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Sex magic is a practice that combines sexual activity with magical, ritualistic, or spiritual pursuits. It involves harnessing sexual energy and directing it towards specific goals or intentions. This could include personal empowerment,manifestation of desires, or spiritual growth.

Key concepts often associated with sex magic include:

  • Sexual energy as a powerful force: Believers in sex magic consider sexual energy to be a potent force that can be channeled and utilized for various purposes.
  • Rituals and visualizations: Sex magic often involves specific rituals, visualizations, and meditations to focus and direct the sexual energy.
  • Intention setting: Practitioners set clear intentions or goals before engaging in sexual activity, believing that this helps to guide the energy towards the desired outcome.

Aleister Crowley was a prominent figure in the occult and magical world, and he placed significant emphasis on sex magic. He believed that sexual energy was a potent force that could be harnessed and directed towards spiritual and magical goals.

Crowley’s approach to sex magic was characterized by:

  • Liberation: He advocated for the liberation of sexual desire and saw it as a natural and powerful force.
  • Rituals and techniques: Crowley developed various rituals and techniques for harnessing sexual energy, such as the “Magickal Ablutions” and the “Eroto-comatose Lucidity” technique.
  • Thelema: His philosophy of Thelema, which emphasized individual freedom and the will, aligned with his views on sexual liberation and the use of sex magic.

Magick in Theory and Practice is a seminal work by Aleister Crowley, a renowned occultist and magus. Published in 1929, it presents Crowley’s comprehensive understanding of magic, drawing from his extensive experience and study of various occult traditions.

The book is divided into two parts:

  1. Theory: This section delves into the philosophical underpinnings of Crowley’s magical system. He discusses concepts such as the nature of consciousness, the universe, and the relationship between the individual and the divine. Crowley introduces his concept of “Thelema,” a philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom and the will.
  2. Practice: This part provides practical guidance on performing magical operations. Crowley outlines various rituals,techniques, and meditations that can be used to achieve specific goals or spiritual development. He discusses the importance of visualization, concentration, and the use of symbols and talismans.

Key themes and concepts explored in the book include:

  • The Law of Thelema: Crowley’s central principle that “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
  • The Nine Degrees of Initiation: A system of spiritual development outlined by Crowley.
  • The Holy Guardian Angel: A personal spiritual guide or deity believed to be associated with each individual.
  • The Lesser Ritual of Abramelin: A powerful ritual for contacting one’s Holy Guardian Angel.
  • The Book of the Law: A sacred text channeled by Crowley in 1904 that forms the foundation of Thelema.

Magick in Theory and Practice is a complex and often controversial work, reflecting Crowley’s unique perspective on magic and spirituality. While it may not be suitable for everyone, it has had a profound influence on the occult movement and continues to be studied and debated by scholars and practitioners today.

Sex magic, a practice that combines sexual activity with magical, ritualistic, or spiritual pursuits, has been a subject of fascination and controversy for centuries. While its exact practices can vary widely, there are some common themes and techniques that are often associated with it.

Core Principles

  • Sexual Energy as a Force: Sex magic practitioners believe that sexual energy is a powerful force that can be harnessed and directed towards specific goals or intentions.
  • Ritual and Intention: Rituals are often employed to create a sacred space and focus the mind on the desired outcome. Intention setting is crucial, as it helps to guide the energy towards the desired goal.
  • Visualization and Meditation: Visualization techniques are used to create mental images of the desired outcome,while meditation helps to focus the mind and achieve a state of deep relaxation.
  • Symbolism and Ritual Objects: Symbolic objects, such as candles, crystals, or sacred texts, can be used to enhance the ritual and focus the energy.

Common Practices

  1. Ritualized Sexual Activity: This involves performing sexual acts within a specific ritual context, often accompanied by visualizations, mantras, or prayers. The goal is to channel the sexual energy towards a particular intention.
  2. Tantra: Derived from ancient Indian traditions, tantra emphasizes the spiritual potential of sexual energy. Tantra practices often involve techniques such as energy control, kundalini awakening, and the use of sexual energy for spiritual growth.
  3. Magickal Ablutions: A technique developed by Aleister Crowley, this involves performing sexual acts while focusing on specific visualizations and intentions. The goal is to purify the body and mind and channel sexual energy towards spiritual development.
  4. Eroto-comatose Lucidity: Another Crowleyan technique, this involves inducing a state of deep relaxation and trance through sexual activity. In this state, practitioners can explore the subconscious mind and access hidden potentials.
  5. Astral Projection: Some practitioners believe that sexual energy can be used to facilitate astral projection, a state of consciousness in which the mind is projected outside of the physical body.
  6. Manifestation Magic: Sex magic can be used to manifest desires or goals, such as attracting love, wealth, or success. Practitioners often combine sexual energy with visualization and intention setting to achieve their desired outcomes.

Ethical Considerations

It’s important to note that sex magic is a controversial topic, and there are ethical concerns associated with its practice.Some critics argue that it can be exploitative or harmful, particularly when it involves power imbalances or coercion. It’s essential to approach sex magic with respect, consent, and a clear understanding of its potential consequences.

The practices of sex magic are typically performed by individuals on themselves. It is a personal and often solitary practice, although some people may choose to engage in it with a partner. L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons practiced it in 1946. Right after their ritual, the transistor was invented. More in that later. 

Sex magic is any type of sexual activity used in magical, ritualistic or otherwise religious and spiritual pursuits. One practice of sex magic is using sexual arousal or orgasm with visualization of a desired result. A premise posited by sex magicians is the concept that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one’s normally perceived reality. When we have sex, the physical signals felt by the body send signals through our nerves to the brain — which reacts by releasing chemicals that make us experience even more pleasure. Some research suggests the rhythmic nature of sex and sexual stimulation creates a physical-psychological loop of pleasure. Sexual rituals fall into two categories: culture-created, and natural behaviour, the human animal having developed sex rituals from evolutionary instincts for reproduction, which are then integrated into society, and elaborated to include aspects such as marriage rites, dances, etc.

According to teen vogue “Did you know that orgasms can help manifest desires and bring forth dreams? In magic, orgasms are considered to be the ultimate magical force. In fact, occultists believe that orgasms can help cleanse the body, produce magical power, and are a vital tool in manifesting desires.” “It’s an alchemic process of creation Through sacred sex, we find a particularly ripe portal for making our wildest dreams come true and drawing our hearts desire into our energetic field.” This allows us to be at harmony with the world and ourselves, using our inner strength and power to shift the universe, allowing us to use mystical forces from within to attain our hopes.” It sounds benign, but Magic can be a cause of problems to a living body. When ever there is drawn power from somewhere else to overpower a corporeal (or even incorporeal) entity, it will easily affect the body during the effect of the magical procedure and sometimes even beyond. According to occultists, there are wide effects to manifesting what you want. Adherence demons will push you into addiction. Especially alcohol or drugs. This is the typical fall of Hollywood stars where they used sex magic to achieve their goals. The demons surround others and outside them to be around you. You will be enveloped with the right connections for jobs and eventually, a contract follows with the devil. The fall comes when they receive their dreams but are beyond simple addiction.  

The orgasm is the moment where you release energy and open up your spirit for entanglement. Sex magic requires you ask the universe what you want during that moment. They also use colors to determine things like green for money or red for love. Again, it sounds benign but there are two God’s here. Either you’re believing in Jesus to move mountains for what you want or you bypass him and call out to Satan. Paul mentions 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. . . 8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. – 1 Corinthians 7:5, 8-9Clement of Alexandria, while not making explicit reference to Onan, a theologian with works mentality similarly reflects an early Christian view of the abhorrence of spilling seed: Because of its divine institution for the propagation of man, the seed is not to be vainly ejaculated, nor is it to be damaged, nor is it to be wasted.

Paul and Clement both do not address the real issue of masturbation. They call it sin but do not get into specifics. Sex magic is mostly done to oneself. God gave us a gift of the orgasm to be shared. It’s meant to pass energy to your partner and vice versa. The energy combined reinforces the oneness of the marriage. It helps each partner not to stray. It is a shared private moment between two loved ones that provides protection from the devil. Think of an orgasm between two partners as an invisible shield that goes up protective both of your thoughts from others. Self masturbation is bypassing this law and releasing energy outward to demonic forces. Since we are not taught that masturbation is a portal, at an early age, we are subjected to evil through such acts. With sex magic, you are not only giving your power to demons, you then make them do your bidding. King Solomon practiced sex magic rituals and was able to have Satan’s generals at his command. His wisdom figured out that he had full control of god and the devil’s angels. This is why the occult are always looming for Solomon’s keys. They are spell books to control the demonic.

Masturbation releases energy that was meant for the spouse. It’s sacred and there are mysteries still we have yet to uncover what kind of energy is released and why the demonic responds in favor to it. If we properly were taught about masturbation at an early age, we could have avoided all kinds of demonic portals into our lives. Sex magic is an exchange to the demonic. Instead of them just taking the energy as they do and open a portal to sexual perversion, it turns the table on them as an exchange to get what you want. Demons have to obey you because you are higher in rank. The same goes for angels. But the consequences of locking demons into agreements can lead to major health issues, addictions and depression. They hate being chained and will speak to other demons to come and help them out of the agreement. It’s not that god doesn’t want us to have pleasure. He gave us the tools. It’s just a temporary problem of the devil and how they can enter you through this energy. Sex Magic comes at a huge cost and when one demon enters, more follow them. You can see the blowback in Hollywood. Britney Spears’ meltdown, Kanye West and his hospitalization. Unfortunately, they blame the drugs and alcohol but never their handlers and the demons themselves. 

1946 is the year of the devil. So many things happened after a ritual that took place in the desert that you can’t dispute it. I do believe this was the year that the 4 angels that were locked under the river Euphrates were released. This set off a chain reaction that could not be reversed. Jack Parsons & L. Ron Hubbard did a sex magik ritual in the desert called the Babylon Working ritual written by, Aleister Crowley. The ritual was created to release the bound angels the watchers. Revelations 14 says to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Now, what did the 4 angels at the river Euphrates do to get bound? Michael bound them and their leader Samyaza in darkness for the Genesis 6 abomination. They were the sons of God who took wives and created the nephilim half breeds. This can be found in the Old Testament and second Enoch.

According to Jack Parsons, the ritual was a success. The sex magic they created together lasted many days and all kinds of strange events took place. The morning after Jack returned home, a woman was at his door whom he refers to as his elemental whom was created during the ritual. This woman ended the friendship of Parsons and Hubbard whom parted ways due to the woman sleeping with Hubbard. Jack sent a letter to Crowley about the success and Crowley rebuked him for even trying such a complex and sensitive ritual claiming in a letter to Parsons that he has lost his mind. Parson’s formed JPL and recruited the project paper clip Nazis to help him build space rockets. Parsons had no degree in science and had no experience in space, yet he has led jet propulsion laboratories to many fantastical creations of rocket fuel and weapons. His elemental Marjorie Cameron slept with Crowley as well.

Samyaza, Azazel, Uzza and Azza, are the fallen angels of apocryphal Abrahamic traditions and Manichaeism who ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as the Watchers. The archangel Michael defeated them during the great flood. They were responsible for changing the chromosomes of man to a triple helix. Revelations 9:14 was the seal that was broke by God’s 6th angels to release them once again. Why would two men performing a sexual ritual act in the middle of a desert provoke the father to such an extreme? I believe it was twofold. One, the Rothschilds and their contracts to create Israel again which will be occupied by the Jesuits and two, the ritual to bring back the watchers. In the spring of 1946 L. Ron Hubbard and John W. Parsons performed a series of magical rituals with the aim of incarnating the Thelemic goddess Babalon in a human being form. Hubbard’s cooperation with Parsons, known as the Babalon Working using western esotericism and ancient Enochian magic was, according to Jack Parsons, successful. 

Those watchers, according to the first book of Enoch, pleaded with Enoch to speak on their behalf about their sins to god. God said no. Their punishment came during the flood I believe. Their work is to slay 1/3rd of man. Three things will come out of their mouths after they are released after being prepared. Fire, smoke and sulfur according to Revelations 9:18. The Bible says they are first prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year before they open their mouths. This offers a clue until they are released. Which time zone is this in? Heaven’s where a day in heaven is a thousand years on earth? That can’t be right. But 1947 and 1948 we witnessed a crash in Roswell with 3 supposed bodies and took pictures of sightings all around the United States. If they are released now and prepared, what are they waiting for to unleash those terrors? Christians. Prayers and faith. They need power and more darkness on earth. That vaccine took 1/3rd of mankind by removing their god gene. I have read that it most likely could kill 1/3rd of mankind.

Or the 4 angels could be a mini sun followed by 3 planets entering our solar system. Nibiru that the Vatican has been watching with their telescope they call Lucifer in New Mexico. Why was Jack Parsons so fascinated with rockets? Why was he interested in flying towards the firmament? What did he know that made him so paranoid to get off the earth? And why in revelations that the powers of the world will bury themselves underground for fear of the coming of Jesus? Did Jack Parsons release the woman who bare the child of the devil? And why have we seen tunnel boring machines everywhere? What are the pagans getting ready for? Noah took 120 years to get into the boat when God warned him. 120 years is when God decided to let man live to be. What is the relationship? I believe life. Since the vaccine, I believe we have 120 years until the coming of Jesus. The church age is over. And soon, the great falling away which the mRNA rewrote our dna to stop believing in God as we saw evidence of Dean Hamer addressing the pentagon. There is no doubt in my mind that Parsons and Hubbard did one of the worst things they could have done to humanity. And what were they rewarded with? Parsons was blown up in his home and Hubbard created a billion dollar religion called Scientology.

There is good news. During the calamity of Jacob’s trouble, he was saved out of it. The lord will strengthen us and will uphold us with his righteous right hand. God will be judging those who do not accept his son on Earth. Those will be the tares that will be separated from the righteous. None of God’s holy ones will be lost. We were supposed to save as many as we could for the coming calamities. And during. Although Jesus’ blood paid for all sin, accepting him now will keep you protected as the world turns sour, loveless, angry, godless and more evil than it has ever been. Many scholars, pastors, priests and rabbis will give dates and times. We know the season is here, just not the day or hour. Only the father knows. I know I come across as a know it all. I apologize for I too have faults. But I do believe the watchers are out and they have been working with man to usher in the end of days by using technology, biology and whatever they can to fight against Jesus when he returns. And what can we do? Oh, there’s plenty to do. Satan wants you to be lethargic and sit back and eat popcorn enjoying the show. He tricked us into a savior like trump when he did the opposite to help. We need to know that we are being played to do nothing. We have no control over the political landscape. That’s not our fight. Our fight is to overcome fear during these times. You can’t operate in love when you are scared of the events that are unfolding. You also can’t help people if you lack faith. People are scared, confused and spiraling into chaos. If you are in their presence with peace, they want to know why. You, as a Christian, have been given more power than Jesus had on earth. You were born for this time. You are entrusted by Jesus to help and love your neighbor through Jacob’s trouble. It’s not just about winning souls. It’s comforting those that have given up hope and trust in God.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers released an album called blood sugar sex magic. 

The Album and the Haunted Mansion

Blood Sugar Sex Magic, released in 1992, is a landmark album in the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ discography. It’s known for its eclectic blend of funk, rock, and psychedelic elements, and it propelled the band to international stardom.

The album was recorded at Glenwood Place, a historic mansion in Venice, California. The mansion had a reputation for being haunted, with tales of ghostly occurrences and paranormal activity. This eerie atmosphere is said to have influenced the album’s dark and brooding tone.

The Song “Blood Sugar”

“Blood Sugar” is the album’s opening track and a fan favorite. It’s a sexually charged song that explores themes of desire,addiction, and obsession. The lyrics reference the physiological effects of high blood sugar levels, drawing a parallel between physical and emotional intensity.

The song’s music video features the band performing in a surreal, dreamlike setting, further enhancing its enigmatic quality.

The Occultism Rumors

While there’s no concrete evidence to support the claim that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are occultists, some fans have speculated about the band’s potential connections to occult practices. These speculations often stem from the following:

  • The Album’s Title: “Blood Sugar Sex Magic” is a suggestive title that could be interpreted as a reference to occult rituals or practices.
  • The Haunted Mansion: Recording in a haunted location could be seen as a deliberate choice to tap into supernatural energies.
  • Lyrics and Imagery: Some of the band’s lyrics and imagery have been interpreted as occult-related, such as references to symbols or rituals.
  • The Band’s Image: The band’s unconventional style and often provocative performances have led some to speculate about their beliefs.

However, it’s important to note that these speculations are largely unfounded. The band members have never publicly acknowledged any involvement in occult practices, and their music can be interpreted in various ways.

While “Blood Sugar Sex Magic” is a groundbreaking album and the haunted mansion where it was recorded adds an intriguing layer to its story, there’s no solid evidence to support the claim that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are occultists. The band’s music and image can be interpreted in various ways, and the rumors surrounding their potential occult connections are largely speculative.

The song “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers is primarily about intense desire, sexual obsession, and the physical and emotional intensity associated with such feelings.

The lyrics often use vivid metaphors and imagery to convey the powerful emotions and sensations experienced by the narrator. The title itself is a provocative combination of words that suggests a potent mix of passion, lust, and perhaps even a hint of danger.

While some interpretations might include references to drugs or other substances, the core theme remains focused on the intense, almost addictive nature of desire and its physical manifestations. The lyrics suggest a ritual of having sex magik with low blood sugar. The release brings about a euphoria that brings you closer to the gods. It’s no doubt in my mind that these lyrics are depicting satanic rituals by following Aleister crowley’s work. Anthony Kiedes has mentioned in interviews he is fascinated with the supernatural but never says who he follows or what he believes in.

While Anthony Kiedis has been associated with certain occult themes and imagery, it’s important to note that these associations are often interpretations based on his lyrics, music videos, and public statements. He has not explicitly confirmed or denied any deep involvement in occult practices.

Here are some key points related to Anthony Kiedis and the occult:

  • Lyrics and Imagery: Many of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ songs and music videos feature themes of spirituality,mysticism, and the supernatural. This has led to speculation about the band’s interest in occult concepts.
  • Public Statements: Kiedis has sometimes alluded to exploring spiritual and philosophical topics, but he hasn’t provided concrete details about his beliefs or practices.
  • The Band’s Image: The Red Hot Chili Peppers have cultivated a rebellious and unconventional image, which has often been associated with countercultural movements and alternative spirituality.

Specific examples of occult themes in the band’s work:

  • “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” album: This album’s title and cover art have been interpreted as references to occult rituals and symbolism.
  • “Under the Bridge” music video: The video features imagery of a homeless man under a bridge, which has been interpreted as a metaphor for spiritual isolation or seeking solace in unconventional places.
  • Lyrics: Songs like “Give It Away” and “Californication” contain lyrics that can be interpreted as exploring themes of spiritual awakening or rebellion against societal norms.

It’s important to approach these interpretations with caution, as they are often based on subjective interpretations of the band’s work. Kiedis himself has never provided a definitive statement about his beliefs or practices related to the occult.

It’s no surprise that musicians are interested in the occult. The Beatles, one of the most influential bands in music history, had a fascination with Aleister Crowley, a controversial figure in the early 20th century who was known for his involvement in occult practices, magic, and philosophy.

Here are some key points about their connection:

  • John Lennon’s Interest: John Lennon was particularly interested in Crowley. He read Crowley’s books, visited places associated with him, and even owned a copy of Crowley’s “Magick in Theory and Practice.”
  • Occult References in Songs: Several Beatles songs contain references to occult themes or Crowley himself. For example, “Magical Mystery Tour” and “Strawberry Fields Forever” have been interpreted as incorporating elements of Crowley’s teachings.
  • The Magical Mystery Tour: The band’s 1967 film and album, “Magical Mystery Tour,” has been suggested to be influenced by Crowley’s ideas of magic and transformation.
  • Controversy and Backlash: The Beatles’ association with Crowley led to controversy and criticism, particularly from religious groups and those who viewed Crowley’s teachings as harmful or dangerous.

It’s important to note that while the Beatles were interested in Crowley and his ideas, their engagement with occult concepts was likely more superficial than a deep-rooted belief system. Their fascination with Crowley was part of a broader exploration of unconventional ideas and philosophies that were popular among many artists and intellectuals during the 1960s.

The Beatles were not the only ones. Here are a few other bands that have cited Aleister Crowley as an influence:

  • Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant, the lead singer of Led Zeppelin, has openly acknowledged his interest in Crowley and his writings. Songs like “Stairway to Heaven” and “Kashmir” have been interpreted as containing Crowley-inspired themes.
  • King Crimson: The progressive rock band King Crimson has incorporated elements of Crowley’s philosophy and magic into their music and lyrics. Their album “Court of the Crimson King” is often seen as a reflection of their interest in occult concepts.
  • The Doors: Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors, was known for his fascination with occult and mystical themes. While he didn’t directly mention Crowley, his interest in similar subjects suggests a potential influence.
  • Black Sabbath: Though not as explicit as some other bands, Black Sabbath’s music often explores dark and occult themes. Their early albums, particularly “Paranoid” and “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath,” have been associated with Crowley-inspired imagery and symbolism. Ozzy on a solo record wrote a song about Crowley. 

Mr. Crowley

What went on in your head?

Oh, Mr. Crowley

Did you talk to the dead?

Your lifestyle to me seems so tragic

With the thrill of it all

You fooled all the people with magic

Yeah, you waited on Satan’s call

Mr. Charming

Did you think you were pure?

Mr. Alarming

In nocturnal rapport

Uncovering things that were sacred

Manifest on this Earth

Oh, conceived in the eye of a secret

Yeah, and they scattered the afterbirth

Mr. Crowley

Won’t you ride my white horse?

Mr. Crowley

It’s symbolic, of course

Approaching a time that is classic

I hear that maiden’s call

Approaching a time that is drastic

Standing with their backs to the wall

Was it polemically sent?

I wanna know what you meant

I wanna know

I wanna know what you meant, yeah

John Todd tries to expose the occult and sex magik. John Wayne Todd (May 19, 1949[1][2] – November 10, 2007),[3] also known as “John Todd Collins”, “Lance Collins”,[4] “Kris Sarayn Kollyns”, and “Christopher Kollyns”,[5] was an American speaker and conspiracy theorist. He claimed to be a former occultist who was born into a ‘witchcraft family’ before converting to Christianity. He was a primary source for many Chick Publications works against Dungeons & Dragons, Catholicism, Neopaganism, and Christian rock. In his public appearances, Todd made a variety of claims about witches, Satanists, and the Illuminati, who he alleged were conspiring against Christians. These purported conspiracies often included government officials and leaders of Christian organizations. In 1988 Todd was convicted in South Carolina on charges of rape and sentenced to 30 years in a prison. In 2004 he was released from prison and placed in a psychiatric facility, where he died in 2007.

John Todd spoke extensively about “sex magik” within the context of his experiences in occult groups. He claimed that this practice, often involving ritualized sexual acts, was a central component of many occult rituals and was believed to harness supernatural powers.

According to Todd, sex magik was used to:

  • Summon demons or other entities.
  • Gain control over people or situations.
  • Increase personal power or wealth.

He also described the negative consequences that he believed were associated with this practice, such as:

  • Spiritual bondage and demonic possession.
  • Physical and emotional harm.
  • Destruction of relationships and families.

The devil isn’t interested in anything other than you helping it to destroy others. Satan will prop you up and allow favor in riches and glory just as long as you show others how you got there. I believe those that have fallen for the devil’s tricks wanted fame and fortune now and were impatient at understanding the cost involved in selling your soul. Those bands above all have read Crowley’s work and have initiated the rituals. You don’t have to meet evil at the crossroads and sign papers to sell your soul. It can happen in a dream or by you saying you want it. Of course you will have to really mean it but it’s all the same. Once committed, you are surrounded by occultists who offer a new age philosophy so that you don’t run. They are smooth at teaching you witchcraft in a way where it seems unobtrusive. A little good here with a sprinkle of evil on top until eventually you are practicing. Just like Dr. William Schnoebelen told us that the high up priests and bishops of the Catholic Church believe in white magic as a force for good. Any magic, whether sex magik or not, rots your hopes, dreams and livelihood. I’ve never met a witch or warlock that has successfully kept their riches. The devil only lets you borrow it. 

The distinction between white magic and black magic is a complex one, often rooted in cultural beliefs and personal interpretations. It’s important to note that these terms are not universally recognized or defined, and their meanings can vary significantly depending on the context.

Generally, the terms are used to categorize magical practices based on their perceived intentions or outcomes. Here’s a simplified overview:

  • White magic: Often associated with positive intentions, such as healing, protection, and spiritual growth.Practitioners of white magic typically aim to use their powers for the benefit of themselves or others.
  • Black magic: Usually associated with negative intentions, such as harm, revenge, or manipulation. Practitioners of black magic are often believed to use their powers to cause harm or suffering.

However, it’s important to consider the following points:

  • Subjective interpretations: The distinction between white and black magic is often subjective and can vary depending on individual beliefs and cultural perspectives.
  • Intent matters: Ultimately, the intent behind a magical practice is often more significant than the specific techniques used.
  • Neutral magic: Some people believe that magic is neither inherently good nor bad, and that its effects depend on the practitioner’s intentions and skill.

The Jesuits believe Jesus practiced white magic. That claim is not supported by the New Testament or historical evidence. While Jesus performed many miraculous acts, they are generally understood within the context of his divine nature and the teachings of Christianity. These miracles are not typically categorized as “magic” in the traditional sense.

The New Testament presents Jesus as a divine figure who healed the sick, cast out demons, and even raised the dead. These acts were seen as demonstrations of his power and authority as the Son of God, not as the result of magical practices. And as for sex magic, it is the orgasm that releases a physical sensation believed to evoke power from the supernatural. One’s thoughts during the orgasm is transformed into what they want. It’s selfish and has nothing to do with living your neighbor. It has everything to do with receiving something you want. It’s just another way of casting a spell and getting high. Evil is the opposite of good. The devil uses everything that is opposite of good and sexual acts out of wedlock crosses the sin barrier and has been carried to the extremes. Especially with the pandemic of Lilith and her power over America and sexuality. Lilith is supposedly Satan’s sister and is promiscuous in lust. Her fingerprint is everywhere and more than ever before. 

Lilith is a figure in Jewish folklore who has gained significant attention in recent years. She is often portrayed as a powerful, independent woman who refused to submit to Adam’s dominance. This defiance led to her expulsion from the Garden of Eden and her transformation into a demonic figure.   

Here are some key points about Lilith:

  • First Wife of Adam: In some interpretations, Lilith is considered the first wife of Adam, created from the same earth as him.  

  • Rebellion and Banishment: She refused to submit to Adam’s authority and was banished from the Garden of Eden.  

  • Demonic Transformation: After her banishment, Lilith became associated with evil and was often depicted as a night demon, succubus, or mother of demons.  

  • Symbol of Female Empowerment: In more modern interpretations, Lilith has become a symbol of female empowerment and independence, representing women who refuse to conform to societal expectations.   

While Lilith’s origins can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamian mythology, her story has evolved over time and has been interpreted in various ways. I know Lilith is behind sex magic and she has been released again. When? Not long ago as society has gone completely backwards since 1946. Perhaps the ritual Babylon working was to release her and the 4 watchers under the river Eephrates. Perhaps she was oneof them.


Gemini AI

John Todd (conspiracy theorist) – Wikipedia

aleister crowley books – Google Search

1. The History of Lilith – Blood, Gender and Power in Christianity and Judaism

2. Lilith – Wikipedia 


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