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Collins Elite are a Shadow Group In The U.S. Government that Believe ETs Are Demons. A surprising new analysis and an overview of the available reports reveal that within the U.S. defense and intelligence agencies lies a shadow group that is influential, fanatically religious and that actively undermines UFO studies by the government and its associated program managers, believing that UFOs are demonic.
An ongoing investigation into this bizarre and unscientific situation seeks to call fundamentalists who want to dismantle such programs by name. In doing so, they destroy the professional reputation and advancement of science. Incredibly, these extreme evangelicals believe that these “aliens” are demons and that those who study them are playing with fire. They are working from within to put pressure on these military and intelligence programs and on the professionals involved in examining the phenomena.
It has been many years since the New York Times revealed the existence of Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) of the US Pentagon. The program had a recognized budget of US $ 22 million and ran for 2007–2012. It produced military radar reports, weapon camera images and detailed UFO sighting reports (now officially referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs). Former AATIP program manager, intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, also confirmed the existence of a collection of foreign materials, similar to metals, recovered by civilians and military personnel, apparently as UFO waste or collision items. Federal contracts were assigned to Bigelow Aerospace for the modification of facilities near Las Vegas, NV, to house and test these items. The Bigelow Aerospace is owned by Robert Bigelow, a billionaire and a major financial contributor to UFO causes, close to the senator Harry Reid and other influential individuals.
But it goes far beyond that:
- Luis Elizondo’s predecessor (a PhD rocket scientist ‘Beltway’) endured efforts by religious fanatics to inflict professional ruin on him, because the data he was gathering was a threat to their belief system! It appears that a specific element of religious extremists has somehow placed itself in the main government military and intelligence agencies that have allowed them to do so. And that element did not like the discoveries of Elizondo’s predecessor – and tried to destroy his career – because they think UFOs and their demonic occupants.
- Elizondo himself, in managing the program, experienced obstacles similar to those that impose his strange ET-as-Devil belief.
- Incredibly, former UK Ministry of Defense UFO research officer Nick Pope also came forward to say that he was also harmed in his work on the phenomenon by people who consider him satanic, running these unscientific campaigns across the world.
- This author strives to track down and name the religious extremists who are preventing the study of government UFOs and the program managers who may be helping them.
- This threat to science, rationality and free research is rampant. And, unfortunately, this set of beliefs is not limited to just one branch or agency. This superstitious and reactionary way of thinking is difficult to understand in 2020, but it spreads to senior US military and intelligence officers who, driven by the strange idea that ETs are demonic, continue to impede authorized study of UFOs.
- Elizondo discloses interference by officials who claim ETs are demons
- Luis Elizondo, former head of AATIP
The blog of the To The Stars Academy (TTSA), on November 1, 2018, presented a brief article and little known or mentioned published by Luis Elizondo, where he writes in part:
Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have been linked to demons and anti-Christian-Jewish beliefs. I experienced this first hand during my time working on the US Government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), where certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts about UAPs was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs. In fact, my predecessor’s career at AATIP was ruined because of a mistaken fear by a few of the elite. Rather than accepting the data provided by a high-ranking rocket scientist, they decided that the data was a threat to their belief system and instead destroyed their career because of it.
These extraordinary admissions by Elizondo, who wrote the book Imminent, indicate that he and the person who held that position previously experienced the same madness that “aliens are the devil” and career impediment by employees when they were managers of the UAP program.
The Pentagon scientist whose career was destroyed by anti-UFO religious fanatics Dr. James Lacatski is not a household name in the UFO world – but he should be. He was the program manager for the Pentagon’s UFO study shortly before Luis Elizondo. Elizondo provided clues about Lacatski in his post. These clues and others led to the name of Lacatski, thanks to the brilliant work of Keith Basterfield, a long-time Australian UFO researcher and writer, and Roger Glassel, Swedish UFO researcher, specializing in archiving documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. They learned about an Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program ( AAWSAP). Glessel says that “AAWSA, if not the same thing, seems to be closely related to AATIP”. Support for this has now come from several sources:
- Emmy and Peabody award-winning columnist Las Vegas George Knapp (investigative TV reporter), who personally knows Senator Harry Reid, D-NV, retired) Confirms that: “Senator Harry Reid and his colleagues obtained funding for an ongoing study, but it was not called AATIP. The original acronym was AAWSAP or Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program.“
- Senator Harry Reid himself (D-NV, retired) stated: “I received a communication from a man who worked for one of the defense agencies, a PhD. He said: ‘I know everything about rockets, but I don’t know what those things are’.”Reid was certainly referring to Lacatski, who was a senior scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency and an expert on subjects that include new methods of energy and propulsion. Senator Reid also told George Knapp that the Pentagon’s UFO program has ended for reasons that include: ”there were other authorities who had religious objections“.
- Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator at the UK Ministry of Defense, recently told the newspaper reporter Subway (UK), Jasper Hamill, that he found the same kind of attitude when working in the UK, and that he himself heard about religious fanatics in the USA versus flying saucers with AATIP: “I knew that the Pentagon’s reaction to UFO research was partly due to the religious beliefs of some of those involved“, he said. “It was a strange irony that UFO investigations were being hampered because some people who believe in God meant that they did not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that they considered UFOs and extraterrestrials to be demonic. The fact that some people consider UFOs to be demonic seems to have their roots in the biblical description of Satan as being ‘the prince of the power of the air’. Luis Elizondo says he encountered a religious reaction from the senior team when he ran the Pentagon’s UFO Program, and I saw some evidence of that also at the Ministry of Defense (UK)“. This suggests that this “aliens are demons” mentality is global and exists among powerful elements in nations other than the United States.
- The Defense Intelligence Agency approved a study entitled ‘Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and Manipulation of Extra Dimensions‘(Space Warp Engine, Black Energy and Extra Dimension Manipulation), associated with AAWSAP. James Lacatski is named as the contact in this document, AAWSAP Program Manager. This study is part of a series of advanced reports on propulsion and navigation technology produced under the program.
- How does this religious faction incorporated into military intelligence prevent the authorized study of UFOs? There are several possible ways: depreciation and verbal harassment, isolation, not answering questions, denying or delaying the necessary resources, issuing poor performance reports and limiting program staff.
- Finding and losing Lacatski
- This author located Dr. Lacatski, 68, and obtained his personal contact information and contacted him directly at his retirement home in Bowie, Maryland, in mid-December 2019. Dr. Lacatski, like many , apparently does not answer the phone from unknown numbers. After a few responses for a few days, I left a voice message asking him to call me back, indicating that I wanted to briefly count on his assistance in a “history of science” project. Not receiving his reply, a second and last voice message left by me was more direct and detailed. I asked Dr. Lacatski to consider telling his story because it is being told by others (mentioning Elizondo) and that we need to call this anti-scientific element now by name and prevent it from happening again, because, unfortunately, it is still for other people.
- I didn’t get an answer from him. Later, I contacted his wife, Wisal, 61, employed by NASA, via a work email there. Again, no answer. And it’s no surprise: I suspect they want peace and federal pensions. Who can blame them? Lacatski has been through enough Luciferian madness and probably does not want to relive it. He’s a silent hero. All he tried to do was serve science and our country in search of the unknown and was instead attacked by religious fanatics.
- Lacatski’s interest in paranormal things
- I discovered that Lacatski was raised in a family where Catholic school education was valued. Even his mother was a Catholic school girl. But Lacatski also has a very strong interest in paranormal and extra-dimensional things. This probably contributed to the reason that the ultra-conservative religious element wanted to expel him.
- Lacatski wanted to visit a famous 550-acre farm in Utah, where for more than half a century, paranormal phenomena and UFOs have a reputation for having occurred. For years, until recently, the farm was owned by Robert Bigelow (mentioned earlier) and is known as the ‘Skinwalker Ranch‘. Activities and entities include sightings of orbs and UFOs, cryptid animals, poltergeists and disturbing magnetic fields. One telling thing was mentioned in The New York Times on December 17, 2017: “Mr. Reid said that his interest in UFOs came from Mr. Bigelow. In 2007, Mr. Reid said in the interview that Mr. Bigelow told him that a Defense Intelligence Agency employee approached him, wanting to visit Utah’s Bigelow farm, where he conducted research. Reid said he met with agency officials shortly after his meeting with Bigelow and found that they wanted to start a UFO research program.“. After this meeting with Reid and Lacatski, the program (AAWSAP, later AATIP) started with Lacatski, and later Elizondo. This is supported by the research and is considered to be the opinion of Keith Basterfield (UFO researcher mentioned above).
- Lacatski is also closely associated with Dr. Eric Davis, a Baylor professor who received military contracts for technical documents on new and hyper-technical concepts of space travel. Davis is also known to be involved with UFOs. See Davis’s 2002 email to Admiral Tom Wilson, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA, 1999–2002), discussing the reality of visiting ET[[link]. Davis also claims that in Skinwalker Ranch he witnessed the presence of a large dark-haired entity and other anomalous phenomena. Dr. Lacatski is clearly listed as having read and approved Davis’s publication for the DIA mentioned above (Warp Drive, Dark Energy and Manipulation of Extra Dimensions).
- Lacatski’s contacts extend to Reid, Davis, Bigelow and Elizondo. He is well connected to this paranormal / UFO circle and probably similar ones.
- Robertson, Falwell, Huckabee provide information about the mental state of those who think “aliens are demons”.
The group that wished the expulsion of Elizondo’s predecessor shares the same views on ET as religious evangelical extremists, as the former US presidential candidate, Reverend Pat Robertson, (TV program ‘The 700 Club‘) And the late Reverend Jerry Falwell, extreme right and “Moral Majority Leader”, political influencer and co-founder of the evangelical Liberty University, and Mike Huckabee, minister, ex-governor, candidate for republican presidency and commentator of Fox News.
Pat Robertson has stated on numerous occasions that ETs are, in reality, “demons” and that they are trying to lead people away from Christ. He says that even studying ETs is a serious offense. He says: “The Bible says that the earth belongs to man, but the heavens belong to the Lord. He gave us the Earth ”. Robertson warned of ETs: “These things are, at best, nothing lifeless, intelligent and demonic. They are not a host of heaven, they are fallen angels.”
The Collins Elite was a rumored government group that was involved in the research of UFOs and believed that aliens were more demonic than they were extraterrestrial. The group’s core belief centers around the idea that UFOs and the entities associated with them are demonic in nature.
In the book Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs by, Nick Redfern describes an event that happened in 1946 out in the California desert with Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard. They allegedly stole a ritual created by Aleister Crowley called Babylon Working in which they opened up a portal or gate to hell. Obviously, the following that occurred was a string of mysterious UFOs and UAPs that have engulfed the planet ever since. The ritual was satanic black sex magic which was supposed to bring the world a child. This child was to be the birth of the new world order and be the antichrist. Parsons said it was unsuccessful, however, following the ritual, a mysterious woman showed up at his house in which she started a jealous love affair between Jack and Ron where they would compete to have her. The Scarlet woman appears Jack was supposed to impregnate her to create the moon child, an early form of the Babylon goddess of the Lima Aleister Crowley’s religion. Marjorie Cameron, who professionally used the mononym Cameron, was an American artist, poet, actress and occultist. A follower of Thelema, the new religious movement established by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, she was married to rocket pioneer and fellow Thelemite Jack Parsons.
The magick ritual the two men performed in 1946, the intent of which was to conjure a child in the ethereal realm that would be called down and directed into the womb of a female volunteer. When born, this magickal child would incarnate the forces of Babalon and become the Scarlet Woman of Revelations, symbolizing the dawning of the Age of Horus, the coming new eon.
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs
The book delves into a complex narrative involving UFOs, alien abduction, occultism, and the belief that a secret group within the US government, known as the Collins Elite, views these phenomena through the lens of demonology. The narrative is constructed through the author’s investigations and interviews with figures, including an alleged former member of the Collins Elite, revealing their beliefs and actions. It is said that the military hired the Collins Elite to cast spells to close the portal Jack Parson’s opened up.
Main Themes & Key Ideas:
- The Collins Elite: This is a secretive, deeply embedded group within the US government, military, and intelligence agencies that views the UFO/alien phenomenon not as extraterrestrial visitation, but as a manifestation of demonic entities. They believe these entities are manipulating humanity, targeting souls, and have been doing so throughout history. The Collins Elite exists in a state of “overwhelming apprehension, fear, and absolute dread.”
- Demonic Deception: The core belief of the Collins Elite is that UFOs and “Grays” are not aliens, but are malevolent demonic forces in disguise, seeking to deceive and control humanity. They view the abduction phenomenon as a mechanism for these entities to harvest human souls. This is linked to a broader religious and spiritual understanding of evil and the end times.
- The Role of Jack Parsons: The book emphasizes the role of Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist involved in the early days of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), who was also deeply involved in occult practices, especially those of Aleister Crowley. Parsons is described as a key figure who “played an integral role in creating” the US space program. His occult practices are seen as a possible point of entry for malevolent forces that tie in with UFOs. The Collins Elite investigated Parsons’s potential links to Israel, and his occult dabbling and believe he may have unknowingly opened a door to these forces. There is an indication that the US military became interested in Parsons after his meeting with representatives of Israel following the Kenneth Arnold sighting.
- Occult and Paranormal Research: The narrative reveals clandestine government interest in parapsychology, ESP, remote viewing, and mind control, some of which is tied to the Nazi’s research in such fields. This includes a CIA program called MKULTRA led by Sidney Gottlieb, who is referred to as the “Black Sorcerer” for his work in mind control and developing poisons. The Collins Elite also researched the human mind’s potential to penetrate the veils of secrecy around the UFO phenomenon, sometimes involving trance states and channeling.
- Abductions and Soul Harvesting: Abduction experiences are portrayed as not just physical events, but as attacks on the human soul. The Collins Elite believe the “Grays” are interested in human reproductive processes, and the abduction experience itself can be related to ancient stories of demons and night terrors. They view it as a process of harvesting human souls.
- The Religious/Eschatological Interpretation: The book frequently intertwines the UFO narrative with religious concepts of demons, fallen angels, the end times, and a cosmic war between good and evil. The coming of the “Antichrist” is linked to a global deception involving the revelation of an alien presence which will in fact be a lie perpetrated by fallen angels. The text cites Biblical passages to support these claims.
- Government Secrecy and Disinformation: The book highlights a pattern of government secrecy and disinformation surrounding the UFO phenomenon. The Collins Elite kept their investigations secret not because of a larger conspiracy but due to fears that tax payer money was being used to study demonology and flying saucers. The narrative indicates potential attempts by the US government to weaponize both advanced technology and religious fervor, creating a kind of military unit/religious cult for control purposes.
- Project Blue Beam: The author touches on Project Blue Beam, a conspiracy theory involving the use of holograms to create a false Second Coming or other religious events in order to establish a New World Order. The text suggests that while the idea was “discussed,” it does not appear to be ready for implementation at this time. There is also the suggestion that this deception is already part of the larger UFO phenomenon.
Key Individuals & Events:
- Ray Boeche: An Anglican priest who initially revealed his story to Redfern, and whose information forms the foundation of Redfern’s investigation. He was warned about demonic forces influencing the physical world and UFOs.
- Richard Duke: Allegedly a senior, now deceased, member of the Collins Elite who provided Redfern with insights into their operations and beliefs. He acted as a whistleblower.
- Jack Parsons: Rocket scientist and occultist who the Collins Elite investigated, believing he opened a doorway to demonic influence.
- Robert Goddard: A pioneer in rocket technology with links to Roswell who had heard about Parsons.
- Kenneth Arnold: Pilot who first reported seeing flying saucers in 1947.
- Jesse A. Marcel: Intelligence officer at Roswell who handled debris from the alleged UFO crash.
- Frances Swan: Individual who claimed to have contact with aliens and whose contact was indirectly reported to the Collins Elite. She had an unusual connection to the town of Yarmouth, Maine where occult activity was said to be taking place.
- Ruth Montgomery: A psychic who the Collins Elite contacted, resulting in the leak of Army mind-reading experiments to the press.
- Betty and Barney Hill: The abduction case of the Hills was pivotal for the Collins Elite.
- Anne Henson: A teenager who had multiple UFO sightings and interactions with what appeared to be government agents.
- Sidney Gottlieb: Head of the CIA’s Chemical Division, known as the “Black Sorcerer,” who led MKULTRA.
- “Dr. Mandor”: Described as a creepy, non-American individual and member of the Collins Elite who researched the connection between abductions and Djinn, and NDE’s and the human soul.
- Sybil Leek: An English witch whose family history showed an interest in the occult and whom the Collins Elite researched.
- Judy Doraty: Individual who claimed to have witnessed a UFO with her family.
- Paul Inglesby: A UFO theorist who had a vision of demonic forces controlling spaceships.
- Joe Jordan: Individual working at Kennedy Space Center who believes that demonic entities are trying to steal souls through UFO deceptions.
- Guy Malone: Author and speaker who believes that fallen angels and globalists are working together to bring about a one world government, that the alien presence is a deception by fallen angels, and that the Bible is being misinterpreted as a UFO story.
Key Quotes:
- “At its cold heart lies a bleak and disturbing scenario to explain the UFO presence in our world that, for many years, has been firmly and secretly embraced as nothing but the literal truth by a group of American government, military, and intelligence personnel. Collectively, they call themselves the Collins Elite.”
- “In short and simplistic terms, the Grays are hungry for our souls—voraciously and, perhaps, insanely so, too. Not only that but they apparently hate us on a scale that is nearly unimaginable.”
- “[The wreckage] could not be bent or broken…or even dented by a sixteen-pound sledgehammer. [It was] almost weightless…like a metal with plastic properties.” (Jesse A. Marcel, describing Roswell wreckage)
- “Everyone—particular the Pentagon boys—knew the hammer was going to come down on all this if Congress found out good U.S. dollars were being used to pay for [a study of] demonology and flying saucers.” (Duke on the initial secrecy)
- “What we saw that as meaning…was some attempt to smear the Bible with these alien forecasts that didn’t happen.” (Duke on Frances Swan’s claims)
- “…often we are very close to our goals then we pull back” and “…often we forget that the only scientific way forward is to learn from the past.” (Gottlieb’s reasoning behind Operation Often)
- “…not only did I witness future events, in a mental telepathic sort of way, but throughout the whole of this time a battle was raging for possession of my soul.’” (Paul Inglesby)
- “This is a device which manipulates the subatomic basis of matter at a quantum level and builds a bridge between mind and physical substance. If I understood it correctly, this supposedly stimulated the mind into having vivid hallucinations but, at the same time, created physical effects in the real world which could take on a semblance of the appearance of the hallucinated images.” (Jenny Randles on a mind-manipulation device)
- “The demons know they’re doomed to Hell; the Bible teaches that is what will happen to them. But when that time comes, they plan on trying to take as many of God’s creation with them as they can. It’s a cosmic war.” (Joe Jordan on demonic motives)
- “Can you imagine the entire country – maybe ten years from now and after the next 9-11, a dirty-bomb in a big city, maybe – policed and controlled by the U.S. military, an army totally convinced and believing that what they’re doing is according to what God wants and that will save the U.S. from a satanic threat? ” (Manners on the future U.S. military)
“They came to believe that the NHEs were not extraterrestrial at all; they believed they were some sort of demonic entities. And that regardless of how benevolent or beneficial any of the contact they had with these entities seemed to be, it always ended up being tainted, for lack of a better term, with something that ultimately turned out to be bad. There was ultimately nothing positive from the interaction with the NHE entities. They felt it really fell more under the category of some vast spiritual deception instead of UFOs and aliens. In the course of the whole discussion, it was clear that they really viewed this as having a demonic origin that was there to simply try and confuse the issue in terms of who they were, what they wanted, and what the source of the ultimate truth is. If you extrapolate from their take that these are demons in the biblical sense of the word, then what they would be doing here is trying to create a spiritual deception to fool as many people as possible.”
“Most of it was related to psychotronic weaponry and remote viewing, and even deaths by what were supposed to be psychic methods.” Certainly, the NHEs, it was deduced by those attached to the DoD project, possessed extraordinary, and lethal, mental powers. And, as a result, deeper plans were initiated, using nothing less than ancient rites and black rituals, to actually try and contact the NHEs with two specific—some might say utterly crackpot—goals in mind: (1) controlling them and (2) exploiting their extraordinary mental powers in the form of devastating weaponry.”
“Boeche” is Ray Boeche, an Episcopal priest and theologian who had established himself as an investigator in the religious implications of UFOs. Two members of the Collins Elite — Defense Department physicists — approached him and shared with him their concerns:
The conversations [with Boeche] always followed broadly similar ground: namely, that the Human Race was being deceived into believing that it was receiving visitations from aliens, when in reality demonic forces were secretly squaring up for Armageddon and the final countdown. And, the DoD’s overwhelmingly reckless dabbling into occult-driven areas to try and make a bizarre-but-futile pact of some sort with these same forces was inevitably, and only, destined to make things much, much worse for each and every one of us.”
With respect to his own views, as well as those of the two DoD physicists, Boeche added: “As a pastor and someone who’s trained as a theologian, I can’t come to any other conclusion than there is some sort of spiritual deception going on here. In so many of these kinds of alien contacts, the entities involved make a denial of Christianity; anytime the spiritual issues are addressed, there is always some sort of denial of the validity of Christianity and the validity of the Bible. And I find it interesting that these percipients are told that Jesus was a great guy, but you just misunderstood him. They say: he wasn’t really God’s son. You just don’t quite get it. But you never hear them say that about Buddha, or Krishna, or Mohammed. It always seems to come down to some sort of denial of Christianity. The percipients, whether you consider them contactees or abductees are engaged by the NHEs in spiritual discussions—but it’s always one-sided. “I would have a lot less suspicion of the potential of the demonic nature of these things if they were to say: ‘You guys are all screwed up; all of your spiritual leaders had some good ideas, but none of them really got it. It’s a big mess.’ But it seems to be so specifically pointed at the Judeo-Christian tradition. It certainly seems to me like it’s the two genuine forces squaring up against each other.”
“The book presents a highly controversial and unsettling perspective on the UFO/alien phenomenon. It alleges the existence of a deeply secretive group within the US government that views these phenomena through the lens of demonology, suggesting that abductions are an act of demonic soul harvesting, and that all of this is leading to a great deception. The information presented is often based on anecdotal evidence and relies on the interpretation of religious and occult texts. The book posits that government agencies are not only deeply involved in the UFO mystery, but are potentially working with demonic forces and actively preparing for an end-times scenario, which they are also attempting to manipulate. The book highlights a disturbing intersection of government secrecy, advanced technology, religious extremism, and the occult.”
Dr. Thomas Horn, author of many accredited books about the alien deception, Initially was skeptical of the Final Events outline and sensing somebody somewhere had simply repeated to Redfern what I had said and extrapolated it into a full-blown fabrication, I decided to talk to him on the phone and then conduct a follow-up Q & A over email. Below is a portion of the email exchange in which Redfern describes how he became aware of and eventually met with the Collins Elite:
HORN: Nick, tell me how you became aware of the Collins Elite.
REDFERN: In 2007, I had a lengthy conversation with an Anglican priest named Ray Boeche, who is also a former state-director for the Mutual UFO Network. Back in 1991, Ray met—in a Lincoln, Nebraska hotel—with two Department of Defense scientists who were working for a classified Pentagon project to try and contact what were termed Non-Human Entities, or, NHEs. The NHEs being the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon. The idea was to try and understand, and duplicate, their technology: to make weapons out of it, in other words. However, the more the group looked into it all, the more they came to believe the NHEs were not extraterrestrial in origin, but were using that image as a cover. Their real origin, the group finally believed, was literally demonic. Ray related this and much more to me, which collectively demonstrated that there was a group—or probably groups—within the US Government that believed the UFO phenomenon is real, but is of a negative, spiritual nature. One of those groups called itself the Collins Elite, and that’s the one I had contact with.
HORN: Under what circumstances did you first meet with them?
REDFERN: This chiefly came by following all the data that Ray Boeche gave me, including some that Ray preferred I left out of my book on the subject, titled Final Events. And I did indeed leave out of the book that data Ray asked me not to include. The collective data—names, dates, places etc.—let me chase things down further. And I openly phoned a number of places linked to the story—government and military facilities—and laid my cards on the table and told them what I was looking for: a group in the government that concluded UFOs have demonic origins. I often find that taking a very forthright and very alternative approach like this can open doors. Sometimes, letting people know you’re looking is actually a good thing and makes them wonder why, and it can lead to positive developments. Not always, but sometimes it works. And in this case it did. That led me to a handful of people from the Collins Elite. They initiated all—literally all—of the contact I had with them, by phone and in person, but which is not ongoing now. Meetings occurred chiefly at diners, restaurants, and in hotels of their choosing.
HORN: What was the conclusion of the CE in relation to the UFO phenomenon?
REDFERN: Their belief is that the UFO phenomenon is 100 percent real, but that its origin is satanic. As they see it, the “aliens are visiting us” angle is a camouflage to allow Satan—if he really exists, of course—to get his grips into us. They believe that the presence of the UFO phenomenon, right now, and since 1947, is the commencement of an “end times” scenario, where the “E.T. landing” angle may be played out to con the world into believing the “Grays” are friendly extraterrestrials. The CE believes that belief and prayer, rather than weapons, can hold off this infiltration and invasion.
HORN: How do Jack Parsons, Aliester Crowley, and gang tie in?
REDFERN: In its very earliest years—the late 1940s to the early 1950s—the CE focused a great deal of its attention on Crowley and Parsons, their connections, Parsons’ interest in UFOs and rocketry, and Crowley’s manifestation of the grey-alien-like “Lam” during the Amalantrah Working of 1918. It was, chiefly, these two men—and their actions—that laid the foundation for the “how and why” of the CE’s beliefs concerning the theory that the UFO phenomenon is demonic, deceptive, manipulative and deadly. From there, the CE began looking at the early Contactees and George Adamksi’s Crowley connection, and George Hunt Williamson’s use of Ouija boards to contact alleged alien entities. This is how their beliefs began to be constructed, by putting all these threads together and trying to make some collective sense of it all.
HORN: Did the CE provide you with any documentation?
REDFERN: I was given access to some documents. Some of them are in the book, others I have never revealed, for various reasons, mostly based on requests not to from the CE. One lengthy document came to me via the group, and was one of their own reports, which further bolstered their beliefs that the UFO phenomenon is a satanic deception. They also provided me with other documents…that have surfaced via the Freedom of Information Act [and] which they had on file as it was all relative to their research, such as the FBI’s and Air Force’ files on Jack Parsons, and official documentation on remote-viewing. The CE-created documentation is not covered by FOIA provisions because the CE is technically not an agency or group of government. Its members are government employees, but their work for the CE is done in a private capacity. So, while they have definitely received government funding and support, their research is technically not “government work,” and therefore, their self-created documents are not subject to government secrecy laws. However, the CE has deeply influenced powerful figures in government for decades, which makes the group’s work—and its position—extremely important in terms of what people in government, the military, and the intelligence community thinks about the demonic theory.
HORN: As far as you know, were members of the Collins Elite Roman Catholic or did they ever convey a Roman Catholic theological worldview?
REDFERN: Not as far as I know. But, I could be totally wrong, for the following reason: It’s important to note that the overwhelming majority of the data given to me was provided to me in the form of statements and disclosures. That’s to say, they shared what parts of the story, and their work, that they wanted to share. I was rarely given the opportunity to ask questions.
HORN: You mention Lieutenant Colonel Nelson Pacheco’s work Unmasking the Enemy in your book. Are you aware it promotes Mary as deity?
REDFERN: Yes, I am aware of that. I’ve read the book a couple of times. A lot of the conclusions are similar to those reached by the CE.
HORN: Is CE member “Richard Duke” willing to talk to me?
REDFERN: I have no idea. The meetings I had, which covered 2007 to 2010, were always at the control of the people I spoke with. I was never, ever, able to initiate a contact, aside from when I put out those initial feelers. After that, it was always a case of them pulling the strings and advising me “when” and “where” information. So, all I can say is this: given that [you are] covering very similar territory and research to that contained in my Final Events book it would not surprise me if an approach is one day made or an exchange of data occurs. But, I’m not able to influence that.
HORN: Can we see the photocopies of “The Collins Report”?
REDFERN: Maybe one day, and the other documents too. This is a bit of a grey area, as the report was prepared by the CE and for CE members and for interested parties in the government, military, and intelligence community. But, because the CE is not technically an agency or arm of government, the report itself falls—copyright-wise—under the ownership of the man who wrote it. I was allowed to reproduce a couple of pages of its text in my Final Events book—chiefly as it relates to the demonic theory for Roswell. But, because the document is the private work of an individual and intended for the membership of the CE and other interested people in government, it’s still his private work. In that sense, it’s as protected as any author’s book is. So, it’s not a document that can be obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, as it’s not a government document. Permission would have to come from the author. Just like in any normal situation where an author’s permission is sought to quote from their books, etc.
Following the phone and email exchanges with Redfern, I continued doubting much of his story but made fairly significant efforts to verify it while giving him the benefit of a doubt. I’ve also on several occasions repeated my willingness to meet with a member of the Collins group anywhere, anytime, and have been told a meeting between them and I could occur, though as of this date I am still waiting. Meanwhile, my sources in the United States—which extend from US military intelligence to national defense employees with both Department of Defense and intel top-secret security clearances—came back empty-handed. This included our friend Colonel Steve Bauer, who served longer as a US government military aide than anyone in the history of the White House under five US presidents—Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush. Bauer had never heard of the “Collins Elite” and couldn’t locate a single intelligence resource that otherwise would substantiate Redfern’s claims. But I knew, having said that, that this by itself didn’t prove the story as detailed in Final Events was untrue. Counterintelligence, Majestic 12-level compartmentalization, and official denial is a well-established part of the government’s past and present protocols when handling questions concerning UFOs and so-called alien abduction activity—a fact that every significant investigator into this phenomenon has run into when trying to separate fact from fiction. So, I moved on and checked with another international contact—former director of Britain’s Military of Defense’s department for UFO research, Nick Pope—and was surprised when he cautioned against disbelief and even confirmed the existence of a Collins Elite-like group among Britain’s aristocracy. Following this, I reached out to a Ball Aerospace contact who works with advanced systems and technologies for Space Control & Special Missions. He, too, cautioned against doubting the Collins reality and sent me a four-page document outlining the following main points, ending with an ominous warning. Below are just some of the talking points from his meticulous outline.
Security levels and Compartments: Start with the understanding that a Top Secret DOD (Department of Defense) or SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information; intelligence world) clearance is the first level of clearance required before one gets to SAP programs. There are at least four levels of Top Secret (TS) special access programs (SAPs) that currently exist in the US DOD/Intel world: Acknowledged top secret SAPs
(Security cleared) Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge of program name, mission, budget, etc. Unacknowledged top secret SAPs. Cleared Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge.. Unacknowledged/Waived top secret SAPs. Program, Budget, customer, and mission are all highly classified.
Only two Senators and two Congressmen are made aware of the program, typically at a very high level only. Typically referred to as a “Black” program. Completely. Unacknowledged top secret SAPs. No acknowledgement or overview to the Congress
Accountable only to the agency that authorizes mission and money ostensibly related to a Presidential Order. Really known as “Deep Black” in the vernacular.. This level is itself not acknowledged; can’t be acknowledged for obvious reasons. Two agencies in particular make great use of this: CIA and NSA. With more than 25 years in this world, I personally have experience with levels 1 through 3 only. Level 4 is outside my scope.
Most of the high level UFO work is done at level 4. It is not acknowledged and specifically not even known except to those briefed into the compartment/program. Only leaks aid in the process of discovery.
This is likely a strong reason why Nick Pope is reluctant to spell out unambiguously what by definition is meant to be concealed at an unacknowledged level. Formation of the Collins Elite. A number of intelligence agencies looking at the UFO situation are drawn into the orbit of a larger picture held by the CIA. Army Intel; Naval Intel; Air Force Intel; Defense Intel Agency (DIA), etc. This seems consistent with how high level exchange takes place; they contribute to larger efforts out of their own agencies and budgets.
A subgroup of this CIA-dominated and controlled compartment, informally sees things differently and begins to form a counterpoint voice to the research. They call themselves after a time the “Collins Elite.” This seems plausible based on the discussions and factions I have seen over the years. Independent thinking is valued. Like-minded experts gather around themselves. Over time, the Collins Elite position becomes more refined, more emphatic, more concerned.
One notes that most of these guys are industry old timers, with an old Christian worldview, having been in this covert intel circle for 30–40 years. The Collins Elite seems to be an internal but informal collection of guys who maintain their independence of thought about matters in this highly classified and clearly controversial realm.
Review. S. Intelligence agencies are trying to understand UFOs in early 1950s. Same intel agencies also trying to understand the occult sorcery of two key figures: Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons—and how it could be applied as a National Defense asset.
Deeply covert CIA-controlled intel group wants to pursue research on psychotronic weapons and remote viewing “technologies” and embarks on a deluding journey, a perverted scheme and Faustian bargaining.
After years and decades of incremental research in this arena, several deaths more recently occur to test subjects in these realms; things are going badly awry. A sub-group watching all this, loosely confederated, calling itself the “Collins Elite” begins to recognize this as completely occult, demonic/Satanic, and begins to organize itself as a counterpoint to the general research direction. The Collins Elite begins to see a much larger and terrifying picture of what this whole unleashed enterprise is leading to; the connection to fallen angels, the Nephilim, and a plan for taking over the world.
This unsettling story has every indication of being true; it follows directly from everything you and I know about UFOs and their ultimately nefarious mission tied to an end-time prophetic scenario. Unraveling this further is loaded with known and unknown complexities—and that includes dangers.[iii] (emphasis added). Following the thorough examination from my friend at Ball Aerospace and subsequent inquiries through friends like LTC Robert Maginnis at the Pentagon, I remain as unconvinced as ever that the so-called Collins Elite is anything more than the fabric of an over-active imagination. That said, I could be wrong, and we have been and are uncovering evidence that an authentic unnamed, enigmatic group is indeed active in US intelligence with knowledge of an alien-demon connection that we remain dedicated to uncovering, which we’ll pick up in the next entry.
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs — Redfern, Nick — 2011 — Anomalist Books
(This is Published in 2020 link;