Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, is founder of the Klinghardt Academy in the U.S., and founder of the American Academy of Neural Therapy. He is also Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology and lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute located near Seattle, Washington. He is chair of the Institute for Neurobiology (INK) in Stuttgart and the author of the groundbreaking textbook on psychokinesiology. Dr. Klinghardt lectures at the Universities of Illinois, Utah, Washington DC, Freiburg, and Adelaide, as well as at the medical faculties of Geneva and Zurich. He initiates and acts as a consultant for scientific studies, investigating topics such as psychological factors in chronic pain disorders, heavy-metal toxicity, autism, the treatment of chronic illnesses (e.g., borrelioses), and uses the information gained to develop effective treatment methods based on the latest scientific findings. Dr. Klinghardt also heads the biological medical department in the Swiss Biohealth Clinic in Kreuzlingen.

In a video on Facebook Reels, he describes the pineal gland is under attack by 4 forces. Aluminum, Glyphosate, Fluoride and WiFi. These four things calcify and destroy the pineal gland which is responsible for creating the vmat2 god gene serum which helps you believe in a higher power or force.

He says, “What do you think is really happening in this world?

Like, you know, most conventional people are under the impression that it’s… If you have depression or anxiety or some sort of illness, it’s either you caught the bacteria or you have neurotransmitter imbalance. Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian mystic that was very active in the early part of the last century, the founder of Waldorf schools and biodynamic farming and a communicineal kind of alternative medicine that he predicted towards the end of last century, to the beginning of the century. He says there will be a movement driven by big corporations to take the soul away from people to disconnect people from the higher world. And in order to do that, we have to destroy the pineal gland in people. And I’ve followed the research on that and amazingly what we found is that the pineal gland is the most sensitive part of our central nervous system,

and is highly, highly, highly sensitive to four things, aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride, and Wi-Fi. And we are the only country in the world that has pushed these four things in the last 60 years or so

on everybody growing up here. What I observe and what we’re also testing on our AOT system is that people have severely calcified the pineal glands. It’s very clear that the pineal gland is a receiver

for higher fields of energy and translates them into thought and into actually controlling our immune system, our endocrine system and more. It’s astounding that the telecommunications industry has selected the frequencies out of the huge spectrum of frequencies

that are absolutely destructive to ourselves and especially to the pineal gland. You know, they couldn’t have made any better choices than 2.4 gigahertz. That the end point that when you have inhaled aluminum, as we do from the geoengineering program,

and have glyphosate in the food chain, that glyphosate and aluminum combine in the gut and in the bloodstream to form six different chemical compounds where aluminum and glyphosate are hooked up together. And the end point of that compound is in the pineal gland. And what is needed for this compound to actually enter the brain is to open up the blood brain barrier

and the current frequencies in the Wi-Fi world are exactly doing that. They opened up the blood brain barrier. So toxins that used to stay in the bloodstream and the body below the neck are now entering the brain very freely. That applies to all toxins.

There must have been an ultra-intelligence group of scientists

who have designed this protocol to contaminate the drinking water, put nano-nastoleum in the air, to put glyphosate in the food,

and then activate its parts with the right frequencies. It took me 20 years to figure out the perfect storm that is created here. And it’s either a coincidence, which is possible that enough dumb people made the wrong choices along the years. I’m still hoping that that may be partially true or it’s orchestrated by a very, very intelligent group of destructive minds. Or what I also believe is very possible that there’s some higher fields of consciousness that can be both tuned into the light and to life affirmative action that can be absolutely destructive, like the phenomena of Adolf Hitler and others, people that come under the influence of something absolutely dark and destructive.

And I do believe it’s very possible that enough scientists and politicians have come under the influence of those higher fields

and acting according to it not knowing on a human level why they’re doing what they’re doing and what they’re doing. A good example is 5G to put it on posts along the streets, okay, that’s one issue and the government approving to put it on satellites blasting the whole planet with the frequency that has never been checked for safety or for its influence on the insects, on the songbirds, on the ecosphere and to approve without being unchecked is uncoincievable. And that politicians in the White House and other countries are conspiring with that, can only be explained that their brains have come under the influence of some larger higher field. They cannot be human in nature, because the human nature is always life affirmative and loving and wanting to live and make the biosphere more friendly to life. And so, there’s some scary thoughts about that, but I still have hope where I am putting my weight on, where it’s just coincidence that enough dumb people made enough dumb decisions and if enough of us wake up and point it out to them that there can be a reversal. Wi-Fi can be switched off in a second. And we’ll be done with that. And love is it, could be forbidden, tomorrow if we don’t act. It’s been in the water table for many years, but there could be stopped, the chemtrail program could be stopped.”

One study found that long-term and excessive exposure to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi radiation increased certain miRNA expressions and fatty acid percentages in the brain. Another study investigated the combined effects of 2422 MHz (Wi-Fi) RF exposure and UV radiation on the inflammation process in the skin.

Understanding 2.4 Gigahertz Radiation

2.4 gigahertz (GHz) is a frequency used in various technologies, including Wi-Fi, cordless phones, Bluetooth, and microwave ovens.

 It falls under the category of non-ionizing radiation, which means it doesn’t have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. This differentiates it from ionizing radiation (like X-rays or gamma rays) which is known to cause DNA damage.   

Research on Potential Health Effects

While non-ionizing radiation is generally considered safe, there has been ongoing research and debate about its potential health effects, especially with the increasing use of wireless devices.

Key findings and concerns:

Heating effects: Some studies have shown that exposure to high levels of 2.4 GHz radiation can cause tissue heating. However, the power levels used in everyday devices are far below those required to cause significant heating. Non-thermal effects: There is ongoing research to investigate potential non-thermal effects, such as changes in brain activity, sleep patterns, and hormonal balance. However, the results of these studies are often inconsistent and inconclusive. Long-term effects: The long-term health effects of exposure to 2.4 GHz radiation are still largely unknown. More research is needed to establish a definitive link between exposure and health problems.

Important considerations:

Precautionary principle: Some people advocate for a precautionary approach, suggesting limiting exposure to 2.4 GHz radiation as a preventive measure. Exposure levels: The intensity of radiation decreases rapidly with distance. Keeping devices away from your body and using wired connections when possible can reduce exposure. Regulatory standards: Many countries have established safety standards for 2.4 GHz radiation, which are based on scientific evidence and are designed to protect public health.

Where to Find More Information

According to Acadamia

2.4 GHz radiation is a type of non-ionizing radiation, which means it doesn’t have enough energy to damage DNA. This sets it apart from ionizing radiation (like X-rays) which is known to be harmful.   

Key Points:

Low-level exposure: The levels of 2.4 GHz radiation emitted by everyday devices like Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, and Bluetooth devices are generally considered safe. Heating effects: High levels of exposure can cause tissue heating, but this is only a concern at levels far exceeding those from typical devices. Potential non-thermal effects: Some studies suggest possible non-thermal effects like changes in brain activity or sleep patterns, but these findings are inconsistent and require further research. Long-term effects: The long-term health effects of 2.4 GHz radiation are still largely unknown. Precautionary principle: Some people choose to limit their exposure as a precaution, even though there’s no definitive evidence of harm.

What Experts Say:

Regulatory agencies like the FCC and Health Canada have established safety standards based on scientific evidence.

Scientific organizations continue to study the potential health effects of non-ionizing radiation. Ultimately, the decision of how much exposure to 2.4 GHz radiation you’re comfortable with is a personal one.

So 2.4 GHz doesn’t change our DNA, but when used with heavy metals and petroleum based glyphosate, we seem to have a major problem.

Aluminum and Glyphosate

Aluminum and Glyphosate Can Synergistically Induce Pineal Gland Pathology: Connection to Gut Dysbiosis and Neurological Disease. 

Many neurological diseases, including autism, depression, dementia, anxiety disorder and Parkinson’s disease, are associated with abnormal sleep patterns, which are directly linked to pineal gland dysfunction. The pineal gland is highly susceptible to environmental toxicants. Two pervasive substances in modern industrialized nations are aluminum and glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide, Roundup?. In this paper, we show how these two toxicants work synergistically to induce neurological damage. Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. Its toxic product, p-cresol, is linked to autism in both human and mouse models. p-Cresol enhances uptake of aluminum via transferrin. Anemia, a result of both aluminum disruption of heme and impaired heme synthesis by glyphosate, leads to hypoxia, which induces increased pineal gland transferrin synthesis. 

Premature birth is associated with hypoxic stress and with substantial increased risk to the subsequent development of autism, linking hypoxia to autism. Glyphosate chelates aluminum, allowing ingested aluminum to bypass the gut barrier. This leads to anemia-induced hypoxia, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland. Both glyphosate and aluminum disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism. Furthermore, melatonin is derived from tryptophan, whose synthesis in plants and microbes is blocked by glyphosate. We also demonstrate a plausible role for vitamin D3 dysbiosis in impaired gut function and impaired serotonin synthesis. This paper proposes that impaired sulfate supply to the brain mediates the damage induced by the synergistic action of aluminum and glyphosate on the pineal gland and related midbrain nuclei.

Having glyphosate in our food chain, fluoride in our water, dental products and pesticides, inhaling atmospheric aluminium from air traffic, leads to them combining in the gut and in the blood stream to form 6 different chemical compounds and the end point of these compounds is the pineal gland. What is needed for this compound to reach the brain is to open the blood brain barrier. The current frequencies (e.g WIFI) are exactly doing that. So all toxins can now enter through the blood brain barrier which was not the case before, creating extreme havoc with our health.

There is a deliberate concoction of 4 separate elements which work synergistically together to shut down your pineal gland, it appears, unless you subscribe to wild coincidences. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a renowned natural doctor with decades of experience in nutrition, health and related topics. In the video below, he reveals how poison in the air, poison in the water and poison in the food combine to produce a sharp and damaging effect on the pineal gland in the center of our brain – damage which is then amplified and exacerbated by the EMF (electromagnetic field) wireless radiation. 

The pineal gland is the “seat of the soul” as Descartes called it, the receiver for higher fields of energy and the gland which controls our immune and endocrine systems. Klinghardt is surely a genius for discovering this deliberate concoction and the mechanism by which it works. However, the existence of such a mechanism may rightly lead to unease in people. Why are the 4 elements of this concoction so widespread in society? Is there an evil genius force that understood how this mechanism worked, and deliberately introduced these elements en masse into society, knowing the eventual effect it would have on people’s brains?

The 4 Elements That Work Together to Damage You

The poison in the air is aluminum from chemtrails or geoengineering. Aluminum is also present in many products such as deodorant and food packaging … and vaccines, where it acts as an adjuvant to spike the body’s immune response. This study specifically asked the question, “Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?” and found they were not. Other studies have implicated aluminum in the development of impaired congitive functionneurotoxicityAlzheimer’s and autism.

The poison in the water is fluoride. As I covered in this earlier article Fluoride, Fluoride, Everywhere: Sources of and Remedies for this Ubiquitous Toxin, fluoride is a real lynchpin of destruction and also present in pesticides, antiobiotics, tea, dental products, rat poison and much more. It is a halogen disruptor, binding to receptor sites in the body that need iodine. Fluoride is implicated in arthritis, diabetes, endocrine disruption, gastrointestinal effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male fertility, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid disease, damage to bone structure and the brain and the 2 leading causes of death in the USA: cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The poison in the food is glyphosate, found in many pesticides such as Bayer/Monsanto’s RoundUp sprayed liberally on GMO crops. In my earlier article Houston, We Have a Glyphosate Problem, I highlighted how horribly widespread glyphosate has become, showing up in blood, urine and breast milk everywhere, even in those people who eat 100% organic food. The “most destructive chemical in our environment” as it has been called works by interfering with the shikimate pathway, a metabolic function in plants which allows them to create essential amino acids or proteins. Glyphosate depletes micronutrients (such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur and cobalt, just to name a few) which are essential for health in plant and animal organisms. It kills the healthy bacteria in our microbiome in our gut, which are responsible for our health, immunity and our “second brain”. Specifically, glyphosate mimicks 1 of the 22 amino acids, glycine. Pretending to be the glycine, glyphosate mis-fold proteins, causes them to behave unnaturally and lead to severely negative effects.

So far all of this is bad: but here’s the kicker. The deleterious effect of these 3 material elements are exacerbated when EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) are introduced, specifically wi-fi, which is usually around the 2-5 GHz range. The EMF actually opens up something in our brain, allowing the concoction to cross the blood-brain barrier and deactivate the pineal gland.

The Dark Force and Demonic Possession

5G is a good example of politicians acting under the influence of a destructive force without realizing why they’re doing it. 5G is bad enough in routers and telephone masts on the ground, but beaming it down from the air onto all plants, animals and people below, smothering all of us with specific toxic EM frequencies (that can reduce oxygen availability and many other things) so there is no escape? What dark force is propelling such insanity?

Klinghardt’s has 3 answers of how it happened, but his last theory – that people are acting under the spell of a dark destructive force and not even knowing how or why – is a perfect and chilling description of precisely the way the New World Order operates. It’s demonic possession. If one researches the worldwide conspiracy for long enough, and takes deep journeys down enough rabbit holes, one begins to realize that there are few coincidences, and that things are far better explained by conspiracy not coincidence. Coincidence is often the lazy man’s excuse to explain the inexplicable. Interesting how the term conspiracy theorist was weaponized but yet, in a sane world, being described as a coincidence theorist would truly be more of an insult because it would show ignorance and intellectual laziness.

I would suggest, as hard as it may be to accept for some, that this deliberate concoction is not the result of coincidence, a series of random dumb choices or merely just a group of ‘evil genius’ scientists. I see it as a telltale sign of the influence of dark, non-human force that sits atop the NWO pyramid and hijacks the minds of those it serves, who dutifully and often unknowingly do its bidding. For more about the nature of this non-human force, check out my short 2-article series entitled What Mystics & Prophets Revealed About Hyper-Dimensional Entities.

Corroborating Evidence on Glyphosate from Dr. Stephanie Seneff

In this interview with activist Derrick Broze, Dr. Stephanie Seneff reveals how she has studied glyphosate and its effects for decades. She considers glyphosate the single most toxic chemical in the entire world. Seneff discusses the glyphosate COVID connection. She reveals how New York, the hardest hit state in the US for COVID, is a place which uses lots of biodiesel – made from ethanol in turn made from GMO corn (for this reason, biodiesel can actually cause more damage than regular diesel). Guess what? The NY COVID hotspots correlate with areas where biodiesel in being burnt. Another factor is that glycerol, used in e-cigarettes and vaping, is made from leftover biomass used to manufacture biodiesel and thus also has glyphosate. New York has seen many asphyxiation cases ascribed to COVID – is it really glyphosate?

Seneff summarizes the glyphosate COVID connection as follows:

1. If you have been exposed to glyphosate, it weakens your immune system, thus making you more susceptible to disease;

2. Glyphosate has been proven to cause lung damage, and COVID is a respiratory disease; and

3. The symptoms of vaping disease are equivalent to the symptoms of COVID.

Additionally, glyphosate also messes up the the beautiful tripe helix of collagen and its ability to heal the body. Collagen releases important macrophages that destroy viruses and plays an important role in the immune system.

Glyphosate: A company called Purium claims that its product Biome Medic can safely remove gyphosate from the body. 

Klinghardt recommends Matrix Minerals.

Wi-Fi: Turn it off! Wire your house and office so you never have to use it inside. Use EMF-blocking paint and curtains. Klinghardt recommends Ki science products Ray Wave and E-Shield.

The pinecone has been a symbol of every ancient civilazation dating back to Egypt, Meopatamia to the Sons of Cain. 

The Pinecone: A Symbol of Enlightenment and Immortality

The pinecone has held significant symbolic meaning in various ancient cultures.

Here are some common interpretations:

Enlightenment and spiritual awakening: Its intricate structure and connection to the pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye,” led to its association with higher consciousness and spiritual growth. Immortality and eternal life: As pine trees remain green throughout the year, they symbolized longevity and resilience. This characteristic was often extended to the pinecone, representing eternal life or rebirth. Fertility and creation: The pinecone’s shape and role in reproduction made it a symbol of fertility and creation in many cultures. Divine connection: Due to its association with enlightenment and immortality, the pinecone was often linked to deities and spiritual realms.

Examples of Pinecone Symbolism

Assyrian and Babylonian cultures: Pinecones were often depicted in the hands of winged figures, symbolizing divine power and knowledge. Egyptian culture: The Staff of Osiris, a powerful symbol, is topped with a pinecone. Greek and Roman cultures: Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility, was often associated with the pine cone.

The resemblance in shape between the Pineal gland and the pinecone is striking, and this physical similarity has contributed to the association. Furthermore, the pineal gland’s role in regulating sleep-wake cycles, producing melatonin (a hormone influenced by light), and its position deep within the brain has led to its being seen as a mystical or spiritual center. This aligns with the pinecone’s symbolism of enlightenment and connection to the divine.   

The pineal gland is held in every hand of the leaders written on stone pointed to the people. It is undeniable proof that the ancients knew the secrets of the pineal gland and how to control civilization. They did the exact same thing back then before the flood as they are doing now. Mind control. 

The pineal gland is an endocrine gland whose main function is the biosynthesis and secretion of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating circadian rhythms, e.g., the sleep/wake cycle. Due to its exceptionally high vascularization and its location outside the blood–brain barrier, the pineal gland may accumulate significant amounts of calcium and fluoride, making it the most fluoride-saturated organ of the human body. Both the calcification and accumulation of fluoride may result in melatonin deficiency. It’s called pinealocyte calcification.

The main function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information by the production and secretion of the hormone melatonin. René Descartes, the 17th-century French philosopher, famously referred to it as the “principal seat of the soul,” while in more modern contexts, it’s often dubbed the “third eye” due to its perceived connection to spiritual experiences and intuition. The pineal gland has also been linked to emotional responses, e.g., an increase in depression in winter and an increase in mania towards spring was linked with changing levels of melatonin.

Solutions to the Deliberate Concoction

So what are the solutions here? Fortunately there are some options to get this stuff out of your body:

Aluminum: Avoid vaccines, all personal products with aluminum and all food with aluminum or aluminum packaging. Dr. Chris Exley, an English chemist known for his research on the health effects of aluminium exposure. He was Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry and group leader of the Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Keele University. He has done great research on aluminum. He recommends a kind of silica water from Malaysia (Acilis) which can bind with the aluminum and remove it safely from your body.

Fluoride: Avoid pesticide-laden food, fluoridated water, non-organic tea and antibiotics. Use water distillation as the best method to strip fluoride out of your water (if you have to drink municipal supplies). Iodine is an absolutely essential nutrient in the human body, the importance of which cannot be overstated. By ensuring your increase your amounts of iodine, your body will be less susceptible to absorbing fluoride. Melotonin and boron may help remove fluoride. Paul Fassa suggested using lecithin (as an adjunct to iodine) for excreting fluorides, as well as tamarind, dry saunas and liver cleanses. 

He also suggested that people take steps to relieve fluoride toxicity and neuropathy symptoms by boosting their immune and nervous systems. This can done by increasing omega-3 intake (e.g. using flax, hemp or chia seeds), increasing ALA (alpha lipoic acid) intake to counter neuropathy, increasing Vitamin B complex intake (including B12, but only the methylcobalamin type) and increasing CoQ10, especially as ubiquinol. Additionally, magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate are beneficial in assisting almost any treatment. Lastly, since neuropathy is an inflammation of nerve tissue, properly consuming and cooking with turmeric or curcumin can also be quite beneficial. Evidence suggests turmeric can reduce the effects of fluoride poisoning.

To sum up in simplest terms, these four ingredients all work in tandem to keep us sick, tired godless and under the control of the mad scientists. Glyphosate, aluminum and flouride are all binding agents that are able to get inside the pineal gland together and settle there. They act as a farady cage to keep you from communicating with god. The WiFi signals are tuned to the Pineal gland frequency so they can send mind control information into your thoughts and dreams. It seals you from the supernatural communication of God and allows their messages to accumilitate into your belief system. It’s the perfect mind control system ever built and America is the first to test it on. This is why our country is accepting perversion and genocide. They are under the control of the bloodlines. The side effects of such endeavors is alzheimers, dimentia, autism, huntingtons and parkinsons.

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