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Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table of the chemical elements in 1869 based on properties that appeared with some regularity as he laid out the elements from lightest to heaviest. When Mendeleev proposed his periodic table, he noted gaps in the table and predicted that then unknown elements existed with properties appropriate to fill those gaps. He named them eka-boron, eka-aluminium, eka-silicon, and eka-manganese, with respective atomic masses of 44, 68, 72, and 100

In 1908, the Rockefellers supposedly removed Luminiferous Ether from the periodic tables. Why? What is ether? Any supposed breakdown of atoms could be explained away by the emission of ether, which Mendeleev calculated to be a million times lighter than hydrogen. Some of Mendeleev’s published tables left space for ether and marked that spot with an X. He called element X Newtonium

Is Luminiferous ether too close to the truth which has to be hidden at all cost? Is this what the Illuminati is trying to hide away for the fear of the truth that there are smaller particles which could explain god or lead to evidence to support a creator? Is this why cern is doing particle colliding? To continue going smaller and smaller finding more elements but hiding it with science?

Let’s dive into some history of two men competing for the glory of the periodic table. In the mid-18th century in much of Europe, Britain, and the United States, the names of progress were technology, trade, and human liberty. The not-yet-unified German states were growing into competitors to the traditional scientific powerhouses of France and Britain. Even Russia began to bend to the winds of change despite being an autocratic, largely agricultural society where serfs were bound to the land they worked and government censorship was the norm.

Two young men began their professional journeys at this time. In 1850 a teenager from Siberia began to study chemistry in St. Petersburg, the Russian capital. In the 1860s the now-citified provincial became a civil servant in the tsar’s government. He was a devoted teacher, aware of the lack of good textbooks in Russian. At age 35, to make the lives of his students easier, he wrote a chemistry textbook in his native language that contained a simple table categorizing the elements.

Meanwhile the other man, a German, studied medicine in Switzerland and then chemistry in the German states under two of that region’s great scientists: Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff. He too became a teacher, shifting between various German universities, and wrote chemistry textbooks, the first of which contained a simple table categorizing the elements. What are the odds that two people from two different worlds were starting this at the same time?

Both men are now important names in the history of science: Dmitri Mendeleev and Julius Lothar Meyer. Each man created a periodic system of the elements. And while Meyer’s first version of his table appeared in 1864 and Mendeleev’s not until 1869, it is Mendeleev who has become widely known as the single parent of the periodic table. But this is not a story of injustice, of a man who never received his due. Instead it reveals the changing nature of chemistry. What follows is a tale that undermines our expectations of what and who makes a great scientist and hangs as much on language as on science.

Two Chemists

At age 15 Mendeleev emerged from Tobolsk, the old capital of Siberia, a most unusual place to find a budding chemist. His mother, in search of opportunities for her bright son, took him to St. Petersburg for his education, where he pursued the sciences, especially chemistry. After a miserable two years teaching uninterested high-school students in Crimea, Mendeleev wrangled a government-subsidized postdoctoral position that took him to Heidelberg.

Meyer, unlike Mendeleev, came from a scientifically inclined family. Meyer worked as a gardener when migraines forced him out of high school for a time. Afterward he followed the standard path for Germans intent on becoming professors, deviating only a little in the breadth of his chemical interests and in the number of places at which he studied: Zurich for general chemistry and the German states for physiological chemistry, physical chemistry, and physics.

Meyer’s education exposed him to more theoretical speculations than were usual for a chemist, certainly more than Mendeleev experienced, but to an outside observer he followed the itinerant and slightly dull university-bound life of a man establishing himself as a professor in Germany. Mendeleev, however, followed anything but a predictable path for a professor of chemistry. He was forced to make a place for himself among the long-established elites of St. Petersburg, where he spent the rest of his life. Mendeleev taught chemistry, published much, became skilled in public relations, and presented himself as a general-purpose intellectual on scientific topics, including oil production, agriculture, and even cheese making. Far more is known about Mendeleev than Meyer (the former kept all his notes, records, and letters dating from the first inklings of his periodic system’s potential).

The tsar’s emancipation of the serfs in 1861 led to rapid urbanization and the beginnings of an industrial revolution as ex-serfs, who made up 80% of Russia’s population, moved to cities in search of economic opportunities. Russia was feeling the early tremors of a seismic cultural shift that would precipitate its transition from an agricultural to an industrial nation. These changes offered opportunities to a man of Mendeleev’s temperament and skills. Mendeleev taught at St. Petersburg University, but he also advised the state on such science-related topics as tariffs on imported chemicals, parts for chemical factories, and the growing oil industry. Along with these economic transformations came political ones that led to a partial liberalization—although not democratization—of the state. Censorship of the press was eased, universities reformed, and education expanded to create a technical elite who would build the factories that would modernize a Russia that remained under the tsar’s control.

Hold that thought. Mendeleev practiced chemistry in oil. The Rockefeller’s were climbing in power during that time and oil was their backbone. Anyone that understood the chemistry of oil could understand how to break down elements even further. Did Mendeleev stumble onto the truth due to no censorship at that time in Russia which was still under the control of Tsar Alexander before the Bolshevik revolution which gave the bankers full control over Russia ever since? Remember in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion they mentioned Russia and the Vatican as the enemy of the bankers at that time, too. Since the Zionists didn’t control Russia, Mendeleev had no restraints on publishing material and propaganda wasn’t targeting chemistry just yet. 

And that was the system Mendeleev liked (less censorship). “He wanted the tsar to be firmly in control,” says historian Michael D. Gordin, author of A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table. “He was pro-progress, pro-modernization, pro-liberalization of the economy. He was not pro-democracy. He saw the beginnings of parliament in 1905, and he didn’t like it.” Mendeleev wanted Russia to compete economically with Britain and Germany, or, as he put it in the last years of his life, “to catch up and overtake.” Side note: Russia should have wiped out the Prussians instead of asking them to change their religion. Obviously Russia and their knowledge of chemistry was an enemy of Zionists. 

In 1870, the year the German states merged to form one nation as a result of the Franco-Prussian War, Meyer was a chemistry professor at Karlsruhe Polytechnic Institute. He contributed his medical skills to his newly born nation by setting up a temporary hospital for those injured in the war. Like Mendeleev, he saw his world politically and economically transformed, but unlike Mendeleev, he was never part of public life. “He was a classic university professor,” says Gordin. “He taught large courses, advised lots of students, wrote textbooks, and lived a very bourgeois life.”

While Meyer’s life may have followed that of a bourgeois professor, in the chemistry world he was an oddball: he speculated, including on the physical reality of the atom and on how matter was built and bonded. Despite this, remarks Gordin, if you asked almost any 19th-century chemist which one of the two was more of a chemist’s chemist, it would be Meyer: “He does things properly. He’s a little funky on theory and has a lot of speculations, but he knows how to discipline and control them.”

In the 1860s the interests of both men coalesced around the periodic behavior of many of the known elements. Today we understand the periodic table as saying something fundamental about matter. Each row of the table moves from left to right as electron shells fill up; each element has one more proton than the one before it. But in the 1860s electrons had yet to be discovered, and only a few chemists, such as Meyer, were rash enough to speculate on the atom’s physical reality.

Making a Periodic Table

Systems to order the elements came into existence six times during the 1860s. Even before tables were created, people found relationships among elements, such as certain triads where the atomic weight of the middle element is the average of the ones on either side. And it was clear to chemists of the time that certain elements came in natural families, like the halogens—fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.

All the systems put the elements in order of increasing atomic weight, which is why they cluster in the 1860s. Before that time chemists did not have accurate atomic weights; some were off by a factor of two, being measured as twice as heavy or twice as light as what we now recognize as their true weights. Uranium, for example, was thought to weigh something on the order of 120, instead of 240. Only after the first major international chemistry conference, held in Karlsruhe in 1860 and attended by both Meyer and Mendeleev, did chemists standardize atomic weights. Once that happened, chemists found it far easier to order their elements.

A French mining engineer named Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois created the very first system of elements in 1862. Instead of the now-familiar grid, he used a helix and called his system the telluric screw: Béguyer de Chancourtois drew a diagonal line on a sheet of graph paper and placed the elements along the line by increasing atomic weights, then wrapped his sheet around a cylinder. Dropping a vertical line down the sheet linked elements with similar properties. “There were experimental errors and not all the elements sit on a straight line, but it’s a very interesting system,” says Gordin. “But no one cared; no one even remembered what he did until the 1870s, when there was a priority dispute over the periodic table.”

In 1864 Meyer published the first edition of Die modernen Theorien der Chemie and included a table of 28 elements arranged by increasing atomic weight and divided into six families by valence. So, for example, sulfur was placed just below oxygen in the valence-2 column (valence determined how elements combined with each other). Tin was placed below silicon in the valence-4 column, though intriguingly Meyer left a gap between silicon and tin, as if for a shadow element. “Meyer’s distinctive quality for most historians and chemists is that he had gaps [in his periodic system] and chose not to predict,” says Gordin. “And, therefore, he somehow failed because predicting is obviously what you should do when you have gaps in a system.” But in the 1860s filling the gaps was not at all an obvious move.

Mendeleev also encountered gaps when assembling his first table in 1869—three gaps, to be precise, each of which he filled with a question mark and rough estimate of atomic weight before moving on to the next element. Mendeelev viewed his system as a generalization about matter rather than an earth-shattering invention. It allowed chemists, especially those teaching students, to organize large amounts of information in a small amount of space. In essence it was a teaching tool with no connection to theory. Mendeleev initially developed the table for his textbook Osnovy khimii(Principles of Chemistry). When it came time to present it to the Russian Chemical Society in March 1869, Mendeleev was off in the countryside inspecting cheese makers, leaving a friend to introduce his table to the world.

In an article published in a Russian chemical journal the following month, Mendeleev compared his system to the others he knew about. He believed his system offered eight advantages over competing systems; the possibility of discovering unknown bodies was only a minor one and came second to last in the list. Only in 1870 did he begin to offer detailed predictions—his eka elements—to fill three gaps in the 63 then-known elements.

Meyer’s theoretical daring allowed him to speculate about real, physical atoms but not to predict the existence of a new element. While he did not discount the existence of new elements, he, like other scientists, saw no reason to assume that any gap must be filled with an unknown or even unknowable element. Chemists at the time understood their jobs as explaining substances that already existed. On the other hand, Mendeleev, the filler of gaps, refused for many years to believe in the existence of the atom, hated the idea of radioactivity from the time it was discovered in 1895, and rejected the electron after J. J. Thomson found it in 1897. In addition, some of his elemental predictions were wrong, including one for an element he called Newtonium.

The question of who “discovered” the periodic table first then depends on what people think has been discovered. Says Gordin, “It’s not like, ‘I found this coffee cup first.’ It’s which relationships [that our current periodic table predicts] matter most.” Meyer left gaps. But Mendeleev was the one to say those gaps should be filled. It’s a weird assumption, says Gordin, because no one knew about electrons and protons and neutrons.

A Missed Step

In 1869 censors allowed the publication of the first chemical journal in the Russian language: the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society. But censorship was not the only reason for a lack of Russian science journals. At the time there were about 200 academic physical scientists in the whole of Russia; Berlin, soon to be Germany’s scientific capital, had several times that number.

Mendeleev wrote his textbook, which included his table, in Russian and intended it for Russian college students. Few Russian professional chemists and no chemists outside of Russia would have read it. But Mendeleev also published his table in the first volume of the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, describing it as a wonderful teaching tool with the added benefit of a few interesting predictions.

Another side note: Don’t think for a minute that countries and empires back then were just working together in harmony to find answers for the greater good. Chemistry and science was in the control grid to be used for power. Any country that came up with a theory or fact would in science could be used against their enemies. For all we know about this information is its half truths as the real truth hurts the controllers who keep the real periodic table of elements. One would be a fool to think science is for the people.  When the truth is, science is used and suppressed to control the people. Otherwise, why was the manhattan project such a secret? Because splitting the atom was first used against the people. Countries would hold back on releasing any data on the elements for good reason. Secrecy and control isn’t new. 

“Mendeleev wanted to publish in Russian because he was patriotic and because he was more comfortable in it,” Gordin says. “At the same time, he knew that he wouldn’t get any credit abroad, and credit abroad was very useful for credit at home.” At this time Italian had faded as a language of science, leaving the field to English, French, and German. Russians looking for scientific credit beyond their own borders tended to publish in German or, more rarely, French. Says Gordin, “No chemist in Europe—Italy, France, Germany, Scandinavia, or Britain—read Russian. So if you published it in Russian, it was functionally unpublished. No one would know; it’d have no impact.”

Mendeleev spoke German but wrote that language only haltingly. After he reduced his 10-page article into a one-page abstract, he gave it to a local bilingual professor to translate into German. The professor passed it to a graduate student who quickly translated the abstract; it was published in 1869 in a minor German journal named Zeitschrift für Chemie und Pharmacie, one favored by Russian chemists. Any Germans who wanted to keep track of what Russian chemists were up to read that journal.

Mendeleev understood the need for speed in publishing; coming second counts for little in assigning credit. Unfortunately the translator missed what we now consider to be Mendeleev’s central claim. “There’s a slight mistake in the translation,” says Gordin. “Instead of saying that if you organize elements according to their atomic weight, there is a periodic change in their properties, which is what Mendeleev said in the Russian, the German version says, ‘There is a gradual or a stepwise [stufenweise] change in the property.’ There’s a very easy one-to-one word translation, periodicheski in Russian to periodischein German, but the translator didn’t think it was that important a word.”

So, could it have been sabotage to gain information and discredit Russia and their progress? We read these published articles without any discernment. We believe in the good in people and think nothing of secret service or secret societies infiltrating scientists for gain. But they do. Spies are everywhere. Especially where technology is about to break. Like AI. Just because China has more patents than the United States, doesn’t mean the United States doesn’t have spies in China copying their progress. And vice versa. Whoever gets to the top of the hill is King. The periodic table and the elements were key to controlling the future. And why? Because they can create their own and hide elements to use for their own. Like Lumi Ether. If you can bury your Russian competitor with propaganda slandering their credentials by teaming with other countries to write against them, you can hide the truth. 

Meyer read Mendeleev’s German abstract, and when in 1870 he published his full periodic system in Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, then possibly the world’s most significant chemistry journal, he cited Mendeleev profusely. Meyer added that Mendeleev had almost reached his goal but hadn’t understood that the system was periodic. Regardless if they were patting each other on the back, secret societies were there steering opinion. 

Gordin reimagines the response and counter-response: “Mendeleev says, ‘But I said it was periodic,’ and Meyer says, ‘No you didn’t. You said it was stufenweise; you said it was gradual.’ Mendeleev goes, ‘Oh, that was the German abstract. That wasn’t the Russian original. You should have looked at the original.’ And Meyer says, ‘I’m not supposed to read Russian. That’s too much to expect from me. I already have to read Italian and French and English and Swedish!’”

The one-word difference, the shift from “periodic” to “stepwise” triggered a heated dispute between the two men that ran throughout much of the 1870s and which was extensively commented on in chemistry journals across Europe. Mendeleev knew he had to persuade the Germans, who by that time were preeminent in chemistry. In 1871 he published the full version of his work—with now detailed predictions of three new elements—in Liebigs Annalen. The battle heated up in the journal of Germany’s

Mendeleev stood fast in refusing to give Meyer any credit. “Meyer’s claims for credit were modest,” Gordin says. “He wanted some credit for being part of the process of creating a periodic system. Mendeleev wanted credit for creating the system; he didn’t think he should share that with anybody. And it’s very tricky to claim that because there were so many predecessors.”

A Russian Triumph

In his fight with Meyer, Mendeleev argued that his periodic system was independent of and more advanced than anybody else’s. And he took what no one else had done, his predictions, and emphasized those, staking his claim to priority on what he called his eka-elements: eka-aluminum, eka-boron, and eka-silicon, which filled the gaps next to aluminum, boron, and silicon. Eka-aluminum was discovered in 1875 and called gallium; in 1879 eka-boron was discovered and called scandium; and eka-silicon was discovered in 1886 and called germanium. Mendeleev had expected his predictions to come true at some uncertain future date, with any luck while he was still alive. When the first of his predictions came true, Mendeleev, says Gordin, was as surprised as anyone else.

But simply predicting new elements was not enough; Mendeleev had to convince people that prediction was the important criterion in deciding who won the race. By the 1880s he had persuaded the world that prediction made the periodic system a unique chemical tool. Even so, chemists often gave Meyer and Mendeleev shared credit for the periodic system, with each discovering it independently. Meyer and Mendeleev jointly received the Davy Medal of the Royal Society in 1882. Chemistry textbooks published at the turn of the 20th century that included the periodic table often mentioned Meyer as well as Mendeleev as the creators of the periodic system.

Only death ended the priority battle. After Meyer died in 1895, Mendeleev, who died in 1907, continued to write about the priority dispute, claiming sole ownership of the periodic system, and without Meyer few were left to argue against him. The Soviet Union’s growing economic importance in the 1930s helped tip the balance further, as did the Nazi purge of German science and their expulsion of Jews, socialists, and other undesirable scientists. By the 1950s the Soviet Union was second only to the United States in terms of quantity and quality of work in chemistry, and Soviet chemistry journals referred to the periodic table as Mendeleev’s system of chemical elements. Mendeleev had become the undisputed father of the periodic table.

Mendeleev after the Periodic Table

The periodic table became truly central to chemistry only after World War I, at least in part owing to the rise of the Bohr atom with its central proton nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons. For the first time the periodic system could explain why the elements have the properties they do. Ironically, given this later importance of the electron to the periodic table, Mendeleev rejected the existence of electrons. He was also skeptical of the noble gases when they were discovered in the 1890s because they did not form bonds with other elements and so had no place in his table. Mendeleev only accepted the noble gases as a way to explain away radioactivity, which he rejected because he believed matter to be immutable.

After developing his periodic system Mendeleev moved into gas physics in search of ether and its composition. Ether was the holy grail of the physical sciences in the second half of the 19th century, and almost all scientists accepted its existence. Since ether was assumed to have mass, Mendeleev was determined to find it and place it in his periodic table among the noble gases. Not only would ether have a place at his table, he also could use it to ensure that the atom remained unbroken—no need for radioactivity or pesky electrons. Any supposed breakdown of atoms could be explained away by the emission of ether, which Mendeleev calculated to be a million times lighter than hydrogen. Some of Mendeleev’s published tables left space for ether and marked that spot with an X. He called element X Newtonium.

So ether was never on Acadamia’s periodic table. It was on Russia’s. The Bible says we are living inside a bubble. Water is everywhere. Genesis 1 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty,darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so.8 God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. 9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry groundappear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

The Beatles tried to warn us and got a slap on the wrist with their song yellow submarine. The yellow is gold or heaven that surrounds us and the subarmine is the bubble. It’s also called the firmament. Which also is the veil. Could Ether be a cover up? The ancient Israelites believed the firmament was a dome over us as the sky and the stars were embedded in the dome. Of course we see satellites up there moving slowly in space, so it’s hard to see how much of a huge cover up this is. Unless what we are witnessing are just balloons instead of sateelites. But they travel faster than balloons. They could be airplanes with big lights flying in circles to make us believe satellites exist? NASA trains underwater and many videos have uncovered bubbles to even mice in what appeared to be a studio. They also do not have any spacewalks that show the stars behind them. Nor are there any astronauts filmed anymore than 15 minutes in space. We also have seen evidence of green screens that hide the wires. All this effort to hide the fact we live on a flat plain in a bubble?

According to ancient and medieval science, aether (/ˈiːθər/, alternative spellings include æther, aither, and ether), also known as the fifth element or quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere.[1] The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the propagation of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment, and this result has been interpreted to mean that no luminiferous aether exists.[2]

So ether takes away from dark matter, space as a vacuum and the theory of gravity. Right after world war 2, the whole world was quick to get to space first. It was between Russia and the United States. What’s interesting is Russia science is different than America’s. But Russia was controlled by the bankers during the space race so we can’t postulate Russia was trying to beat America to chemistry control. 

The word αἰθήρ (aithḗr) in Homeric Greek means “pure, fresh air” or “clear sky”.[3] In Greek mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals.[4] It is also personified as a deity, Aether, the son of Erebus and Nyx in traditional Greek mythology.[5]Aether is related to αἴθω “to incinerate”,[6] and intransitive “to burn, to shine” (related is the name Aithiopes (Ethiopians; see Aethiopia), meaning “people with a burnt (black) visage”).[7][8]

It’s also called the fifth element

In Plato‘s Timaeus (58d) speaking about air, Plato mentions that “there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether (αἰθήρ)”[9] but otherwise he adopted the classical system of four elements. Aristotle, who had been Plato’s student at the Academy, agreed on this point with his former mentor, emphasizing additionally that fire has sometimes been mistaken for aether. However, in his Book On the Heavens he introduced a new “first” element to the system of the classical elements of Ionian philosophy. He noted that the four terrestrial classical elements were subject to change and naturally moved linearly. The first element however, located in the celestial regions and heavenly bodies, moved circularly and had none of the qualities the terrestrial classical elements had. It was neither hot nor cold, neither wet nor dry. With this addition the system of elements was extended to five and later commentators started referring to the new first one as the fifth and also called it aether, a word that Aristotle had used in On the Heavens and the Meteorology.[10]

Aether differed from the four terrestrial elements; it was incapable of motion of quality or motion of quantity. Aether was only capable of local motion. Aether naturally moved in circles, and had no contrary, or unnatural, motion. Aristotle also stated that celestial spheres made of aether held the stars and planets. The idea of aethereal spheres moving with natural circular motion led to Aristotle’s explanation of the observed orbits of stars and planets in perfectly circular motion.[1][11]

Medieval scholastic philosophers granted aether changes of density, in which the bodies of the planets were considered to be more dense than the medium which filled the rest of the universe.[12]Robert Fludd stated that the aether was “subtler than light”. Fludd cites the 3rd-century view of Plotinus, concerning the aether as penetrative and non-material.[13]

Quintessence (𝓠) is the Latinate name of the fifth element used by medieval alchemists for a medium similar or identical to that thought to make up the heavenly bodies. It was noted that there was very little presence of quintessence within the terrestrial sphere. Due to the low presence of quintessence, earth could be affected by what takes place within the heavenly bodies.[15] This theory was developed in the 14th century text The testament of Lullius, attributed to Ramon Llull.[citation needed

The use of quintessence became popular within medieval alchemy. Quintessence stemmed from the medieval elemental system, which consisted of the four classical elements, and aether, or quintessence, in addition to two chemical elements representing metals: sulphur, “the stone which burns”, which characterized the principle of combustibility, and mercury, which contained the idealized principle of metallic properties.

Funny how sulpher is signified with hell and mercury is used to create antigravity which apparently the interdimensional beings use to travel. According to the above, they go hand in hand. Perhaps ether is the element that separates our world from theirs. Finding this element would push us towards scientifically building the Tower of Babel. The gateway to heaven. Ether could be related to the element that we call plasma. Plasma seems to have a connection with ghosts or supernatural phenomena. Plasma is a state of matter, along with solids, liquids, and gases. It’s made up of free electrons and ions, which are atoms that have lost some or all of their electrons. Plasma is created when a neutral gas is heated to the point that some of its electrons are freed from the atoms or molecules. 

Plasma is found in many places, including: 

  • Outer space: Plasma makes up most of the visible matter in the universe, including the plasma in nebulae and stars like the sun.
  • Lightning, flames, and neon lights: These are all examples of plasma.
  • Aurora borealis: This is another example of plasma. 
  • Nuclear weapons: The cores of detonating nuclear weapons are extremely hot and dense plasmas. 
  • Research into plasma has led to important applications that are revolutionizing modern society. 

Blood component: Plasma is a component of blood, making up about 55% of its volume. Plasma carries nutrients, hormones, and proteins to the body’s cells, and also helps remove waste products. The red cross collects 4.5 million blood donations a year.

If plasma is in everything, why do we not hear much about it? Is ether connected somehow to allow the devil worshippers to hide plasma, ether and god? Could the scientific community been hijacked by the Luciferians trying to keep us away from the truth? Why do we call spirits, elementals?

After the Middle Ages, the elemental system spread rapidly throughout all of Europe and became popular with alchemists, especially in medicinal alchemy. Medicinal alchemy then sought to isolate quintessence (another name for ether) and incorporate it within medicine and elixirs.[15] Due to quintessence’s pure and heavenly quality, it was thought that through consumption one may rid oneself of any impurities or illnesses. In The book of Quintessence, a 15th-century English translation of a continental text, quintessence was used as a medicine for many of man’s illnesses. A process given for the creation of quintessence is distillation of alcohol seven times.[16] Over the years, the term quintessence has become synonymous with elixirs, medicinal alchemy, and the philosopher’s stone itself.[17]

With the 18th century physics developments, physical models known as “aether theories” made use of a similar concept for the explanation of the propagation of electromagnetic and gravitational forces. As early as the 1670s, Newton used the idea of aether to help match observations to strict mechanical rules of his physics.[18][a] The early modern aether had little in common with the aether of classical elements from which the name was borrowed. These aether theories are considered to be scientifically obsolete, as the development of special relativity showed that Maxwell’s equations do not require the aether for the transmission of these forces. Einstein noted that his own model which replaced these theories could itself be thought of as an aether, as it implied that the empty space between objects had its own physical properties.[20]

Despite the early modern aether models being superseded by general relativity, occasionally some physicists have attempted to reintroduce the concept of aether in an attempt to address perceived deficiencies in current physical models.[21] One proposed model of dark energy has been named “quintessence” by its proponents, in honor of the classical element.[22] This idea relates to the hypothetical form of dark energy postulated as an explanation of observations of an accelerating universe. It has also been called a fifth fundamental force.

Could ether be the missing element in creating the philosophers stone? Can ether metamorphose base materials into gold? The philosopher’s stone, variously described, was sometimes said to be a common substance, found everywhere but unrecognized and unappreciated. Kind of like air right? What about Satan being called an angel of light? What does that have to do with ether?

Aether and light


Main article: Luminiferous aether

The motion of light was a long-standing investigation in physics for hundreds of years before the 20th century. The use of aether to describe this motion was popular during the 17th and 18th centuries, including a theory proposed by Johann II Bernoulli, who was recognized in 1736 with the prize of the French Academy. In his theory, all space is permeated by aether containing “excessively small whirlpools”. These whirlpools allow for aether to have a certain elasticity, transmitting vibrations from the corpuscular packets of light as they travel through.[23]

This theory of luminiferous aether would influence the wave theory of light proposed by Christiaan Huygens, in which light traveled in the form of longitudinal waves via an “omnipresent, perfectly elastic medium having zero density, called aether”. At the time, it was thought that in order for light to travel through a vacuum, there must have been a medium filling the void through which it could propagate, as sound through air or ripples in a pool. Later, when it was proved that the nature of light wave is transverse instead of longitudinal, Huygens’ theory was replaced by subsequent theories proposed by Maxwell, Einstein and de Broglie, which rejected the existence and necessity of aether to explain the various optical phenomena. These theories were supported by the results of the Michelson–Morley experiment in which evidence for the motion of aether was conclusively absent.[24]The results of the experiment influenced many physicists of the time and contributed to the eventual development of Einstein’s theory of special relativity.[25]

In 1682, Jakob Bernoulli formulated the theory that the hardness of the bodies depended on the pressure of the aether.[26] Aether has been used in various gravitational theories as a medium to help explain gravitation and what causes it.

A few years later, aether was used in one of Sir Isaac Newton‘s first published theories of gravitation, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (the Principia, 1687). He based the whole description of planetary motions on a theoretical law of dynamic interactions. He renounced standing attempts at accounting for this particular form of interaction between distant bodies by introducing a mechanism of propagation through an intervening medium.[27]He calls this intervening medium aether. In his aether model, Newton describes aether as a medium that “flows” continually downward toward the Earth’s surface and is partially absorbed and partially diffused. This “circulation” of aether is what he associated the force of gravity with to help explain the action of gravity in a non-mechanical fashion.[27] This theory described different aether densities, creating an aether density gradient. 

His theory also explains that aether was dense within objects and rare without them. As particles of denser aether interacted with the rare aether they were attracted back to the dense aether much like cooling vapors of water are attracted back to each other to form water.[28] In the Principia he attempts to explain the elasticity and movement of aether by relating aether to his static model of fluids. This elastic interaction is what caused the pull of gravity to take place, according to this early theory, and allowed an explanation for action at a distance instead of action through direct contact. Newton also explained this changing rarity and density of aether in his letter to Robert Boyle in 1679.[28] He illustrated aether and its field around objects in this letter as well and used this as a way to inform Robert Boyle about his theory.[29] Although Newton eventually changed his theory of gravitation to one involving force and the laws of motion, his starting point for the modern understanding and explanation of gravity came from his original aether model on gravitation.

Quintessence is the Latinate name of the fifth element used by medieval alchemists for a medium similar or identical to that thought to make up the heavenly bodies. Quint is latin for 5 so quintessence is the fifth element. It was noted that there was very little presence of quintessence within the terrestrial sphere. The fifth element of nature is space. All of that stuff that separates matter. The ancient sages described Quintessence exactly like electricity. They believed it could be found in lightning. But they also called it the stuff of life, like bio-electricity. Quintessence has the power to make things come alive. Isn’t that a part of god because the bible says he is everything? Quintessence is also the purest of pure. Perfection. Nothing compares to it. Quintessence is the fifth element that encompassed everything in the universe. It acts as a guide to alchemical processes, telling them where to go and how to reach their most perfect form. You can have all of the right ingredients to make gold from lead, but without the quintessence to act as a guiding force, you will meet with failure every time. This is actually what the philosopher’s stone was believed to be, a reddish to purple powder acting as the quintessence to perfect everything it came in contact with, purifying body and mind of creatures and metals into the perfect purest metal, gold. In opus magnum, I believe it is similar, acting as the guide to all alchemical processes. The reason all alchemy doesn’t require pure atoms of the quintessence is because of the way it forms. We extract it from one atoms of each the four cardinal elements, meaning each must contain at least some of the quintessence to act as the guiding force during the alchemical reactions we create. The only reason we can’t extract pure essence from one element only is due to instability causing a ‘collapse’, if you will, during the process, preventing the quintessence from forming, similar to how too much of one of the four humours will cause sickness in humans.

Quintessence is also described as dark matter or antimatter. It’s the same as matter but inverted. This is where quantum physics comes into play. Antimatter is perceived as particles whereas ether is perceived as liquid. –How do you know there was an invisible elephant in the fridge? There are footprints in the butter. And that is basically what dark matter and dark energy is: we have observed footprints in the butter, I mean cosmos, but we can’t see the invisible elephant which caused them. Whether it’s ether, antimatter, quintessence, fifth element or what, something happened around the turn of the 19th century to discredit the liquid form of dark energy, which can’t be tested to make it something that can be tested. Quantum mechanics could be a made up science to explain away god as this is what everything is made of. The last element that truly could possibly prove once and for all that there is a creator and the powers that want us goyim entertained by singers and actors are desperately trying to cover up real science. If there is an interdimensional world within ours, just as Congress has released to the public that UFOs are from there and not terrestrial, then what I think makes the most logical sense is the cover up of the fallen angels and what they are made of. They are the lords of the air. And since they are fluid like water, can follow our every step throughout the strings in the cosmos. 

They can’t manifest because they would explode. Just like when we harness antimatter. We can’t seem to hold it in any chamber for very long. Their power from the fourth dimension holds them back from manifestation which makes sense how they communicate through esoteric black magic which is just basic chemistry but using ether instead. Ether is the substance that has to be hidden at all cost to stop us from finding them and exposing them. Every time we get close, we are told to leave. We don’t belong there just like they don’t belong here. The veil or ether protects us from their god like status and I believe they once had access to our world. Ancient technology with the help of their children the nephilim brought them down to earth to rule over us for a time and I believe we are at the cusp of technology that will bring them back one more time. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats. We can find comfort in the fact the nephilim are not presently here at the moment. But when they do show up, and they will acting as intergalactic brothers, they will come in peace but slay later. Just like all of the movies have conditioned us to get ready for. The return of the king.


Gemini AI

Mendeleev’s predicted elements – Wikipedia

Is there a “Row Zero” on the Periodic Table? A Chemist Explains. – YouTube

An Element of Order | Science History Institute

Aether (classical element) – Wikipedia

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