their plan, and what they stood to gain by executing the plan. He presents the product of his research in this book. 

The author starts by giving us one of the many definitions of the word “Trumpence” (a portmanteau of the United States of America’s President and Vice President’s names; “Trump” and “Pence”): “The return on investment of a con, bribe, theft or fraud.” This set the tone for what to expect from the book. The author uses a clear unambiguous language, and he explains terms that may be strange to readers. This helped me to easily follow what he was saying throughout the book. 

The believability of this book was one of the first things I was concerned about before reading, as most books like this tend to make outrageous claims with little or no supporting evidence. However, Boyd includes a lot of references to back up any claims he made. He also included pictures he took with some of the people involved and some emails that were sent to him. The author’s inclusion of himself into some of the stories also convinced me to take him more seriously. It felt like he was an insider giving information to the readers.

Boyd also talks about the involvement of several popular people and groups in executing the NWO’s plan, including President Trump, President Putin, President Erdogan, the Illuminati, the Rothschild family, the Jesuits, the Swiss Jews, and the Bilderberg group among others. There were times when I felt that the names the author included were too much, and I even forgot a few of them. One thing I didn’t like about this book was when the author tried to show the significance of certain numbers in history and to the NWO’s plan, like 666, 555, 17, and 777. While it was believable initially, it started to seem far-fetched as the author continued. For example, when showing the significance of the number 17, the author said that “The Pentateuch contains 5852 verses (or 17x7x7x7+7+7+7 verses).” At this point, it felt like the author was trying to force things to make what he was saying more believable, and he didn’t need to do so.

Under The Radar 537-555 is not well edited. While the grammatical errors I found were just minor errors and not difficult to navigate through, they occurred too frequently. Missed definite articles made up most of the errors. There were also times when the font suddenly changed, and I found it distracting. 

Overall, I enjoyed reading Under The Radar 537-555. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things that may be happening in the world today, and it was a bit scary. I can imagine how much research Boyd must have put into making this book, and I appreciate his effort. The errors I listed earlier ensure that I can’t give this book the maximum rating. That being said, I rate Under The Radar 537-555 3 out of 4 stars. The information the author presents and the way he presents the information prevents me from rating the book any lower. I would recommend this book to fans of conspiracy nonfiction. Some Christians and Jews may find some of the book’s contents offensive.”

According to Boyd, in his book, the goal of the new world order is to manipulate the price of gold which  is going to go down to the equivalent of $700 per ounce to stablize the Yuan. George Soros’ son Alex runs the New York exchange and is somehow involved with the international monetary fund. The whole push for buying gold is not for an investment at all, but to bankrupt americans with this trick as they crash gold.

The book Under the Radar 537-555 by Boyd Anderson delves into a combination of personal anecdotes, conspiracies, and global events, particularly related to financial schemes, politics, and technology. Anderson reflects on his career in hockey, achieving personal records, and his transition into various business ventures, including real estate, technology, and biofeedback.

Key themes include Anderson’s interactions with powerful figures involved in controversial and often secretive dealings. The narrative spans historical events like the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, connections to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and conspiracies involving global finance. The author frequently ties personal milestones, such as his hockey achievements, to numerological significance, notably focusing on numbers like “5307.”

The book features references to shadowy figures, corporate manipulation, and global financial networks, weaving together events like Brexit, the rise of Bitcoin, and political machinations.

I downlaoded it and read it. Here are the highlights per chapter.

Chapter 1

This chapter recalls Boyd Anderson’s incredible hockey performance in 1972-73, where he set three records, including scoring 5 goals in 3 minutes and 7 seconds. Anderson reflects on how the number “5307” became significant to him. The chapter also introduces Anderson’s realization about the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, hinting at a connection with gold heists .

This is a non-fiction book about a conspiracy theory involving financial crimes, political figures, and religious organizations. Here’s a breakdown:

  • The author, Boyd Anderson, was a hockey player who scored 5 goals in 3 minutes and 7 seconds during a game in 1972.
  • He considers “5307” (the combination of the numbers) to be his lucky number.
  • Years later, in 2014, he came across news articles about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
  • Believing a conspiracy was involved, he contacted an old friend, Thomas Lilly, whom he suspected of being behind the plane’s disappearance.
  • Thomas Lilly revealed to Boyd Anderson that he was involved with the heist of Bitcoin from the missing plane and other cryptocurrency crimes.
  • Thomas Lilly offered Boyd Anderson a cut of the money but Boyd refused.
  • Thomas Lilly later died from a stroke.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Summary: “5307”: A Death-Defying Effort, a Life-Defining Number

This chapter dives into Anderson’s belief in numerology and coincidences, recounting family history and tying his personal and family experiences to historical events. It emphasizes his father’s war stories, the family’s Icelandic heritage, and his own life journey .

Boyd Anderson’s early life and hockey career are explored in this chapter.

  • Family history: Boyd’s family has a history in Canada, with his father serving in World War II. His mother taught in a one-room schoolhouse in the wilderness.
  • Hockey beginnings: Boyd learned to skate at a young age and quickly became a talented hockey player. He played on multiple teams and gained the nickname “Herbie the love bug.”
  • Princeton scholarship: At 16, Boyd was offered a fully-paid hockey scholarship to Princeton University but was disqualified after playing in the WHL.
  • Significance of 5307: The number 5307 holds personal significance for Boyd, representing his incredible hockey achievement of scoring 5 goals in 3 minutes and 7 seconds.

Chapter 3 Summary: From Hockey Star to Bio-Feedback Czar

This chapter details Boyd Anderson’s transition from a successful hockey player to a businessman involved in bio-feedback technology.

This chapter details Anderson’s transition from a successful hockey career to venturing into biofeedback technology. He recounts his encounters with Arab doctors, including his experiences with the Life System, a diagnostic device that reveals personal insights. Anderson also touches on his business dealings and meetings with Middle Eastern leaders .

  • International hockey career: After his record-breaking performance, Boyd’s career takes him to international teams in Switzerland and Saudi Arabia.
  • Meeting Thomas Lilly: In Dubai, Boyd meets Thomas Lilly, who introduces him to a world of high-stakes deals and power brokers.
  • Bio-feedback venture: Boyd becomes involved in a bio-feedback technology company, focusing on improving athletes’ performance.
  • Uncovering a conspiracy: Boyd starts to suspect that Thomas is involved in something more sinister, realizing that the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 may be connected to a larger conspiracy.
  • This chapter establishes the foundation for Boyd’s future involvement in the world of international business and introduces the character of Thomas Lilly, who will play a significant role in the unfolding events.

Chapter 4 Summary: “Thomas will chew you up and spit you out”

This chapter delves deeper into Boyd Anderson’s relationship with Thomas Lilly and his growing suspicions about Lilly’s involvement in criminal activities.

Anderson describes his work with a shadowy figure named Thomas, who he claims introduced him to international financial schemes and gold sales. The chapter highlights Anderson’s involvement with fraudulent ventures in Dubai, his insights into secretive global dealings, and warnings he received from colleagues .

  • Thomas’s warning: Thomas warns Boyd about the dangers of getting involved in their world, saying, “Thomas will chew you up and spit you out.”
  • Shady dealings: Boyd becomes increasingly aware of Thomas’s connection to shady characters and illegal activities, including drug trafficking and human smuggling.
  • Conspiracy theories: Boyd begins to believe that Thomas is part of a larger conspiracy involving powerful individuals and organizations.
  • Growing concern: As Boyd’s knowledge of Thomas’s activities grows, he becomes increasingly concerned for his own safety and the safety of those around him.

This chapter highlights the dark side of Thomas Lilly and the potential dangers that Boyd faces as he becomes entangled in his world.

Chapter 5 Summary: Flicking on the prison lights

This chapter focuses on Boyd Anderson’s involvement in the LED lighting business and his connection to Thomas Lilly.

This chapter reflects on Anderson’s experiences in the LED lighting business, from its challenges to personal anecdotes about business growth. It also provides a glimpse of Anderson’s personal life, including his relationship with his friend Ron Greschner .

  • LED lighting business: Boyd starts a company specializing in LED lighting solutions.
  • Thomas Lilly’s connections: Through Thomas, Boyd secures contracts for his LED lighting products in various institutions, including prisons.
  • Suspicions about Thomas: Boyd’s suspicions about Thomas’s involvement in criminal activities deepen as he discovers connections between Thomas and the prison officials he is working with.
  • Potential danger: Boyd realizes that his association with Thomas could put him in danger, especially as he uncovers more information about his shady dealings.

This chapter highlights Boyd’s entrepreneurial endeavors and further reinforces his concerns about Thomas Lilly’s involvement in illegal activities.

Chapter 6

This chapter focuses on Anderson’s quest to uncover the true identity of Thomas Lilly, whom he suspects to be deeply involved in covert financial operations and Bitcoin development. He delves into Lilly’s connection to various high-profile conspiracies and shares the discovery of his alias, “Germain Grisez,” a philosophy professor linked to secretive international activities.

The chapter argues that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was a hoax to cover up a large-scale gold heist and assassination plot. Here are the key points:

  • The author believes the plane was not really lost but landed in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
  • There it unloaded 2 tons of gold smuggled from a US military base in Thailand and loaded medical equipment.
  • The author claims the plane then flew to Kazakhstan where the dead bodies on board were drained of blood for a ritual sacrifice (239 passengers + 2 crew = 241, divisible by 3).
  • A decoy plane, MH17, then flew to Australia with the gold and later crashed in Ukraine to divert attention.
  • The author believes three abandoned Boeing 747s were used to transport the remaining gold (55,500 tons) over several months.
  • The chapter mentions various pieces of circumstantial evidence including plane specifications, news reports, and satellite imagery.

Chapter 7

This chapter of a book by Boyd Anderson details a conspiracy theory about Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The theory suggests that the plane was not lost at sea, but rather stolen and used in a complex gold heist.

Anderson claims to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, connecting it to a massive gold heist and the deaths of passengers tied to Freescale Semiconductor. He lays out a detailed timeline of events leading up to the tragedy, emphasizing numerology and covert operations.

Here are some of the key points from the chapter:

  • Boyd Anderson, a former hockey player, reconnected with Thomas Lilly in 2014.
  • Thomas Lilly told Boyd that he was involved in the disappearance of MH370 and that the plane was carrying 55,500 tons of gold.
  • The theory suggests that MH370 was flown to Kazakhstan and then returned to Malaysia, disguised as another plane, MH17.
  • MH17 was then deliberately shot down over Ukraine to divert attention from the gold heist.
  • The author believes that the numbers 7, 5, and 537 are significant in this event.

It is important to note that this is a conspiracy theory and there is no evidence to support these claims. The official investigation into MH370 concluded that the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean.

Chapter 8: Now that We Have the Gold, We Need to Sell It

The aftermath of the MH370 conspiracy is explored here, with Anderson recounting his last conversation with Lilly, who cryptically states that they now have the gold and need to sell it. Anderson ties this to the creation of BitGold and GoldMoney, platforms for managing the gold under Sharia law.

This chapter of the book by Boyd Anderson details his belief that the gold stolen in the alleged MH370 heist was sold in 2016 and 2017. Here are the key points:

  • The author believes Thomas used BitGold/GoldMoney, a company following Sharia Law, to sell the gold.
  • The stock market crash in January 2*016 supposedly helped raise gold prices, making the sale more profitable.
  • The author connects various events like John Baird joining Barrick Gold and the attempted coup in Turkey to this conspiracy.
  • He mentions Donald Trump’s connection to Hussain Sajwani, the alleged gold buyer, as further “proof.”  
  • The chapter concludes with the growth of Bitcoin’s value, hinting at its role in the story.

Chapter 9: The Dominoes are Falling

This chapter discusses the long-term repercussions of the MH370 incident, emphasizing the mysterious deaths of high-ranking individuals from Freescale Semiconductor, whom Anderson believes were involved in developing radar-evading cloaking technology. He connects this to the control of Bitcoin and the involvement of powerful figures like the Rothschilds.

  • Aftermath of the MH370 incident and mysterious deaths of key figures.
  • Discussion of radar-evading cloaking technology.
  • Influence of powerful families like the Rothschilds.

Chapter 10: The Tale of the Numbers: 5, 555 & 17

Anderson continues his fascination with numerology, detailing the significance of various numbers in historical events and his personal life. He links the numbers 5, 555, and 17 to his hockey achievements and global occurrences, further exploring how these numbers appear in the unfolding of world events.

  • Exploration of numerology and its importance in Anderson’s life.
  • Ties to historical events and personal achievements.
  • Continued emphasis on how numbers reflect global happenings.

Chapter 11: What do the Vikings, the Roman Empire, the CIA, and CERN have in common?

This chapter explores Anderson’s belief in deep, secret connections between ancient history, secret organizations like the CIA, and modern institutions such as CERN. Anderson suggests that CERN, a physics laboratory, hides a secret entrance to an underwater CIA headquarters. He ties these institutions to historical events, claiming that they have been shaping world affairs in secret for centuries.

  • Claims of secret connections between ancient civilizations, the CIA, and CERN.
  • Conspiracy about CERN hiding a secret CIA headquarters.
  • Connection between historical events and modern global affairs.

Chapter 12: Russian deals, Middle East atrocities, and Bitcoin today

Anderson examines the modern geopolitical landscape, focusing on Russia’s actions and its ties to Middle Eastern conflicts. He also delves into Bitcoin’s rise as a financial tool, connecting its development to cryptic international deals involving shadowy figures like Thomas Lilly and claims of cryptocurrency manipulation.

  • Focus on Russian geopolitical moves and Middle Eastern conflicts.
  • Bitcoin’s rise as a financial tool and its manipulation by elites.
  • Ties to secret financial networks.

Chapter 13: The First Jesuit Pope & the Dead Pools

This chapter discusses Anderson’s conspiracy theories around the election of the first Jesuit pope, Pope Francis. He links the Jesuit order to hidden agendas within global politics, suggesting that the organization secretly influences world events. The “Dead Pools” refer to powerful individuals who have died under mysterious circumstances, which Anderson believes are tied to larger conspiracies.

  • Exploration of Pope Francis’s role as the first Jesuit pope.
  • Claims that the Jesuit order secretly controls global politics.
  • Discussion of mysterious deaths among powerful individuals (Dead Pools).

Chapter 14: Fake News & Feast of Trumpets (Trumpence)

Here, Anderson discusses his concept of “Trumpence”—the intersection of Trump and Pence as symbols of fraudulent politics. He claims that the rise of fake news and manipulated media is part of a grander conspiracy orchestrated by global elites. Anderson weaves biblical references with modern political events, such as the Feast of Trumpets, to support his theories.

  • The concept of “Trumpence” as a symbol of political fraud.
  • Role of fake news and media manipulation in global control.
  • Biblical references and modern political events tied together.

Chapter 15: Release the Kraken, Donald of Dubai, the Aga Khan, Canada, Sharia Law & The Thomas Fire

The final chapter focuses on multiple global issues. Anderson brings up the “Release the Kraken” meme, cryptocurrency manipulation, and Donald Trump’s business dealings in Dubai. He also discusses Sharia law, its ties to global finance, and connects various natural disasters, such as the Thomas Fire, to his overarching narrative of global manipulation.

  • Discussion of cryptocurrency manipulation (“Release the Kraken”).
  • Donald Trump’s business in Dubai and Sharia law connections.
  • Ties between natural disasters (like the Thomas Fire) and global conspiracies.

In the context of Under the Radar 537-555, “Dead Pools” refers to powerful individuals or influential figures who have died under mysterious or suspicious circumstances. Boyd Anderson suggests that these deaths are part of larger global conspiracies and manipulations by secretive elites. The term implies that these individuals’ deaths are not coincidental but rather orchestrated to maintain control over geopolitical or financial events.

Outside the book, “dead pool” can also refer to informal betting games where participants predict which famous people will die in a given period. However, in Anderson’s narrative, it is more closely tied to conspiracy theories involving elite manipulation and cover-ups.

To sum up, whether Boyd Anderson is lying or not is irrelevant. Logic points to motive. What are his motives to write this book to expose the Jesuits and the great new world order plan for smart cities? If he was just an ordinary man, he would see something beyond disgusting and try and do something about it. Like what I do. If he was lying, he hasn’t gained much as his book hasn’t sold much. If he was a plant by the secret service to put misinformation out there, they didn’t market him at all because his information is very hard to find. Boyd has been on Project Camelot and the SGT Report along with a few other smaller truther podcasts. If the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one, he is telling the truth and his story isn’t making any headway. I for one believe him after reading his book and analyzing his testimony. He just happened to come across a group of bad people who trusted he would not say anything and became a whistlblower giving us yet another clue as to what the Jesuits plan to do in the next 10 – 20 years.


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